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Daffodils English School

Affiliated to CISCE, New Delhi

Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru- 560094
Class: IV (ICSE) Section: Subject: General Science Roll No.
Name: Date:

I.   Choose the correct option and underline.

1. Which of the following is a soft material?
a) Iron b) Glass c) Diamond d) Chalk
2. A state with no definite shape or volume
a) Water vapour b) Gas c) Solid d) Liquid
3. Which among the following is not a solution?
a) The air we breathe b) Iced tea c) Lemonade d) Liquid detergent
4. Suhas left a bowl of ice cream on a table for an hour. He observed it had turned into liquid.
This process in which a solid changes into liquid is called
a)   Change of state b) Change of matter c) Boiling d) Melting
5. Gases that are insoluble in water are
a) Hydrogen b) Nitrogen c) Helium d) All the three
6. Which will weigh more in the given diagram?
a) 1 b) 2 c) Both 1 and 2
d) Cannot be weighed  

1 2
7. Which of these statements are correct? . .
a) Wind carries dust particles over great distances
b) Wind does not carry dust particles.
c) Wind carries dust particles only over short distances.
d) Wind carries only water vapour.

8. Which of the following best describes the experimental set up?  

a) Air is required for burning
b) Air is required for breathing
c) Air is required for breathing and burning
d) Air is a mixture of gases

9. Burning of crackers causes

a) Aer pollution
b) Air pollution
c) Air polluteon
d) Air poolution

10. The process of breathing in man includes

a) Inhalation b) Exhalation c) Both a) and b) d) Respiration

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January 2018
II.   Answer the following questions.
1.   Define solute and solvent .Give one example for each.
2.   Write a short note on ‘ Air fills up space’
3.   Read the activity and answer the questions that follow.
Take four plastic lids. Punch a hole on each lid. Thread each hole with a string. Spread
petroleum jelly over one side of each lid. Tie two lids as shown in the diagram to a branch of
a tree next to a busy road and other two in a park with lots of trees.
Carefully take down the lids after two hours.
In what way a magnifying glass will be helpful in the given activity?
Write a report about your observation.

4.    Complete  the  following  flow  chart.

States  of  

No  d efinite  shape  
         and  volume  



5.   Identify the given processes. Explain the same.


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January 2018

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