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Convergence-Confinement Method
in Shallow Tunnels
Z. Eisenstein and P. Branco

Abstract TheapplicationoftheConvergence-Confinementmethod ~ n examine ici l'utilisation de la rn~hode Conoer~nce-

(C.-C. method) to design of shallow tunnels is investigated by Confinement (m~thode C-C) sur des modelss de tunmls en surface en
comparing results of the method with field measurements for two comparant lss r(,sultatsde estte rm~thodeaux mesures sur le terrain dans
tunnels in stiff clay in Edmonton, CanadcL Both tunnels were ls oasede deux tunnels en argile dure a EMmonton au Canad~ Les deux
excavated under very similar conditions. The only important tunnels ont c~ cmus~s dane des conditionst~s g~Jaires. La seule
difference between them was the depth-to.diameter ratio. Because of diff~rvwe notable entre lss deux oonommit le rapport profondeur-
this ratio, the two tunnels exhibited different responses to analyses ~ . A eausede cerapport, les deux tunnels ontpruebdt des ~ponees
by the C.-C. method. The deep tunnel showed a good agreement d i f ~ v ~ aux analyses ~ , avecla m~thode C.-C Dane ls cas du
between the analysis and field data; the shallow tunnel did not. This tunnel en profondeur, les analyses et les d o n n ~ sur ls terrain ont bien
discrepancy was attributed to the non-axisymmetric mode of coneord~;maiscenefutpaslsoaspourletunnelensurfac~ Ced~alage
deformation developed around the shallow tunnel. a ~ attribu~ au mode de ~ n n o n ~ &~op#
autour du tunnel en surface.

Introduction structure interaction by an indepen- published. Brown et al. (1983) pre-

A number of methods are cur- dent study of the behaviour of the sented a s u m m a r y of the characteristic
rently used for design and ground and of the t - n n e l support. The features of each of the main formula-
analysis of tunnels. A m o n g ground behaviour is represented by a tions derived in the past 40 years.
them, the convergence-confinement ground reaction curve (GRC); the lin- Alarge n - m h e r of solutions for SRC
method (C.-C. method) has played an ing is represented by a support reac- also have been published. SRCs are
important role in provi~ng in~ght into tion curve (SRC). The former describes determined, on the basis of the theory
the interaction between lining support the ground convergence in t e r m s of the of elasticity, from the ]inlng stiffness,
and the surrounding ground m , ~ . The applied confining pressure; the latter load capacity, and the displacement
method is relatively a~mgle, easy to use, relates the confining pressure acting that occurs before the lining activa-
and can readily indicate the sensitivity of on the lining to its deformation. The tion, as indicated in Figure 1. The
the chosen solution through a range of solution for the ground support inter- support stiffness is defined as the
possibleg~mndparametem, supportch~- action is then given b y t h e intersection uniform all-around pressure required
acteristicsand modes ofinstallatio~ of these two curves, as illustrated in to cause unit diametral swain on the
However, to m - l n t a i n simplicity, a Figure 1. lining. Support stiff~esses and support
number of simplifying assumptions are In the past, a number of approaches bearing capacity for different liners
employed in its derivation. These as- for determining the G R C have been have been presented by Lombardi
sumptious make the method applicable (1973) and Hoek and Brown (1981).
only to deep tunnels in a hydrostatic The idealization of the ground sup-
stress field; and, therefore, the use of port interaction by the two reaction
the C.-C. method in shallow tunnels is curves, obtained from closed form solu-
open to question. The main purpose of tions, is only valid for the two-dlmen-
this paper is to discuss this problem. F~ELASI|C, Y|ELOING ~ ~ /I~ / / ~ sional cylindrical model in which, ir-
The discussion is based on field data respective of the lining and ground
obtained from two tllnnels constructed grounCl support mechanical properties, the soil and
in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. support follow the same radial mode of
deformation. This is a major limitation
The Convergence-Confinement of the method with regard to shallow
tunnels, because the proximity of a
Method (C.-C. Method) T|DN CURVE
free surface above the tlmnel, a non-
The C.-C. method is based on a con- hydrostatic stress field (Ko~ 1), and the
cept t h a t involves analysis of ground effects of gravity around the t~mnel
cannot be included in the analysis.
A review of other available lining
Present address: Prof. Z. Eisenstein, design methods, presented by Branco
Department ofCivil Engineering, University (1981), has indicated t h a t there is no
ofAlberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Dr. DELAY Ui simple design method for shallow
P. Branco, Thurber Consultants Ltd., tlm~eis.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Figure 1. Concept o f soil structure The applicability ofthe C.-C. method
This paper is reprinted with permission interaction by the Convergence- is investigated below, with special re-
from Canadian Tunnelling Canadien 1990. Confinement methovL

