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STRUCTION [De Se THESIS SPECIFICATION KOK | ROAD AND ARE, PAVING [pate fa ume 2019 Semreuiaco.ero 103 Conse 3.1 The tos vase ver call we et 2H ym ns is hrs Cp ‘sch ner aay est af ee tha 98 pe Akers by ASTM DISS 10.42 The uta materi sl be dvs theo sin mats a eh Inger salle seed inns epson, 10.3 ‘The materials pre sal be win gradation with packs of fie or couse atria No mater shall ples en aso or madly conse, } 13.4 The suave course shal mt be eng who Us vr yng curse i Dice oF whan the rolling eauses nation inthe sue When the reli develops inulariies, the imepula sue sl be fosened al ths filled wth ‘he se kin of maria ad again rolled a equi ve 410.8 Swinkting during compaction i weer, shill He ithe next an! y the ayo by the CONTRACTOR COMPANY. Wie shal mat be ald in st mer or gait that ee water wl each he wes yer al ease to bonne WAL Surtase tt he empcis Hase courses sal dei ne an gn the psa cross sev a yp aM sot Sys! ghia wade tay stn Fl as al compe tnd vee a ete bythe CONTRACTORCOMPANY 10 ASPLALY CONCRETE PAVING Ht Bituminous Penne Coat This tem shall consist oan application of tituminas materia on the prepared ase course in accerdance with this sposfcation, The approximate tte ants of nication of bunninous material the pre oot er! ar te Hs ks of utah, muting ets and apeaton pers Yoru sp nr re en eh he ae ed hl ee at ys CONSTRUCTION — [Pe S# 71040508 TICATION FOR |B, ROAD AND AREA PAVING [pane Lt ypeauis Pmereuiece, tro, Mew Asin D0) Inmstcs tee applsing the pine sat he fall wth he sere be i all he wep whe newark pe eo etal ter "he application of the bitunins steria shall be made by, means of «presse sro complying with BS 1707, atthe pers and nde amount as sete inthis section, Following the application. the pied sre sal alle dry for ue te a aye neces Yo permit the dying oa ofthe pine ul wil ae pike wp by "ali orequpment, The surfiee shal thew be minted by the CONTRACTOR ‘at de srfacing has oem phe. Sable retin shal be taken agains damage rng his ier 1 tbe asphalt pier as wot fen compe absorbed bythe twee slice 24 hours afer applization.slciat sand shall be spread aver the sure vith a mchanieal spear to blot up the excess asphal. Rie pling on spl sac course or saree time ses sal se fe the prim he prime cou shall be applied nly whe the existing sufi i Uy eumtis t-te distin of the bins atrial hn he anwsphsietomptatn f ae 15°C, and he the eather sm the temperature roqinemenis maybe wae ful ay wht dete by the COMPANY. Samples of the biuminows materi tha the CONTRACTOR. proposes 46 abe ‘upether with ¢ statement as 10 thie soos teehee, must be sob and anpro.edfeoe ase oF steh materi The CONTEACION a i NANUH ACTURCa ie bmnn mara miei ea jon er print resukccd a he Coma Only eon Galalp Mr shall acceptable ia Sean ay gos The SUN CONTRACTORICONTRACTOR stall fhenish VENDOR'S certifi tes ral shipped wo the pace he wept sll he delivered 10 CONTRACTORICOMPANY here permis svat fr nse a he mati The Hsing of the VENDOR'S cet estoy oe he bounty marin alo He itp Rss Kr finan, Al rypons shall he subst 1 veifiat by Aen samp tas icuminons Lack Cast CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION FOR wrsneco,tro.] ROAD AND AREA PAVING thse spite CONTRACT JOCLMENES. The apposite asaity rif 1H ae coat 100.7 Heras mtr. The tp, ga comtnling specication. and dhe application tempera age fo the itinns meric ven bobo ype ad Grade Speciation Apliation Liga Asa Temperatures soub ASTM Dor? 2000-5KC lomeiaelybefre applying tbe ck ce, the Hall wid the ste to he ts stall be swept with a power bow share necessary forme al ose dita er objstionale mari The apptcaonaF he ister emptying th BS 1707 athe inthis pectcwion, be minsnel by the CONTRACTOR wt the surfing has bes ped Sih csow shal be taken by CONTRACTOR to pc! the surface alas ama ins mtr shal he me by meas presume erature a in he aoa as psd hry this eval inclding any sind nvesary to bho up eseess bins The tack eat shall be applied only when the existing surface Rhy. when the tinsphisrctenpertre fsabowe 15°C whe the ther smo fe a. Samples of te bituvnous materia tht the SU CTRAGTOR. {CONTRACTOR proposes to we, topster with a