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Review Article

Present advancement in the diagnosis and treatment of typhoid fever

Haque MA, Rahman MM, Khan MAS, Khan MHH

The ORION Medical Journal 2008 Jan;29:531-534

Although advances in public health and typhoid exist in the developing world,
hygiene have led to the virtual disappearance especially in community settings, so the true
of enteric fever (more commonly termed burden is difficult to estimate. This is shown
typhoid fever) from much of the developed by recent revisions in the global estimates of
world, the disease remains endemic in many the true burden of typhoid. In contrast to
developing countries. Typhoid fever is caused previous estimates, which were 60% higher,
by Salmonella enterica serovar typhi (S. investigators estimate that there are average
typhi), a gram negative bacterium. A similar 21.6 million typhoid cases annually, with the
but often less severe disease is caused by S. annual incidence varying from 100 to 1000
paratyphi A and less commonly, by S. cases per 100000 population3,4. Preliminary
paratyphi B (Schotmulleri) and S. paratyphi C results form recent studies conducted in
(Hirschfeldil). The common mode of Bangladesh by ICDDR,B show an incidence
infection is by ingestion of an infecting dose of approximately 2000 per 100000 per year.
of the organism, usually through Typhoid fever also has a very high social and
contaminated water or food. Although the economic impact because of the
source of infection may vary, person to hospitalization of patients with acute disease
person transmission through poor hygiene and and the complications and loss of income
sewage contamination of water supply are the attributable to the duration of the clinical
most important1. illness. It is important to note that reports
form some provinces in China and Pakistan
Epidemioloy have indicated more cases of paratyphoid
Worldwide, 15 to 30 million cases of typhoid fever caused by S. paratyphi A than by S.
occur each year with half a million deaths. In typhi5-7. The global mortality estimates from
affluent countries, typhoid is seen in travellers typhoid have also been revised downwards
or when food or water safety measures fail, from 600000 to 200000, largely on the basis
with antibiotic treatment death is rare2. of regional extrapolations4. Recent population
based studies from South Asia suggest that
Few established surveillance systems for the incidence is highest in children aged less
than 5 years, with higher rates of
1. Dr. Md. Azizul Haque, MBBS, MD (Chest), complications and hospitalization, and may
MCPS(Med) indicate risk of early exposure to relatively
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
large infecting doses of the organisms in these
Ibne Sina Medical College & Hospital, Kallaynpur,
Dhaka populations8-10. These findings contrast with
2. Professor Md. Mukhlesur Rahman, MBBS previous studies from Latin America and
(DMC), FCPS (Med), Head of Department of Africa3, which suggested that S. typhi
Medicine, Moulana Bhasani Medical College & infection caused a mild disease in infancy and
Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka. childhood.
3. Dr. Md. Abdus Salam Khan, MBBS (Dhaka),
DCH (Dhaka), Assistant Professor, Department of There are may be other factors that affect the
Pediatrics, Moulana Bhasani Medical College &
Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka changing epidemiology of typhoid. Although
4. Dr. Md. Hakimul Haque Khan, MBBS, DCH the overall ratio of disease caused by S. typhi
(Raj) to that caused by S. paratyphi is about 10 to 1,
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics the proportion of S. paratyphi infections are
Moulana Bhasani Medical College & Hospital, increasing in some parts of the world11.
Uttara, Dhaka
The ORION. Vol 29, January 2008
Review Article

