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y 4 \ \ i Ale | Ve Vat | I / ANIMALSc/ EUROPE: fasa corporation <=_ Tue OF CONTENTS — INTRODUCTION FOREWARD. PREFACE Identification Maghc Capability Habits ‘Commentary Powers Weaknesses ‘Game Information Habliat/Range AWAKENED ANIMALS [Abrams Lobster Atanc Altvaras Bayard Bean Sidhe Blackberry Cat Brocken Bow Bulldog Stoat Burrowing Beaver Centaur Cerberus Hound Corps Cadavre Crested Barbarian Dakkaryne Dog Asp Each-Ulsge European Gargoyle Fenrir Wolf Flame Jackal Fomorlan Foulmart Ghede fy Goblin Golden Boar Gorgon Grandfather Elk Hydra Wyrm Imperial Eagle Jauchekafer Kidde Metscersinger Merlin Hawk Nimue's Salamander Nosferatu Oracle Ow! Pegasus Peryton Protean Quicksiver Mongoose Satyr 12) PARANORMAL ANIMALS OF EUROPE Vaganaaccaaue RSBRERSSAERSe BRE ERS 86 RERSSS ‘Scinditlant Albatross Scompyrine Spitting Pike Sprite ‘Stone Toad ‘Storm Dolphin | Symphatian Tarantella ‘Vampiric Pawe Volteying Porcupine Wild Minotaur Wraith Wyrd Mantis APPENDIX 1: FAERIE CRITTERS The Nature of Awakening Two Special Cases Non-sentient Faerie Creatures Disputed Faeste Creatures Domovot Knocker Rapper) | wild Hane APPENDIX 2: METAHUMAN EXPRESSIONS Variations Minotaur (Tell) Ogre (Ork) GAME INFORMATION POWERS OF THE AWAKENED Defining Power Seif-affecting Powers Vietin-affecting Powers Powers with Indirect fects Special Cases One at a Time! Opposed rowers | Power Range and Duration Astral Perception Threat Ratings Powers Accident Adaptive Coloration (Selective) Alienation Animal Control Binding Blindness Cold Aura Beeese 100 102 104 106 108, 10 m2 14 1a 4 45 na 25 ns, 2s Rs ns 26 26 126 126 27 27 7 27 ne ns Compuision Concealment Confusion Corrosive Saliva Corrosive Secretions, Darkness Desire Rellection Dismissal Electrical Projection Empathy Enguif Enhanced Movement Enhanced Physical Autibutes Enhanced Reactions. Enhanced Senses Essence Drain Fear Fie Resistance Flame Aura Flame Projection Guard Hardened Armor Hypnotic Song, Musion Immunity to Age Immunity to Cold Immunity to Fire Immunity to Normal Weapons, Immunity to Pathogens Immunity to Poisons Infection Iofluence Magic Sense Magical Guaret Magical Resistance Manifestation Mirnicry Mist Form ‘Movement Noxious Breath Paralyzing Touch (How) Pestilence Petrfication Petrfying Gaze Psychokinesis Regeneration Search Silence Sllence Projection 128 128 128 129 129 129 129 129 130 130 130 131 131 Br 131 131 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 4 14 Be Be 134 Be 138 135 135 136 136 136 136 136 136 Br BT Br Br Sonic Projection 37 Spaying, 137 Venom 137 Weather Control 37 fuerte Powers 138 Control Resistance 138 Fading, 138 amour 138 Masking, 138 Weaknesses 139 Allergy 139 Dietary Requirement 139 Essence Loss 139 Reduced Senses 139 Vulnerability 139 WORLDWIDE DISTRIBUTIONS Transplanting Cricters Pasaliel Awakening Population Spread Species Engineering Shadowrun Crieters Paranormal Animals European Critters in America Using Paranormal Animals (CRITTER TABLE 140 140 140 180 140 140 a1 4 146 148 PARANORMAL ANIMALS OF EUROPE Writing Cari Sargent Additional wnting Tom Dowd Mike Cotton Development Tom Dowd Editorial Staft Senior Editor Donna Ippolite Assistant Editor ‘Sharon Turner Mulvihill Editorial Assistant Diane Piron Production Statt Art Droctor Jett Laubenstein Project Manager slim Neison Cover Art and Design Jim Nelson Imustation Joo! Biske Caral Brozman Ear Geior Jeff Laubonstein Mico Nielson Jim Neleon Tony Szezudio ‘Suzan Van Camp Mops ‘Corot Brozman Mark Emat Layout ‘Carol Brozman Keyline and Pasteup ‘Emesto Hernandez jNTRODUCTION Paranormal Animals of Europe is sourcebook for Shadowrun, Second Editon. It describes the natures and powers ofthe paraspcies ind the Europeancontinent. Not anexhaustivecaralog, this sampling ists tose creatures payer characters are most likely to meet during the course of an adventure. The Preface explains what information is provided for each animal The section following lists the ereanures in alphabetical order. Appendices 1 and 2 provide theories about and examples Of faerie creatures and mecabumanity The Game Information section includes Powers of the Awakened, Worldwide Distribution, and the Crftter Table. This table gives the statistics forall paranorrpa critters describedin SRM and Paranormal AnimalsofNorth America. Explanations for all abbreviations ied in the game Information blocks appear in the table key. ‘The Powers of the Awakened section presents siightly diferent game mechanics than those given