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Space, Density and Urban Form


p. 60: At the end of the page: “Ford 2005” should not be included;

p. 86: Top: “...has changed from zero to 0.25” should be “...has changed from zero to 0.50”.

p. 98: The first sentence “...N on the z-axis...” should be substituted for by “...N on the y-axis...”;

p. 120: Figure 13: “B street type, low rise” Æ “B strip type, low rise”; “C hybrid street/block type, low rise” Æ “C
hybrid strip/block type, low rise”; “E street type, mid rise” Æ “E strip type, mid rise”; “F hybrid street/block type, mid
rise” Æ “F hybrid strip/block type, mid rise”; “H hybrid point/street type, high rise” Æ “H hybrid point/strip type, high

p. 138: Middle of the page, the sentence “Compared to the Jordaan...less than a third (0.17 compared to 0.54).”
should be substituted for by “Compared to the Jordaan...less than a third (0.28 compared to 0.75).”

p. 210: At the bottom of the page, “...N on the z-axis...” should be substituted for by “...N on the y-axis...”;

p. 230: Should be added: “Sassen, S., 2009. Too big to save: the end of financial capitalism. Published 1 April
2009 on”;

p. 292: E-01ÆE-04; E-02ÆE-01; E-03ÆE-10; E-04ÆE-02; E-05ÆE-03; E-06ÆE-05; E-07ÆE-06; E-08ÆE-07;

E-09ÆE-08; E-10ÆE-09;

p. 298: Derivation of (14): “...mesh-side of w (figure 1)” should be substituted for by “...mesh-size of w (figure p.

p.299: “Deviation from a square grid (pp.116-117); derivation of (19):” should be substituted for by “Deviation from
a square grid (p. 125); derivation of formula in footnote 9, p. 221:”.

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