LOI SAMAHAN Corrected Final

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Corrected Copy – Destroy all Others

Republic of the Philippines

Camp Marcelo A Adduru, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


TO : See Distribution



DATE : March 17, 2011


a. EO Nr. 546, s-2006 and JIRR to EO Nr 546 dated 05 Feb 2007;

b. EO Nr. 773, s-2009 , amending EO Nr 739 s-2008, Reorganizing the POC;

c. Joint Letter Directive No 07-2010 “Creating of Joint Peace and Security

Coordinating Centers (JPSCCs)”;

d. PNP LOI 02-09 “MAPAGPALAYA” dated 05 June 2009;

e. PNP ISO Campaign Plan “Maagap Alpha” dated 09 October 2006, PNP to
Enforce the Law and undertake active support role in the conduct of security operations
with the AFP against major threats to internal security;

f. AFP Internal Peace and Security Plan “Bayanihan” 2010;

g. PNP LOI 71/08 “PAYAPA”


i. PNP LOI 63/2010 “PIPS”; and

j. Corrected Copy of the New PNP ISO Campaign Plan “SAMAHAN 2011”
dated March 15, 2011.


This ISO campaign plan shall steer the PNP’s internal security efforts and
complement the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Internal Peace and Security Plan
“Bayanihan” against all internal security threats, such as Communist Terrorist Movement
(CTM), the Southern Philippines Secessionist Groups (SPSG), Abu Sayaff Group (ASG), and
Jemaah Islamiya (JI). It shall guide the PNP Commanders in the field in planning and
addressing internal peace and security concern in the country through the active support of
the community.


Republic Act (RA) 6975 mandated the DILG with the primary role of
preserving internal security in the country. However, in 1998, RA 6975 was amended by RA
8551 which transferred the lead role in preserving internal security from DILG to AFP. It
was at that point that the PNP resorted back to its support role to the AFP in internal
operations through information gathering and performance of regular police functions.
On July 14, 2006, Executive Order No. 546 was issued, which mandated the
PNP to undertake active support role to the AFP in internal security operations. Taking on
this responsibility, PNP ISO Campaign Plan “MAAGAP ALPHA” was issued on October 9,
2006 which defines the holistic approach to be adopted by the PNP in ensuring the
effective and efficient utilization of its resources in internal security operations hand-in-
hand with the AFP and other government agencies nationwide. It prescribes the counter
insurgency strategy, operational concept and scheme of implementation in order to
accomplish the PNP’s internal security mission.

On June 5, 2009, PNP Letter of Instructions (LOI) 02/09 (MAPAGPALAYA)

was issued which sets forth the operational framework, concept of operations, guidelines
and activities to be undertaken by the PNP during the phase-in and turn-over of ISO
responsibility of insurgent-cleared areas by the AFP to the Peace and Order Councils

Since insurgency is a multi-rooted problem, a more holistic approach rather

than a conventional military operation is believed to be the best and most appropriate
solution to the prevailing peace and security concerns in the country. The involvement of
the whole government machinery, the community and other stakeholders play a vital role
in addressing the problem. This is also in line with his Excellency President Benigno S.
Aquino III’s national security strategy of the realization of lasting peace and stability,
development and social progress, through a multi-stakeholder approach focused on the
protection of the citizens’ rights and civil liberties.


This campaign plan aims to advance the level of security of every Filipino
people through:

a. The creation of communities of peace and order that will foster an

enabling environment for progress and development;

b. A well-coordinated effort with the Peace and Order Councils which will
improve peace and order and public safety in their respective areas of responsibility;

c. Multi-stakeholder partnerships in the resolution of conflict and attainment

of the government’s desire for lasting peace;

d. Sustained, consistent, integrated and concerted efforts between the PNP

and AFP in the anti-insurgency program; and

e. A highly capable, effective and credible police service that enforces the law
without fear or favor.


The PRO2, in partnership with the community and in collaboration with multi-
stakeholders, shall enforce the law, suppress insurgency and other serious threats to
national security in active support to AFP’s Internal Peace and Security Efforts to Attain a
Community of Peace that will foster an environment of progress and development.

