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MODULE IV: Probability

1. Derive the Mean and variance of poisson distribution. 5M Jul[17]

2. Derive the Mean and variance of normal distribution. 7M Dec[09]

3. Derive the Mean and variance of exponential distribution. 7M Jul[15]

4. Derive the Mean and variance of binomial distribution. 7M Jan[10]

5. In a test on 2000 electric bulbs, it was found that life of a particular make 5M Jun[17]
was normally distributed with an average life of 2040 hours and SD of 60 Dec[11]
hours. Estimate the number of bulbs likely to burn for. i) More than 2150
hours , ii) Less than 1950 hours ,iii) More than 1920 hours but less than
2160 hours. Given A (1.5) = 0.4322, A (1.83) =0.4664, A (2) =0.4772.

6. The probability that a pen manufactured by a company will be defective is 5M Jul[17]

0.1. If 12 such pens are selected, find the probability that i) exactly 2 will
be defective, ii) at least 1 will be defective, iii) none will be defective.

7. In a quiz Contest of answering ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ what is the probability of 7M Jul[14]

guessing at least 6 answers correctly out of 10 questions asked? Also find
the probability of the same if there are 4 options for a correct answer.

8. In a normal distribution 31% of the items are under 45 and 8% of the items 7M Jan[16]
are over 64. Find the mean and S.D of the distribution.

9. The number of telephone lines busy at any instant of time is a binomial 7M Jan[10]
variate with probability that a line is busy is 0.1. If 10 lines are chosen at
random, what is the probability that (i) no line is busy (ii) at least one line
is busy (iii) at most two lines are busy.

10. In certain factory turning out razor blades there is a small probability of 7M Jul[16]
1/500 for any blade to be defective. The blades are supplied in packets
containing, (i) one defective, (ii) two defective, in a consignment of 10000
11. A random variable X take the values -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 such that 6M Jul[16]
P(x=0)=P(x<0) and P(x=-3)= P(x=-2)= P(x=-1)= P(x=1)= P(x=2)=
P(x=3).Find the probability distribution.
12. The pdf of a random variable x is given by the following table: 6M Jul[16]
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
P(x) k 2k 3k 4k 3k 2k k
Find (i) The value of k (ii)P(x>1) (iii)P(-1<x<2) (iv) mean of x (v) S.D
of x.
13. The pdf of a random variable x is given by the following table: 6M Dec[15]
x -0 1 2 3 4 5 6
P(x) k 3k 5k 7k 9k 11k 13k
Find (i) The value of k (ii)P(x<4) (iii)P(3<x<6) (iv) P(x>1) (v)mean of x
14. The pdf of a random variable x is given by the following table: 6M Jul[16]
x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
P(x) 0.1 0.1 k 0.1 2k k k
Find (i) The value of k (ii) mean (iii) S.D
15. The probability that an individual suffers a bad reaction from a certain 7M Jun[12]
injection is 0.001. Using poisson distribution, determine the probability
that out of 2000 individuals (i) exactly 3 and (ii)more than two will suffer a
bad reaction.
16. The chance that a doctor A will diagnose a disease correctly is 60% .The 7M Jul[09]
chance that a patient of A will die after the correct diagnosis is 40% and
the chance of death by wrong diagnosis is 70%. If a patient of A dies, what
is the chance that his disease was correctly diagnosed?
17. In certain town duration of shower is exponentially distributed with mean 6M Jan[10]
5 minutes. What is the probability that the shower will last for (i) 10
minutes or more (ii) between 10 and 12 minutes
18. Fit a poisson distribution to the following set of observation 7M Dec[11]
x 0 1 2 3 4
f(x) 122 60 15 2 1

19. The length of telephone conversation in a booth has been an exponential 6M Dec[09]
distribution and found on an average to be 5 minutes. Find the probability
that a random call made from this both i) ends less than 5 minutes , ii)
between 5 and 10 minutes.

20. In an exam 7% of students score less than 35% marks and 89% of students 7M Jun[12]
score less than 60% marks. Find the mean and standard deviation if the
marks are normally distributed. Given that P (0<z<1.2263) =0.39 and
P (0<z<1.4757) =0.43.
21. k𝑥 2 , 0 < 𝑥 < 3 6M Jun[12]
Find the constant K such that 𝑓(𝑥) = { is a p.d.f. Also
0 , otherwise
compute i) p (1<x<2) ii) P(x>1), iii) mean, iv) variance.

