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10 The "Gun Powder Tower" (Smilßu iela 20)

The oldest part of Riga (or Old Riga) is the historical and One of the Riga fortification towers, initially called the Sand Tower dating back to 1330.
geographical centre of Riga situated on the right hand side of the The tower has undergone a number of reconstructions. Its name goes back to the 17th
river Daugava. It embraces a relatively small territory inside the century when it was used for storing gunpowder. It houses the Latvian War Museum since
13th-18th century fortification walls. Although in the course of years

the old town has gone through a number of transformations, yet,
as you take this walk, you will be able to see and to feel the Riga 11 The "Bastion Hill"
of the past centuries in the old fragments of the fortification wall, As the city wall was taken down, the "Hill" was artificially created in the old location of
the ancient warehouse buildings, the cathedrals and churches, the the Sand Bastion. In 1898 an artificial spring and water cascades were constructed on the
narrow streets of old Riga which have retained their Medieval look. slope of the Bastion Hill.

1 The Melngalvju (Blackheads') house (Råtslaukums 7) 12 The "St. Jacob's Depot" (Torña iela 4)
It is the longest building in Old Riga. The building is unique since it is one of the latest Since the 15th century it was used by the
Blackheads' Society, whose patron was St. 16th-19th century depots around Old Riga. Reconstruction took place in 1997. The building
Mauritius. The name "Blackheads' House" now houses shops, offices and cafes.
was introduced as late as in 1687; while 13 The "Swedish Gate" (Torña iela 11)
only in 1713 the Blackheads themselves
won full ownership of the building. Only The only gate remaining of the Riga City Wall. In
tradesmen who were not married could enter 1698 a passage through a dwelling house was
the fraternity. The building was destroyed made to connect the structures adjacent to the City
in 1941. The Blackheads' House was rebuilt Wall to the inner city. Since the 20-ies of the 20th
again in 1999. century this building is home of the Architects'
2 St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Skårñu iela 19)
14 The Saeima Knights' House (the Parliament building) Jékaba iela 11
This is the biggest church in Latvia; it has been first mentioned in historical documents
in 1209. Since then, it has gone through a number of renovations and reconstructions; it The building was built between 1863 and 1867 in the style of Florentine renaissance as
was destroyed during WW II. The church was renovated between 1967 and 1977, when the Knights' House of the German landlords. Its authors were Janis Fridrihs Baumanis
it was turned into an exhibition hall and a tourist attraction offering the possibility to (1834-1901) who was the first Latvian professional architect and Roberts Pflugs. From
see a panoramic view of Riga from its high steeple. Since 1991 church service has been the time when Latvia regained its independence, it has been the home of the Saeima (the
renewed. Parliament).