A. RD, PRO2 Intent

The RD, PRO2 intends to carry out the President’s pronouncement by actively
involving the local government units, community and people’s organizations in improving
and maintaining peace and order through the Peace and Order Councils. This campaign
plan is also aligned with the AFP’s Internal Peace and Security Plan which adopts the
“Whole of Nations Approach” and “Human Security Approach” as main strategies in
addressing insurgency in the country.

Concept of Operations

1. Strategic Concepts:

a. Recognizing the indispensable role of Local Government Units


Local Peace and Order Councils (POCs) in the provinces, cities and
municipalities have been put in place to unify law enforcement, military and civilian efforts
in defeating insurgency. The POCs involve not only the PNP, AFP and other National
Government Agencies (NGA) but also the Peoples Organization (POs) and Non-Government
Organizations (NGOs) in addressing local issues which include internal security problems.
These councils play a critical role in paving the avenues for a more holistic and “whole
nation approach in addressing insurgency problems.”

Also, political will and good governance can be employed as tools to address
insurgency. The provision of basic services to the community is one of the prime
motivators for the society to do away with insurgent ideas. Thus, the involvement of Local
Chief Executives (LCEs) and other local officials in addressing insurgency is needed to
ensure our objective of attaining peace and order in insurgent-affected areas.

b. Empowering the Community

The involvement of the community in policing has always been advocated by

the PNP. The organizational strategy in maintaining peace and order and public safety is
based on the premise that an active community support is essential to the success of the
PNP on fighting criminality. The PNP’s strategy will be based on developing a united front
composed of the different sectors of the community, which serve as its partners in the fight
against insurgency and other forms of criminality. However, the community and other
government instrumentalities must also face the challenge and be willing to do their part as
stakeholders of a crime-free society.

c. Supporting the Government’s Peace Initiatives

The PNP shall support, advocate and participate in the government’s efforts
to bring lasting peace. In fulfillment of its support role in the government’s peace thrust,
the PNP shall conduct peace awareness programs in the community and shall partner with
other stakeholders in promoting peace and in conflict resolution.

d. Multi-stakeholder Collaboration in Peace Building

Collaborative programs in peace building with the AFP have already been put
in place, highlighted by the creation of PNP-AFP Joint Peace and Security Coordinating
Centers (JPSCC) at the national, regional and provincial and independent city levels. This
joint machinery of the PNP and the AFP is aimed at addressing all peace and security
concerns in the country, such as criminality, private armed groups and other threat groups.
Strengthening of linkages and partnerships and encouraging more active participation
through continuous consultation, coordination and cooperation with Law Enforcement
Coordinating Councils (LECCs) will also be sought.

e. Strategic partner of the Armed Forces of the Philippines

Consistent with the PNP’s mandate pursuant to EO 546, this plan primarily
supports the AFP’s Internal Peace and Security Plan “Bayanihan” from its adherence to the
peace process to the conduct of focused military operations. As the premiere law
enforcement agency and having the primary responsibility in the conduct of ISO in cleared
areas, it is therefore incumbent upon the PNP to further initiate measures to preserve the
gains made by the government in clearing and preventing the resurgence of
communist/terrorists influence.

f. Adherence to the Rule of Law, Human Rights and Social Justice

The supremacy of the law, which subjects all persons, organizations and
institutions to law shall be the utmost concern of the PNP as an organization. Also, respect
for the protection of human rights and dignity is a core principle of policing in any
democratic society. In recognition of this, much work has to be done by the PNP to
promote human rights as a basic value in the conduct of operations and in accordance with
international standard of human rights and policing.

The PNP shall be responsive in any dealings with the community and ensure
that injustices shall neither be tolerated nor encouraged. Injustice is known as one of the
root causes of insurgency. Thus, a good policing mechanism and community-based
approach policing will be futile if injustice is prevalent in society and the promise of peace
may not be attainable.

g. Initiation of Broader Legal Measures

Information gathering, researches and other studies in law enforcement shall

be broader in scope which shall focus not only on outward-looking perspective to provide
effective and efficient handling and coordination of the investigative and prosecutorial
aspects of the fights against threats to national security but also to inward-looking
perspective in conducting investigative works.

