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Media convergence is the coming together of computing and telecommunication, it is also the melding together of various
media and creating new ways to do things such as reading the news.

Jeffery Wilkinson decided to create an online survey to work out which technology that has something to do with media
convergence his best results was:

 World Wide Web

 Mobile phone- this could be due to the decline in reading printed news and the increase is downloading the news

Convergence has changed many lives for some people. In 2007 only 20% of the population downloaded or read the news
online but there has been an exponential growth because now in 2016 55% are now using the internet. This is due to the
increase of people buying mobile phones that allow people to easily read the news online.

Disadvantage of convergence

 People who print newspapers are going to find a decline as more and more people are buying mobile phones.


 Shared reporting
Increased efficiency through one converged media operations
 Visibility
A lot easier to promote businesses because it can be on a majority of things at the same time.
 Audience
It helps increase audiences for companies

Convergence has played a big role in how we consume media. We will always consume media in
whatever format available.

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