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The collapse of the Byzantine Empire in 1453, although

important in political history, was not as significant in the
History of Mathematics:The Renaissance history of mathematics.
Regardless of what the impact of the refugees fleeing to
Italy might be, mathematical activities started rising again
Chaogui Zhang
in the middle of the 15th century.
Department of Mathematics Few mathematical treatises were published following the
Marywood University first printed books in Western Europe from 1447, but the
ones the were printed provided a base for expansion.
The rediscovery of the Greek mathematical treatises had a
very different influence in the 15th and 16th centuries
compared to that of the ancient Greek sciences and arts.

Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance

Nicholas of Cusa Regiomontanus

Nicholas of Cusa was the first modern European to attempt a

Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) stood on the borderline problem thatfasinated the best minds of antiquity and his effort
between medieval and modern times, representing the stimulated contemporaries to cricisism of his work.
weakness of the his time.
Regiomontanus (1436-1476), a.k.a. Johannes Müller of
Although he was influenced by the Humanist concern for Königsberg, probably the most influential mathematician of
antiquity and espoused Neoplatonic views, and had the 15th century, pointed out the error in Cusa’s reasoning.
access to some of Archimedes’ work, Nicholas of Cusa
Regiomontanus was a link between the classical learning
was known as a misguided circle-squarer.
preserved at Constantinople and the young Renaissance
He believed in the “concordance of contraries” and movement in Europe.
subsequently thought that he had arrived at a quadrature
His early death at the age of 40 cut short his ambitious
through an ingenuous averaging of inscribed and
project to print translations of Archimedes, Apollonius,
circumscribed polygons.
Heron, Ptolemy and others.

Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance
Regiomontanus De triangulis

One of Regiomontanus’ chief contribution was the The first book of De triangulis was written in about 1464
completion of a new Latin verion of Ptolemy’s Almagest, and it opens with fundamental notions on magnitudes and
which was begun by his teacher, Georg Peuerbach ratios, largely derived from Euclid.
It then presents more than fifty propostions onthe solution
He wrote textbooks of his own after completing the of triangles using properties of right trangles.
translation of the Almagest. Among those were Epitome of
Book II starts with the law of sines and then includes
Ptolemy’s Almagest and De triangulis.
problems on determining sides, andles and areas of plane
De triangulis of Regiomontanus helped Europe gain triangles given suitable conditions.
preeminence in the field of trigonometry, while previous
Book III and IV contained results on “spherics” and
work such as those by Peuerbach and others treated
spherical trigonometry.
trigonometry mostly as a tool in astronomy and not much
significance of its own. Regiomontanus used area “formulas” written out in words.

Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance

Tabulae directionum Application of Algebra to Geometry

Another trigonometric treatise by Regiomontanus is

Tabulae directionum.
Regiomontanus also considered algebra problems, which
He provided new tables of trigonometric function, including
were results of geometric constructions.
tagent, as did some other 15th century astonomers.
His rhetorical algebra had very restricted influence due to
Regiomontanus used large radius values like his
not only its form, but also his early death.
predecessors to avoid fractions in the tables.
Regiomontanus was a very important transitional figure in
Tabulae directionum, as well as De triangulis, was
the history of science. He shared the love of classical
published after the author’s sudden death, which delayed
learning by the Humanists, with a strong inclination toward
their effect considerably, although the works were known to
the sciences.
the mathematicians at Nuremberg in manuscript form.
His sudden death cut short all of his ambitions and was a
The central Europe cities such as Vienna, Cracow, Prague,
great loss to astronomy and mathematics.
and Nuremberg were the leaders in astronomy and
mathematics from the middle of the 15th to the middle of
the 16th century.

Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance
Nicolas Chuquet’s Triparty Triparty

An isolated French mathematician, Nicolas Chuquet (ca. 1500),

wrote a manuscript titled Triparty en la science des nombres, The second part is on roots of numbers and some
which was not published until the late 19th century. syncopation was used so that an expression like
p √
Very little is known about Nicolas Chuquet. He was born in 14 − 180 appears as R)2 .14.m̄.R)2 180.
Paris, got a bachelor’s degree in medicine and practiced at The last part concerning “Regle des premiers” (the rule of
Lyons. the unknown, i.e., algebra) is probably the most important.
The Triparty was composed in 1484 and its level and Chuquet invented an exponential notation of great
significance was perhaps the most outstanding since the significance so that modern expressions like 6x 2 would
Liber abaci of Fibonacci. appear as .6.2 in the Triparty.
The first of the “Three Parts” is on the rational arithmetic Similar notations were used for zero and negative
operations on numbers and it also contains an explanation exponents, for example, 9x −2 was written as .9.2.m. , where
of the Hindu-Arabic numerals. It is mostly in rhetorical the m is for moins.

Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance

Triparty Luca Pacioli’s Summa

In 1494, the Summa de arithmetica, geometrica, proportioni et
proportionalita of the friar Luca Pacioli(1445-1514) (a.k.a. Luca
Chuquet also observed the relationships between the di Borgo) was published and is regarded as the first printed
powers of the number 2 and the indices of these powers in work on algebra.
a table from 0 to 20, where the sums of the indices
The Summa compiled a great amount of material from four
correspond to products of the powers.
fields: arithmetic, algebra, very elementary Euclidean
Such observation is of course equivalent to a logarithmic geometry, and double-entry bookkeeping.
One of the commercial arithmetic works Pacioli borrowed
The next half of part three in the Triparty is concerned with from is the compendio de lo abaco of Francesco Pellos (fl.
the solution of equations. 1450-1500), which contained an early form of our current
Chuquet was for the first time putting an isolated negative decimal point.
number in an algebraic equation. The Summa lacks the exponential notations found in the
He occasionally viewed 0 as a solution sought in an Triparty, but it used a greater amount of syncopation by
equation, although in general he still rejected 0 as a root. abbreviations. Notations such as p (for addition), m (for
subtraction), as well as co, ce, and ae (for cosa, censo,
and aequalis) were used by Pacioli in the book.
Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance
Portrait of Luca Pacioli Leonardo da Vinci

Pacioli published two more works on geometry, a Latin

translation of Euclid’s Elements (with little influence), and
another work titled (De divina proportione in 1509. The
excellent figures in the latter of the two were created by
Leonardo da Vinci.
Picalio and da Vinci collaborated with and taught each
other around the turn from the 15th to the 16th century for
several years.
Leonardo da Vinci showed his impressive talent in science
and engineering in his notebooks containing about 13,000
pages of notes and drawings.
The notebooks were written in mirror-image cursive from
right to left, probably because it was more convenient for
the left-handed da Vinci.
Attributed to Jacopo de’ Barbari (with disputes)

Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance

Germanic Albegras Cardan’s Ars Magna

Although the Renaissance period started with renewed interest

in art and learning in Italy, other parts of Europe would soon In 1545, Geronimo Cardano (1501-1576) published the Ars
also join the parade. Germany, for example, also provided Magna, which contained the most famous solution of cubic
plenty of works in mathematics. equations. This year is often marked as the beginning of
In 1489, Johann Widman (born ca. 1460) published modern mathematics.
Rechnung uff allen Kauffmanschafften, which contained It is well known and Cardano admitted that he obtained
the first printed use of our + and - signs. hints for solving the cubic from Niccolo Tartaglia (ca. 1500
Die Coss was written in 1524 by the famous - 1557).
Rechenmeister, Adam Riese (1492-1559), who was the The book also contained the solution of the quartic, which
most influential German writer in the move to replace the was first discovered by Ludovico Ferrari ( 1522 - 1565).
old computation with the newer (Hindu-Arabic) method.
There is a great deal of controversy related to the solution
Other significant works on algebra by German authors of the cubic equations involving figures like Scipione del
include the Coss (1525) by Christoph Rudolff, the Ferro, Ferrari, Tartaglia, and Cardano.
Rechnung (1527) by Peter Apian, and the Arithmetica
integra (1544) by Michael Stifel.

Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance
Solution of the Cubic Ferrari’s Solution of the Quartic Equation
Since the cubic term can be easily eliminated, a general
solution of a quartic in the form of x 4 + px 2 + q = rx would be
enough to solve all quartic equations. Let’s consider
Cubic equations of the form x 3 + px = q can be solved x 4 + 6x 2 + 36 = 60x as an example.
with a substitution like x = u − v and make uv = p/3.
Make the left a perfect square by adding appropriate
General cubic equations involving x 2 can be rewritten into square and constant terms:
the form above first and then it can be solved the same
way. (x 2 + 6)2 = 6x 2 + 60x.
This process sometimes would produce a solution
involving the square root of negative numbers even when
the cubic is known to have real roots. Cardano wasn’t able Add a new unknown y into the equation and get
to resolve the situation (given that the theory of complex
(x 2 + 6 + y )2 = 6x 2 + 60x + y 2 + 12y + 2yx 2 ,
numbers had not been developed yet at the time).
which becomes

(x 2 + 6 + y )2 = (2y + 6)x 2 + 60x + (y 2 + 12y ),

Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance

Ferrari’s Solution of the Quartic Equation Irreducible Cubics and Complex Numbers

Then find a y value that makes the right hand side a The publication of the Ars Magna inspired generations of
perfect square. This means the discrinimant must be zero, mathematicians to pursue solutions of higher order
i.e., 602 − 4(2y + 6)(y 2 + 12y ) = 0. polynomial equations for many years to come, with no
The equation above simplifies to a cubic in y : possibility of success as we know that such general
y 3 + 15y 2 + 36y = 450, known today as the “resolvent solutions do not exist. However, the journey produced
cubic” of the given quartic. Solving this gives us excellent mathematical results.
s s The solution of cubics also led mathematicians to look at
the possibility of taking the square root of a negative
r r
3 1 1 3 1 1
y = 287 + 80449 + 287 − 80449 − 5. number.
2 4 2 4
Rafael Bombelli (ca. 1526-1573) had “a wild thought” about
the solutions of cubics that involved square root of negative
Substitute this y back into the second step and take the numbers even though the equation is known to have a real
square root. solution like x = 4 for x 3 = 15x + 4. The solution using the
p √ p √
Solve the quadratic resulted to find x for the original quartic 3 3
cubic formula gives us x = 2 + −121 + 2 − −121.
equation. Maybe this value is indeed equal to 4.

Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance
Robert Recorde Nicholas Copernicus
England saw little mathematical development after Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) is of course thought of
Bradwardine’s death for two centuries. Robert Recorde was the mostly as an astronomer who demonstrated that earth
only Mathematician from England with some fame in the 16th moves around the sun, not the other way around.
century. Inevitably, though, he was also a trigonometer.
Robert Recorde (c.a. 1510 - 1558) studied and taught His most celebrated De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
mathematics at both Oxford and Cambridge. He received a in 1543 contained many significant results on trigonometry,
medical degree from Cambridge and became a physician which was also published separately earlier in De lateribus
to Edward VI and Queen Mary. et angulis triangulorum.
Recorde’s first mathematical work was the Grounde of Georg Joachim Rheticus (1514-1576) studied under
Artes (1541) was a popular arithmetic on computation with Copernicus from 1539. He combined the ideas of
commercial applications. Regiomontanus and Copernicus, together with views of his
He also wrote Castle of Knowledge, Pathewaie to own. The result is the two-volume Opus palatinum de
Knowledge, both of which were published in 1551. triangulis, in which the author considered trigonometric
Recorde’s most famous work is titled The Whetstone of functions as related to lines in a right triangle instead of the
Witte, published in 1557. It contained the first printed arc of a circle. All six trigonometric functions were in full
equality sign. use in elaborate tables.
Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance


A few more noteworthy figures from the second half of the 15th
century to the 16th century are:
Pierre de la Ramée, a.k.a. Ramus (1515-1572):
Mathematics Pedagogy
Johannes Werner (1468-1522): Geometry
Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528): Geometry
Francesco Maurolico (1494-1575): Geometry
Peter Apian (1495-1552): Cartography
Gerard Mercator (1512-1594): Cartography

Chaogui Zhang History of Mathematics:The Renaissance

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