Listening Recycling

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Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Professor Forster is a food scientist. ___

2. Most rubbish produced by humans ends up in rivers and seas. ___

3. The amount of human waste is decreasing. ___

4. She thinks we can recycle or reuse most of what is in our rubbish bins. ___

5. All local authorities in the UK collect items for recycling. ___

6. You can buy biodegradable bags to put food waste in. ___

7. The problem of human waste is gradually improving. ___

8. According to Professor Forster, we don’t recycle enough household rubbish. ___

9. In towns with recycling centres, a lot more rubbish is recycled. ___

10. There are often recycling bins at supermarkets. ___

11. Paper and cardboard can be turned into compost to grow vegetables. ___

12. The easiest way to reduce waste is to avoid buying things with a lot of packaging. ___

Complete the sentences with between 1 and 3 words.

1. Many _________________________________have recycling collection bins.

2. We can make compost with __________________________________ waste.

3. You can find the nearest recycling centre on __________________________.

4. It’s a good idea to buy things with less _______________________________.

Answer the questions

• What happens to most human waste?


• Which items can usually be recycled?


• What can we do with food waste?


• What type of rubbish is not easy to recycle or reuse?


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