Audience Theory Handout

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Audience Theory

What do you think the following terms mean in relation to audiences...?

Passive Active

The people who play the games. The people who hear about the games

but don’t play.

Tutor Definition

Passive Active

Doesn’t question messages within the Does question messages within the

text. text.

What are the flaws with the hypodermic needle theory?

It assumes there is nothing but a passive audience to receive the views projected by the media,
which is wrong because there are both passive and active audiences, the active audience
therefore thinking around blatant propaganda.

We all like to think that we’re independent and make our own decisions about

things. However most of us listen to opinion leaders concerning our thoughts about

media products.
Make a list of people whose opinion you trust to inform you of how you should

respond to or think of a text.

My friends, I don’t really listen to any other sources

Read the articles on the following pages and consider how the hypodermic needle,

opinion leader and two step flow theory have affected events. Once you’ve read

through the article write up your thoughts in the provided box.


Game blamed for hammer murder

The parents of a boy who Stefan was repeatedly battered and stabbed by his
older friend
was murdered with a claw
hammer by a friend have blamed a violent video game
which the teenage killer was "obsessed" with.

Warren Leblanc, 17, repeatedly stabbed 14-year-old Stefan

Pakeerah after luring him to a Leicester park to steal from
him on 27 February.

He pleaded guilty to murder at Leicester Crown Court on


Stefan's mother described Leblanc, who confessed to police

moments after the assault, as "inherently evil".

Video game 'obsession'

Stefan's mother, Giselle, a research nurse, had to leave court

when the evidence in the case became too harrowing.

Following the hearing she said her son's killer had mimicked
a game called Manhunt, developed by Edinburgh-based
Rockstar North, in which the players score points for violent

Manhunt was banned six

months ago in New Zealand
by censorship officials.

Mrs Pakeerah said: "I heard

some of Warren's friends say
that he was obsessed by this

"To quote from the website

that promotes it, it calls it a
psychological experience, not
a game, and it encourages Leblanc armed himself with a claw hammer and a
brutal killing.

"If he was obsessed by it, it could well be that the boundaries

for him became quite hazy."

Mrs Pakeerah, 36, called for violent video games to be


Covered in blood

She said: "I can't believe that this sort of material is allowed
in a society where anarchy is not that far removed.

"It should not be available and it should not be available to

young people."
Leblanc, of Braunstone Frith,
Leicester, persuaded his
victim to go to nearby Stoke
Woods Park, known locally as
The Dumps - to meet two

The court heard how he

armed himself with a knife
and claw hammer to carry out I don't play these games but if they
the attack. are influencing kids to go out and kill
people then you don't want them on the
He confessed to the killing
moments later when he was
Patrick Pakeerah, victim's father
found covered in blood by two
police officers.

Outside court Stefan's father, Patrick, said: "They were

playing a game called Manhunt.

"The way Warren committed the murder is how the game is

set out - killing people using weapons like hammers and

"There is some connection between the game and what he

has done."

Game ban

Echoing his former partner, the civil servant said: "I don't
play these games but if they are influencing kids to go out
and kill people then you don't want them on the shelves."

When police discovered Stefan, they found he had sustained

horrific and fatal injuries.

The boy had been hit so hard

with the hammer he had
suffered deep cuts to his head
and neck. His head had been
fractured in several places.

He had multiple stab wounds,

with the knife being plunged
so deep that it had caused
serious injuries to his kidney Giselle Pakeerah has called for a ban on violent
and liver. video games

A spokesman for the Entertainment and Leisure Software

Publishers' Association said: "We sympathise enormously
with the family and parents of Stefan Pakeerah.

"However, we reject any suggestion or association between

the tragic events and the sale of the video game Manhunt.
"The game in question is classified 18 by the British Board of
Film Classification and therefore should not be in the
possession of a juvenile.

"Simply being in someone's possession does not and should

not lead to the conclusion that a game is responsible for
these tragic events."

