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Chronographs G10
User's Manual

Standard model Racing Model

 Hour hand  Hour hand
 Minute hand  Minute hand
 Seconds hand  Seconds hand
 Date indicator  Date indicator
 60-second counter hand  60-second counter
 30-minute counter  60-minute counter
 1/10 second counter  1/10 second counter

Crown with 3 positions (8) :

I Neutral position (screwed down*, not pulled out)
II Setting position for date (unscrewed*, half pulled out)
III Setting position for time (unscrewed*, completely pulled out)

* Models with a screwed down crown:

IA Initial position (screwed down, not pulled out)
IB Neutral position (unscrewed, not pulled out)

w w w. t i s s o t . ch 1/4 1 4 3 _EN / 12.09

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