Also, in contrast to the Asian situation, the or vaccination history, the virulence of the
HIV and AIDS epidemic in Africa has been bacterial strain, the quantity of inoculum
associated with a concomitant increase in ingested and several host factors affecting
community acquired bacteraemia due to immune status. Recent data from South Asia
nontyphoidal Salmonella such as S. indicate that the presentation of typhoid may
typhimurium, an illness that may be clinically be more dramatic in children younger than 5
indistinguishable from typhoid12,13. The exact years, with higher rates of complications and
reasons for these differences in the hospitalization8-10. So typhoid is
epidemiology and spectrum of Salmonella predominantly an infection of children and
infections between Asia and Africa remain young adults, affecting both sexes equally.
unclear. Diarrhoea, toxicity and complications such as
disseminated intravascular coagulation are
Antibiotics resistance, particularly emergence also more common in infancy, with higher
of multidrug, resistant (MDR) strains among mortality.
Salmonella is also a rising concern and has
recently been linked to antibiotic using The presentation of typhoid fever may be
livestock. After sporadic outbreaks of altered by co-existing morbidities and early
Chloramphenicol resistant typhoid between administration of antibiotics. In areas where
1970 and 1985, many strains of S. typhi malaria is endemic and where schistosomiasis
developed plasmid mediated multidrug is common the presentation of typhoid may
resistance (PMMDR) to the three primary be atypical15,16. Multidrug resistant typhoid
antimicrobials used (Ampicillin, and paratyphoid infections are more severe
Chloramphenicol, and Co-trimoxazole)14. with higher rates of toxicity, complications
This was encountered by the advent of oral and mortality than infections with sensitive
Quinolones. Resistance to Ciprofloxacin also strains7. This may be related to the increased
called Nalidixic Acid-resistant S. typhi virulence of multidurg resistant S. typhi as
(NARST) strain either chromosomally or well as higher number of circulating
plasmids encoded has been observed in Asia. bacteria17.
A significant number of strains from Africa
and the Indian subcontinent are MDR type. A The predominant symptom is the fever which
small percentage of strains from Vietnam and rises gradually to a high plateau of 39 to
the Indian subcontinent are NARST strains4. 400C, and shows little diurnal variation.
Rigors are uncommon, except in late or
Diagnosis of typhoid fever complicated typhoid or in patients treated
Typhoid fever is among the most common with antipyretics. Most patients will
febrile illness encountered by practitioners in experience diarrhoea and typhoid can present
developing countries. The advent of antibiotic as an acute gastroenteritis. Severe diarrhoea
treatment has led to a change in the or colitis has been reported in HIV infected
presentation of typhoid, and the classic mode patients and bloody diarrhoea may be seen.
of presentation with a slow and ``Stepladder''
rise in fever and toxicity is rarely seen. The abdominal pain is usually diffuse and
However, rising antimicrobial resistance has poorly localized but occassionally sufficiently
been associated with increased severity of intense in the right iliac fossa to suggest
illness and related complications. appendicitis. Nausea and vomiting are
infrequent in uncomplicated typhoid but are
Many other factors influence the severity and seen with abdominal distension in severe
overall clinical outcome of the infection. cases. Other early symptoms include cough,
They include the duration of illness before the sore throat and epistaxis. In developing
start of appropriate treatment, the choice of countries, patients with typhoid in its second
antimicrobial, the patient's age and exposure to fourth weeks present with accelerating
The ORION. Vol 29, January 2008
Review Article

