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Name: Samantha Ang

Corse/Year: BSED-III

Class Schedule: 12:30 – 2:00 (M,W)

“A Closer look on Educational System of Selected Countries of the world”

One of the common things all the countries in this world have is about
valuing the education system of their country. Every country has laws and programs
that aims to improve their education. I ask myself, why so? But then again,
education is really important. For a country to be progressive, every citizen must
be productive and to be productive. Education is one way of increasing productivity
of a person. It is by education that we improve our lives. That is why it is very
important for a country to develop their education system. As they say, education
is universal. Everyone deserves quality education that will help them succeed and
be a productive citizen.

In this lesson, I learned different education system in the world. It varies in

some parts because I think education system should mirror the country’s needs and
vision. One thing is for sure, the basic education in most countries is mandatory
and compulsory. I will not discuss these education systems one by one. I will just
share to you my favorites and I will try to reason out why. One of my favorite
education systems is the education system in Japan. I really salute the teachers
and all officials in Japan because although they are really one of the most
advanced countries in terms of technology, Japanese students are also very
respectful of their teachers. It is very important to produce learners with right
morals and good values. Also, students there take their academics very seriously.
Another one of my favorite is the education system in New Zealand because it is
world-class, modern and responsive. It aims to produce very competitive and
competent learners who are developed holistically so I think it’s very important.
And another reason is that their basic education is for 13 years, it makes them
As for the education system in our country, the Philippines. Sadly we are
very behind in terms of our education system. But let’s look at it on the bright
side, we may not be a country with high class education but we produce very
competent graduates too. And our education system is improving because recently,
we adopted the k-12 curriculum so Let’s just hope that we continue to improve in
terms of education.
Name: Samantha Ang

Corse/Year: BSED-III

Class Schedule: 12:30 – 2:00 (M,W)

“Multicultural Diversity: A Challenge to Global Teachers”

According to one of the learning principle, every learner is unique in his or

her own way. With that principle, we are to expect that as a teacher we will face
different types of students. Student diversity will always be something that is
attached in our profession. But we should not be sad or be nervous about it. Let us
take it as a challenge and an opportunity to improve our profession and to learn
from different student. In our country like the Philippines where there are a lot of
subcultures it is very important that we should have teachers that can cater to the
needs of students with different cultural background. As teacher education
students, we should put it our minds that we have to be competent and we should
have all the skills, characteristic and knowledge of a global teacher.

Multicultural education can address cultural differences and cultural bias by

providing equal educational opportunities regardless of cultural heritage. The six
goals of multicultural education are: cultural pluralism, educational fairness,
individual relations, cross-cultural competency, and incorporation of studies on
ethnic groups and global issues, and social reconstruction. Another way that
multicultural education could address cultural difference in an educational setting
is by celebrating the positive traits of each culture. An approach such as this would
be useful at minimizing bias in an educational environment. Because different
words, actions, and gestures mean different things to different cultures, it is
important not to become overly sensitive if an action does not garner the response
you were expecting. Likewise, it is important to understand how those actions may
be perceived by different cultures in order to prevent offending someone.
Name: Samantha Ang

Corse/Year: BSED-III

Class Schedule: 12:30 – 2:00 (M,W)

“Broadening Teaching Perspective: Teacher Exchange Programs”

We are soon to be global teachers, therefore we must not settle for less.
We must achieve the best version of ourselves. As a global teacher, we must
broaden our teaching perspective. We must be competent and equipped with right
attitude, great skills and wide knowledge about our profession. That is why; we
have different types of teacher exchange programs. What is TEP? A teacher
exchange is where qualified teachers can swap places with teachers in other
countries, typically for a semester / year. It's the perfect opportunity to share
ideas and knowledge, as well as learn about educational practices from different

Teacher exchange programs serve as a cultural learning experience for

teachers and as a means for expanding and enriching an educator's pedagogical
expertise. Through various organizations and their content-rich websites,
educators and administrators can easily find an exchange program that suits their
background in the sector of the globe of their choice. Teacher exchange programs
and/or services have been in existence since the first part of the twentieth
century. The first recognized program, the Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange
Program, was established in 1946 with the purpose of increasing mutual
understanding of the people of the United States and people of other countries
(Fulbright, 2009). With the increase in global awareness of the world's citizens,
teacher exchange programs and/or services are increasing in number and
participation. Upon graduation from college many students are choosing to begin
their careers teaching English abroad and these are often the same students, or
educators, who choose to participate in career exchanges later in life.
Name: Samantha Ang

Corse/Year: BSED-III

Class Schedule: 12:30 – 2:00 (M,W)

“Bringing the World into the Classroom through Educational Technology”

Improvements in our education is made so that we can at least cope up with

the fast ongoing development of the world. Therefore our country must also invest
in good technology because it help us to improve and be digital. In this generation
technology is very important; it gave us a lot of things such as comfort, fast and
easy way to do things and many more. Technology is also very beneficial for
education because one of the reasons why we educate the young one is to prepare
them for the real world where technological innovations are used everywhere that
is why we have Educational Technology so that we incorporate and integrate
technology in our lesson.