Inward-looking perspective in investigation means that the focus of

investigation woks shall be given also on issues of violation of human rights and other
injustices committed by law enforcement agents and other government officials and

Systematic processes shall be carried out in storing of files (e.g. warrants of

arrest, photo galleries etc.), documentation of cases, forensic examinations and other
investigative works to ensure prosecution of cases and conviction of offenders in court.

h. Transforming the Philippine National Police into a Highly Capable

Effective and Credible Police Force

The protracted insurgency, along with emerging crime and recent forms of
criminality that are taking or more alarming spread and frequency, are of significant
concern to the country’s security sector. These security threats and other forms of
lawlessness pose challenges to the institutional capacities of the PNP and other law
enforcement agencies. Unless the capacity of the country’s security system matches the
growing sophistication in the crime and crime technology, there is the danger that the
country becomes a haven for terrorism and international syndicates.

As the PNP addresses the varied concerns of national security and police work
and face the ever increasing challenges that come its way, the organization has been
relentless in implementing the PNP Integrated Transformation Program – Performance
Governance System (PNP ITP-PGS), the organization’s roadmap towards long-lasting
reforms and aims to resolve organizational dysfunctions and improve the quality of police
services in the country; strengthen law enforcement capabilities; and enhance the welfare
and benefits of police personnel and dependents.

2.) Operational Concept

This plan shall be implemented in three (3) phases.

a. Phase I – Creating and Strengthening the Solid Foundation

(January 2011-December 2012)

The following are the programs which should be achieved in this phase.

1)Strengthening the working relationship with all stakeholders –

This shall be carried out by reaching out the national and local government agencies,
Peace and Order Councils (POCs), non-government organizations (NGOs), People’s
Organizations (POs) and other benefactors to institutionalize the working relationship with
the PNP for peace and development initiatives;

2)Building Capacity of the PNP personnel and volunteer

organizations into a more community-centered organization- This shall be carried
out through the conduct of Human Rights/IHR seminars to PNP personnel and volunteers
to maximize the respect for human dignity and justice as a guiding principle. This shall be
coupled with awareness seminars to the community to educate them of their role in the
prevention of human rights violation and injustices;

3) Implementing programs which promote police community

relations – Dialogues or “pulong-pulong” with the community will be conducted, Barangay
Peacekeeping Operations will be implemented through organization, training and
empowering of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATs). These shall be prioritized
to complement other programs being implemented in this Phase; and

4) Enhancing investigative capabilities and Intelligence/ Crime

analysis to support PNP operations – These capacity-building measures should be
based on a concrete law that ensures the implementation of its related programs. The PNP
through its concerned offices/units, shall come up with a legislative thrust for the passage
of an enabling act that covers all intelligence, investigative and crime analysis capacity-
enhancing mechanism which will improve normal police functions and supplement other
internal security programs. Along with this is the case build-up and identification of
personalities who pose great threat to internal peace and security.

b. Phase II – Sustaining the Gains (January 2013- December 2014)

b.1) Reduce capabilities of threats groups – The direct results of the

programs implemented in Phase A shall be in the communities through achieving the
following goals:
b.1.a) Lessen capabilities of the enemies by reducing manpower and

b.1.b) Reduced revolutionary taxes collection;

b.1.c) Reduced kidnapping incidents perpetrated by ASG and other

threat groups; and

b.1.d) Increased numbers of surrendered NPA/MILF members.

b.2.) Pursue Intelligence-led Policing – Active participation of the

community in peacekeeping is one of the reasons for the activation of BPATs. These
volunteers along with the Barangay Information Networks (BINs) shall assist the PNP in
gathering information purposely for police actions, which shall form part of PNP’s program
in identifying threat groups and personalities, and information and crime analysis.

b.3) Employ and Deploy force Multipliers – Aside from the BPATs,
Barangay Tanods and other volunteer groups shall be organized and utilized as partners in
pacekeeping to maximize the impact and outcome of community-related police programs.