Tunnelling and UndergroundSpace Technology, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 343-346, 1991. 0886-7798/91 $3.00 + .00
Printed in Great Britain. (~) 1991 Pergamon Press plc 343
gard to the influence of a free surface Table 1. Lining and ground parameters for the LRT-SE and EXP Tunnels.
above the tunnel.
EXP Tunnel LRT-SETunnel
C.-C. Method of Lining Design (after (after Branco
of Shallow Tunnels in Stiff Soils EI-Nahhas 1981)
The construction of two t~mnels in
the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
permitted the use of the C.-C. method Young's Modulus (MPa) 75 150
to analyze the effect of the free surface
on the prediction of tunnel behaviour.
The tunnels were extensively instru- Polsson's Ratio 0.4 0.4
mented for ground displacements and
lining loads. Both tunnels were exca-
vated in the Edmonton till, using very Coefficientof Dilatancy 1 1
similar construction methods.
The first tunnel, the experimental
t , nnel (EXP t-nnel), was comprehen- Friction Angle (degrees) 30 40
sively studiedby E1-NAhhas (1980) and .= (Effective)
Eisenstein et al. (1980 and 1981). It is Q

a small-diameter tunnel (D = 2.56 m)

driven by a full-face TBM at a depth of
i Cohesion(MPa) 0 0
27 m to the t - n n e l centre line. The
primary lining of one of the sections of
the EXP t~mnel comprises segmented BeforeFace 4 0
steel ribs (WF100 x 19), 1.5 m from
centre to centre, and 5 x 20-cm timber
lagging placed between the webs of the
ribs. The rib and lagging system was
~} • ~" ¢
"~ E o.
~" ~ ~"~m
I Before
I Expansion
19 2.5
assembled within the shield ofthe TBM. F , ~¢gQt - I"
The drilllngmachinewas then advanced = • c ~ I After
by jacking ags;n~t the ribsofthe tempo- oB= ~ i Expansion 2.5 0.5
rary lining. W h e n the T B M advanced
sufficientlythat the rib emerged from
the shield, the rib was expanded by Young's Modulus (MPa) 207000 207000
hydraulicjacks and 10-cm spacerswere
placed in the two upper joints of the
steelrib.The next rib-laggingassembly Poisson's Ratio 0.25 0.25
was placed in the shield and the dr;lllng
operation continued.
The second bmnel, the LRT-South Moment of Inertia ( m ) 4.76 x 10 22.2 x 10
Extension (LRT-SE) tu-nel, has been
extensively analyzed by Branco (1981).
It is a large-diameter t - n n e l (D = 6.1 Cross-Section Area ( m ) 24.7 x 10 47.3 x 10
m) driven, like the experimental tun- E
nel, by a shielded TBM, with the tun-
nel centre line at a depth of 11.8 m. The z Rib Spacing (m) 1.5 1.2
primary lining of the LRT-SE tunnel is e-
composed of segmented steel ribs (W6 e-
x 25), 1.22 m centre to centre, and 10 x .J Diameter (m) 2.56 6.1
15-cm timber lagging between webs of
successive ribs. Installation of this
t~mhells slm;l ar to that described above Final Radial Load at the
Spdngline (Pi/Po) 3.02 to 0.12 0.18 to 0.24
for the EXP tunnel.
Table 1 summarizes the lining and
ground parameters related to the two
tunnels that are used throughout the
calculations in this paper. assumption of whether the t~mnels are action for the EXP t , nnel than for the
Both tunnels were excavated under deep or shallow was based on the ex- LRT-SE t , nnel.
an approximately hydrostatic stress pected development of t a n g e n t i a l ~igures 2 and 3 present the ground
field ( K =1.0). The difference in the stresses in the ground at the tunnel reaction curves for the EXP tunnel and
depth ratio (depth of the centre of the wall, as proposed by Mindlin (1940). for the LRT-SE tunnel, respectively.
tlmnel to the tunnel diameter) of the Excluding three-d~rnensional and These curves were derived according
LRT-SE tunnel and the EXP tunnel is gravity effects inherent in any t-nnel to the formulation presented by Kaiser
the most important difference between construction, the EXP tunnel filiRll~ (1980) for a circular opening excavated
all of the boundary conditions associ- in a material that is assumed to be
the two t-nnels. Otherwise the tun-
nels are quite comparable, particularly ated with the C.-C. method. On the linearly elastic, brittle-perfectly plas-
in terms of host ground and lining ether hand, for the LRT-SE ~mnel, in tic, with yield surfaces described by the
method. The EXP tunnel has a depth addition to three-dlmensional and grav- Coulomb failure criterion.
ratio of 10.56, and will be regarded as ity effects, the proximity of the free Three different points of equilib-
a deep tunnel, whereas the LRT-SE surface violates the imposed boundary rium for the ground-support interface
t - n nel has a depth ratio of 1.9 and will conditions. This indicates that the C.- are shown in Figures 2 and 3 for both
be considered as a shallow t-nnel. The C method should better predict the t~mnels: they are Ea, Eb, and Ec.
behaviour of the ground-support inter-