3 St. George's Church (Skårñu iela 10/16) 15 St. Jacob's Cathedral (Klostera iela 2)

11 This church is one of the oldest buildings in Riga, built around 1207 as the Castle of the The church was first mentioned in 1225 as a building outside the Riga City Wall. It was
Livonian Brothers of the Sword and partly destroyed by the people of Riga in 1297 fighting the first church to preach reformation and the first Lutheran services for the Latvian
17 13 against the Order. During Reformation it was turned into a warehouse. As a warehouse congregation took place here. Today St. Jacob's Church is the cathedral of the Arch-
14 10 Bishop of the Latvian Catholic Church.
building it existed until the 20th century, when it became the Museum of Applied Arts. The
visitors of the museum may also see fragments of the old building. 16 The "Three Brethren" dwelling houses (M. Pils iela 17, 19, 21.)
4 St. John's Lutheran Church (Skårñu iela 24) The building on Mazå Pils 17 is the oldest brick dwelling house in Riga. Its distinctive
The church started as a Dominican cloister and church, established in 1234 and named chimney has been preserved. The interior yard of the structure contains the oldest known
after John the Baptist. On the side of the Skårñu Street, high up in the church wall there is city emblem of Riga along with some ancient stone portals. The oldest building of the
9 a profile of a Dominican monk's face cut in limestone, testifying to the origin of the church "Three Brethren" houses the Museum of Architecture.
as part of the ancient Dominican cloister. 17 The Riga Castle (Pils laukums 3)
5 The Convent Courtyard ("Jåña séta") (Between Skårñu un Kaléju iela) The Castle was built in 1330 as a residence of the Master of the Livonian Order. It has been
7 This is the location of the first residence of Bishop Albert, the founder of Riga. A fragment destroyed and rebuilt a number of times. The moulded forms of St. Mary and the Master of
18 the Order Walter von Plettenberg have remained from the time of the Order. Since 1995 the
of the Riga fortification wall shows how the medieval fortification may have looked. From
the side of Kaléju Street over the entrance, there is the old emblem of Riga. Castle has been the residence of the President of Latvia. It houses the Historical Museum
of Latvia, the Museum of Foreign Art and the Rainis' Literature and Art Museum.
6 The Courtyard of the Holy Ghost (Kaléju iela 9/11)
18 The Riga Dome Cathedral
19 Initially this was the location of a castle of
the Livonian Brothers of the Sword. The The Cathedral has been built in the place
3 6 of an ancient Liiv settlement, which was
castle was destroyed in 1297. A new castle
20 5 situated there more than 800 years ago.
was built on the banks of the river Daugava
in the place where the Holy Ghost Hospital The Dome Cathedral is one of the largest
had once been located. The latter was then cathedrals in the Baltic States. The
transferred to the location of the remnants cornerstone of the Dome Cathedral was
of the former castle. The Convent was laid down in 1211. The church has been
founded in 1297 to support the disabled. reconstructed a number of times and
LEGEND reveals traces of all historical styles. The
7 The Small Guild (Amatu iela 6) Gothic Cross Gallery is an outstanding
Information Museum The craftsmen of Riga, as elsewhere in Europe, formed corporations to protect their sample of Baltic medieval architecture.
interests. In the middle of the 14th century these corporations founded the Small Guild The Dome organ with more than 6700 pipes and 124 registers (1883-1884) was once the
See passenger's Monument (also called the St. John's Guild). The present building was built between 1864 and 1866 biggest organ in the world.
terminal Memorial
in the British Neo-Gothic style. The beautiful interiors were restored in 2000. Today the Riga Dome is home to a Lutheran parish, the Riga History and Shipping Museum
Railways and functions as a concert hall.
station Bus parking 8 The Great Guild (Amatu iela 5)
The Great Guild was founded by the Riga tradesmen in 1354. Its patron saint is St. Mary. 19 The Riga History and Shipping Museum (Palasta iela 4)
River station Market The building houses the oldest meeting hall in Riga dating back to the 14th century - the The Museum was founded in 1773 and it is the oldest museum not only in Latvia, but in
Münster chamber. The Bride's Chamber is also of historical interest. In the 17th century the three Baltic States.
Airport Church the chamber was covered by a star decorated vault. Today the building is the home of the Its exhibition shows the history of Riga from the oldest times until 1940, as well as the
Latvian Philharmonic Orchestra. history of navigation from the 10th century to the contemporary time.
Bus terminal Synagogue 9 The "Cats' House" (Meistaru iela 10) 20 The Riga City Hall (Råtslaukums 1)
The building was constructed in 1909. The name "Cats' House" derives from the wrought The Riga City Hall has been built anew in 2003 in the same location where it once stood.
Important buildings
(Selection) HOTLINE FOR TOURIST iron figures of cats on the towers of the building. By putting up these figures, the owner of
the house who had not been admitted to the Tradesmen's (Great) Guild tried to show his
The facade of the building is decorated with the Riga emblem and the image of the goddess

Public buildings (+371) 2203 3000 superiority to the guildsmen.

Themis. Every hour the inhabitants of Riga and the guests of the city may hear the bells of
the City Hall clock chiming.

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