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I'm Makayla Borasky and Francis was my uncle. Thank you for giving me the time to speak on behalf of my famiy today about how the ‘senseless death of Francis Borasky has affected us all. This loss has been extremely painful for the close family members. Cassy was Francis’ love since high school and during the trial the defense attorney kept referringto her as Casey which clearly is not her name. This may seem minor to some people but to not take the time to get a surviving family member's name correct was hurtful. Kolby and Keagan, Francis’ sons, have not only lost their father but a friend, coach, role model, provider, and protector. Bill and Irene Borasky, Francis’ parents will never recover from the murder of their son. They visit their son's gravesite daily and feel lost without him. They will never see or hear their son's voice again but Isaac cansee his family and they get to speak with him - this is unfair on all levels, During the trial my grandparents came every day to witness the horrific photos of their son and heard details of what Isaac had done that lead to the death of Francis. No parent should ever have to bury their child, especially since that death was caused by Isaac Cantu's decision to end Francis‘ life All other family members, friends and coworkers have gone through their own trauma and grief realizing they will never get to see Francis again. They too endured the pain of watching the trial on those dark never ending days and hearing no one fromIsaac's side take any responsibility. We hope now that Isaac finally admitted that he killed Francis and will spend many years in a state prison, that his friends and family realize they were trying to protect a murderer! During the trial our family was also faced with the death of Dennis Mills, Cassy Mills dad. Francis and Dennis were very close and before Dennis became il he attended every meeting and court appearance but unfortunately was hospitalized and passed away during the tral. He wanted to see justice for Francis. Nowthey are both guiding our family as we try to heal from what Isaac chose to do on September 18, 2016. It's been explained to our family how a plea deal works and even though no amount of time is ‘enough for what Isaac Cantu intentionally did-we hope that every second of every day of the 15 years that he will be in prison- he remembers why he is there. No more excuses, no more lies, cover-ups or blaming the victim-the truth has come out that Iseac killed Francis ! ‘Our request for sentencing Isaac Cantuis that he spends as much time in prison as possible and on post release supervision so he is not a danger to others and justice is served for Francis.

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