SSR Project Rubric

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Name: _________________________________________ Hour: ______________

Book Title: ____________________________ Author: _____________________

SSR Project and Presentation Rubric = 30 points total

For your chosen novel, you will be completing 3 components which will demonstrate your
understanding of the literary work.

Due: Tuesday 01/16/18 be prepared to present to tables

Learning Target 1: I can write a summary using a variety of techniques, choosing details,
and structuring the sequences of events.

10 points: Written Component

Minimum of one-page typed summary

Correct spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation (general writing mechanics) are

(Note: Friday 01/12/18 computer lab S203 is reserved to type and print)

Learning Target 2: I can gather a variety resources that are appropriate to my


10 points: Artistic Component

You will draw the artistic component that compliments your literary work

Learning Target 3: I can present information in a manner that is clear and appropriate
to my audience and task.

10 points: Presentation Component

Your presentation must be thought out and rehearsed. Your goal show be to clearly
“show off” your work to your classmates. You must recognize that your audience
has not read your book, so clarity is important.

Important Note: If you choose to plagiarize any portion of this project, regardless of
how small or grand the incident is, you will earn NO CREDIT of the SSR Project and
Presentation as a whole. It is advised that you avoid using any outside resources when
creating your project to avoid the tainting the originality of your work.

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