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The Geopolitical Imagination and the Enframing of Development Theory

Author(s): David Slater

Source: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series, Vol. 18, No. 4 (1993),
pp. 419-437
Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The Royal Geographical Society (with the
Institute of British Geographers)
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Accessed: 09/02/2009 11:09

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The geopolitical imagination and the enframing

of development theory
AssociateProfessorof Social Geography,InteruniversityCentrefor LatinAmericanResearchand
Documentation(CEDLA),Keizersgracht 395-397, 1016EKAmsterdam,The Netherlands

RevisedMS received9 June 1993

It is argued that all the major conceptualizationsof developmentin the post-war period contain and express a
geopoliticalimaginationwhich has had a conditioningeffect on the enframingof the meaningsand relationsof
development.The Occidentaldeploymentof modernizationtheory for the developing countriesreflecteda will to
geopoliticalpower.It provideda discursivelegitimationfor a whole seriesof practicalinterventionsand penetrations
that sought to subordinateand assimilatethe ThirdWorld Other. In a connectedbut far from identicalmanner,
neo-liberalreadingsof developmentin the 1980s have accompaniedandbeen inspiredby rapidlychanginggeopolitical
conditions.Similarly,it is arguedthat on the other side of the North-Southdivide the radicaldependencia
of the 1960s and early 1970s cannotbe separatedfroma seriesof geopoliticalevents such as the CubanRevolution,
nor fromthe perceivedneed on the partof criticalLatinAmericanintellectualsto confrontandchallengethe relevance
of modernizationtheoryfor the periphery.Finally,it is suggestedthatin any attemptto rethinkdevelopmentfor global
times the natureof our geopoliticalimaginationmust be a key element,just as the theorizationof the geo-politicalis
equallyrelevantfor developmenttheoristsand politicalgeographers.

Occidentalgaze, Dependencia,

GEOPOLITICS AND NORTH-SOUTH 'geopolitics' or 'imperialism' to mark a central

RELATIONS feature of contemporary global power. Mohanty
(1992, 88), for instance, writes of the USA of the
In the wake of the disintegration of the Second 1990s as a geopolitical power 'seemingly
World and the sudden evaporation of the erstwhile unbounded in its effects' and of the logics of
'Soviet threat', a new spectre is haunting the West. imperialism and modernity sharing a common
Visions of unruly, unpredictable and destabilizing notion of 'space as territory'. Or, in other previous
regimes and religions of a non-Western world instances, a differentiationhas been drawn between
increasingly appear to occupy and perturb the global capitalism (exploitation in economics) and
Occidental gaze. During the same moment, ex- nation-state alliances (domination in geopolitics).1
ponents of a more criticalpersuasion are placing on Going further, it can be argued that across a broad
to the agenda the moral question of North-South spectrum of intellectual enquiry, through literary
relations. H6sle (1992, 229), for example, suggests theory, cultural studies, political and philosophical
'the increasing gap between First and Third Worlds investigation, social and anthropological research,
raises some of the most difficult moral questions of feminist theory, international relations and political
the modem world', and similarly,Arrighi (1991, 40) geography, one can discern a growing focus on
writes, 'the increasing inequality of the global dis- issues of space and power, in which questions of
tribution of income is ... rapidly becoming the inside and outside, global and local,
central issue of our times'. de-territorializationand re-territorialization,connec-
Along a potentially connected analytical track, a tions and separations punctuate the emerging
variety of critical scholars invoke the name of debates. Interspersed through these discussions, we
Trans. Inst. Br. Geogr. N.S. 18: 419-437 (1993) ISSN: 0020-2754 Printed in Great Britain
can locate an expanding interest in a critical geo- not infrequently remained unexplored. Similarly, it
politics. In the domain of international relations the can be argued that in the growing literature on
work of, inter alia, Ashley (1987), Der Derian and geopolitical analysis, including the more critical
Shapiro (1989) and Walker (1993), has shown the currents,the nature of North-South relations and, in
fertile possibilities of deploying post-structuralist particular, the representation of societal develop-
and post-moder thought in new attempts to ment in the South, have tended to receive less
re-conceptualize the spatiality of political power. In attention than might have been expected given the
a not dissimilar vein, recent contributions from a increasing importance attached to globalization. In
number of political geographers (Dalby, 1988 and this sense, therefore, it is to be hoped that such a
1991; O Tuathail and Agnew, 1992; Corbridge, critical encounter might help to stimulate new
1993) have begun to emphasize the openings questions in two fields of enquiry as well as
offered by a more discourse-orientated approach to generating a dialogue which could be mutually
global aspects of the geopolitics of power.2 beneficial.
Despite the existence of differences in concep- In its most basic form my first question on
tual and thematic emphasis, the above-mentioned geopolitics concerns the object of analysis. Tradi-
literature is generally characterized by a double tionally, this might have been taken to be a series of
tendency. First, there is a strong inclination to states conceived of as living organisms capable of
equate the analysis of geopolitics with the inter- growth and development.3 Such an approach has
national or global, including the question of found recent application in the writings of the Latin
nation-state formations and relations. Secondly, American military but, in these cases (primarily in
although certainly not in all cases, there seems to the Southern Cone) owing to the difficulties of
be a predisposition to associate geopolitics with territorial acquisition, the geopolitical strategy has
the ways in which a whole community of state been transformed from conquest of physical space
bureaucrats,leaders and foreign-policy experts, the into that of political space, while still preserving the
'intellectuals of statecraft', spatially represent inter- organic concept of the state.4
national politics. This twin tendency can lead us to On a broader canvas, the object of geopolitical
pose two interwoven questions: (a) in the first reflection, as brought into being by the practitioners
place, is it sufficient to constitute the analytical of statecraft in the United States, has been the
field of a geopolitics on the level of international changing constellation of global political forces. The
or global relations, and (b) to what extent can we terrain of analysis and of potential intervention has
accept the notion of a centred subjectivityfor the neither been restricted to one part of the globe, nor
analysis of geopolitics? In other words, can to an interpretationof the 'global' as constitutive of
we indicate a variety of interconnected analytical a level that is essentially 'above' or 'over' (the
levels for geopolitics and also is it possible to notion, for example, of superimposition). It has
identify a heterogeneity of geopolitical imagin- rather been conceived in terms of an imbrication of
ations with contrasting capacities for deployment? spheres, or an interlocking of 'global', 'national',
In attempting to answer both these questions, the 'regional' and 'local'.5
analytical context is formed by what I shall refer Although very differentfrom both the theoretical
to as the enframing of development theory across and political starting points, there is a criticalFrench
the North-South divide. current which, not entirely unlike the above-
The questions I am posing here could take us into mentioned practitioners of statecraft, has also
a very extended discussion. My objective, therefore, emphasized the importance of seeing geopolitics in
is to attempt to clarify certain general issues of terms of both the external and the internal.Thus, in
geopolitical analysis before dealing in some detail a special issue of H rodoteon geopolitics in Africa,
with continuities and discontinuities in the forma- Foucher (1987), Lacoste (1987) and associated
tion and deployment of development theory. By authors have put on to the agenda the changing
effecting an encounter between geopolitics and the territorialityof political power insideAfrican states.6
constitution of development theory, the intention is Similarly inside Brazil, the relations between space
to shed some further light on the ways in which and power in the context of the colonization of the
development theory has been enframed, since in Amazon region, for example, have also been con-
many critical accounts of the emergence of ideas on sidered as an inherent component of geopolitics
development, the geopolitics of global power has (Becker, 1982).7
Thegeopolitical and theenframing
imagination theory
of development 421
What I want to argue here, therefore, is that WAVES OF WESTERN DEVELOPMENT
when we pose the question of how we might best THEORY
characterize the terrain of a geopolitical analysis, it
Modernization,Euro-Americanism and the Three
will be necessary to keep in mind the differential
Worlds of Development
imbrication of transnational, national and regional/
It is important to remember that it was the Enlight-
local political spheres. Secondly and crucially, since
enment that created the language in which concepts
the ways of seeing and interpreting the terrain or
of the 'modem' first came to be defined. In Enlight-
object of analysis vary, often quite dramatically, enment discourse, the West was the model, the
some clarificationof the approach to be adopted is
prototype and the gauge of social progress. It was
required. Faced with a related requirement, Ashley Western progress, civilization, rationality, thought
(1987) has developed what he refers to, after and development that were proclaimed. Equally,
Foucault, as a genealogical approach to an analysis
however, these projections were intimately related
of geopolitical space. For my perspective on the
to the discursive couplets of 'civilized versus bar-
enframing of development theory, I shall derive baric nations', of 'peoples with history and those
support from those contemporary currentsof critical without', which were reflections of the need to
thought that are enabling us to re-structuremany of create an opposed non-West other so as to cement
the questions of social and political analysis as well
a positive identity for the West itself. It is in this
as to destabilize the apparent solidity of the official
sense then that 'the West' is much more an idea
discourses of development. It is my contention that
than a fact of geography.9 Further,not only is the
all the major conceptualizations of development
rise of the West a global story, but also, as Hall
in the post-war period contain and express a geo-
(1992, 291) puts it, the 'discourse of the West about
political imagination which has had a condition- the Rest' has been and continues to be deeply
ing effect on the enframing of the meanings and
relations of development. implicated in practice.
