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Sacred Geometry and Kundalini

By Ian Goudie

Recently I experienced unification of my understandings of

universal energy, and this communication attempts to articulate
this. Out of Nature flows everything in my body-mind yet I witness
the progressive deterioration of the environment under the auspices of ‘development’. I find
this very hard. Buried inside the environmental crisis is the spiritual crisis; most of humanity
has lost its contact with the sacred. I want to talk about the sacred here.

As many of you know, I have been constructing a “sacred” building, more specifically a
building based on sacred geometry, a manifestation that arose from a vision quest (see But I want to communicate what sacred geometry is. While I could
say that it is based on omnipresent geometric principles on which the universe was built (by
God), it probably would still not mean a lot to most people. So in here I am attempting a
more mythic approach.

Kundalini is often depicted as a serpent coiled at the base of the spine rises through the
central channel during spiritual awakenings

We of course will always struggle with the concept of “in the beginning” but from a
universe perspective, this is conceived of as a singularity – an infinite amount of
mass/information/material in an infinitesimally small space. This science-based definition
related to black holes - white holes is analogous to God as Unity who created its opposite
in order to know itself.

“The notion of Unity will always remain unthinkable simply because in order for
anything to be, to exist, it must negate that which it is not. The Number One is only
definable through the number two: it is multiplicity which reveals unity. Everything that
exists in the universe is a fraction of the unknown One.” (Robert Lawlor ‘Sacred

I recently got blown away in further researching sacred geometry because I got to
understand that there is no such think as Zero, and further, all these things we called
negative numbers are total figments of the human intellect! There is nothing less than One.

All primary forms in the universe can be considered to be the crystallizations of the creative
thoughts of God. The beautiful thing is that the human hand, in manipulating and
constructing these forms, positions itself into the Divine experiential language – Divine

So we can understand Genesis as form:

In the beginning was the singular point (A) that came understand itself by defining a sphere
of interest from where (B) it could look back on itself. Some sacred texts call this sphere the

But if you look carefully you find that right there is the fundamental polarity that shapes out
universe whether we are talking about galaxies or kundalini.

So genesis carried on for 6 days (each day being a new yet overlapping sphere of influence),
and rested on Day 7, and so from this we have the Genesis pattern or known in sacred
geometry as the Egg Of Life. (Note the singularity at its centre).

Egg Of Life

From the Egg Of Life emerges the Seed Of Life, and from that the Flower Of Life. Within
the Flower Of Life emerges the Tree Of Life which underlies the architecture of our
building here in Newfoundland.

Seed Of Life Flower Of Life Tree Of Life

In fact, from the Flower Of Life emerge all possible 3 dimensional forms dictated by the
Five Platonic Solids (after Plato who discovered and discoursed on sacred geometry)

Star Tetrahedron Merkaba

By digging deeper we see that all shape and form is emerging from a double spiral

In fact it is called the Golden Mean or (Phi) from the Greeks and therefore is
mathematically irresolvable, i.e., infinite in all directions.

This is where it all unifies because whether we are looking at the galaxy, the DNA
molecule, the rising kundalini energy, or ancient sysmbols we see the pattern that underlies it
all is the Golden Spiral.

The Dao Mayan Galactic Kundalini rising

Notice how at the beginning of these patterns is the spiral that initiates in a polarity
(180 degrees to each other). So we do often encounter ancient texts that refer to the
kundalini as a “double” serpent.

So the Golden Spiral that drives all this is pure Gold – the Universal Love or Bliss
that we experience when everything is attuned. Have you ever noticed how
sometimes in deep meditations or Enlightenment Intensives, your body begins to
sway in a spiral? Sound familiar?

Many spiritually inclined folks know of the Star Tetrahedron, a Platonic Solid that
conforms to the Universal Energy surrounding the human body, and the basis for
activating the Merkaba for inter-dimensional travel.

There is something vital on the point of “activating”, much as there is something

vital in the concept of surrender meditation, and the giving over to kundalini energy
so that it can ‘rise’ and purify the body-mind. It seems the subtleness of this Divine
energy is easily masked or diffused by the ego self. So when we intentionally
surround ourselves by a sacred form – materially or envisioned, we increase the flow
of Divine Love (Golden Spiral) through our being. It can be felt, expanded,
awakened, made manifest.

That is what I am manifesting here as the form (beams & rafters) of the Tree Of Life
(more technically Kabbalah) generate the spiral effects. The Kabbalah is a powerful
representation of the human energetic field and all its energy centres and paths.

Just stand inside and you know!

Some day soon I hope many of you will come to visit and share
your sacred energy here with us.

Love and Blessings


“…and now the angels are making a building, and when they have completed that
task, I will place My Hand upon it and preserve it, and there shall come forth from it
the Seed Of Life ….” (The Book of Enoch LXVII)

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