22. If x is a normal variate with mean 30 and standard deviation 5 find the 6M Jul[14]
probabilities that i)26≤x≤40 ii) x≥45 (Given that ∅ (0.8)=0.2881,
∅(2.0)=0.4772 , ∅(3.0)=0.4987 , ∅(1.0)=0.3413).

Joint distribution of two random variables X and Y are given below

23. 6M Jul[17]
-4 2 7

1 1/8 1/4 1/8

2 1/4 1/8 1/8

(i) Determine E(X), E(Y) and E(X, Y) (ii) Determine

𝜎𝑥 , 𝜎𝑦 .

A fair coin is tossed thrice. A random variables x and y are defined as follows: x=0 or 1 according as head or
24. 6M Jun[12]
tail occurs on first toss. y= number of heads (i) Determine the marginal distributions of X and Y (ii) Determine
E(X), E(Y) and E(X, Y) (iii) Determine
𝜎𝑥 , 𝜎𝑦 .

Joint distribution of two random variables X and Y are given below

25. 6M
1 3 9
2 1/8 1/24 1/12

4 1/4 1/4 0

6 1/8 1/24 1/12

(i) Determine E(X), E(Y) and E(X, Y). (ii) Determine

𝜎𝑥 , 𝜎𝑦 .

Joint distribution of two random variables X and Y are given below

26. 6M Jan[10]
-3 2 4

1 0.1 0.2 0.2

2 0.3 0.1 0.1

(i) Determine E(X), E(Y) and E(X, Y) (ii) Determine

𝜎𝑥 , 𝜎𝑦 .

Joint distribution of two random variables X and Y are given below

27. 7M Jul[09]
2 3 4

1 0.6 0.15 0.9

2 0.14 0.35 0.21

Determine the marginal distribution of X and Y , also verify that X and Y are independent.
MODULE V: Sampling theory

1. Explain the following terms i) Null hypothesis ii) Type I and Type II error iii) 7M Jul[17]
confidence limits.

2. A die is tossed 960 times and 5 appear 184 times. Is the die biased? 6M Jan[10]
3. A die is thrown 9000 times and a throw of 3 or 4 was observed 3240times. Show 7M Jan[10]
that the die cannot be regarded as an unbiased one.

4. A coin is tossed 400 times and head turns up 216 times. Test the hypotheses is 7M Dec[11]
that the coin is unbiased at 5% level of significant.

5. Genetic theory states that children having one parent of blood type M and the 7M Jun[12]
other of bllod type N will always be one of the types M,MN,N and that the
proportion of these types will on an average be 1:2:1.A report states that out of
300 children having one M parent and one N parent, 30% were found to be type
M, 45% of type MN and the reminder of type N. Test the theory by chi square

6. In the past, a machine has produced washers having a thickness of 0.50mm. To 7M Jun[12]
determine whether the machine is in proper working order, a sample of 10
washers is chosen for which the mean thickness is found as 0.53mmwith standard
deviation 0.03mm.Test the hypothesis that the machine is in proper working
order, using a level significance of i) 0.05 and ii) 0.01

7. Nine items of a sample have the following values 45, 47, 50, 52, 48, 47, 49, 53, 7M Jul[17]
51does the mean of the differ significantly from the assumed mean of 47.5. Apply
students t-distribution at 5% level of significance ( t0.05 for 8df=2.31)

8. Certain tubes manufactured by a company have mean life time of 800hrs and 6M Jul[14]
standard deviation of 60 hours. Find the probability that a random sample of 16
tubes taken from the group will have a mean life time i) between 790hrs and 810
hrs ,ii) less than 785hrs [ɸ(0.67)=0.2486 ,ɸ(1)=0.3413,ɸ(1.33)=0.4082]

9. A set of five similar coins is tossed 320 times and the result is 7M Jul[16]

No. Of 0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency 6 27 72 112 71 32