Nitenent as toe some and soracer. mst submitted and approved bein ase oF sel materia Dein. The CONTRACTOR shall require the manufacturer or producer of the biumives seri finish terial subjeet to this anal other penne eaves of the onal Only aise materials so deine by service te shal he CONTRACTOR shall unit VENDOR'S sented tet rapt bi maria ships! tothe pit, The sepunt shall beaver the CONTRACFORCOMPANY fire perms is prt rane of the mat he mishing othe VENDOR'S cet test rept fr the btn mate Consraucrion [pes s7mecarvou SPECIFICATION FOR |! ROAD AND AREA PAVING Jone {4 oth fence as Rai hr Tal accep, A seh ts ens sal Fe ajo scan by tei samples ari ee ee the pe 11.1 ituainows Real Surface Course he hituminor sortice couse shall be 9% oF gris! kone oF erased gel ‘sugiees an btoininons materia mised in cena ing. plant. The btn surlce couse all consist af tn yer, a biner couse ands wears coume, ‘hey sl be plas on a prepared base eourse in accordance wth hese speitations ‘nd shall ear to te dinensons sn pis! eros section and fines and pres sown an the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, Ho stati Matra of ap sl comply with the flowing AASIITO AASHTO 1482 al A applicable sections ASTM ASTM DDIS1S ant Allapleaicsetons HA Asphalt Canrete Mintare he asp conrete shale remedy buch plat apyrsed by the CDNIR \CTOFCOMPANY an samp fiom compas pavement dle ested ‘ome he ol ing nies; Numb of Bw chem oF peimen 0 Sut | Pieaietingsns - ‘ere ow (Marshal) S&S ie | - @ Apa cient | Weavng5.07.0 Rinker 60 Ms oven ie ois | Voids in incr gree \ sini, PASSING RY WEIGHT haa a ua ir rst CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION FOR pes es | — = By silt ota mig) 1143 Toeenaces ih flow ing leans ov he jobs fr hl allo pr sink est sing Sve Paver Dotan er | wes Nout w No.100insivey on N00 i } + Asphal conten .0 18 Transportation and Delivery ofthe Misture the bi nous iste, hate! aml propre psi, sl be transpeste fom ning plant the ste ofthe work in vehicles len of al eign male ck oad tl be paulo cover iri bythe COMPANY. \\ Stitable eas tal he taken wo potet th mtr hl ne ate sie in gona soaiion an at LMG as ToC the CONTR NCTOR sal suppl 4 min of G40 Uhemumetes Re COMPANY 11.6 Preparation fr Paving @ Consruction— [es Tew SPECIFIENTION FOR. | Semreneca.sr0,] ROAD AND AREA PAVING [pee Leu ‘srs ned al be comple forthe lw i ode wacnay pore ‘he applisatin oF the mur. Prime oF tack ot shall ny Be api! ahh surface ay cane covert with paving atone tins he paving cases sal nt fe applied uth pine o tak eas dyad wl ot “ick up" ander tfc n te eveat a cowrse opened to tale daring o aller compaction a as rceveda coating of ut pti 0 pining operations al sich terial shall be removed hy weeping andor blowing, oF sch other means a ney Be sce 10 ror the couse to an asceptable conto fr pining, "he bituminous mitre asl materia sal ot be appli on a wet be. o whe he eather is fogay oF rainy. Applicaton shall mate made when the tempat he sha fs below S°C an descending. Approval fr scheduling the paving psrations ‘nas bn om the COMPANY, Skin patchiny all mt be allow, When stfice rae oes Ht anim to the soviet: ier sal he envelop hy the CONTRACTOR a ‘osm espane ard whe stisticti athe COMPANY he atc couse hal be consti ane bye Scan isn: Upon ra at he i eth: mine a i a nt ruck of the pie pra, kana os stn ina oy he le — fr eth ca Fr ths pus sf per pein a ning => provided with asereed or stvike of assembly shall be ws. davis pea Ton he wih prt Bde sls or drags shal ate sd. ean ne ‘ad ge the proper rons seston. the seine rachis me ue 9 lacing the weigh per square mite of srlving material ei 11.64 Rollers "he mini numer ofoles fr eah spear shal be one Seller one 2 {xt anon ole amd ene prcumaiesite! rey, witha separate pect fr each roller, Allsqupmen shal be inspeted ad approved by the COMPANY. Steck hy salle sl prpeld, Sct (eye ay an aut andes), wl iin Ass hn 9 ws wth ane ff! KN eh all os alas whet sap tr a an iain mg ee ‘ssc wet ese th inns min om tebe tees "rl ls capa of eerie it fh a lee oy pats hr ll mt te pa aro ets ha Ml Kae ark ie pave ne CONSTRUCTION Fetched tad SPECIFICATION FOR [MN ay

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