Judge Michael Stokes QC said Leblanc had carried out "a

brutal, cold-blooded murder" and could expect a life

Sentencing was adjourned for reports.

Police reject game link to murder

Detectives investigating the murder of a

14-year-old boy in a Leicester park have
rejected any link with a violent computer

Stefan Pakeerah was beaten and stabbed to

death by Warren Leblanc, 17, but the motive,
say police, was robbery.
Leicestershire police have confirmed a copy of the game was found, but in
Stefan's' bedroom and not with Leblanc.

Stefan's parents blamed the game, which was withdrawn by some high
street retailers, following the court case.

A Leicestershire constabulary spokesperson Leblanc is responsible

said: "Police investigations did not uncover any for what Leblanc did and
connections to the computer game. what he did was horrible

"The motive for the incident was robbery." Giselle Pakeerah

They added: "We can confirm the game was not found in Warren
Leblanc's room, it was found in Stefan Pakeerah's room."

In the wake of Leblanc's guilty plea, several stores withdrew Manhunt

from sale.

But sales at HMV, which has continued to sell the game, have reportedly

Violent films

Stefan's mother, Giselle, who called for violent computer games to be

banned, claimed her son only had the game because it had been lent to
him by Leblanc.

"Warren Leblanc gave Stefan the game just two days before he killed
him," she said.

"Leblanc is responsible for what Leblanc did and what he did was

Mrs Pakeerah added: "He liked violent films and games and particularly
liked Manhunt.

"There are obvious similarities between the game and how Stefan died."

'Misleading reporting'

For its part, the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers'

Association (Elspa), the industry body for the video game industry, has
written to Home Secretary David Blunkett about the media coverage of
the case.

"We have been very concerned recently about the misleading and
disingenuous reporting about the effects of playing interactive games
software," said Elspa.
"As you will know, despite many research projects into the effects of
screen violence, some of which have been undertaken by eminent
academics in their field, no link with violent behaviour has been found."

Elspa said its members took their responsibilities extremely seriously and
that they conformed with both the letter and spirit of the law and the
strict Codes of Practice

For a person to commit a murder, or any other heinous crime of the sort, requires a pre-existing,
pre-destined mental flaw (psychopathy, sociopathy, etc). While yes, things like violent games
and films may provide influence or inspiration, but they will not, cannot, force a person to
commit a crime, or drive them to murder, without them already having a pre-existing issue.

Hyperdermic Needle Theory can go to explain as to how LeBlanc got his inspiration for using a
hammer and knife to butcher the victim.

What are the four divisions of the Uses and Gratification Theory?

1. Entertainment and Diversions – An escape into an interesting and enjoyable setting.

2. Information and Education – To gain better understanding and knowledge.

3. Social Interaction – To communicate and interact with others.

4. Personal Identity – To explore/enjoy a personal or societal trait.

Make a list of different interactive products you consume that you can apply

Educational videos, movies, comedy sketches, short story games, RPGs, Multiplayer shooters,

Uses and Gratification divisions to. You may find you can apply more than one.

What factors of a viewer’s identity may influence how they respond to a text in

regards to reception theory?

Considering the factors you have written above, think what type of response

different groups would have to these products…

Religion, upbringing, political views, gender, sexual orientation, personal experience, age,
interest, morals,

Game Preferred Oppositional Negotiated

GTA V Lads, Bros, Parents People who enjoy

Ladbros, messing around


Super Mario Nintendo fanboys No one? It’s No one who isn’t a

Odyssey nintendo hardcore Nintendo

fanboy can afford

a switch
Pokemon Nintendo Fanboys, Most of japan, the People who just

filfthy fucking entire Yokai Watch want something

casuals community to sink hundreds

of mindless hours


COD: WW2 Lads, bros, ladbros, Anyone with People who want

chavs sense, or taste, or a mindless shooter

common decency

Burnout Paradise: Driving Fans, People who dislike People who may

Remastered mechanics, car cars or racing just want to enjoy

Edition fans, playing something

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