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Time management is an art and science. Everybody has to learn how to do it. Some
people have a good skill at it but not everybody. Time management is a skill that every
student should not only know but also apply. Though effective and efficient use of time
varies with respect to the task performed, the further increase in the level of knowledge
and skills expected from modern employees has further increased the necessity of time
planning. The road to success in social life passes through effective and efficient working
which is only possible via time management.
Time management is self-management with an explicitly focus on time in deciding what
to do; on how much time to allocate to the activities can be done more efficiently and on
when the time is right for particular activities (www.sage-reference
.com/organizationalypschology). It plays a vital role in improving student’s academic
performance and achievements. Each and every student should have time management
ability which includes setting goals and priorities, using time management mechanism
and being organize in using time. A lot of students complain about running out of time
when asked to do a certain task, they get frustrated because they are not able to make it
before the deadline. On the other hand, others find enough time to meet their friends and
complete their assignments with no struggle; those are whom we call excellent time
managers.Time management is extremely important, especially when it comes to students
because it will boost their grades and enhance their productivity. However, most of the
time students face problems like task aversion and uncertainty, so they start to
procrastinate because they lack organizational skills. As a result, students will not be able
to organize duties according to their priorities, so they get distracted easily, ending up
procrastinating. As we can see regulating time is quite essential to any student and it is
one of the keys to improve academic and personal performance.
Time is seen as an indefinitely divisible and usable commodity. It helps to infuse the
concept of time through the institution. All the material and human resources possessed
by organizations can be enhanced in the course of time or be transformed as time goes
on; yet the only asset that cannot be changed or purchased or stored is time itself. The
secret to achieving success in life is effectively managing this resource that everyone
possesses equally and paying sufficient emphasis to planning (Macan, Shahani, Dipboye
& Phillips, 2000). For instance, in order for students to manage their time in a good way,
they must have a clear purpose in their study, and be able to answer such questions as,
“Are you clear about what is important for you to achieve in your study ? “ Moreover,
has shown that students are not able to manage their time as they do not have a clear
purpose in their study, getting distracted and interrupted easily, being unorganized, and
not able to plan and prioritize. For example, having a clear purpose is positively
correlated with perceived effectiveness and morale, and negatively correlated with
distress. In addition, avoiding distractions and interruptions such as procrastination
correlates negatively with work related distress. On the other hand, estimating the time
correctly needed for a task is positively related to perceived effectiveness. Moreover,
being good at planning and prioritizing such as scheduling time and working to deadlines
is also positively correlated with perceived effectiveness and work related morale .
Therefore the aim of this study is to know how abm students use their time effectively
and improve the ability of time management. Since time is relevant to academic
performance, it will also help to make some decision about changes we would like to
make to use our time more effectively. In addition, we will try to solve problems that are
highly related to time management such as procrastination, distraction and workload

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