This was particularly evident in the Western
Thus, I shall argue that the Occidental enframing construction of the idea of modernization, during
and deployment of modernization theory for the
the early post-War period. The development of the
so-called developing countries was a reflection of a
modernization paradigm, based as it was on a
will to spatial power. It provided a discursive
dichotomous view of 'modern' and 'traditional'
legitimation for a whole series of practical interven- societies, or West and non-West, took place in a
tions and penetrations that sought to subordinate,
world characterizedby a new and expanding threat
contain and assimilate the Third World as other. In - Communism. In 1947, President Truman drew up
a connected but far from identical manner, neo-
a picture of two antagonistic 'ways of life'."0On the
liberal readings of development in the 1980s have
one hand there was freedom and liberty and on
accompanied and been inspired by rapidly changing the other terror and oppression. The West, led by
geopolitical conditions. Similarly, in a previous the United States, defined the former and the
period and on the other side of the North-South Communist world the latter. Truman concluded
divide, the radical dependenciaperspective of the
1960s and early 1970s cannot be separated either it must be the policy of the United States to support
from the geopolitical impact of the Cuban Revol- free peoples who are resistingattemptedsubjugation
ution, or from the perceived need on the part of by armedminoritiesor by outsidepressures.(Ambrose,
critical Latin American intellectuals to confront and 1988, 78)
challenge the relevance of modernization theory at
the periphery. Finally, in any treatment of the Two years later, a related policy statement helped
possible new horizons for 'critical development to define the place of the 'underdeveloped areas' in
theory', one of the key dimensions will be formed the projection of US power. Truman's'FairDeal' for
by a questioning geopolitical imagination. My own the world embraced a bold new programme 'for
perspective may be seen as forming one possible making the benefit of our scientific advances and
pathway within what is broadly referred to as industrial progress available for the improvement
critical geopolitics wherein post-structuralist and and growth of underdeveloped areas'. The poverty
post-marxist reflections can help us move forward. I of more than half the people of the world was
shall return to these questions at the end of the viewed as a 'handicapand a threatboth to them and
article.8 to more prosperousareas' (emphasis added). Truman
went on to propose that 'what we envisage is a the other are made, they are made to stick. And
common program of development based on the always one of the crucial objectives of resistance
concepts of democratic fair dealing' (quoted in discourses is to deconstruct and displace those
Escobar, 1993). Subsequently, and in close affinity subordinating definitions of the other.
with the Truman doctrine, a group of experts Occidental inscriptions of 'development' were
convened by the United Nations designed a further elaborated within the frame of moderniz-
programme for the economic development of ation theory which traversed an extensive field of
underdeveloped countries. This programme, whilst enquiry. As is well known, within this theoretical
affirming the Western vision of development, also configuration, the societies of the West were
recognized that the developmental transition for the characterized as being modern, advanced, the
non-West, the underdeveloped countries, would not centres of scientific and technical progress, as ef-
be an entirely smooth one. The authors wrote that ficient, democratic, rational and free. In terms of the
Western polity, there was a stress on the posited
there is a sense in which rapideconomicprogressis combination of:
impossible without painful adjustments;[emphasis
added]... ancientphilosophieshave to be scrapped; (a) a high degree of structuraldifferentiation;
old social institutionshave to disintegrate;bonds of (b) a secularized political culture with a pragmatic
caste,creedand racehave to burst;and largenumbers attitude towards 'ideological movements', and
of personswho cannotkeep up with progresshave to (c) an autonomy of sub-systems within the system
have theirexpectationsof a comfortablelife frustrated. as a whole, referringin particularto the notion of an
(UnitedNations, 1951)11 enabling pluralism of groups and associations.
This report, as Escobar (1993, 2) emphasizes, ad- Not surprisingly, it was further conveyed that
vocated a total restructuring of underdeveloped rational and analytical secularizationhad reached its
societies and reflected an emerging will to convert zenith in the political cultures of Britain and above
two-thirds of the world to the Western 'way of life'. all the United States. In his cogent interrogation of
In an associated manner whereby, a decade or so these and related expressions of modernization
later, a connection was made between the Cold War theory in political science, Cruise O'Brien (1979,
and development, an eminent North American 53-4) presciently remarked that not only did the
idealized versions of modernity have an American
geographer suggested that the
face, but that
way in whichthe underdeveloped nationsaretaughtto
this ideal type is in effect the end of history, the
develop,and assistedin developingtheirgeographical terminalstationat which the passengersto moderniz-
space to supporttheirburgeoningpopulations ation can finallyget out and stretchtheirlegs.
would be a crucial factor in the waging of the Cold
During the 1950s and beyond, political modernity
War and the preservation of the Western way of life was couched in terms of representative democracy.
(Ackerman, 1962, 297) [emphasis added]. And, since the realization of the democratic ideal
From these examples, it can be argued that the had reached its highest point in the United States,
knowledge which a discourse produces constitutes a the modernization process for the less advanced
modality of power which is exercised over those nations was to be understood as one of 'transition'
who are known as the other, the non-West. Further- in which backwardpolities would increasingly come
more, when that knowledge is deployed in practice, to resemble the American model. Hence, as one key
those who are so known will be subject, or more
protagonist of political modernization, Gabriel
exactly subjected, to it. Moreover, the political will Almond, expressed it
that fuels such a knowledge has great difficulty in
accepting difference as autonomy; there is a pro- in the new andmodernizingnationsof Asia,Africaand
found fear of 'the shadowy outside' which must be Latin America,the processes of enlightenmentand
made safe through penetration and assimilation; democratizationwill have theirinevitableway.12
Ashley (1987, 423) defines one vital vector of such
a will as 'the geopolitical domestication of global Writing at a similar time, another North American
political space'. By the same token, when, within a political scientist, Apter, celebrated modernization
structured ensemble of meanings, definitions about as a special kind of hope which
The geopoliticalimaginationand the enframingof developmenttheory 423
embodied ... all the past revolutions of history and all the vacuumof power and authoritywhich exists in
the supreme human desires; indeed, the desire for so many modernizingcountriesmay be filledtempor-
reachesaroundthe world.(Apter,1987,
modernization arilyby charismaticleadershipor by militaryforce,. . .
54) but it can be filled permanentlyonly by political
organization ...; in the modernizing world he controls
But the modernizing societies - countries such as the futurewho organizesits politics.(Huntington,op.
