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Quick path to installing Tivoli Common

Reporting v3.1
Dan Krissell

© 2013 IBM Corporation

TCR 3.1 Component
TCR 3.1 is the reporting component in Jazz for Service Management 1.1 (JazzSM). TCR does
NOT have it’s own separate installer product ID. Instead you get TCR as part of JazzSM.

Official documentation:

JazzSM is a middleware platform Tivoli products ship to get the base services used by the
products. JazzSM includes the following optional:
• WebSphere Application Server
• DB2
• Tivoli Common Reporting
• DASH (new UI console)
• Registry Services
• Administration Services
• Administration Services UI
• Enterprise Single Signon (ESS)

To ship reporting, or any other services in JazzSM, products simply include the JazzSM part
numbers in the products bundle
• Loosely coupled
• All customers, regardless of the entitled product, get the same middleware services from
the common installer © 2013 IBM Corporation
Update: There is a new TCR 3.1 installation quick start guide

 TCR 3.1:


3 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Jazz for Service Management 1.1 Part Numbers
Jazz for Service Management 1.1 QuickStart CIES8ML
Jazz for Service Management 1.1 for AIX CIER6ML
Jazz for Service Management 1.1 for Linux CIER7ML
Jazz for Service Management 1.1 for Linux on System z CIER8ML
Required for Jazz for Service Management 1.1 for Windows CIER9ML
TCR install
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting 3.1 for AIX CIES0ML
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting 3.1 for Linux CIES1ML
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting 3.1 for Linux on System z CIES2ML
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting 3.1 for Windows CIES3ML
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting 3.1 Cognos Framework Manager Windows CIES4ML

IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.0.1 for Jazz for Service Management for AIX ML CIES5ML
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.0.1 for Jazz for Service Management for Linux ML CIES6ML
Optional, use IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.0.1 for Jazz for Service Management for Linux on System z CIES7ML
your own WAS IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.0.1 for Jazz for Service Management for Windows ML CIFS5ML
if you have one,
otherwise you
need this
IBM DB2 10.1, Enterprise Server Edition - Restricted Use - Quick Start and Activation CI71NML
IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition for 64-bit AIX CI6W9ML
IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition for Linux on AMD64 and Intel EM64T systems (x64) CI6W6ML
Optional, use IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition for Linux on System z CI6W7ML
your own DB2 IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition for Windows on AMD64 and Intel EM64T systems (x64) CI6WEML
if you have one,
otherwise you
need this

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Jazz for Service Management Part Numbers
Jazz for Service Management V1.1.0.1 for AIX Multilingual CIN3DML
Jazz for Service Management V1.1.0.1 for Linux Multilingual CIN3EML
Jazz for Service Management V1.1.0.1 for Linux on System z Multilingual CIN3FML
Jazz for Service Management V1.1.0.1 for Windows Multilingual CIN3GML
Required for
TCR install IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V3.1.0.1 for AIX Multilingual CIN3HML
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V3.1.0.1 for Linux Multilingual CIN3IML
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V3.1.0.1 for Linux on System z Multilingual CIN3JML
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V3.1.0.1 for Windows Multilingual CIN3KML
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V3.1.0.1 Cognos Framework Manager Windows Multilingual CIN3LML

IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.0.1 for Jazz for Service Management for AIX Multilingual CIES5ML
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.0.1 for Jazz for Service Management for Linux CIES6ML
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.0.1 for Jazz for Service Management for Linux on System z CIES7ML
Optional, use IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.0.1 for Jazz for Service Management for Windows CIFS5ML
your own WAS
if you have one,
otherwise you
need this
IBM DB2 10.1, Enterprise Server Edition - Restricted Use - Quick Start and Activation CI71NML
IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition for 64-bit AIX CI6W9ML
IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition for Linux on AMD64 and Intel EM64T systems (x64) CI6W6ML
Optional, use IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition for Linux on System z CI6W7ML
your own DB2 IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition for Windows on AMD64 and Intel EM64T systems (x64) CI6WEML
if you have one,
otherwise you
need this

© 2013 IBM Corporation

2 ways to install
 Simple install
– Easy & minimal inputs
– However system must be ‘clean’. No existing installs, no DB2 client, no left
over DB2 groups, etc.

