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puppet show





La Paz-22 noviembre , 2017


Chili : televisión moderato

Locoto morado: publicist

Alejandro : chef

Philip :chef

Mauge : chef

CHILI: Very good night, beloved audience (raise your voice) How are you? Here
we present our program "Come Callado", where we offer La Paz culture. Tonight
we will have three personalities in the field of food. Good night locoto purple (he
gives her his hand and hugs her)

PURPLE LOCOTO: Hello how are you ,I am the Purple Locoto

CHILI: I think you did not eat today, do not worry that our chef friends cooked some
delicacies in our program.

PURPLE LOCOTO: Thired of cooking get to your house and realice that just they are
preparing the food Ido not refuse more with the new yomi drops their food problems
dissapear with just a couple of drops you heard wen with onlya couple of drops to your
yomi drops you will instantly have the most desired dish are dehydrater food dishes we
havein different varieties sajta timpu chicken baked chicken broster all the meals that you
can imagine completely dehydrated just ado a few drops to make it a spectacular dish
waiting to buy your yomi drops now in all country stores

CHILI: let's go to our sponsors Purple Locoto: ...

CHILI: come to a cut please sir operator (close the curtain) Hot spicy

CHILI: Here we introduce the chef feliphin.

CHILI: How are you Feliphin?


CHILI: Tonight what dish you have to prepare

CHILI: beloved friends ready their film cameras, notebooks and the pen. To take


CHILI: Here we introduce the chef Rodrigo .

CHILI: How are you Rodrigo?

RODRIGO CHEF: Welcome to the kitchen of the "eat quiet" I am Chef Rodrigo
…Today we will prepare chocolate flan the ingredients that we will need to make
this flan are: • 50 gr chocolate • 4 eggs • 1 liter milk • 2 teaspoons of butter • 4
tablespoons of sugar

CHILI: How are preparation?

RODRIGO CHEF: Let's start with the preparation!. The first thing to do is melt the
chocolate with milk and butter in a bain-marie.Then Remove from the heat and add
the beaten eggs and mix. Then encamisar a flanera with butter and incorporate the

CHILI: um …que rico¡

RODRIGO CHEF: Take to the oven and cook in a bain-marie for approximately 40
minutes.And finally let cool the flan and then unmold. That was all friends thank
you very much until the next ... !!!

PURPLE LOCOTO: Oil check with the best beans sun flower for house hold and for a
healthy with zero cholesterol that we think your health fine you care and gives you a good
health free cholesterol fine friend of families Bolivian

CHILI: Here we introduce the chef Mauge .

CHILI: How are you Mauge?

MAUGE CHEF : Hello how are you ,I am the chef Today we are going to make humintas
in the oven We are going to need Corn of 20 ears,ground
1 cup shortening , melted (you may use lard )
1/4 cup ground , cooked , red ají
1/2 kilo white or fresh cheese , sliced
2 tesspoons salt
1/2 cup sugar or to taste
1 teapoons cinnamon
CHILI: How are preparation?

MAUGE CHEF : Mix hot shortening with ají add to corn . Add sugar, chese and
seasonings. Pour into greased 9x13 inch pan , or wrap 2 tablespoons of mixture
and a slice of cheese in 2 corn husks and place on cooky sheet Bake eat 350°F.
For 30 minutes VARIATION : filled corn husks well tied , may be steamed in hot
salted water for one hour . Use cobs as a base .

PURPLE LOCOTO: Thired of cooking get to your house and realice that just they
are preparing the food Ido not refuse more with the new yomi drops their food
problems dissapear with just a couple of drops you heard wen with onlya couple
of drops to your yomi drops you will instantly have the most desired dish are
dehydrater food dishes we havein different varieties sajta timpu chicken baked
chicken broster all the meals that you can imagine completely dehydrated just ado
a few drops to make it a spectacular dish waiting to buy your yomi drops now in all
country stores

CHILI: see you tomorrow, dear viewers

4. Translación
5. Bibliografía
6. Nexos
8. Yomi drops

Thired of cooking get to your house and realice that just they are preparing the food Ido
not refuse more with the new yomi drops their food problems dissapear with just a couple
of drops you heard wen with onlya couple of drops to your yomi drops you will instantly
have the most desired dish are dehydrater food dishes we havein different varieties sajta
timpu chicken baked chicken broster all the meals that you can imagine completely
dehydrated just ado a few drops to make it a spectacular dish waiting to buy your yomi
drops now in all country stores


Oil check with the best beans sun flower for house hold and for a healthy with zero
cholesterol that we think your health fine you care and gives you a good health free
cholesterol fine friend of families Bolivian

chili: Muy buenas noche, amada audiencia (eleva la voz)

¿Cómo están?