Since its induction into education, the benefits of technology in education

has been vastly established in the minds of educators. Another reason why
technology is important in education is its ability to enhance productivity for both
teacher and students. Although there have been many debates as to what is
believed to be the right pedagogical practices with technology, there is one truth
that we all can agree on – that it has transformed pedagogies within schools. The
advantage is that it leads to quality teaching within educational institutions as it
not only helps in classrooms but also in staffrooms. Productivity can be enhanced
throughout preparation for teachers as well. Technology when used in classrooms
can indeed be used as a productive tool for students as they do work on their
assignments or tasks. Technology is a good productive tool but that also nowadays
there is emphasis on technology as a valuable constructive tool in education. But it
also very important that we used technology in the right way and we know our
limitations in using it.
Name: Samantha Ang

Corse/Year: BSED-III

Class Schedule: 12:30 – 2:00 (M,W)

“The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers”

It is said that every profession has its code of ethical standard. The Code
of Ethics for Professional Teacher is in line with PD 1006, a decree for the
professionalization of teachers, regulating their practice in the Philippines and
with RA 7836, an act to strengthen the regulation and supervision of the practice
of teaching in the Philippines and prescribing a licensure examination for teachers.

As I read parts of the code of ethics for teachers, I realized that being a
teacher is not a simple task. It requires everything that you can give. It is a very
complicated job, it is really not easy. Because teachers have a daily influence on
the lives of children, teachers are often held to high standards. In the midst of all
of their responsibilities, teachers are required to serve as strong role models and
demonstrate ethical behaviors as they interact with students, colleagues, parents
and others. Aside from being a strict profession, I noticed that it has many
qualifications, rules and regulations and a lot of responsibilities. Number one thing
that we have to remember is that our duty is to our country and to the Filipino
youth. Every student look up to us, they observe and imitate every action that we
do, they learn and remember everything that we say and they put it in their hearts
every values that we teach. So everything must be good and right about us. Yes, we
are not perfect but we have at least try to be one. Let us be a good moral example
for every learner.

The code ethics says everything that a teacher should do and how a teacher
should act. It has more than 11 articles where it discussed responsibilities and
duties of a professional teacher. So it is expected that we follow everything that
is written in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
Name: Samantha Ang

Corse/Year: BSED-III

Class Schedule: 12:30 – 2:00 (M,W)

“Republic Act No. 4670: The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers”

There are many existing laws related to education or to the educational

system of our country. There are also a numbers of republic acts that discuss the
rights of every student, the government claims that these act is for the protection
of the learners. Of course, if we talk about protection our constitution should not
set aside the rights of every teacher because eventually, what is a school without
them. So teachers should be as equally protected as the students. The answer of
that lies in RA 4670 or known as “ The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers”

This act is very important to the teachers in the public schools. It protects
the rights of the teachers, like tenure of office, academic freedom, and other
benefits for their well-being. There is a section in this act that mandates the head
of office to inform the teachers of this code. The Magna Carta for Public School
Teachers helps me a lot to understand fully the rights of the teachers. Some
teachers are not privy to the provision of this code as this is not discussed with
them. Whenever question is arises as to the legality of any action of the teacher,
you must see a copy of this code. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers serves
as the guide to utter protection and freedom, away from threats and terminations
from the concerned authorities. If you are not aware of this law, you are always
threatened by the administrators or any person in authority to terminate you from
work once you violated the law.

So as a future teacher, I learned that I should really know every rights that
I have so that I can protect and defend myself. RA4670 is really very helpful so in
order to be protected from abuses; every teacher must know Magna Carta for
Public School Teachers.
Name: Samantha Ang

Corse/Year: BSED-III

Class Schedule: 12:30 – 2:00 (M,W)

“Batas Pambansa Blg. 232- An Act Providing for the Establishment and
Maintenance of an Integrated System of Education”

Batas Pambansa Blg 232 covers a wide range of provisions, rules, duties or
issues about education. It is also known as Education Act of 1892. The first part is
about general provisions. The second part is all about the educational community,
here you can read the objectives of this act. The rights of the parents, the
student, the school personnel and teachers, the school administration and the
rights of the school are clearly stated. It also contain duties and obligations of
different stakeholders in education. The third part of the act is all about the
educational system of our country. The objectives of elementary and secondary
education are clearly stated. The non formal education and specialized educational
services as well as the procedures or rules in establishment of schools is also
discussed. The last part talks about budgets and finance for education that are
used in different purposes like infrastructures, scholarship grants, assistance and
many more.