weight loss, weakness, altered mental state, The classic Widal test measures agglutinating
intestinal hemorrhage and perforation, antibody levels against O and H antigens of S.
refractory hypotension, pneumonia, nephritis typhi and is more than 100 years old3.
and acute psychosis. Those infected with
multidrug resistant S. typhi may suffer more Although robust and simple to perform, this
severe disease. Physical examination is often test lacks sensitivity and specificity and
unremarkable apart from fever. Careful reliance on it alone in areas where typhoid is
examination may reveal splenomegaly, endemic may lead to overdiagnosis.
hepatomegaly or rose spots. Tachycardia is
common although temperature pulse It may be negetive in up to 30% of culture
dissociation (relative bradycardia) is proven cases of typhoid ever. This may be
considered characteristic. Hypotension has because of prior antibiotic therapy that has
important implications. A coated tongue is blunted the antibody response. On the other
often observed. The lenticular rose spots, hand S. typhi shares O and H antigens with
appear at the end of the first week. They form other Salmonella serotypes and has cross-
a sparse collection of maculopapular lesion on reacting epitopes with other Enterobacteriacae
the abdominal skin, which blanch with and this can lead to false positive results.
pressure and fade after 2 or 3 days. The rash Such results may also occur in other clinical
may extend on to the trunk and arms2. conditions, eg. malaria, typhus, bacteraemia
caused by other organisms and cirrhosis. In
The challenge of appropriate diagnostics in areas of endemicity there is often a low
typhoid background level of antibodies in the normal
Although the main stay of diagnosing typhoid population. Determining an appropriate cut
fever is a positive blood culture, the test is off value for a positive result can be difficult
positive in only 40-60% of cases. Usually since it varies between areas and between
early in the course of the disease. Stool & times in given areas18.
urine cultures become positive after the first
week of infection, but their sensitivity is Despite these limitations the test may be
much lower. In much of the developing useful, particularly in areas that cannot afford
world, widespread antibiotic availability and the more expensive diagnostic methods19. The
prescribing are another reason for the low test is unnecessary if the diagnosis has
sensitivity of blood cultures. Although bone already been confirmed by this isolation of S.
marrow cultures are more sensitive, they are typhi from a sterile site3.
difficult to obtain, relatively invasive and of
little use in public health settings. Newer diagnostic tests have been developed
such as the Thyphidot or Tubex3, which
Other hematological investigations are non- directly detect IgM antibodies against a host
specific. Blood leukocyte counts are often of specific S. typhi antigens but these have
low in relation to the fever and toxicity, but not proved to be sufficiently robust in large
the range is wide, in younger children scale evaluation in community settings. A
leukocytosis is a common association and nested polymerase chain reaction using H1d
may reach 20000-25000/mm33. primers has been used to amplify specific
Thrombocytopenia may be marker of servere genes of S. typhi in the blood of patients and
illness and accompany disseminated is a promising means of making a rapid
intravascular coagulation. Liver function test diagnosis. Table-1 compares the performance
results may be deranged, but significant of the various tests for typhoid3.
hepatic dysfunction is rare.
Despite these new developments, the
diagnosis of typhoid in much of the
developing world is made on clinical criteria.
The ORION. Vol 29, January 2008
Review Article

This poses problems since typhoid fever may Table 1: Laboratory diagnosis of typhoid.
mimic many common febrile illnesses Diagnostic test
Sensitivity Specificity
rang ( %) range ( %)
without localizing signs. In children with
Microbiological tests
multi system features, the every stages of Widely regarded
enteric fever may be confused with conditions as the gold
standard, but
such as acute gastroenteritis, bronchitis and sensitivity may be
low in endemic
bronchopneumonia. Blood culture 40-80 NA areas with high
rates of antibiotic
use-hence true
specificity is
Subsequently, the differential diagnosis difficult to
includes malaria, sepsis with other bacterial estimate
pathogens, infections caused by intracellular sensitivity but
organisms such as tuberculosis, brucellosis Bone Marrow
55-67 30
invasive and thus
of limited clinical
and infectious mononucleosis. There is thus value, especially
in ambulatory
an urgent need to develop a multipurpose management

``fever stick'' that may allow the rapid and Urine culture 0-58 NA
specific diagnosis of common febrile Sensitivity lower
illnesses, especially malaria, dengue fever and Stool culture 30 NA
in developing
countries and not
typhoid 3. used routinely for
Molecular diagnostics
Definitive diagnosis of enteric fever requires Promising, but
the isolation of S. typhi or S. paratyphi. initial reports
indicated similar
Cultures of blood, stool, urine, rose spots, the chain reaction
100 100 sensitivity to
blood cultures
blood mononuclear cell platelet fraction, bone and lower
marrow and gastric or intestinal secretions
Promising and
may each be useful in establishing the Nested may replace
polymerase 100 100 blood culture as
diagnosis. The duodenal string test is chain reaction the new “gold
especially useful as a noninvasive technique
Serological diagnosis
to sample duodenal secretion. A positive
Classic and
culture for a S. typhi or S. paratyphi is inexpensive.
Despite mixed
obtained in more than 90% of patients; if results in
endemic areas,
blood, bone marrow and intestinal secretions Widal test
still performs well
(tube dilution
47-77 50-92 for screening
are all performed. The sensitivity sensitivity and slide
large volumes.
of blood culture alone is only 50 to 70% May