Indonesia, Egypt, Ghana, Tanzania and India - were cit., 461)
seen as almost all populist and 'predemocratic'.For In Huntington's text, the portrayal of the Second
Apter (1987), 'such systems require both sympathy World exhibited a certain characteristicduality. The
and understanding', but, in addition, Soviet Union was no longer seen as a 'mystery
allows us wrapped up in an enigma' but rather as a world
to approachsuch societiesas predemocratic endowed with a certain rationality, as expressed in
to view certain institutionsof coercion as perhaps
the scientific, technological and military achieve-
necessary to the organizationand integrationof a ments of Soviet development since the 1920s.
Nevertheless, its political system was subjected to
fierce criticism for its totalitarianism, its lack of
Already in this passage there is an early indication
of the rising concern for political order. freedom, and its ideological/Communist founda-
From the 1950s through to the mid-1960s there tions. In this context it was generally argued that
was much emphasis in the work of political scien- the absence of political freedom and the continuance
tists such as Almond and Apter on the combination of state repression would eventually lead to the
of industrialization, technological advancement overall debilitation of the Soviet system. Moreover,
and the diffusion of Western democratic ideals, the posited expansionist drive of Soviet totalitarian-
ism was represented as a threat to the 'free world' in
practices and institutional arrangements. However,
by the late 1960s and early 1970s, the emphasis general and to the vulnerable societies of the
had shifted to one of political order and stability. non-Western world in particular.14
This emerging focus was expressed in the work of The change of emphasis from the transference of
democratic ideals and the values of the Western
Huntington, Pool and Pye. Pool, for example, in
a well-known passage published in 1967, wrote Enlightenment to problems involved in maintaining
that political order and stability was closely related to a
further clarification of geopolitical thinking in the
orderdependson somehow compellingnewly mobil- United States. From the early 1960s, particularlyin
ised strata to return to a measureof passivity and the aftermath of the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion
defeatismfromwhich they have been arousedby the of Cuba in 1961, the National Security Council of
process of modernisation.(quoted in Higgott, 1983, the United States came to approve a grand strategy
19)13 toward the peripheralsocieties of the South. Within
this strategy, confronting internal disorder and in-
Huntington, in his classic text on political order, surgency in the developing, modernizing world was
distanced himself from the earlierunilinearistvisions viewed as essential. Even more than under previous
of modernization and stressed the significance of administrations,it became the purpose of the US to
breakdowns and dislocations in the political tran- ensure that 'developing nations evolve in a way that
sition to development. In the mid-1960s, he argued affords a congenial world environment'.15 Under
that not only does social and economic moderniz- the new Kennedy administration, all the relevant
ation generate political instability, but the degree of agencies, such as the State and Defense depart-
instability is related to the speed of modernization. ments, the CIA and the Agency for International
He also pointed to the fact that within 'traditional Development met frequently to analyse what Kolko
polities', it was the areas undergoing modernization (1988, 130) reminds us were officially defined as the
rather than those which remained traditional that 'problems of development and internal defense'. At
were the 'centres of violence and extremism' this time programmes of counter-insurgency were
(Huntington, 1968, 45). He concluded, after a initiated and Washington's military modernization
sharp appraisal of Leninism and revolution, that strategy for the Third World began to be put in
political organization was crucial for stability and place. Already by 1962 a National Security Council
liberty; document stated
it is US policy, when it is in the US interest,to make ruraldevelopment amounted to only $172.5 million,
the local militaryand police advocatesof democracy 181 per cent of its total lending, whereas by 1981
and agents for carrying forward the development it had risen to $3-8 billion, or 31 per cent of its
process. (Kolko, 1988, 133)16 lending (Ayres, 1985, 5).8
However, as Escobar (1991, 664) argues
Whilst it is true, as Cruise O'Brien (1979) showed in
his seminal article on the politics of modernization, the new focus on 'the ruralpoor' was more the result
that there was an erosion of the democratic ideal of increasingradicalismin the countrysideand of the
and a gradual shift towards a concentration on demiseof modernization theoriesthanof a realchange
problems of order and stability in the modernizing in the thinkingof the WorldBank.
world, it is equally important to bear in mind that
orthodox Western visions of democracy did not In the mid-1970s, whilst the World Bank began
wither away. Rather, in a context where the exigen- to emphasize poverty-oriented and basic needs
cies of order and defence against the threat of approaches, the US Agency for InternationalDevel-
Communism acquired a higher profile, democracy opment (AID) called for a more community-centred
for the traditional polity was conceived of in much approach designed to deal with the basic human
more circumscribedforms. needs of the poor and especially 'the poorest of the
poor'. In addition, US AID came to insist on the
Neo-Liberalismand developmentunderWesterneyes design of grassroots participatory approaches that
would encourage the active participation of the
Between the late 1960s and the onset of a new
wave of Western development theory in the 1980s, poor themselves (Escobar, ibid.). But for such
between a phase characterizedby the waning of the programmes to be effective, empirically-based
modernization paradigm and the resurgence of a knowledge and understanding of rural communities
were deemed essential and, as a consequence, a
highly confident economic liberalism, there was an
unstable transition period. In the sphere of political growing number of social scientists, especially
anthropologists, came to find a role in organizations
science, the 1970s saw a growing concern with such as the US AID.19
specific questions of public policy, and a greater By the end of the 1970s, an increasing number of
interest in the connections between politics and
Third World societies were burdened with growing
economics (Higgott, 1983, 21-30). Defeat in
debt problems;for example, from 1970 to the end of
Vietnam, the continuing vitality of resistance move- 1980 their foreign debt had increased dramatically
ments in the non-Western world and a growing
from 67-7 billion US dollars to 438-7 billion (World
realization of the shortcomings of modernization
Bank, 1981a, 57). In 1980 the World Bank of-
theory,17 nurtured a greater awareness of the need
for more empirically-based knowledge of Third ficially approved what became known as 'structural
World societies (including their ruralperipheries),as adjustment lending', that is
well as for more aid to counter the challenges posed
lendingdesignedto supportmajorchangesin policies
by poverty and backwardness. and institutionsof developing countriesthat would
In a landmarkspeech, delivered before the Board reducetheircurrent-accountdeficitsto more manage-
of Governors of the World Bank and the Inter- ableproportionsin the mediumtermwhilemaintaining
national Monetary Fund at their annual meeting in the maximumfeasible development effort. (World
1973, former US Secretary of Defense Robert Bank, 1981b, 69)
McNamara argued for a greater concentration of
World Bank resources on helping to alleviate the The argument might have sounded quite technical
problems of the developing world's rural poor. but as it was developed and extended it became
Following the McNamara speech, a series of sector clear that the implications were far-reaching.
policy papers on rural development, basic edu- On the institutional front, it was made clear that
cation, basic health and low-cost housing were structural adjustment lending by the Bank was
produced by the World Bank's Development complementary to support for adjustment pro-
Research Center. The reorientation towards anti- grammes provided by the International Monetary
poverty programmes was dramatically reflected in Fund. This required, as was stated in the Bank's
changes in the Bank's lending activities for devel- 1981 Annual Report, 'the development of pro-
opment. In 1968 Bank lending for agriculture and cedures for ensuring closer collaboration between
The geopoliticalimaginationand the enframingof developmenttheory 425
the staffs of the two institutions ...' (World Bank, tions of the state, such as the provision of social and
1981b, 70). For the World Bank, structural adjust- physical infrastructure,and the creation of 'space for
ment was closely connected to the stipulated need private initiative through a shift in the boundary
for policy and institutional changes within develop- between the public and private sectors' (ibid.).21
ing countries. In many cases such policy changes Looking back on the 1980s, the Bank took the
were designed to correct 'biases in incentive sys- view that 'adjustment policies help most poor
tems that deter exports and promote uneconomical people - at least in the medium term', although it
import substitution'; in other instances institutional was acknowledged that economic reform pro-
changes were related to grammes could cause 'temporary welfare declines
for some' (World Bank, op. cit., 69). In the related
reformsof the public-sectorinstitutionsresponsiblefor Development Report for 1992, a similarly up-beat,
agriculturaldevelopment... improvementin the ef- almost Panglossian view was offered for the future.
