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Codes and Conventions

The film take is an action/drama film; the setting is in Paris. The films follows the story of a girl who
has been kidnaped and her father, an ex-CIA agent, is in a race against time to find his daughter.

The narrative of the film is in a linear formation. It follows a chronological timeline from start to
finish. However, small flashbacks are seen at a few points in the film. The film has a closed narrative,
this means that the end of the film all the questions raised during the story have been answered and
the film has closed.

The film has no Multi-stranded or dual narratives as there is only one story happening throughout
the film. The film follows the perspectives of one character and his experiences, there are no other
main perspectives in the film.

At the start of the film and during the climax of the story there are a number of action codes, the
main action code is where the daughter is kidnaped and her father is determined to find her and take
down anyone who is in his way. In other films there are enigma codes that are used to explain to the
audience why events are happening.

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