probably because small quantity of S. typhi and

(i.e <.15organisms/ml) are typically present in reagents

the blood of patients with typhoid fever20,21. Typhidot 66-88 75-91

Lower sensitivity
The sensitivity of bone marrow culture is Typhidot-M

90% and unlike blood culture is not reduced Higher sensitivity

and specificity
by up to 5 days of prior antimicrobial than classic

therapy20,21. In some patients with negetive

Typhidot in some
series, but other
results on bone marrow cultures, the duodenal Typhidot-M 73-95 68-95
suggest that the
performance may
string cultures have been positive. not be as robust
in community
settings as
One study found that in children the hospital.

combination of blood and duodenal string Promising initial

results but has
culture was as sensitive as bone marrow Tubex 65-88 63-89
to be
culture22. Children also have a higher larger trials in
incidence of positive stool cultures than adults settings.

do (60% versus 27%). Therefore, ideally in Other

adults and children blood, bone marrow, Urine

65-95 NA
Preliminary date
The ORION. Vol 29, January 2008
Review Article

stool, and duodenal string cultures should all uncomplicated and severe cases of typhoid
be performed. DNA probes for S. typhi and fever. Studies of short course antibiotic
other Salmonellae have been developed, but treatment for multidrug resistant typhoid have
these tests are not commercially available. shown that Fluroquinolones can achieve
satisfactory cure rates3, but parenteral
Treatment of typhoid fever Ceftriaxone was associated with higher rates
Azithromycin, a new macrolide antibiotic of relapse. A recent review of antimicrobial
administered in a dose of 1 gm. once daily for treatment of typhoid fever concludes that
5 days is also useful for the treatment of there is little evidence to support
typhoid fever, although the disease takes administration of Fluoroquinolones to all
longer peroid to defervesce23,24. The main cases of typhoid and that satisfactory cure
advantage of Aztreonam and Azithromycin is rates can be achieved in drug sensitive cases
that they can be used in children and in with first line agents such as
pregnant or nursing females. Chloramphenicol. Although some open
studies have suggested that cure rates may be
These drugs should be reserved for Quinolone better with oral Fluroquinolones compared
resistant cases. It is recommended to treat with Chloramphenicol. These case series also
with Ceftriaxone for 10-14 days. Several included multidrug resistant cases.
small studies have reported successful
treatment of typhoid fever with Aztreonam, a Table 2: Recommended antibiotic treatment for
Monobactam antibiotic25. This antibiotic has typhoid fever (adapted from WHO17 and Bhutta20)
been shown to be more effective than
Chloramphenicol in clearing the organism
from the blood and was associated with fewer
adverse reactions. However a prospective
clinical trial in children in Malaysia was
discontinued because of a high failure rate
with Aztreonam26.

Appropriate antibiotic treatment (the right

drug, dose and duration) is critical to curing
typhoid with minimal complications27.
Standard treatment with Chloramphenicol or
Amoxicillin is associated with a relapse rate
of 5-15% or 4-8% respectively, where as the * Three days course also effective,
newer Quinolones and third generation particularly so in epidemic containment.†
Cephalosporins are associated with higher Optimum treatment for Quinolone resistant
cure rates5. The emergence of multidrug typhoid fever has not been determined.
resistant typhoid in the 1990s led to Azithromycin, third genration
widespread use of Floroquinolones as the Cephalosporins, or a 10-14 day course of high
treatment of choice for suspected typhoid dose Fluoroquinolone is effective.
especially in South Asia and South East Asia Combinations of these are now being
where the disease was endemic. In recent evaluated
years however, the emergence of resistance to
Quinolones has placed tremendous pressure The use of glucocorticoid has been advocated
on public health systems in developing for the treatment of severe typhoid fever
countries as treatment options are limited28,29. based on a randomized, double blind, placebo
controlled trial carried out in Indonesia. This
Table 2 shows the World Health study showed a significant reduction in
Organization's recommendations for treating mortality in patients with severe typhoid fever
The ORION. Vol 29, January 2008
Review Article

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