Demand Letter To Vacate Legal Writing

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December 12, 2017


157 Tondo, Manila

Mr. Dela Cruz

I write on behalf of my client Tom Sawyer who has referred to my attention your refusal to turn
over the house and lot (157 Tondo, Manila) you are currently occupying; that you have been
ignoring several previous oral and text messages demand for you to vacate the property.

Please be advised that you have breached the provisions of your contract with my client, a
Deed of Sale, specifically by failing to deliver the full amount agreed for the sale of the said
property due last January 3, 2017. Therefore, it is DEMANDED THAT YOU VACATE the premises

Consider this as my last and final demand for you to VACATE the premises within 24hrs from
receipt of this notice. Otherwise, your actions will be construed as willful and in bad faith such
that I shall be constrained to commence suit to protect my client’s interests. But your
immediate and faithful compliance with this notice will prevent any further action against you.
Thank you very much.

Yours Respectfully,

Atty. Hack Finn

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