ficiency of state economic enterprises,or improve- Now
ments in support to nontraditionalexports. (World
Bank,1981b, ibid.) with near unanimityon the central importanceof
marketsandhumanresourceinvestmentsfor successful
In surveying progress along these lines, the Bank
development,the comingdecadesoffergreatprospects
somewhat laconically observed for progress. . . . within the next generation,wide-
spread poverty could be eliminated.(World Bank,
the difficultythatgovernmentsfindin gainingpolitical 1992b, 178)
acceptancefor the adoption and implementationof
structural-adjustment programshas been andcontinues As is known, the World Bank has not been deploy-
to be the single most importantobstacle to rapid
ing a strategy for development in isolation from
progress by the Bank with structural-adjustmentother International Organizations. Apart from the
assistance.(WorldBank,1981b, ibid.)
IMF, the Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank (IDB),
which is charged with responsibility for Latin
At the beginning of the 1980s, the World Bank
America, has also been active in drawing up neo-
re-asserted the cardinal importance of economic
liberal policies for development. In its 1991 Report
growth. It was argued that there was already on Latin four 'strategic directions' are
sufficient evidence to indicate that 'economic America,
contributes to the alleviation of suggested for future change and reform. In the first
growth generally
poverty' and that, in a more general sense, 'human place, emphasis is given to the importance of
outward orientation and integration.
development depends on economic growth to pro- Reforms are needed to hemispheric
vide the resources for expanding productive open up Latin American
economies to greater international competition
employment and basic services' (World Bank, at the same time, proposals for greater market
1981a, 67 and 97). As the decade came to a close while,
integration within Latin America should be encour-
private sector development was becoming increas- as envisaged in the Enterprisefor the Americas
ingly significant20 shaping the Bank's strategies aged
for development. Initiative, launched by former US President George
In its Annual Report for 1992, the Bank noted Bush. NAFTA (the North American Free Trade
that two out of every three operations included Area) is accorded an overall welcome since all
are set to benefit.22
components that explicitly supported private sector parties from the standpoint of the Inter-
development, an increase of 40 per cent from four American Bank (IDB), Latin America
years earlier. In the promotion of private-sector Development
three crucial tasks were has to modernize through private sector develop-
development, distinguished: ment. This is
the creation of an explained in terms of the fact that the
public sector is seen as being involved in the
affirmativebusinessenvironment,restructuringof the 'process of closing down or privatizing most of its
public sector, and the developmentof the financial public enterprises'(IDB, 1991, 13). In addition, there
sector for entrepreneurialactivities. (World Bank, is a connection to the underlying belief in the
1992a, 61) general superiority of the private over the public,
which is seen as especially relevant for strategies of
Public-sector restructuring was seen as involving modernization and development. The priority given
both the improvement of efficiency in critical func- to private sector development goes together with
the identification of a variety of required reforms - What is clearly reflected in the various positions
financial, labour and regulatory.23 Next, what is expressed in the above documents is the revival of
referred to as 'public sector reform' calls for a an economic liberalism that is couched in terms of
reduction in the size of government, cutbacks on market-orientated development strategies, a mini-
public expenditures and the development of a mal state, free trade, financialdiscipline, comparative
minimal technocratic state. The process of privatiz- advantages and prosperity through economic
ation and acceleration of the 'deregulation and growth. These are not new ideas.25 Classical liber-
debureaucratization of the economy' is seen as alism, for example, rested on a view of society in
'complementary to the dual strategy of greater which certain fundamental areas of life were
outward orientation and stronger emphasis on de-politicized, notably religion and economics.
private sector development' (IDB, 1991, 14). Religious toleration and a market economy made
Finally, a fourth strategy relates to what is belief and the pursuit of wealth 'private' matters.
referred to as 'human resource development'. Looking at market economics as a political project,
Because it is anticipated that the process of outward Przeworski (1986, 219) has argued of the early
orientation and modernization of the economy 'will 1980s that, for the first time for several decades, the
encounter critical obstacles on the human resource Right
side', it is argued that 'improvements in education
and health need to be a top priority during the has an historical project of its own: to free ac-
1990s' (IDB, 1991, 17). The problems associated cumulationfrom all the fetters imposed upon it by
with poverty are also touched on - although no democracy.
mention is made of the increase in poverty in Latin
America during the 1980s24 and the view is In this context, market economics became a self-
expressed that in the long term the solution to the legitimating process - a political project in itself, in
poverty problem which any effective political regulation over the
economy was rejected. It was deemed necessary to
lies in the improvementof professionalskills,which rethink and restructure the public sector but the
will allow an increasingnumberof people to partici-
private sector was to be protected from public
pate in the process of economicdevelopmentand to control and involvement.
sharein the fruitsof progress.(18)
As ostensible examples of the success of the
market-orientatedstrategy of development, the East
To complete this very brief but illustrative review of
Asian model is frequently cited; for instance, the
the official discourse on contemporary develop-
OECD Report for 1992 asserts that from 1983
ment, one may turn to the recent OECD (1992) onward the 'East Asian economies
enjoyed boom
report on development cooperation. In a section on years based on market-oriented,
privatization, which summarized a two-day review (OECD, 1992, 35). What is glossed over is
on the subject organized by the Development policies'
the historical fact that in the cases of Taiwan and
Assistance Committee (DAC) in the early part of
South Korea the state played an indispensable role
1992, many of the ideas referred to above are again in
to be found. Notions of deregulation, of the pro- developing an industrializationprocess. It was the
state that led the market rather than the other way
vision of an 'enabling environment' for the private
around. Even in the cases of Singapore and, more
sector and of 'macroeconomic stability' are inter-
especially, of Hong Kong (where the state, through
spersed through the text. A key concluding rec- its ownership of land and massive investment in
ommendation on the private sector/public sector intervened in the economy), it
balance was that progress has resulted from actions housing, directly
would be highly misleading to assume that it was
'that foster competitive markets, private initiative, sector development that
and investment in physical and human capital'. independent private
explained rapid economic change.26
Therefore, In contrast to the historical reality of a strong
in the dynamic processes of East Asian indus-
donors ... should limit investmentsin public enter- state
trialization, the official protagonists of today's
prisesandfocusinstitutionalsupporton areasthathelp
foster competition and the private sector and that development doctrine equate the idea of a strong
improvea government'sabilityto providebasicsocial Third World state with inefficiency, waste, corrup-
services.(OECD,1992, 20) tion and centralism. On the other hand, a minimal
The geopoliticalimaginationand the enframingof developmenttheory 427
state - a lean, fit, streamlined centre of political 'developing other' is, of course, one more reflection
authority, effectively nurturing an 'enabling en- of a much broader ethos of Occidental supremacy.
vironment' for private enterprise, providing social Nor can we assume that the tutelage is applied only
services, and training new generations of human in the economic sphere.
capital - is seen as the desirable junior partner to an More recently there has been a notable shift or,
expanding private sector. more accurately, an extension of the terrain on
Permeating all discussions of social and economic which development strategy is to be pursued and
development, of the public sector/private sector implemented. In its 1992 report on Development
balance, of poverty and welfare, of science and Cooperation, the OECD notes that the subject of
education, of trade balances and financial flows, of participatory development and good governance is
recommendations for governmental policy, and so receiving priority attention and that support is
on, there exists a deeply-rooted belief that all things needed for developing countries going through
'economic' have been purified of the political. their 'democratic transition' (OECD, 1992, 6).
