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Course Objectives
Marketing research aims at researching the market to guide the manager in his
decision making. This course is designed to equip the student in planning, executing the
marketing research process and collating and interpreting the data thus received

Introduction to marketing research – importance, role and application – types of
research agencies – marketing information system and decision support system – cost and
time consideration in research - role of information in decision making – concept of
decision making under uncertainty and cost of additional information.

Module 2
The research process – identifying research problems and setting research
objectives – developing research proposals – research design – data sources – primary
and secondary source – audits and panel data – surveys and experiments in marketing
research- experimental designs.

Module 3
Designing tools for data collection – questionnaires and schedules – data
collection methods – observation, physiological measures, direct interview, telephone,
mail and use of internet – qualitative research – FGDs, depth interviews, projective
techniques – field work planning and control – problems in data collection.

Module 4
Sampling design – sample frame, sample unit, sample size determination,
sampling method – sampling errors- data editing – coding and tabulation – uses of
software for processing of data – analysis and interpretation – different methods of
analysis – report preparation – final presentation.

Module 5
Application of research process in marketing activities – research for new product
development – assessing market potential for products – pricing studies – measuring
brand equity – distribution studies – consumer perception and behavior studies –
advertising research – studies for other promotion activities – opinion surveys.

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