b.4) Sustain Internal Security Operations - In support to the AFP’s

Focused Military Operations against armed threat groups, the PNP through its maneuver
units (Special Action Force, and Regional Public Safety Battalion/Provincial Public Safety
Company (RPSBn/Coy), shall conduct internal security operations in selected areas in
coordination with the AFP and other government instrumentalities to diminish the
CPP/NPA’s armed struggle and persuade them to join the civil society in peace

b.5) Intensify Legal Offensives – Focus shall be given in the

investigation of atrocities and incidents committed by various threat groups and the
subsequent feeling of cases in court. Enhanced information and evidence gathering shall be
a primary concern as well as establishing a database which shall be used as ready
reference for operating units in the manhunt of personalities with warrant of arrest.

c. Phase III – Expanding services and development of new

approaches (January 2015 – December 2016)

c.1) Ensure that the root causes of insurgency are effectively

addressed – The PNP as a conduit to socio-economic development shall ensure that cases
of injustices, human rights abuses and other related crimes are addressed properly, which
will be manifested by the number of cases filed before the court. Moreover, the lesser
prevalence of injustices and human rights abuses in the community is also one of the end-
state of this program, which can be achieved through continued awareness seminars and
workshops of all stakeholders.

c.2) Assist in the planning, implementation and sustenance of

political and socio-economic reforms- The PNP units in respective localities shall
ensure active participation in POCs and other humanitarian and developmental
organizations, either government or privately sponsored, in the conduct of planning and
implementation of socio-economic reforms in the community. This can be achieved through
facilitation of social development projects to empower People’s Organization and
cooperatives especially in the countryside, in coordination with concerned government
agencies and other stakeholders.
c.3) Expand police community related services and activities to
support social development programs- Police services and PCR activities shall be
extended to the countryside to support locally and nationally initiated socio-economic
programs. These police activities shall include medical and dental outreach activities,
educational programs like “ pulis ko, titser ko” program and school-based anti-criminality
campaign. PCR outreach programs shall likewise include developmental works in
cooperation with people’s organization (POs) and non-government organization (NGOs)
that carry out humanitarian and developmental works in the country-side.

PCR units shall endeavor to actively participate in socio-economic

programs in coordination with National Government Agencies, LGU officials and other
benefactors that provide funding for poverty alleviation programs, and
humanitarian/development works.

B. Tasks

1. DRDO – over-all supervisor this LOI

2. PRO2 Directorial Staff

a. C, RID
1) Provide area study, situation updates and intelligence summary for
PNP maneuver units;

2) Maintain a data base solely for the purpose of keeping information

related to internal security and other related issues;

3) Supervise the legal offensive against various threat groups with

the Intelligence Group as the lead unit;

4) Liaise with the AFP, other government units, NGOs and foreign
counterparts for coordination and information sharing; and

5) Perform other tasks as directed.

b. C, ROPD

1) OPR in the implementation of this Campaign Plan;

2) Establish a command and control group composed of members of
the QUAD Staff and operating to monitor and evaluate and assess the implementation of
this Campaign Plan; and

3) Perform other tasks as directed.


1) Provide necessary logistics to support operational requirements in

the implementation of this campaign plan; and

2) Perform other tasks on orders


1) Ensure the continued implementation of all community relations

plans and media components as stipulated in LOI 38/08 “MAAGAP BRAVO”;

2) Intensify inter-agency coordination and linkages for partnership in

peace and development activities;

3) Liaise with LGUs, GOs, NGOs, POs, Gas, and other benefactor for
socio-economic development projects in the community;

4) Mobilize force multipliers through Barangay Peacekeeping

Operations (BPKO);

5) Assist RIDMD in investigation of cases involving human rights

abuses and injustices;

6) Assist PPOs in the conduct of PCR and other PCR operations in

support to ISO;

7) Assist/monitor the organization of speaker’s bureau and intensity

public information drives and dialogues or “pulong-pulong” activities in relation to the PNP
public Information plan;

8) Organize and mobilize local NGOs and other force multipliers and
conduct public awareness and education program;

9) Organize, through coordination with LGUs, GOs, NGOs, POs and

other benefactors for funding, socio-economic programs in the community level;

10) Conduct civic actions, information drives and other related

programs; and

11) Perform other tasks as directed.

e.) C, RCD

1) Provide fund support for the movement and other operational

requirements of the personnel chargeable against PNP ISO Funds; and

2) Perform other tasks as directed.

