Section A Q.1. Fill in The Blanks (0.5× 10 5.0) : Choose The Correct Answer. (0.5× 4 2.0)

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Q.1. Fill in the blanks (0.5× 10= 5.0)

i. The idea generation is based on interrelation between company, .................. and
ii. The compression of actual performance with potential performance is known as
iii. A technique that involves finding the best or most possible desirable results in a system
for a product or a process is called ......................
iv. TTM in product development stands for .....................
v. A step in product development where you conduct focused group customer interview to
introduce trend show is known as .......................
vi. EVOP stands for.....................
vii. Ideas come from ............................ and ............................
viii. ..................... is a group technique to develop idea concerning specific problems
ix. The way consumer perceives an actual or potential product is known as ....................
x. Last stage of product development process is ...........................
Q.2. Write True or False. (0.5×10=5.0)
i. A product concept is an elaborated
ii. Optimization is a technique that involves finding the best or most possible desirable results in a
system for a product or a process.
iii. The search of new product ideas should be systematic rather than haphazard.
iv. The line extension is a type of new food product.
v. Idea screening is used to sort feasible ideas for transforming in to product concept.
vi. Innovation means ‘make change’ or ‘make change in’.
Q.3. Choose the correct answer. (0.5× 4=2.0)
i. This is a process to produce an identical product at a scale larger than that which was
used previously for bench top objective
a) Bench marking
b) Prototyping
c) Up-scaling
d) All
ii. Reasons for new product development could be ...........................
a) Corporate
b) Technological
c) Environmental
d) All of the options
iii. A ........................... is an elaborated version of the idea expressed in consumer terms
a) Alpha product
b) Product concept
c) Marketing strategy
d) Business analysis
iv. Launching reformulated low cost biscuit under the brand Cadbury good day is which type of
product development?
a) Repositioning existing product
b) Line extension
a) Reformulating existing product
b) Innovative product

(Answer any THREE Questions)
Q.4. Write importance of new product development.
Q.5. What are the classes of new food product?
Q.6. Explain types of benefits.
Q.7. What are the steps involved in screening
Q.8. What are advantages of systematic screening approach?
(Answer any THREE Questions)
Q.9. Explain in detail factors involved in product idea screening.
Q.10. What are the methods of idea generation? Explain each of them in brief.
Q.11. Define new product development. Explain factors affecting new food product
Q.12. Explain product qualities generated from consumer product concept.

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