Market mechanisms and rationally-operating indi- Developing this argument further,the Report notes
viduals, dynamic entrepreneurs and efficient inter- that what is required is a general framework for
national investors, sound policies and effective establishing key characteristicsof good governance
actions, help to constitute solid building blocks for within which support for the strengthening of
the official language of development. The overall judiciary systems, election monitoring, adminis-
objective is to place an unruly set of contestable trative decentralization and ethnic relations, and
orientations and approaches to development under protection of minorities, conflict resolution and
the control of a settled system of understandings demobilization are all key features (OECD, 1992, 7).
and priorities - a particularregime of truth. Fundamentalto this new approach is the priority
The statements, conceptual priorities, lines of given to building institutional and economic capac-
classification and the meanings that guide are all ities in the developing countries. In fact, it is
characterized by a politics of forgetting, which is commented that 'the key to mastering development
vital in the construction of a new truth. It is as if the and other global challenges' lies precisely in this
societies of the South have never experienced task of construction for the developing countries.
previous waves of capitalist penetration and mod- Equally, it is argued that policy makers in the West
ernization, as if their economies have never been are finding that
open to the world market, as if the post-War
diffusion of modernization theory had never
solutions to the domestic problemsfor which they
occurred. It is as if, in the historical annals of real have responsibilityare increasinglyassociatedwith
development, progress is set to begin with struc- the economic and institutionalfunctioningof other
tural adjustment. Moreover, an image has been societies;.. . this createsnew scope for mutualunder-
created that what went before was detrimental to standingand synergy among policy makersin donor
the 'body economic' of the developing countries. goverments as they tackle developmentas part of
The existence of a malaise, most clearly embodied in achievinga global agenda.[emphasisadded] (OECD,
the debt crisis, required a long-term strategy for 1992, 49)
cure, including, where deemed appropriate, shock-
therapy, rehabilitation, infusions, donors, special The OECD report echoes and emphasizes related
treatment for debt-distress, relief measures, support World Bank orientations. In the early part of 1992,
against adjustment fatigue and, always, continual the Bank organized a workshop on participatory
monitoring. development and has come to recognize, so we are
The monitoring and supervision belong to a informed, the key role of intermediaryorganizations
sense of mission and a belief in the need for in development. Thus in Africa, for example, there
tutelage. The World Bank reminds us, for instance, is an increasing association with local NGOs in the
that adjustment lending has been part of the 'land- design and implementation of the Bank's assisted
scape of the developing world for over a decade', projects; for instance, in 1991 forty-four were in
and a few countries 'have clearly graduated' (in this partnership with NGOs compared to only seven
case, Chile and Thailand), whilst others 'are on the each year in the period 1973-87 (Landell-Mills,
road to graduation' (World Bank, 1992a, 68). The 1992, 565). In his article on governance, cultural
firm belief in the need to instruct and guide the change and empowerment in Africa, which follows
the World Bank lead, Landell-Mills avers that civil to graduate into mature development. Knowledge
society will be has to be diffused to and institutionalized within the
developing countries. For example, in its discussion
strengthened by the economic liberalizationand of education in Latin America, the IDB advises the
privatizationmeasuresthattypicallyforma key partof reader that most universities in this part of the
the on-going structuraladjustmentsbeing undertaken South have been concerned
in most countries.(567) 'largely with repro-
ducing knowledge as opposed to producing it'
(IDB, 1991, 17). In other words, they have not
Apparently, giving high priority to education, pub- been
lic management reform, privatization, the informal capable of generating their own knowledge
and, therefore, have had to transmit or reproduce
sector and lighter fiscal controls 'are consistent with
the goal of strengthening civil society' (565). knowledge coming in from outside.28
Within the field of aid and development, inter-
With the new orientation in official thinking on
national organizations endowed with financial
development, it is clear that the former concen- and donorresponsibilities and driven by
tration on essentially economic issues is being capabilities
adherence to a particularway of constituting knowl-
widened to establish what is in a very real sense an
edge, social practices, forms of subjectivity and
all-encompassing agenda. Whereas in the past, dur-
power relations, need, if they are to be seen as
ing the first wave of orthodox Western theory, one effective, to be able to instil and to internalize their
encountered important notions of 'political order',
norms, values and ways of thinking into the recipient
now we read of the growing significance of 'good
other. This is done through discursive persuasion
governance'. Yesterday, there was a 'Communist and external inducement. Of the former,
threat' helping to cement into place rights of dialogue
on the basis of an already constituted agenda is
enforcement and rituals of order, whereas today the
central. The OECD for example highlights
will to global power can rest more confidently on
the presumed superiority of the West's develop- the importanceof expandeddialoguewith the devel-
ment project - markets, good governance and oping countrieson the complex issues surrounding
rational, achieving individuals. This is the future political transition,improvedgovernanceand econ-
for the developing world if it is able to learn omic reforms... solid progress has been made ...
effectively.27 [and]encouragingly,the dialogue indicatesthat the
Just under twenty years ago, Castoriadis, in developingcountriesthemselves - especiallyin Africa
a critical essay on the orthodox vision of devel- and Latin America - are taking the lead in supporting
wrote to this if change. [emphasis added] (OECD, 1992, 9)
opment that, according orthodoxy,
the countries of the Third World were to 'be
Of the latter, varying forms of conditionality are
developed' they would have to undergo a 'total crucial. The
transformation';he went on, politics of financial aid and supervision
through the IMF and World Bank have been dis-
the West had to assertnot that it had discoveredthe cussed in detail by Payer (1991).29 The power
trick of producingmore cheaply and more quickly monitor, discipline and intervene in the economy of
more commodities,but that it had discoveredtheway the other generates profound effects, and the lan-
of life appropriateto all humansociety. (Castoriadis, guage of expert omniscience helps to camouflage
1991, 181) and also legitimate this disciplinary power.
I alluded above to the parallel between 'political
In the current debates on the politics of multi- order' and 'good governance'. Similarly it is pos-
culturalism,on questions of identity and difference, sible to discern key emphases on modernization and
and on the varied modalities of Western universal- democracy in both waves of Western development
ism and ethnocentrism, the connection with the theory. In this context then, there is a sense of
deployment of Occidental development doctrine is continuity. Equally, however (and leaving aside the
not always brought out. It has to be said here that, significant question of the varied content of these
as with modernization theory, the neo-liberal dis- terms as between the two waves of theory), there is
course of the contemporary era bears within it a at least one crucial difference.In terms of the public
supreme belief in the universal applicability and sector/private sector balance, neo-liberal ideas break
rationality of the Western development project. The with the previous sense of the need for some kind of
Third World other has to be instructed and helped public/private articulation in the economy and set
The geopoliticalimaginationand the enframingof developmenttheory 429
down a quite new agenda which consistently and philosophers, such as the Mexican Zea (1970)
assertively privileges the private. This is not to argued that in 'our America' the evolution of
suggest that modernization theorists were advo- analytical thought had its own specificities and
cates of state enterprises and nationalization, but complexities and it belonged on no such subordi-
neither were they the brash champions of privatiza- nating continuum. The counter-position to the
tion and market economics. They were, however, Western development canon was that Latin
advocates of capitalist modernization and democ- America not only had the right to independence but
racy through processes of geopolitical diffusion and also the right of recognition.
adoption. At this juncture, the dependentistas
entered, Thirdly, within the modernization paradigm, rela-
left of stage. tions between the West and non-West, and between
the already modernized societies and the traditional
societies of the periphery, were contextualized as
being essentially beneficial for the developing
In going back to certain elements of the dependency world. The criticalreply was that the reality of these
perspective I want to recover some notions which relations showed that the impact on the Third
are still relevant to our time. Whilst there is a World was fundamentally negative. Through sla-
politics of forgetting, there is also a politics of very, colonialism and imperialism, the relations
memory. between First and Third Worlds were characterized
Development specialists in the North frequently as being exploitative and oppressive and conducive
assume that in terms of the history of ideas, radical of poverty and underdevelopment. Of course, these
views on dependency and underdevelopment, ideas were not only expressed in Latin America.
