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Developer Test Task

Nortal Summer University 2017

And the challenge begins.
You are a business system analyst in the ChangeTheWorld IT company. ChangeTheWorld is
a well-known
Each IThere
subdirectory company thatone
represents also provides
piece service
of the test design.
assignment. EachA ofcustomer can is come to
these pieces
ChangeTheWorldcontains its aown
with README.pdf
problem or idea and
with aseparately. Don't
new service andworry, they are
software design that
rather simple and
is developed andshouldn't
its much of your
system. time. words, problem solved.
In other
Solve as much as you can - a is
HET (HappyEasyTraveller) partial solution
a small is company
travel better thanthat
no solution.
has been In active
in to making
the your
market for 6 years.
code work, make it pretty as well. You can even improve existing code. Just make sure you
In recent years, a large number of HET’s clients have been the employees of public authorities,
document what you have done to make scoring easier.
such as small local municipalities. This is due to the contract that HET won in a public procurement
process. In comparison to large travel companies, HET in its smallness can be more flexible and
offer a more personalised service. For this reason, HET wants to secure far more students as
1. Set Up
customers. However, they don't know enough about students to design a service for them. In
addition, they realise that a new service probably requires changes to their current information
All you need
system. is Java they
Therefore, installed
turnand some IDE availabletotoget
to ChangeTheWorld simplify coding.
the full Gradle
solution fromisone
used as the
single company.
build system and Gradle Wrapper is provided. This means that you don't even have to install
Gradle and can run all commands with either 'gradlew.bat' or ' gradlew ' bash script.

Try are assigned as tasks'
'gradlew.bat business system tasks'
or './gradlew analyst forcurrent
in the the HET project.
directory fromYour advantage
your command over other
analysts is that you are a student yourself. You know enough about the specifics of students to be
able to design a new travel service for them. Without even meeting the customer. Deadlines are
1.1. IDE integration
short – you are meeting the customer in 5 days and giving a pre-presentation to your manager in 3
To simplify import of assignments to your IDE run 'gradlew.bat eclipse' or 'gradlew.bat idea'
depending on the IDE in use. This will generate IDE specific project files that allow it to be imported
Let the two of us meet in 3 days, your manager said, and please come with your idea. She also said
as an existing project to the IDE.
that as HET is the first travel company that ChangeTheWorld has had as a customer, she wants
you to prepare a domain model of a usual travel company, just to get an understanding of what the
1.2. businessfor JavaThen
is about. assignments
she left. But she turned around and added that the customer would
really like to see a couple of user interface mock-ups at the first meeting. We need to present
If you plan to run Java assignments from your IDE, make sure to add jrebel agent parameters to
something visual. People really like pictures and drawings, she added and left you standing there,
Launch configuration. When running with gradle from the command line, you can add required
shocked by the unusually short deadline of the task and the long list of topics to be covered.
parameters by using information from here:
A myriad of questions rushed through your head. What should this new travel service look like?
newer and here:
What is so special about students that they do not use larger travel services? What is the special
travel need for students that is not yet covered by other travel companies? Then you took a deep
breath ... and started to consider the methods of analysis that would be appropriate for this particular

2. Wrap Up
Once you have completed your development, run 'gradlew.bat createSubmissionZip' in the root
directory, where current README.pdf resides. Your results will be packed to under build directory. This is the file you need to upload as well.

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