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Name : Ayu Anggrini Kambuna

Student’s ID : 40300116114
Class : AG 5

Behavioral changes can be seen from the tendency of changing habits in

keeping with the times. This change resulted in cultural influences from outside
(foreign) and the influence in the development of student mindset. Such influence
may occur directly or indirectly, the development of this change occurs because of
the influence in the system of progress such as geographical, biological, economic
and cultural. The more days the changes that occur in today’s rapid development
environment. The changes are marked with sophisticated means of communication,
transportation and others. The influence of each effect of this change raises a
different view of the conditions, the eefect of change cover all aspects of art,
science, technology, philosophy and also in the form of other social organization
rules, also change in terms of structure, function, norm, and other values.
For example; in the field of science and technology in the modernization era
like today, students are very dependent on technology, and this is one of the
development of the era in Indonesia is very much in use. Especially by students and
other lecturers. Not only students and lecturers, small children including elementary
school children (SD) and other students are familiar as well and even using
sophisticated technology in today’s era. Technology is also suppoeted by the
development of science, technology including the greatest influence in the
development of the era of globalization is increasingly sophisticated and modern.
As for changes in how to communicate in the past, student or people still
use letters to communicate remotely. But now, the existence of technology as a
communicationtool can facilitate quickly and practically. This is very beneficial for
the students because through the internet can add knowledge insight to the
widespread easily find all the information that is very important in the know by the
readers or listeners.
Technologycal progress is also an influence in the development of life one
of them among the students environment is something that can not be avoided from
these developments. Because now we can know how big the impact of
technological advances that have influenced also changed their habits ranging from
the mindset, and then lifestyle of students or others. The mindset of students who
are currently happening, already know also follow in the flow of changes that occur
and also affect their cultural changes or habits. Ranging from the minset, clothing,
association, style, and other habits which may be said to follow the development of
foreign culture or western culture in which perhaps some of it is far from the value
of decency. Everything always has a positive and negative impact as a result of their
changing habits. As for the positive influence of technolgical developments among
students namely; facilitate communication to donate “silatuhrahmi” among
students one others. With the internet as a medium of data exchange by using the
application or email and exchange information quickly also facilitate the learning
process for students especially in the field of education.
As well as transpotation, we can see in today’s transportation is very
sophisticated and also very modern for example; with installing Grab or Gokar
applications and others by connecting the internet network access this can make it
easy to transport to campus or others destinations. As for the negative impact of
changes in the development that occurred as with the internet the number of fraud
occurrred from the field of online buying and selling transactions, and also caused
many other crimes such as kidnapping, violence. So the positive and negative
impact with the development of the times and changes in behavior among students
depending on the attitude of the students themselves, how to use the internet itself.
If they use the internet from the positive side then give a profit. And if they use
from the negative side it will cause many problems for the students themselves.
There is also the development of the times, we can see from the changes of
language style, clothing, and also food (fast food) . first of the style of the language,
today many student learn foreign languages like german, english, and arabic
language. Even they get to know the cultural of the stranger. The second clothes,
different from the old days. In the present, very phenomenon as it is now virally
“Drakor or Korean Drama among the students. This is very influential as for korean
fans, they always find out information about their respestive idols even to follow
the style of clothes and hairstyle. The third of these fast foods including the
development of the current era and this is very influential for students because of
the fast food besides delicious also very interesting from variant and of course make
curious for enthusiasts to try the fast food. From here we can see a very defferent
development with past and present. We can know that the rapid development of the
era of its influence is very high for life.
Informaation technology also develops with the development of
civilization. Development in the era of glibalization including, such as handware,
software, social media, technologies, data storage and other communications
technologies. Of these developments greatly changed their significant habits. In
which the influence of the students to facilitate and increase knowledge, science
through internet technlogy that exixt today. This change affects the mindset of
students because all student activities can not be separated from the current
technology, starting from campus activities it should be ensured that with the
exixtence of communication technology makes it easy for users of social media.
Globalization leads to change as well as student behavior becomes more
though existing technology resulting in imbalance with their respective cultures.
Globalization is a process of ideas that came up later on offer to follow. Its meaning
is the influence with the exixtence of globalization is very inclined with the impact
of the exixting technology today. Through technology being the cause of cultural
infiltration or unbalanced with their culture. Cultures are so quick to easily
exchange places of information also affect each other. Including the liberal and
liberal minded culture pf foreigners and also againts the religious values. The
negative effects of globalization most visible currents are changes that tend to lead
to moral crisis. Causing a number of complex promblems caused by morals. Can
be illustrated from children to corruption. In addition, there are criminal acts that
we see every day, and we hear through the existing technology as a result of this
proves that the moral crisis has been and is befalling this nation. And we as students
should be fair in understanding the development of globalization problems that have
occurred today. But what happened to the other young generation was different.
They are more interesred in the culture of foreigners which is not in accordance
with the customs and ethics of culture them. Thus the role of students in the ethical,
moral and moral placement in a person is very influential. And also in the level of
courtesy of students based on what I know is that is good and it would be nice if
more improved in speaking, bahavior and polite in speaking to lecturers or others.
The last is the role of government. The government must be responsive, alert
to moral issues in the young generation through the Ministry of National education.
The government should review and issues policies that can improve the morality of
the young generation. Especially students so that the expected goals will be
achieved and produce the natural resources of quality, virtous and faithful and
cautious in the God Almighty. Because a morally educated person is a personal
person who has learned and is ready to act in a certain way. As well as aware and
pround of all values and actions of his actions.

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