though perhaps vividly inscribed,remain rooted in a Fanon, for example, underlined the crucial cultural
fading past. In Latin America, since the first critical dimensions of colonial domination in Africa, noting
incursions of dependenciathinking, a very varied and
rich literature has been developed on, inter alia, the povertyof the people,nationaloppressionand the
issues of state and democracy, poverty, welfare and inhibition of culture are one and the same thing.
the informal sector, social movements, women's (Fanon, 1967, 191)
struggles and power, environmental change, politi-
cal culture, and modernity and post-modernity. More recently, the Kenyan writer Nguigi (1985,
Whilst in this other America, the critical pathways 118) has appropriately observed that economic and
have been extended and diversified, dependency political control can never be effective without
thought has not been rejected but rather situated in mental control:
its time as a necessary and fruitful critique of both
modernization theory and the erstwhile strategies of to controla people'scultureis to controlits tools of
the Communist parties of Latin America. Together self-definitionin relationshipto others.
with all its limitations and shortcomings, it is
generally seen as an important part of the critical In the Latin America of approximately two decades
intellectual heritage of post-war Latin America.30 ago, theoretical analyses of marginalization and the
With a view to our previous consideration of the combination of external economic integration with
two waves of Western development theory, I want internal disintegration provided an alternative series
to summarize three of the original propositions of starting points for further conceptual and empiri-
emanating out of the dependency literature.31 cal enquiry (Nun, 1969; Quijano, 1974; Sunkel,
First, it was emphasized that within moderniza- 1972).32 Today, new studies of marginality and
tion theory the characterizationof the 'developing informalization are being developed, more in rela-
world' was little more than a caricature. Third tion to issues of democracy, social movements and
World societies were not given any history of their violence (Camacho, 1990; Tironi, 1990) and the
own; their history began only with their contact context is quite different.Nevertheless, in terms of a
with the West. Secondly, following a linear view of critical ethic and a counter narrative to the tradi-
development, the already modernized societies were tional canon of development thinking, there is a
presented as offering a horizon, a future for the clear connecting line.
traditional society which, by adopting Western Furthermore,the spirit of critical enquiry is still
innovations, could eventually modernize. Critical very much alive as Castells and Lasera (1989), for
example, show in their article on 'La nueva was a key body of alternative critical thought. The
dependencia'.In the context of an examination of West might believe that it had a 'Manifest Destiny'
technological change and socio-economic restruc- to transmit and implant its way of life across the
turing, they argue that the worsening social and globe, but the ethnocentric presumption inscribed in
economic situation in Latin America originates in its discourse of development was now challenged,
the combination of new and old forms of depen- interrupted and destabilized. However, as we have
dency; new in relation to the technological revol- seen, it was not long before the non-West came
ution as a moving force of the new system of under the impact of a second wave of development
production and old in terms of financialdependence truth.
and the imposition of policies of austerity by
foreign capital. A similar position is taken by Kay CRITICAL PATHWAYS FOR GLOBAL
(1989). From his discussion of Latin American TIMES
theories of development and underdevelopment
and, indeed, from even a cursory analysis of the Under the influence of a somewhat melancholic
present state of North-South relations, it can be sentiment, it has been suggested that in our new
ascertained that the reality of financial dependence times, critical development theory lies in ruins. For
has hardly declined. Moreover, with the new others, development itself is the antithesis of
deployment of political conditionalities and the democracy, a kind of 'elastic prison'. In times of
call for Western-style democracy, other forms of perplexity and disenchantment, of the dissolution
dependence are already being installed. of meta-narratives, of living what can seem like a
The objective of my argument here is not to continuous present - in all these moments of being,
draw a veil over the deficiencies of the dependency there is a sense in which the future is immanently
persuasion including the relative absence of a theor- precarious and fragile. Must every horizon exist
etical analysis of international relations; the often only as mirage; are we living a time of perpetual
over-generalized portrayal of the state-society deconstruction, or are there interstices and margins
nexus; the tendency toward class essentialism; and in which forms of reconstruction might emerge and
the presence, in some texts, of terminal abstractions grow? How do we think the social and the political
employed to capture fluid processes.33 Instead, I without revolution, beyond the traditional Marxist
want to suggest that in a geopolitical conjuncture paradigm with its old certitudes and informed truth
characterized by the Cuban Revolution, the estab- of capital and class?34How do we think develop-
lishment by the United States of an Alliance for ment critically, in a world of limits and uncertain
Progress, the persistence of foreign penetration survival?
(military, political, cultural),the increasing evidence In a world where the relations of power that
of financial, technological and cultural forms of undermine the conditions for a sustainable develop-
dependence, and the diffusion of a theory which ment are themselves sustained, what does
purported to legitimize and rationalize a new colon- 'sustainability'mean? Connolly (1988, 1), reflecting
ization of the imagination, an intellectual/political on the order of modernity, suggests that perhaps
movement emerged which argued, wrote and theor- 'modernity is the epoch in which the destruction of
ized back. This was the significance of dependencia. the world followed the collective attempt to master
The facts that associated modes of reflection it'. The prevalence of master discourses on devel-
emerged in other parts of the South during the same opment and the environment has been the focus of
years and that the ideas of the Latin American much feminist critique (Moghadam, 1992; Tickner,
writers spread to other parts of the Third World 1993) and it is certainly the case that moderniz-
expressed the depth of the challenge. In the encom- ation, neo-liberalism, dependency and Marxism
passing context of North-South relations, the have, overall, tended to move within the orbit of
dependency writers constructed and deployed a androcentrism.
geopolitical imagination which sought to prioritize There is, perhaps, in some of the new critical
the objectives of autonomy and difference and to literature a trend towards greater prudence, and
break the subordinating effects of metropolis- attention to what the other is thinking and saying.
satellite relations. To the Western mind inculcated The bearers of master discourses are no longer
in the Cartesian tradition, 'dependency' seemed assured of an attentive and accepting audience. But
little more than a vague discontent, but in fact it perhaps also there is a need for adventure, for what
Thegeopoliticalimaginationand the enframingof developmenttheory 431

Nietzsche (1983) referred to as the plasticity of extend the principles of democratization and
human potential, the capacity to transform and accountability to the major institutions of world
incorporate into oneself what is past and foreign, to development, within which the voices of the South
replace what has been lost, to recreate broken must receive their legitimate representation in
moulds. The new social movements have expressed decision-making processes, has to form part of a
this sense of plasticity, renewing amidst the ruins, critical geopolitical imagination. Such an imagin-
living beyond the ghosts of old paradigms. ation can help us subvert the traditional frames of
In our new more global times where do we locate meaning and practice which have constituted
our frame of meaning and analysis and how do we North-South relations for so long.
develop new geopolitical imaginations? One pos- Within the approach sketched out above, impor-
sible entrance can be found in the contemporary tance is attached to broadening the terrain of
discussion of globalization. Let us take as an geopolitical analysis and of connecting that ampli-
example a recent article by Held (1991). Held fication to North-South relations. However, there
suggests that the meaning and place of democracy still remains a deeper theoretical question concern-
have to be rethought in relation to a series of ing the status of the political in this kind of analysis.
overlapping local, regional and global structuresand In the first place, I would argue that there can be no
processes. Globalization has at least three main effective single-shot fixed function for the political.