Batas Pambansa is really a very useful law not just for teachers but for all
education stakeholders because it makes them aware of not only their rights but
also their responsibilities. Scholarship grants and assistance for students is also
mentioned. In our country where most people are low and average earners, it is
very helpful for families if their children are sent to school with scholarship. At
least the government can help in the future of the students. The funds of private
school are also discussed because it should be reasonable enough with thw
programs and services that they offer. Based on what I’ve read the most
important part for me is the objectives of the secondary education because it gave
a little idea on what is the most important thing to teach when I will teach
someday. It’s like the goals and the mission of education.
Name: Samantha Ang

Corse/Year: BSED-III

Class Schedule: 12:30 – 2:00 (M,W)

“Republic Act No. 9155- An act Instituting a Frame work of Governance for
Basic Education, Establishing Authority and Accountability, Renaming the
Department of Education, Culture and Sport as the Department of Education”

The primary goal of this act is to provide the school age population and
young adults with skills, knowledge and values to become caring, self reliant,
productive and patriotic citizen. These are the core content of R.A. 9155. In this
act the Alternative Learning System is being established. Governance of basic
education shall begin at the national level; it is at the regions, divisions, schools and
learning centers. The State shall encourage local initiatives for improving the
quality of basic education. The State shall ensure that the values, needs and
aspirations of a school community are reflected in the program of education for
the children, out-of-school youth and adult learners. Schools and learning centers
shall be empowered to make decisions on what is best for the learners they serve.

Honestly I would like to commend the government for this act because it
helps those unfortunate people that did not have an opportunity to go to school.
But I think this should be mandatory because although there are plans, many of
these out of school youth won’t cooperate. The plans of the government are so
wonderful and enticing. You will really see the heart and the purity of its
intentions. But these things will remain unachieved goals if not everybody is doing
their part. Until now I can still see street children rampantly displaying their being
juvenile delinquency, sipping rugby according to their pleasure. If basic education is
compulsory what did the government is doing to help these young children go to
school? How about these children who are doing child labor? I think the
government is too lax when it comes to implementing plans and rules. We need iron
hands to really make these things materialized. I am hoping that the government
would look our society in a more realistic angle where they would see that having a
program is not enough.
Name: Samantha Ang

Corse/Year: BSED-III

Class Schedule: 12:30 – 2:00 (M,W)

“Excerpts from Republic Act No. 7610- Special Protection of Children against
Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act”

As I observe there are many laws about discrimination and abuse especially
for children maybe because the government knows that these young children
cannot defend and protect themselves. So it is the duty of the state to ensure
that Filipino children are protected and they are exercising their rights. As Jose
Rizal mentioned, our youth is the hope our nation, therefore we should do
everything for them because they would be the hope of future generations to
come. But sadly, although there are many laws about child abuse we cannot deny
the fact that it is still happening in our country. Many young ones are being
discriminated and abuse by the people and even worse even by their parents.

RA No. 7610 is an act that protects and rehabilitates children who are
abused. This will also serve as a reminder to parents or guardians of their
responsibility and for them to be reminded that sanctions will be imposed if
children are not treated well. It is also an act providing for stronger deterrence
and special protection against child abuse, exploitation and discrimination and for
other purpose. It is important to protect the child for abuse such as sexually,
being bullied and racial discrimination that may affect child’s growth and

As a teacher education student I recognized the importance of loving and

caring for these children. It will not an easy task and it requires a lot of patience.
I think what I learned is that no matter how mischievous, hard headed or bad
mannered a student is we cannot strike them or hurt them physically and
emotionally. Ill-tempered persons cannot be a teacher. I know that by being a
teacher I will be very big part of their future and it will be a very big honor.
Name: Samantha Ang

Corse/Year: BSED-III

Class Schedule: 12:30 – 2:00 (M,W)

“Republic Act No. 10157 – An Act Institutionalizing the Kindergarten

Education into the Basic Education System and Appropriating Funds”

This act is also known as the Kindergarten Education Act. In my

kindergarten years not all of my childhood friends we’re able to attend
kindergarten classes. Most of the student that time enter school as a grade 1
student because most parents thinks that kindergarten is a class for just playing
and whatever a child can learn in that class, they can still learn it even if they are
at home. Another thing about kindergarten that time is it is expensive and it will be
another thing to shoulder for parents plus it’s not compulsory so it’s okay not to
attend at that time. But in my opinion I think kindergarten education is very
important because it is the first step of the academic development of a child. In
here they will learn to adjust to a new environment, to play and more importantly to
socialize. It’s a fun and meaningful experience for kids. So when I learned about
RA 10157, I was thrilled, excited and happy because I know that at least our
education system is improving. The question is what is RA 10157?

Republic Act (RA) 10157, otherwise known as “The Kindergarten Education

Act,” provides that the curriculum is designed to cater to the needs of the
learners with special needs or children who are gifted, those with disabilities, and
other diverse learners. The general kindergarten program is the 10-month program
provided to children who are at least five years old in elementary schools using
thematic and integrative curriculum to ensure the development of foundation skills
among children to prepare them for Grade 1. Kindergarten education was
institutionalized as part of basic education and was implemented partially in school
year 2011-2012. It was made mandatory and compulsory for entrance to Grade 1.
The implementing rules and regulations of RA 10157 also provides that the mother
tongue of the learners shall be the primary medium of instruction for teaching and
learning in the kindergarten level in public schools.

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