Aquí le presentamos nuestro programa “come callado”, donde ofrecemos la cultura


Esta noche tendremos tres personalidades en ámbito de la comida.

Buenas noches locoto morado (le da la mano y la abraza)

Locoto morado: …..

chili : creo que no comiste hoy, no te preocupes que nuestros amigos chef cocinaran
unas delicias en nuestro programa.

Locoto morado: ….

chili: vamos a nuestros auspiciadores

Locoto morado: ….

chili: vamos a un corte por favor señor operador (cierran la cortina)


chili: Aquí presentamos al chef feliphin.

chili: ¿Como estas Feliphin?


chili: Esta noche que plato vas ha preparar


Chili: amadas amigas alisten sus cámaras filmadoras, cuadernos y el lapicero. Para
tomar nota

Chili: hasta mañana queridos televidentes.

Yomi gotas

Cansado de cocinar llegar a tu casa y darte cuenta que todavía no esta lista la comida no
se enoje mas con el nuevo Yomi gotas sus problemas alimenticios están solucionados con
solo un par de gotas a tu Yomi gotas escucho bien con tan solo un par de gotas usted
tendrá al instante el plato q a usted mas le guste son latos de comida deshidratados
tenemos los siguientes platos deshidratado sajta timpu pollo al horno pollo a la broaster
toda una variedad de platos a elección cómprelo ya q espera venta en todas las tiendas
del país


Aceite echa con los mejores granos de girasol para uso domestico y para una buena salud
con cero colesterol por que nosotros pensamos en tu salud fino te cuida y te protege
pensada y preparada para toda la familia boliviana

Bienvenidos a la cocina del ”come callado” yo soy el chef Rodrigo...!

Hoy prepararemos flan de chocolate los ingredientes que necesitaremos para

hacer este flan son:

 50 gr chocolate
 4 huevos
 1 litro leche
 2 cucharaditas de mantequilla
 4 cucharadas de azúcar

Comencemos con la preparación!

Lo primero que vamos hacer es Derretir el chocolate con la leche y la mantequilla

al baño maría.
Luego Retirar del fuego y añadir los huevos batidos y mezclar.

Después encamisar una flanera con mantequilla e incorporar la mezcla.

Llevar al horno y cocer al baño maría durante 40 minutos aproximadamente.

Y Para finalizar dejamos Enfriar el flan y luego desmoldar.

Eso fue todo amigos muchas gracias hasta la próxima…!!!


Hola como están yo soy la chef

Hoy vamos hacer humintas al horno
Vamos a necesitar
Maíz de 20 choclos, molidos
1taza de manteca vegetal , derretida ( se puede usar manteca)
1/4 de taza de ají colorado , cocido y molido
1/2 kilo de queso blanco fresco en tajadas
2 cucharillas de sal
1/2 taza de azúcar o a gusto
1 cucharilla de anís
2 cucharillas de canela
Mezcle la manteca caliente con el ají y añada al choclo . Agregue el queso , el azúcar ,la sal
, el anís y la canela vierta en un molde engrasado de 23 x 33 cms o envuelva 2 cucharas del
prepado y una tajada de queso en 2 chalas y póngalas en una lata de horno
Hornear a 350° f por 30 minutos
VARIACION las chalas rellenas, bien amarradas se puede cocer a vapor o en agua hirviendo
, salada , por una hora . Use marlos como base

Hello how are you ,I am the chef

Today we are going to make humintas in the oven
We are going to need
Corn of 20 ears,ground
1 cup shortening , melted (you may use lard )
1/4 cup ground , cooked , red ají
1/2 kilo white or fresh cheese , sliced
2 tesspoons salt
1/2 cup sugar or to taste
1 teapoons cinnamon
Mix hot shortening with ají add to corn . Add sugar , chese and seasonings . Pour into
greased 9x13 inch pan , or wrap 2 tablespoons of mixture and a slice of cheese in 2 corn
husks and place on cooky sheet .
Bake eat 350°F. For 30 minutes
VARIATION : filled corn husks well tied , may be steamed in hot salted water for one hour .
Use cobs as a base .

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