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Name(s): Alâra Canay

Melike Babatekin

Unit Title
Saving the Planet
Grade Level
6th grade
2 Lesson hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Sixth grade students will be able to ;
a. acquire at least % 40 of the new vocabulary items used in terms of environment.
b. talk about their environment by using the words that people use in daily lives.
c. use the technique that enables them to guess the meaning of a word from the related topic.

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Video, online poster, worksheet, course book

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

Cooperative Learning
Direct Method
Object-Based Learning
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
1. A poster introducing the new topic
2. Images about the topic in poster showing the new words
3. Pair-work encouraging students to guess and write the meaning of the new word
4. Sharing the predictions of new words
5. Correcting the wrong meaning by showing the images on poster
6. Watching the video showing the daily life and environment, and talking about it in small groups
7. Studying course book
8. Distributing the worksheet form the course book
9. Going over the mistakes of students’ studies

Individual Learning Activities Students try to guess the new words’ meaning and do
the exercises in course book

Group Learning Activities Students make discussion about the video in small
groups and comparison the meaning in pairs.

In this lesson, the content consists of introducing the environment. Since it is the first week, lesson is more
based on speaking controlled by teacher and mostly teacher centered. Firstly, teacher shows a poster
introducing the new topic and s/he pronounces the new words. Then, teacher asks them to write the
unknown words and try to guess the meaning of the word. After they share their predictions, and teacher
corrects the wrong word meaning, teacher shows a video to draw their attention to topic. After they watch
the video, they are wanted to talk about the video to their classmates in a small group, and teacher listens
their speech and pay attention to their pronunciation. After that, they do some exercises on course book
based on a worksheet. Students read and do the exercises according to instructions, and then teacher
corrects their mistakes or answer their questions, if they have any.
Measurement & Evaluation
Teacher observation
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students are supposed to write at least one new word to
Individual Performance share its meaning. Also, they are supposed to complete
the worksheets activities like word and image matching
from the course book.

Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students are supposed to participate in speaking
Group Performance activities with their classmates.

Homework (optional)

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

If teacher realizes that one student in group activity is unwilling to talk much, s/he should help him through
finding correct words to use and should not make him feel under pressure, and teacher should act through
these students naively.

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