in previous rule books. The new power descriptions aremore specificfor those gamemaste's who prefer mote concrete rules than those previously provided. We continue to recommend that powers and abilities shit from creature to creature, and even among specimens of the same creature P (0 keep yet characters on their All game statstics given are for Shadowrun, Second Edition. Payers Still using the fist-edition rules shoul simply apply a Staging of 2 to any Damage Cores. Paranormal Animals of Europe by Charles Spencer Professor of Parabiology. University of Oxford, U.K. With a foreword by Professor William Harley Foreword Paranormal Animals of Europe documents the most important of those metaspecies found in European habitats. With the assistance of several European collaborators, Professor Spencer has compiled an exhaustive listing of those transformed and Awakened creatures which have been sighted suficently often for thelr existence 10 be beyond reasonable doudt >>>9>| Charley boy writes a bitacademically at times, and he hes this thing abou! metosheep and stuf, so we cut oll thot cdrekand left te tings" vistors" [might we mean runners?) really need know. What you're lef with is nature in the raw: bloody claws and fangs, raging carnivores, prychotic beasties, and Things You Don't Went To Introduce To Your Grandmother. OF course, the lingo's. bit European ot mes, but you'l get the hang oft. One or wo sep riends helped out with the shodowiolk, too, Goo it. Jews —luggler (05.42:22/26 SEP 53) Appendixes that will prove valuable to the diligent reader follow the main text of this work, In the frst of these, Professor Spencer discusses anumber of creatures which appear to be unique to the European setting, the so-called faerie beings. He provides an excellentexplanation of their origins and unique qualities: Americanreaders should find this section Valuable for is insights inta creatures never encountered in the diverse American states and nations, >>e>2[Yeah, this is roaly banging, Weird drek, know what! meon?}>>2o[Yeu'e only soying thot because Charley's married to your sister. Jeceee —luggler (05:52:03/26 SEP-53) Before beginning this (acimittedly) ambitious work, the author spent considerable time and effort conducting ‘exhaustive research on the subject matter. The problem of how best to foemat the results of that research to reach the general readet was resolved pen careful examination of the wel: known Paterson's Guide. The autor of mataugust work so clearly and concisely arranged the Information tobe presented that we f00K a page from his book, as it were, asking for and receiving his publisher's permission to duplicate the categorization and format in our own volume. We thank Dr, Paterson for his gracious cooperation, and hope our feader finds Paranormal Animals of Europe (0 De as Useful A Work as Its model. The description of each metaspecies included inthisbook presentsinformation (RANORMAT ANIMALS OF CUROPE accotding 0 the a2{Veritindinde! Anoorghh Where de these rollin’ ocodemscs leon owe lke is? Why docs he jst oy hat he dhoesn’ttrst the nue who fied the dors 101 for 0s he could throw an elephont with ahemia ond be done with if? Anyway, ieee where we fae pores ow forms. Our “observations of uncertain verisimilinude” ore o lot better thon the cones Chodey boy got cece —hegger (01 4t:4a/11-AUG-53) >>>9>|Who's got the hernia? Chorley othe elephontjccece =Kotorina H (08:11:11/11-AUG-53) a»ooo[Would it reolly moke ony ference? eaex “baggie (00-32:31/12 AUG: $3) POWERS The powers ol the species appear this section, As noted under Magic Capability. a creature's powers may be innate, parabiological. or magically WEAKNESSES. This section notes a creature's weaknesses. Most creatures suffer an alletgy-type weakness: this note tells what the creature is allergic 10 and the severity of its reaction to that allergen GAME INFORMATION The game information section provides the cieaure’s gan and notes on special attacks of powers the creature uses. The gamemaster can ‘use this information 10 maintain an of surprise in his or her game. Al abbreviations used in this section ave explained in the Critter Statistics Table Key. p.148, HABITAT/RANGE This section notes the creature's typical habitat Typical habitat simply tes the reader where these creatures. jound most frequently. Animais wed as guards, watchdogs. archightymobie creaturesmmay be found cheaters Range referstothe European qemouen paiern

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