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1. You’re just going to start eating. What do you say?

· Enjoy your meal!

2. Someone says ,“Have a nice day!“ What do you say?

· You, too.
· The same to you!
· Thank you, the same to you.

3. Someone thanks you for something. What do you say?

· Don’t mention it.

· You’re welcome.
· It was a pleasure.
· A pleasure.
· My pleasure.

4. Refuse an invitation politely.

· I’d love to come, but I’m afraid I have to …..

5. Your friend is ill. What do you say?

· I hope you feel better soon.

· I hope you get better soon.

6. You need the salt. It’s at the other end of the table. What do you say?

· Could you pass the salt, please?

7. A friend has just won something. What do you say?

· Congratulations!

8. Great a friend during festive seasons.

· Merry Christmas! / Happy Chinese New Year!

. Selamat Hari Raya! / Happy Deepavali, Nisha.

9. It’s a friend’s birthday. What do you say?

· Happy Birthday!

10. A friend is leaving for the airport for a vacation. What do you say?
· Have a good flight / trip / holiday !

11. You’re late for a meeting. What do you say?

· Sorry!
· Sorry I’m late.

12. A friend spilt coffee on your best suit. What do you say?

· Never mind.
· It doesn’t matter.
· Don’t worry.

13. You’ve just finished chatting to a friend. What do you say?

· Bye, see you soon!

· See you later.

14. A friend can’t come to dinner. What do you say?

· What a pity! Maybe next time.

15. A friend offers to give you a lift home / help. What do you say?

· That would be nice, thank you.

· That’s very kind of you.

16. A friend gives you a birthday present. What do you say?

· That’s very kind of you!

· You really shouldn’t have!

17. You want someone to pass your greetings on to another person. What do
you say? (Kirim salam)

· Give / Pass my regards to ……

· Remember me to ….

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