Point Ec
Ec is the range of points of equilib-
rium obtained from the lln;n~ and v

a. 0.9 ground instrumentation, as presented

E = 75 MPo
I Lake Edmonton byE1-Nahhas (1980) and Braneo (1981).
Sediments V = O. 4 The loads and displacement ratios
08 Upper Till C =0
defining ECare related to t h e slprJng]ine
~p =30 ° ofthe bmnele because a more complete
Lower Till (3( = I (coefficient of dilotancy} sot of field data was available at this
EX,~TUNNE m : ton 2 ( 4 5 + ( ~ / 2 ) =3.0 location. In addition, the gravity ef-
U ~e : (m-I)/(m-i-I) :0.5 fects, which are not taken into account
Ko =l(Stress Field) in the C.-C method, are mlnim;,ed at
0.5 this location and thus can be neglected.
It is relevant to mention that for
04 both bl-nele, the displacements asso-
.J ciated with Ec were obtained at a dis-
o O3 tance of appro~mately one-quarter of
the bin-el diameter from the support
u~ 0 2 springline. This means that the true
Ec values at the ground-support should
~: O.t be shifted to the right of the Ec shown
SR C - ~ J ~ - in Figures 2 and 3, because the closer
0 1 t I I I I ' to the t-nnel walls, the larger are the
X J 2 3 4 5 6 radial ground displacements.
OF UNLINED TUNNEL - - U / Uo* rium, Ea and Ec, plotted for the ground-
support interface of the EXP t~mnel on
Figure 2. Convergence-Confinement (C.-C.) method at the springline of the EXP Figure 2, indicates that thrusts and
Tunnel. Hnlng displacements were reasonably
well predicted by the C.-C method.
On the other hand, the comparison
Point Ea nel instr~mentation. On the other between Ea and Ec, shown in Figure 3
Ea is the point of equilibrium de- hand, the plot of the SRC that defines for the LRT-SE t~mnel, indicates that
fined by the intersection of the theo- the point of equilibrium Eb is based on the C.-C. method predicted loads and
retical ground reaction and the sup- the measured ground displacements displacements completely different
port reaction curves. The plot of the that take place before the l l n l n g expan- from t h o s e measure& After the mea-
SRCs shown in Figures 2 and 3 re- sion. These displacements, obtained sured ground displacements that took
quires a knowledge of the compressive from field instrumentation, were pre- place ahead of the lining expansion are
stiffness of the support and of the sented by Branco (1981) and are sum- taken into account and when the SRC
ground displacement close to the mArized in Table 1. is positioned along the horizontal axis
ground-support interface, which takes
place before the l l n l n g expansion. In
this paper, the latter is obtained by the
sum of two ground displacements:
1. Ground displacements that take
place ahead of the face of the bmneh
assumed to be one-third of the elastic
wail displacement of the unlined tun- 0.9 ,t E = 150 M P a
nel (l~q-ken and Ghaboussi 1975). --" r \ o i LRT South- k'~ Lake Edmonton v = 0.4
2. Ground displacements that take 0.8 I-\ 51 Bound Tunnel ~;;~Sediment c =0
place along the length of the TBM
shield: assumed to be one-half of the
z~..~1'~0 /\
0.7 I" \
lOl 6
~/~ Upper T~II
r~ Lower Till
~o = 40 °
a = 1 (coefficient of dilatancy)
~ Saskatchewan
difference between the excavated di- m tan 2 (45 +0/2 = 4.6
" ":'.-
~O,, 0 . 6 F / \\ 2° I
25 M sands & Gravel
ameter and the diameter of the ex- Ze = (m-1)/(m + 1) = 0.64
panded primary lining. /\ ko = I(Stress Field)
Branco (1981) presented a detailed
estimation ofthe displacements for both
.--=""===°" tEB
the t|mnels.
•• 03 f___./_ii\
Point Eb
Eb is another point of equih'brium
definedby the intersection ofthe ground
reaction and the support reaction °"
curves. T h e differencebetween Ea and EA
Eb is in the ground displacement that I I ;J ~._
is allowed to take place before the lin- Xel 2 3 4 5 6
ing is expande& In order to find Ea, Interface (Soil-lining) Dispalcement / Elastic Wall
the ground displacement that takes D i s p l a c e m e n t o f U n l i n e d T u n n e l --U/Uoe
place before the lln~ng expansion was
estimated without t~k~ng into account Figure 3. Convergence-Confinement (C.-C.) method at the springline of the
any information derived from the tun- LRT-SE Tunnel.