 Custom install Recommended

– More steps, only install the minimum needed
– Can distribute DB2 off to another system

 Additionally, there is an optional Mobile installer (last chart)

© 2013 IBM Corporation
Custom Install

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Custom Install

 Download and unzip the Jazz for Service Management part numbers all to the same
directory (minus DB2, more info on that in a later chart)
TIP: For this custom install, the unzipped images aren’t required to be in the same location. But if
they are, the file prompts will default to the correct locations, avoiding you have to point the install
to them.

 Run prereq scanner – Don’t continue until all prereqs pass

<images_root>\PrereqScanner\TCR.bat | .sh

 Start the launchpad.exe | .sh

 Select ‘Custom’ from launchpad => next, select the location where the images are
unzipped => next => install.
– The IM installer is launched. This will install several components TCR requires

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Custom Install, continued
 Install only the components TCR requires:
IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5
JazzSM extensions for WAS 8.5
IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH)
*Note: The optional TCR Admin service tasks require several other services to be installed
(Registry, Admin Services, Admin Services UI). This option is not covered in this document

– Walk the panels to select install directories, ports, and user name/password

– After this install completes, DASH should be up and running at (update the URL with your
host and ports):
• http://hostname:16310/ibm/console

– Exit the IM installer. This is important!

 DB2 decision time

Before installing the TCR component, you need to make a decision on a DB2 to
use. This DB2 houses the TCR reporting artifacts. Either you have your own DB2
or you need to install the DB2 that comes with JazzSM at this time. This DB2 can
be anywhere on the network.
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Custom Install, continued
 Create the reporting database in DB2 with the generated SQL:
– Run a TCR command to generate required DB2 SQL
<image_media>/TCRInstaller/ContentStoreDatabase/TCR_generate_content_store_db_definition.bat | .sh <new database to create>
<existing db2 user to give permissions>

– Issue the SQL from a DB2 Command line editor

db2 –tvf <SQL file prior command created>

TIP: If the user ID running the command is the same user passed into the script, the command will
give a message saying you can’t grant permissions to yourself. This is okay since this user owns
the database.
 Run TCR installation – Back in the launchpad, click Tivoli Common Reporting
Installation => Browse to the image location => install

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Custom Install, continued
 The TCR installer require serveral inputs:
– Location where you installed JazzSM
– WAS user and password
– DB2 information on the database you created on a prior step

 After the installation completes, TCR should be up and running at (update with your host
and ports):
• http://hostname:16310/ibm/console

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Simple Install

© 2013 IBM Corporation

‘Simple’ Install
 Install must be clean. That means no DB2, DB2 client, left over DB2 users or groups,
prior installs of JazzSM, …

 Download and unzip the Jazz for Service Management part numbers all to the same

 Start the launchpad.exe | .sh

 Select ‘Simple’ from launchpad

 Select the option to install TCR

 Run the prereq scanner with launchpad – don’t continue until all prereqs pass
– All JazzSM service, including WAS, DB2, and TCR are installed
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Optional, Mobile installation

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Optional Mobile install
One command is required to add Mobile server-side support to the TCR installation

1. Update the response file by accepting the two agreements in it:


2. cd <JazzSM_Home>\reporting\mobile\
3. ./installMobile.bat | .sh <Mobile_image> <Jazz_User> <Jazz_Pwd>

<Mobile_image> is on the TCR media: <TCR_Media>\CognosMobile
<Jazz_User> and <Jazz_Pwd> are the WAS user and password used by TCR

© 2013 IBM Corporation

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