consequences (p. 222); It is not desirable to assume that the political can be
(a) the way processes of economic, political, legal separated off as a 'level' apart, differentiatedfrom an
economic and an ideological level. Very often the
and military interconnectedness are changing the
nature of the sovereign state from above; political has been circumscribedwithin the domain
of the state, against which a civil society must
(b) the manner in which 'local and regional
nationalisms' are eroding the nation-state from organize its institutional and interactive mechanisms
of defence. Similarly,it is common to encounter the
below; and
(c) the way global interconnectedness creates assumption of a binary division between the realm
of the political (bounded within the state and
chains of interlocking political decisions and out-
comes among states and their citizens which in turn including political parties) and the domain of the
social (framedaround the family, religion, education,
impact on national political systems. the citizen, group relations, civic associations, move-
There is here an interesting geopolitical imagination ments and so on). In dissolving this binary split,
at work. as the post-Marxist would transcend the base-
First,we have the idea of global connectivity, the superstructuredivision or a post-structuralistwould
increasing need to link the differentlevels or spheres subvert any idea of a pre-supposed separation
of problems and issues; secondly we have the place between institutions and discourse, we can suggest,
of the nation-state, as a two-way nodal point of after Lefort (1988), that any discussion of the
power, conflict and dissonance and, thirdly, placed political confronts us with a crucial ambiguity. This
in a broader frame, we have the importance of social ambiguity resides in the fact that it is possible to
movements and political culture. The terrain of our talk both of the political and of politics.
geopolitical analysis, therefore, can be constituted Political sociologists and scientists acquire their
by the intermingling of global relations, nation- object of knowledge by delineating political facts
states and local and regional movements and op- which they regard as particular and separate from
positions. Our imagination can be focused on other specific facts such as the economic, the juridi-
questions of the nature of identities, difference and cal, the aesthetic, the scientific or the purely social.
justice at all levels but increasingly in a global frame. In this context, modern societies are characterized,
Within the more specific territorial setting of par- inter alia, by the delimitation of a domain of
ticular peripheral societies, the analysis of democ- institutions, relations and activities which appears to
racy and emancipation can be given its required be political, as distinct from other domains which
spatiality. The struggle for democracy has its local appear to be economic, juridical,religious and so on.
and regional domains so that in the debate on the However, the problem here is that the very fact that
possible meanings of democracy, territorialityenters something we call politics should have been demar-
as a crucial component. Democracy has its horizon- cated within social life at a given historical moment
tality. Also, and within a global frame, the need to has in itself a primal political meaning. Lefort (1988,
217) defines this originary meaning as the political, political. This suggests, therefore, that in the analy-
suggesting that this term refers to the principles that sis of the principles which govern the constitution
generate different forms of society. Rather than of society there may be a foundational meaning
accepting the social as given, Lefort stresses the which Lefort, for example, traces back to the French
necessity of investigating the principles of interal- Revolution and the idea of a historical break in the
ization which account for both the specific modes of political grounding of the social. Equally, however,
differentiation and articulation between classes, through the emergence of new modes of subjec-
groups and social ranks, as well as the specific tivity and new points of refusal and resistance,
modes of discrimination between economic, juridi- the challenging of the content of specific social
cal, aesthetic and religious markerswhich condition forms can also reveal, through the process of
the experience of the social. In a slightly more de-sedimentation, a more dynamic formulation of
complex formulation,it is argued that the political is the political.
revealed in a double movement whereby the mode If we now return to our context of the geopoliti-
of institution of society appears and at the same cal imagination and development theory, the first
time is obscured. It appears in the ways in which the point that needs to be made concerns the impor-
process whereby tance of making a related distinction between geo-
politics and the geopolitical.Aspects of the former
society is ordered and unified across its divisions were previously discussed and, after the above
becomes visible, . . . it is obscured in the sense that the consideration of the political, we are now in a
locus of politics (the locus in which partiescompete
and in which a generalagency of power takes shape position to suggest what might be meant by the
andis reproduced) becomesdefinedas particular,
while geo-political. Although Lefort refers to the 'spatial
the principlewhichgeneratesthe overallconfiguration configuration of society', no furtherdevelopment of
is concealed.(Lefort,1988, 11) this conceptual orientation is offered. There are two
points that can be made. First, the generative
Hence, revealing what is concealed - examining the principles that govern the constitution of a society
underlying generative principles that govern must have a territorialgrounding and the way the
the 'temporal and spatial configuration of society' principles themselves emerge, as during the French
(218) - constitutes for Lefort a key aim of political Revolution, cannot be divorced from the territorial-
theory. ity of the political forces that are in conflict.
Before situating these ideas in a specifically Secondly, and more directly relevant to the context
geo-political frame, I want to make one observation. of North-South relations, in the peripheralcountries
With reference to the thesis that the political is of the South, the international dimension has been
rooted in the principles governing the development quite fundamental. For the societies of Latin
of society, it needs to be emphasized that the America, Africa and Asia the principles governing
temporal and spatial dimensions of these principles the constitution of their mode of social being were
are quite crucial for any effective analysis. As deeply moulded by external penetration. The
regards the temporal dimension, when the socially- phenomenon of colonialism, for example, repre-
given is questioned and referred back to the initial sented the imposition and installation of principles
act that led to its constitution, the unstable sense of of the political that violated the bond between
the given can be reactivated. This de-sedimentation national sovereignty and the constitution of social
of the social can be seen as a continuing process being. In this sense then the geopolitical for these
which reveals what Laclau (1990, 213) calls the other societies has been grounded in the violation
political essence of the social. Expressed more of their right to bear their own principles of social
concretely we can argue that what is and what is being. Furthermore,as the history of this century
not political at any moment changes with the shows, the end of colonialism has not signified the
emergence of new questions, posed by new modes demise of such violations.
of subjectivity - for example, the personal is politi- This approach to the geopolitical is embedded in
cal. Nevertheless, the political does not eliminate the imbrication of the external and the internal, but
the social conditions from which its question was we can also think the geopolitical in relation to
born; gender relations, religious belief, environmen- changing modes of territorial subjectivity within
tal degradation and regionalism may become politi- peripheral societies. The ways in which insurgent
cal at certain moments but they are not only ethnic-regional identities have been emerging,
The geopoliticalimaginationand the enframingof developmenttheory 433
whereby the meanings invested in particularinternal 2. Of coursegeopoliticalanalysishas a longerandmuch
regions or territories have acquired a refusing, more chequeredhistory,which it is not the purpose
of this article to pursue;for a recent overview of
challenging dimension to the encompassing author-
ity of the central state, define another form of the many of the relevantthemes,see Taylor(ed.),1993.
3. In the work of Rodolf Kjellen,for example, the
geopolitical.35 Similarly, the struggles for the terri-
torialization of democracy and the installation of organicmetaphorwas furtherextendedinto the claim
that states were conscious, rational entities with
regional governments express a challenge to the interests, prejudices and an instinct for self-
socially and spatially given. preservation.Fora detailedconsiderationof Kjellen's
In both components of the geopolitical men- work,see Holdar(1992).
tioned above, one relating more to the interlocking 4. Foran overviewof some of the most centralfeatures
of the external and the internal and the second to of this 'genre' of geopolitical strategy, see Child
the more specifically internal, we can posit a clear (1979) and Pion-Berlin(1989).For a specifictext see
connection to our previous thoughts on develop- Augusto Pinochet's(1968) Geopoltica.
ment and power. Clearly, in both waves of Western 5. In the contextof what I referto as the interlockingof
spheres,therearea numberof contentiousissues.Der
development theory there has been a belief in the Derian (1990), for instance,has argued that when
superiority of the Occidental model and a general analysingsimulation,speedandsurveillance, chronol-
acceptance of the supposedly beneficial impact of ogy can be elevatedover geography,and pace over
the West's will to geopolitical power over the
space in their political effects. Here, Der Derian
non-West. In contradistinction, dependency think- follows Virilio, noting that we can think of 'geo-
ing called into question the geopolitical principles politics' being displaced by 'chronopolitics'(Der
governing the varying modalities of the West's Derian,297). Now whilst this might be possible in
impact within the societies of Latin America. As far certain kinds of discussions concerning war and
as the more particularly internal component of the intelligence questions, it is much less relevant in
issues pertainingto Gramscian'wars of position'.