Volume 6, Number 3, 1991 TUNN~T.T.T~a~ U~'VF~m~OUNDSPACET~C~OLO~ 845

of Figure 3, the new point of equilib- on the C.-C. method yielded good re- Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. 315 pp.
rium, Eb, is much closer to Ec. This sults for the deep t~mnel but not for the Brown, E. T.; Ladanyi, B.; and Hoek, E.
shows that a much better prediction of shallow one. 1983. Ground response curves for rock
the llnln~ behaviour is obtained, and The discrepancy between predicted runnels. ASCE Journal of geotech~ic~
Division 109:.1, 15-39.
indicates that the discrepancy between and measured displacements is attrib- Eisenstoin, Z.; E1-Nahhas, F .; and Thomson,
measured (Ec) and expected (Ea) loads uted to the fact t h a t the mode of defor- S. 1980. Preesuredisplacementrelations
and lining displacements basically re- mation and development of plasticity in two systems of t~,nnel l'i'ni'r,~. Proc.
sults from the inaccurate estimation of in the soil surrounding the shallow Spec. Session on Tunnels in Soft Ground,
ground displacements ahead of the b m n e l was not AxiRymmetric, as as- 6th PanAmerican Conf. on Soil Mech.
lining activation. sumed by the C.-C. method. The de- and Found. Eng., Lima, 85-94.
The i n a c c u r a t e a s s e s s m e n t of parture from the uniform radial Rotterdam: BAncema.
ground displacements t h a t take place (axisymmetric) mode ofbehaviour with Eisenstoin, Z.; E1-NAhha~; F.; and Thomson,
before the lining expansion is m~inly the LRT-SE tunnel was due to the S. 1981. Strain field around a i~mnel in
stiff soil. Proc. lOth Int. Conf. on Soil
attributed to the non-axisymmetric proximity of the ground surface. Mech. and Found. Eng., Stockholm, 283-
mode of deformation around shallow It was shown that most of the non- 288.
t , nnels, even in the case where the ~xiRymrnetric deformation took place E1-Nahhas, F. 1980. The behaviour of
initial stress field ration (Ko) is ap- before the lining activation. This sug- t~mnehinstiffrocks. UnpublishedPh.D.
proximately equal to 1. This conclu- gests that for the development of a de- thesis, Dept. of Civil Engineering,
sion is confirmed b y t h e field measure- sign method for shallow bmne]S, spe- University of Alberta, Edmonton,
ments t h a t indicated nnlform lining cial attention should be paid to the Alberta, Canads~ 305 pp.
convergence with respect to the bmnel ground behaviour before the lining acti- Hoek, E. and E. T. Brown. 1981.
centre line and by the improved predic- vation. As has been shown, for this type Underground excavations in rock.
London: Institution of Mining and
tion of the t - n n e l behaviour by the C.- of host material, after the lining is Metallurgy.
C. method. This improvement results erected, generally simple -nlform ra- Kaiser, P. I~ 1980. Effect ofstress history
from taking into account the ground dial displacements are expected to take on the deformation behaviour of
displacements t h a t occurred before the place. [] undergroundoponln~s. 13th Canadian
l~nlng was installed. Rock Mechanics Symposium, 133-351.
The loads and displacements asso- Acknowledgment Lombardi, G. 1973. Dimensioning oft~mnel
ciated with Ec in Figure 3 would be |inln~ with regards to constructional
closer to those associated with Eb if the This study was carried out with the procedure. Tunnels and Tunnelling 5,
ground displacements were measured assistanceofthe NationAl Sciences and 340-351.
E n g i n e e r i n g R e s e a r c h Council of Mindlin, R. D. 1940. Stress distribution
closer to the Umnel support. around a tunnel. Transactivna of the
Canada and in cooperation with the
City of Edmonton. ASCE 10~ 1117-1140.
Conclusion Ranken, R. E. and Ghabouesi, J. 1975.
~aunel design considerations; analysis
The study presented herein indi- References of stresses and deformations around
cates t h a t for the two bmne]s con- Branco, P. 1981. Behaviour of a ~h-llow advancing tunnels." Report prepared for
structed in stiff clay in Edmonton, the tunnel in tilL UnpublishedM.Sc. thesis, U.S. Dept. of Transportation UILU-
prediction of tunnel behaviour based Dept. of Civil E n d , University of ENG75-2016.

346 Tum~x.r~o ANYU~DP.P~mOtn~DSPACETE~OLOOY Volume 6, Number 3, 1991

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