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Elizabeth Pham

Mr. Mullinax

Vocal Music IV

11 December 2017

Self-Evaluation/Self-Assessment for Winter Concert 2017

1. This concert, I became more involved and connected to the music and it showed through
my facial expressions and body language. I maintained a mature, round sound for the
songs that required it and created a forward resonance for songs like “Gaudete!”. I made
sure to emphasize consonants to better communicate the text to the audience. This
included connecting one end of the word to another, so that the words did not sound short
and “pingy”, but sustained into the next word. This helped create better flow in the piece.
I also remembered to get rid of the strong “r” sounds that distract from the song.

2. I need to improve on my timing and rhythm accuracy—knowing when to come in and

knowing when to end a sustained note/cut-off. I also need to improve on breathing where
I am supposed to and avoid breathing in places that I was not supposed to. At the concert,
the adrenaline of performing caused me to slightly let go of my dynamics and I allowed
my soprano parts to be louder than the rest of the choir. I need to remember to be a more
sensitive singer and listen to the choirs to create a balanced blend of voices.

3. I can improve by practicing my rhythms accurately until I have absolute confidence on

when to come in and when to cut off. I can also improve by being fully aware and
consciously thinking about where I am supposed breath and taking deeper breaths before
longer phrases. Because I am a soprano, I need to be aware that my voice part is usually
louder because of our higher notes. I need to practice control and being a better listener
when singing with a choir.

4. Overall, the concert went well and I enjoyed singing with my choir and hearing the other
choirs sing. I was very surprised at the intro choir and their ability to blend with each
other. Some stood out to me through their facial expressions and body language. The
men’s choir also pleasantly surprised me with their sensitive singing and beautiful sound.
I was proud of my choir for performing with a beautiful tone, expressive faces, and
accurate pitches and rhythms.

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