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Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing

Communications - MCQs with answers - Part 1

Marketing Communications, Brand Equity and Sales

1. _________ can be defined as the way by which organizations attempt to

inform, convince and remind customers indirectly or directly about the brands
and products they offer.

a) Marketing communications
b) Marketing plans
c) Marketing strategies
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Marketing communications

2. The marketing mix is made up of _______ types of communication.

a) Seven
b) Six
c) Eight
d) None of the above.

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ANSWER: c) Eight

3. Any paid type of non-personal promotion and presentation of goods,

services or ideas by an identified sponsor is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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ANSWER: d) Advertising
4. Numerous forms of short-term incentives to promote trial or buying of a
service of product is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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ANSWER: a) Sales promotion

5. Company sponsored programs and activities planned to create special

brand related interactions is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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ANSWER: c) Events and experiences

6. Several programs planned to protect or promote a company's image or its

products is known as

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Public relations and publicity

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ANSWER: d) Public relations and publicity

7. The use of email, fax, internet or telephone to communicate with specific

prospects and customers is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Advertising

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ANSWER: b) Direct marketing

8. The online programs and activities designed to engage prospects or

customers and indirectly or directly generate awareness, enhance image or
support sales of services and products is

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Advertising

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ANSWER: a) Interactive marketing

9. People-to-people oral, electronic or written form of communications that

associate with experiences or merits of buying or using services or products

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Word-of-mouth marketing

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ANSWER: d) Word-of-mouth marketing

10. The face-to-face interaction with prospective buyers for the objective of
answering questions, procuring orders and making presentations is

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Word-of-mouth marketing

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ANSWER: c) Personal selling

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing
Communications - MCQs with answers - Part 2

1. Marketing communication activities lead to brand equity.

a) True
b) False

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ANSWER: a) True

2. Billboards, motion pictures, audiovisual material, print and broadcast ads

are examples of

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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ANSWER: d) Advertising

3. Fair and trade shows, exhibits and demonstrations are examples of:

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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ANSWER: a) Sales promotion

4. Street activities and sports are examples of

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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ANSWER: c) Events and experiences

5. Seminars, Annual reports, publications and press kits are examples of

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Public relations and publicity

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ANSWER: d) Public relations and publicity

6. Catalogs, blogs and websites are examples of

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: c) Both a and b

7. Chat rooms are an example of

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Word-of-mouth marketing

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ANSWER: d) Word-of-mouth marketing

8. Fairs and trade shows are an example of

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Word-of-mouth marketing

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ANSWER: c) Personal selling

9. From the view of creating brand equity, marketers need to be

a) Media sensitive
b) Media neutral
c) Media biased
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: b) Media neutral

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing

Communications - MCQs with answers - Part 3

The communication process models

1. A macro-model in the communication process includes __elements.

a) Nine
b) Ten
c) Seven
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Nine

2. In macro-model of the communication process there are __ parties and

______ communication tools.

a) 2, 2
b) 2, 3
c) 3, 2
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) 2, 2

3. In a macro-model of the communication process, there are ______


a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: b) 4

4. Micro-models of marketing communications focus on ______particular

responses to communications.

a) Customers
b) Organization
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Customers

5. When the audience has greater participation with a product group believed
to have high differentiation, the appropriate sequence is

a) learn-feel-do
b) do-feel-learn
c) learn-do-feel
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) learn-feel-do
6. When the audience has greater participation but perceives no or little
differentiation within the product group, the appropriate sequence is

a) learn-feel-do
b) do-feel-learn
c) learn-do-feel
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: b) do-feel-learn

7. When the audience has low participation and perceives little differentiation
within the product group, the appropriate sequence is

a) learn-feel-do
b) do-feel-learn
c) learn-do-feel
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: c) learn-do-feel

8. Attention, interest, desire and action are the four tasks in

a) AIDA model
b) Hierarchy of effects model
c) Innovation adoption model
d) Communications model

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ANSWER: a) AIDA model

9. Awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and purchase the

tasks in same order are in

a) AIDA model
b) Hierarchy of effects model
c) Innovation adoption model
d) Communications model

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ANSWER: b) Hierarchy of effects model

10. Awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and adoption are the fives tasks in the

a) AIDA model
b) Hierarchy of effects model
c) Innovation adoption model
d) Communications model

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ANSWER: c) Innovation adoption model

11. Exposure, reception, cognitive response, attitude, intention and behavior

are the tasks in the

a) AIDA model
b) Hierarchy of effects model
c) Innovation adoption model
d) Communications model

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ANSWER: d) Communications model

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing

Communications - MCQs with answers - Part 4

Developing effective Communication

1. The process of developing effective communication involves _____ steps.

a) 7
b) 8
c) 6
d) None of the above
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ANSWER: b) 8

2. Creating a service or product category as necessary to eliminate or satisfy a

seen discrepancy between a desired emotional state and a current
motivational state is

a) Category need
b) Brand awareness
c) Brand attitude
d) Brand purchase intention

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ANSWER: a) Category need

3. Ability to recall or recognize the brand within the group in sufficient details
to make a buy is

a) Category need
b) Brand awareness
c) Brand attitude
d) Brand purchase intention

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ANSWER: b) Brand awareness

4. Assessing the brand with respect to its seen ability to fulfill a currently
relevant need is

a) Category need
b) Brand awareness
c) Brand attitude
d) Brand purchase intention

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ANSWER: c) Brand attitude

5. Self-instructions to buy the brand or to take purchase related action is

a) Category need
b) Brand awareness
c) Brand attitude
d) Brand purchase intention

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ANSWER: d) Brand purchase intention

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing

Communications - MCQs with answers - Part 5

Design the communications

1. There are ______steps in designing the communications.

a) 3
b) 5
c) 4
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) 3

2. While designing the communication, how to say it part is termed as

a) Message strategy
b) Creative strategy
c) Message source
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: b) Creative strategy

3. Information appeal focuses on

a) Service or product related attributes

b) Non product related benefit
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Service or product related attributes

4. Transformational appeal focuses on

a) Service or product related attributes

b) Non product related benefit
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: b) Non product related benefit

5. Fear appeals work when

a) When source credibility is high

b) They are not so strong
c) When the communication promises to relieve
d) All of the above

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ANSWER: d) All of the above

6. _____ can be defined as the specialized knowledge the communicator has to

support the claim.

a) Expertise
b) Trustworthiness
c) Likability
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Expertise
7. Message source credibility depends upon:

a) Expertise
b) Trustworthiness
c) Likability
d) All of the above

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ANSWER: d) All of the above

8. If a person has negative attitude towards a message and a source, or a

positive attitude towards both, a ________ is said to exist.

a) State of congruity
b) State of diversity
c) State of convergence
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) State of congruity

9. Advocate channels are a form of

a) Personal Communication Channels

b) Non-personal communication channels
c) Commercial
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Personal Communication Channels

10. Expert channels are comprised of

a) Independent experts
b) Dependent experts
c) Any of a and b
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: a) Independent experts

11. Sales promotions, events and experiences and public relations are forms

a) Personal Communication Channels

b) Non-personal communication channels
c) Commercial
d) None of the above

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ANSWER: b) Non-personal communication channels

12. Affordable method in establishing total marketing communications budget

ignores the role of promotion as an investment.

a) True
b) False

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ANSWER: a) True

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