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President Morgan Tsvangirai’s New Year Message

Harare, Monday, 8 January, 2018

Fellow Zimbabweans, our schools are opening tomorrow and our industry or what
is left of it is due to open starting end of this week. We begin this watershed year
amid a lot of promise and mammoth national expectations for bright and positive
prospects for this great country that we all love.

Last November we all united, for a patriotic cause, to orchestrate a huge fall of an
intractable political edifice that had for decades stood between the people and their
collective hope.

We all saw and reveled at the fall of a strong man who had ruled this country with
an iron fist and bludgeoned the people for selfish political ends.

In came a new administration on the back of a military-backed effort that still raises
very valid and genuine questions about the constitutionality of allowing soldiers to
dabble in civilian political affairs.

However, despite the palpable and justifiable national relief at the fall of Mugabe,
huge challenges remain for the new administration.

Firstly, the new administration has to articulate a clear and comprehensive roadmap
to legitimacy that includes implementation of the much-needed reforms to ensure
free, fair and credible elections in a few months time. It is disheartening to note that
we are already behind schedule and last week, I raised these concerns to President
Mnangagwa when he made an impromptu but welcome gesture to check on me
following my public disclosure that I had been diagnosed with cancer of the colon.

This new administration has to earn its legitimacy through a proper election. It must
seek the people’s mandate. The new government has to break away from the past
and genuinely chart a new trajectory to a dispensation of clean politics that truly
puts the country and its people first. It has to respect diversity and to appreciate that
despite our different political formations, we are all patriotic Zimbabweans who
yearn for the best for our country.

For me, that visit to my residence by the new President was significant not only in
terms of the content of what we discussed but in the import of its overall relevance.

The visit signaled what must be the bane of the new politics of our time that an
opposition party, especially one represented in our national Parliament, does not in
any way constitute an enemy of the State. The opposition is just as patriotic and
aspires and wishes for the best for our people.

Indeed, my engagement with President Mnangagwa must herald a new page in our
politics----a page in which the opposition is considered a partner and not an enemy
of the State. The visit can be built upon by truly well-meaning Zimbabweans to
herald a new politics of engagement in our country.

Political difference must be celebrated and the people must be allowed to express
themselves. That is why I was shocked by the new regime’s iron-fist response two
weeks ago to Zimbabweans in Bulawayo who sought to alert the government of the
deep-seated wounds that are still festering since the Gukurahundi atrocities of the

That response was wanton, unjustified and shows that the Mnangagwa
administration still has a lot of work to do to earn our faith and trust.

Fellow Zimbabweans, we begin the New Year mired in deep economic problems
from which we need urgent extrication. The cash crisis, price increases, the liquidity
crunch, the huge budget deficit and the lack of faith and trust in the sincerity of
government and all its institutions remain a somewhat permanent cancer in our
body politic.

The onus is on the new administration to inspire hope and confidence in the nation.
True, there appears to have been some effort in tackling corruption but one hopes
that the fight against graft and avarice truly becomes wholesome and ceases to be
part of a retributive agenda against the ousted faction in Zanu PF. One hopes that
the crusade against sleaze and corruption becomes a genuine crusade being fought
in the national interest and not to punish a few selected individuals.

Fellow Zimbabweans, we are on the verge of what could be an exciting year

especially as we reflect on the great potential we have as a country and as a people.

At a personal level, I feel an air of satisfaction as I reflect on the great journey we

have travelled together even as I seriously ponder about the future.

You, the people have travelled with me a journey that had its own tribulations. Yet it
was also a journey in which we worked hard and achieved so much together. I am in
the process of writing a book that is set to be a collective national treasure on the
great things we have achieved together over the years in our journey of service and

It was a journey that began at the ZCTU Congress in Gweru in 1988 when, with a
few hours before the elective congress; a delegation knocked on my hotel room in
the middle of the night and persuaded me to run for the post of secretary-general of
the country’s national labour federation.

I was to win that election and the first task that we achieved together was to extricate
the ZCTU from the clutches of government by making it a genuinely autonomous
labour body that represented the interests of the country’s workers.

We fought that battle together and achieved that true independence and autonomy
of the ZCTU.