geopolitical is concerned, the new forms of ethnic- Herethe intricateintertwiningof territorialidentities
regional identity and the struggles for a territorializ- and contesting social forces requires an analysis
ation of democracy provide an emerging frame for
which prioritizes the politics of territoriality,an
rethinking development along the lines of popular analysis which is grounded in space as well as
empowerment and a more enabling politics of social situated in time. Furthermore,I would argue that
justice. Virilio's(1986) treatmentof speed and politics is
Finally, it may be suggested that future theoriz- primarilyconcernedwith nuclearstrategy and mili-
ations of development need to give greater priority tary technology,in which a certainreadingof geo-
to the challenge of geopolitics, whilst political graphicallocalizationand its positedloss of strategic
geographers might give greater attention to the value is unduly generalized.In the protracteddis-
relevance of the North-South divide for today's cursive war for people's minds, knowledge of and
politics of spatial power. At the same time, and in powerover particular spacesand territoriesremainsa
crucialvector of (inter)nationalpolitics.We do have
the way in which feminist writers have used the
to remember,however, that Virilio'soriginalFrench
term 'politics of location', new imaginations will text was written in 1977.
need to include more self-reflexivity for the writer 6. In the English language literature, the recent contri-
who imagines since, across the interface between butions of Sidaway (1991, 1992) on Mozambique
development studies and political geography, the also draw the reader's attention to the significance of
decolonization of the imagination is as critical as is the internal in geopolitical formulations.
the need for critique. 7. However, in the Brazilian case, one can also find
interpretations of geopolitics that prioritize the exter-
nal dimension; see, for example, Martinez (1980) and
Vesentini (1987).
1. This differentiation is to be found in Spivak (1988, 8. On other occasions I have gone into more detail on
279). Althoughpositing a relationshipbetween glo- the post-modern, development and the politics of
bal capitalismand dominationin geopolitics,in her difference across the North-South divide; see, for
critiqueof Foucaultand Deleuze,Spivakemphasizes instance, Slater 1992a, 1992b and 1993.
the continuingvalidity and vitality of the Marxist 9. It is worth noting here that in the case of military
analysis of the international division of labour and intervention in the Southern Cone and, specifically in
distances herself from what she argues to be their relation to state terror in Argentina, defence of the
underprivileging of global (economic) power. 'West' as a mythical construction, was an important
element of the junta's overall discourse. One Admiral devoted to programmes targeting the ruraland urban
commented, 'the West today is a state of the soul, no poor.
longer tied to geography', and another posited, 'the 19. For example, while in 1974 the number of anthro-
West is for us a process of development more than a pologists working on a full-time basis for US AID
geographical location' - see Graziano (1992, 123 and was one, the number had grown to 22 by mid-1977
271). and to at least 50 by mid-1980. In addition, the
10. The continuance of what we might call the geo- number of anthropologists working for other govern-
politics of 'ways of life' found expression in the mental development bodies also increased substan-
work of highly influential geographers. In the early tially in this period (see Escobar, 1991, 665).
sixties, for example, in a discussion of the Cold 20. At the beginning of 1988, the World Bank set up the
War, Ackerman (1962, 296) wrote, 'we are fighting Private Sector Development Review Group to stimu-
for the adherence of nations and social groups to a late initiatives for the further extension and strength-
way of life on which we believe the future of ening of the private sector in developing countries.
mankind depends'. At the same time, Cuba and As was noted in 1989, 'the World Bank Group has
North Vietnam were described by Ackerman as long emphasized the advantages of market discipline
'geographical losses', so that decisive positions in and private initiative in promoting efficient
the Cold War 'must be measured ultimately in the development' (World Bank, 1989, v).
coinage of geography'. 21. The following examples are given: in Argentina, a
11. I am particularly grateful to Arturo Escobar for $325 million Bank loan, approved in 1992, was to
communicating this reference - see Escobar (1993). support reforms which are to include a reduction of
12. This is a 1970 citation taken from the influentialwork about 20 per cent in federal employment and a
of Gabriel Almond who was Chair (1954-63) of the reversal of wage compressions from 3:1 to over
American SSRC Committee on Comparative Politics 10:1. Other related operations were approved for
- see Cruise O'Brien, 1979. Madagascar, Mauritania and Pakistan; further, struc-
13. Similarly, one of Pool's colleagues, Lucien Pye, a tural adjustment operations in Bolivia, Bulgaria,
founder of counter-insurgency, and Almond's succes- Burundi,India, the Lao People's Democratic Republic,
sor as Chair of the SSRC Committee on Comparative Peru and Romania all had public-sector restructuring
Politics, wrote in 1966 of the importance of 'protect- components (see World Bank, 1992a, 62).
ing a traditional society politically and militarily from 22. Mexico and the United States are seen to have
the calculated attempts by well organized enemies of complementary economies and, through NAFTA, the
freedom to use violence to gain totalitarian control of access of US firms to Mexico's low-cost production
vulnerable societies' - quoted in Cruise O'Brien conditions will be improved whilst Mexican com-
(1979, 62). Pye's statement clearly echoed the Tru- panies will benefit from an 'infusion of technology',
man doctrine. 'the disparity in per capita income levels between
14. As one critic noted in the mid-1980s, certainly not Mexico and its northern neighbours would narrow
without justification, since the late 1940s the 'depic- rapidly, and the excess supply of labor in Mexico
tion of the international scene as one of chronic threat would be absorbed locally' (see IDB, 1991, 11).
has colored the thinking of governments of the 23. For instance, investment should be encouraged to
US and its NATO allies ever since' (Horesh, 1985, flow to those activities with the highest expected
504). economic return; workers should be encouraged to
15. This statement is taken from a National Security move to occupations and sectors in which they are
Council paper, referred to by Kolko (1988, 130), in most productive and hiring and firing procedures
his well-documented study of US strategy towards should be reasonably flexible; private entrepreneur-
the Third World in the post-war period. ship should be facilitated by eliminating bureaucratic
16. It should also be remembered that the strategy being and legal impediments, and price controls and sub-
developed was closely linked to the role played by sidies should be phased out - all these recommen-
a number of key social science advisors. W. W. dations and others are to be found in IDB (1991, 14).
Rostow, for example, who argued that Communism 24. For example, as the data collected by ECLAC show,
was an 'international disease' of the transition to from 1980 to 1989 the percentage of the Latin
modernization, was highly influential in the policy American population living in poverty increased from
circles of the time (Kolko, 1988, 130-3). 41 per cent to 44 per cent (see United Nations,
17. I shall return to the deficiencies of the modernization ECLAC, 1991, 66).
approach in the section on dependenciaperspectives. 25. In a related article, I have briefly explored some
18. It ought not to be forgotten, however, that most of features of the history of these ideas (see Slater,
the Bank'slending continued to be orientated toward 1993). For a recent and useful discussion of the
large-scale projects to promote economic growth political sources of privatization in Latin America and
but now, for the first time, key resources were Western Europe, see Schami (1992).
The geopoliticalimaginationand the enframingof developmenttheory 435
26. For a detailed analysis of the Taiwanese case see, and 1993). I am not advocating an anti-Marxist
for example, Amsden (1985) and for an excellent perspective, since there are still many relevant orien-
review of some recent analyses of East Asian tations within Marxism seen in its fullest scope and
industrialization see Henderson (1992). this is especially the case for the lineage going back
27. In a recent intervention in the debate on the political to Gramsci.
conditionalities of aid in Africa, Barya (1993) makes 35. For one recent account of such a phenomenon in
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