Test the hypothesis is that the data follow a binomial distribution

(X20.05=11.07 for 5df).
10. A random sample of 400 items chosen from an infinite population is found to 6M Jun[12]
have a mean of 82 and S.D of 18.Find the 95% confidence limits for the mean of
the population from which the sample is drawn.
11. A certain stimulus administrated to each of 12 patients resulted in the following 6M Dec[11]
change in blood pressure : 5,2,8,-1, 3, 0, 6, -2, 1, 5, 0, 4 (in appropriate unit) Can
it be concluded that, on the whole ,the stimulus will change the blood pressure
.Use t0.05(11)=2.201

12. Find the range of number of heads out of 64 tosses of a coin which will ensure 7M Jul[11]
fairness of a coin at 5% level of significance using binomial distribution.
13. A survey conducted on 64 families with 3 children each and recorded as follows: 7M Jul[11]
No.of.male children 0 1 2 3
No.of families 6 19 29 10
Apply chi square test to test whether male and female children are equiprobable
at 5% level of significant.
14. The mean and S.D of marks scord by a sample of 100 students are 67.45 and 6M Jun[12]
2.92.Find (i) 95% (ii)99% Confidence intervals for estimating the mean marks of
the student populations.
15. 10 individuals are chosen at random from a population and their heights in inches 7M Jun[12]
are found to be 63,63,66,67,68,69,70,70,71,71. Test the hypotheses that the mean Jan[10]
height of the universe is 66 inches(𝑡0.5 = 2.262 for 9 d.f)
16. It is required to test whether the proportion of smokers among students is less 7M Jul[14]
than that among the lecturers. Among 60 randomly picked students, 2 were
smokers .Among 17 randomly picked lecturers, 5 were smokers. What would be
your conclusion?

17. The mean of two large samples 1 of 1000 and 2000 members are 67.5 cms and 68 6M Jun[17]
cms respectively.Can the samples regarded as drawn from the same population of
S.D. 2.5 cm (Given z0.05=1.96 )

18. Define the following: (i) Transient state (ii) recurrent state (iii) Absorbing chain 6M Dec[12]
of a markov chain. Dec[11]

19. Find the unique fixed probability vector for the regular stochastic matrix, 6M Jul[17]
0 1 1/3
𝐴 = [1/2 0 1/2].
1/2 1/2 0
20. 0 2/3 1/3 5M Jul[17]
Prove that the Markov chain whose t.p.m P=[1/2 0 1/2] is irreducible.
1/2 1/2 0
Find the corresponding stationary probability vector.
21. 0 1 0 7M Dec[11]
Show that P=[ 0 0 1] is a regular stochastic matrix. Also find the
1/2 1/2 0
associated unique fixed probability vector.
22. Define stochastic matrix. Show that the matrix P is regular stochastic matrix and 7M Jun[12]
0.5 0.25 0.25
also find its unique fixed probability vector P=[0.5 0 0.5 ]
0 1 0
23. A software engineer goes to his office everyday by motor bike or by car. He never 7M Jun[12]
goes by bike on two consecutive days. But if he goes by car on a day then he is
equally likely to go by car or by bike the next day. Find the transition probability
matrix of the Markov chain. If car is used on the first day of the week,find the
probability that after 4 days (i) bike is used (ii) car is used.
24. Three boys A, B, C are throwing ball to each other. A always throws ball to B and 6M Jul[17]
B always throws ball to C . C is just as likely to throw the ball to B as to A. If C
was the first person to throw the ball find the probability that after three throws (i)
A has the ball (ii) B has the ball (iii) C has the ball.
25. A player’s luck follows a pattern.If he wins a game the probability of winning 7M Jun[11]
next game is 0.6. However if he loses the game the probability losing the next
game is 0.7. There is even chance of winning the first game . If so (i) what is the
probability of winning second game. (ii) what is the probability of winning third
26. Every year, a man trades his car for a new car. If he has a Maruti , he trades it for 7M Jan[10]
an Ambassador.If he has an Ambassador , he trades it for a Santro. However, if he
has a Santro, he is just as likely to trade it for a new Santro as to trade it for
Maruti or an Ambassador. In 2000, he bought his first car, which was Santro.Find
the probability that he has (i) 2002 Santro (ii) 2002 Maruti.
27. Define stochastic matrix. Find the unique fixed probability vector for 7M Dec[09]
0 1 0
A=[0.5 0 0.5 ]
0.5 0.25 0.25

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