When the government introduced a toxic IMF-foisted economic structural

adjustment programme that was not in the interest of the workers, we fought
together and the government began to take the voice of the workers seriously.
In 1998, together, we turned the workers’ voice into a sonorous national chorus that
could shout for a national shut down to articulate the genuine concerns of the
country’s workers. Together, we galvanized the workers into a formidable force that
could blow out the smoke from our productive industries to clamour for national

The government began to take us seriously.

We achieved that together.

In 1999, through the national working people’s convention, together with the
workers of this country, you clamoured for a workers-driven political party.

The country could never be the same again.

That working people’s convention gave birth to the Movement for Democratic
Change in 1999. Since then, the party has become a perennial people’s voice in
Parliament. It became a formidable political force that administered the country’s
major cities and towns and Zanu PF---- to this day----remain visitors and strangers in
the country’s cities, towns and other rural enclaves where the gospel of change has
made a huge imprint.

We have achieved that together.

In 2008, we defeated Robert Mugabe and we showed--through an inclusive

government---that it is possible for government to be an arena that can bring positive
and palpable change in the lives of the people.

We achieved that together.

In that government we turned around the economy, stabilized prices and gave a
battered nation the reason to hope again.

We achieved that together.

Above all else, we wrote and affirmed in a referendum a new Constitution for the
country; a Constitution that determined the way we want our affairs managed and
our country governed. At the heart of this supreme law is a comprehensive Bill of
rights almost second to none in Southern Africa and beyond.

The challenge for the new administration is to give life to that governance charter
that we made ourselves.

That new Constitution was no mean task and we achieved it together.

Beyond what we have achieved together, we ought to leave a lasting legacy where
the baton can be changed peacefully, in a tranquil and cordial atmosphere of unity
and togetherness.

At a personal level, I am using this New Year not only to reflect on the onerous
journey that we have travelled together but also to peer with renewed hope into a
bright future.

I am looking at the imminent prospects of us as the older generation leaving the

levers of leadership to allow the younger generation to take forward this huge task
that we started together so many years ago with our full blessing and support.

It was therefore not by accident but by design that when I disclosed to you my
health status, I also took a bold step to appoint an additional two Vice Presidents to
assist me. As I have said before, while politicians only think about the next election,
true statesmen think about the next generation, for current leaders are only but
caretakers for future generations. We do not have any entitlement to lead but we
have a duty to serve.

We must recognize the imperative that new hands, with the full blessing of the
people, must take this struggle and this country forward with the destination
remaining the same - a society that prides itself for not leaving anyone behind in
their pursuit of freedom, prosperity and happiness. That is the only lasting legacy
and precedence that we must leave to future generations.

As we move towards the upcoming elections, we must not lose sight and
misinterpret what happened in November 2017. The departure of Mugabe resulted
in a change of guard at the helm of our state but #ChangeIsNotEnough. This country
requires transformation of both our governance culture and the way we do business.

Our war war cry therefore for the upcoming elections is simple “Munhu Wese
Kubasa” – “Umuntu wonke emsebenzini” - “Everyone to Work”. Whether you are
an investor, a commercial farmer, an industrialist, a teacher, a banker a worker or a
peasant farmer, lets all go back to work in order to prosper. We need to produce in
order to grow our economy and create new jobs.

For that to happen, we need both domestic and international investment capital
which must be guaranteed a safe, predictable, secure and corruption free
environment underpinned by the rule of law, constitutionalism, respect for property
and human rights and freedoms. The starting point for this envisaged take off for
our great nation is a return to legitimacy through a free, fair, credible internationally
supervised and monitored election whose outcome is not contested.

Anything short of this will spell doom for our great nation. I therefore call upon the
interim leaders of our country not to miss this opportunity by dipping their heads in
the sand and wish away our crisis by not implementing the necessary reforms
required before elections------for history will judge you harshly.
Lastly, I would like to urge those who have not registered to vote to take advantage
of the extended registration exercise to register so that you can participate in shaping
your new destiny.

God bless Zimbabwe.

Morgan Tsvangirai

President MDC-T/MDC Alliance

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