1) Activate a data base system for manhunt operations and storage
of information of personalities with warrants of arrest for ready reference and access to
information of operating units;

2) Strengthen the investigation of cases that involve injustices and

violation of Human Tights;

3) Monitor the cases being filed by IG in coordination with the

DOJ/CHR for the prosecution of suspects; and

4) Perform other tasks as directed.

g) BC, 2RPSB

1) Act as the primary maneuver force of PNP;

2) Sustain training and retraining of personnel for ISO to maintain

the highest level of tactical proficiency;

3) Provide air and armored assets to support the conduct of

operations; and

4) Perform other tasks as directed.

3. PDs and CD, SCPO

a) Organize and use the Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Centers
(JPSCCs) as a mechanism in the implementation of this campaign plan;

b) Ensure that the implementation of this campaign plan is carried out

down to the station levels;

c) Initiate action for the involvement of POCs in addressing internal

security problems;

d) Provide all assistance needed by the operating units in their

respective AOR; and

e) Perform other tasks as directed.

4. Regional Support Units

a) C, CIDU2

1) Assist PRO2 in the case build-up and other documentation on

insurgent personalities;

2) Provide investigation teams to other tasked units; and

3) Perform other tasks on orders.

b) C, RIU2

1) Intensify special intelligence operations against the top

leadership, organization and resources of CTM, SPSGS and other threat groups;

2) Enhance counter intelligence measures at all levels of

3) Take the lead in the legal offensive against various threat

4) Provide timely intelligence information to tasked units; and

5) Perform other tasks on orders.

c) C, ASG2

1) Monitor target personalities, especially those with warrants of

arrest (WOA), who may use the airports as entry and exit points; and

2) Perform other tasks on orders.

d) C, RMO2

1) Monitor the entry and exit of known target personalities,

especially those with existing WOAs, who may use seaports as entry and exit points;

2) Conduct boat patrol in strategic areas and secure the coastlines

around the areas of jurisdiction;

3) Perform other tasks on orders.

e) C, HPG2

1) Assist in the conduct of investigation of against the members of

CTM, SPSGS and other threat groups using stolen motor vehicles/motorcycles;

2) Conduct checkpoint/chokepoints in coordination with territorial

government forces; and

3) Perform other tasks on orders.

f) C, RLS2

1) Formulate a proposed bill that shall cover all necessities

mentioned in Phase 1, paragraph 4 of this plan;

2) Ensure deployment of Legal Officers to assist in filling of cases

against threat groups personalities; and

3) Perform other tasks on orders.

g) Other RSU’s
1) Provide administrative and operational support to this campaign
plan; and

2) Perform other tasks as directed.


a. Quarterly Evaluation and Assessment from the Police Regional Office down to
Police Provincial Office level shall be conducted;
b. Respect for Human Rights shall always be strictly observed;
c. Strict adherence to the Police Operational Procedures (POP) shall be

d. Handling of all media inquiries shall be conducted with utmost discretion,

taking into account our new direction in addressing insurgency problems;

e. The Chain of Command shall be respected at all times;

f. Lateral and vertical through the JPSCC coordination between echelons of the
civil government, private organizations and AFP are highly encouraged; and

g. All tasked units/offices shall submit IMPLANS with specific activities and
timeline to this campaign plan and periodic reports to this office (Attn: ROPD-ISOS) on
the implementation of this campaign plan.

The issuance of this campaign plan is the PNP’s commitment to attaining a

peaceful, just and progressive society. Through the concerted efforts of the whole nation,
the conditions for peace and progress will established and sustained.


All existing LOIs, directives, and other issuances which are contrary to or
inconsistent with this LOI are hereby rescinded or modified accordingly.


This LOI shall take effect immediately.


Police Chief Superintendent, DSC
Regional Director

Copy Furnished:
All PDs and CD, SCPO

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