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REL CRETARI ROMANE FAVTORVM ACTA 1, 2010 Eduard Shebi KILNS IN ALBANIA, An averview ‘The archacolosical excavations undertaken in athania since the Second World Warhave very often ulfered new evidence forthe existence of kilns for pottery a8 well as for construc tion materials. The recorder evidence ranges from classical antiquity until the late medieval period. However, the ma- jority a the published sources give evidence for wusters oF indirect races for the presence of kilns, There are only four ceases where actual structures of kins have been found and fnalyred but only in two out of four eases is this analytical study accompanied by any Mustration “This conttbution aims to give an overview of the direct and indirect information concerning the existence af kilns in the territory of Albunia, procuciag a distibution agp of their presence: The pubtished evidence is futher extended by in- ‘Formation offeretby recent cliseoveties in Durnés and Gramsh, Secondary sources on the presence of kilns (ig. 1) 1 1949 as published the fist nfoemation on the presence ff consiéerable amount of tricks and tes in the southern part ofthe setment of Gurdzezé, as well as he presence Dfvicks stamped HAIRENOS! The docamentation of this find as wel asthe traces ofr seis around the structures, ‘nade i possible fr the ATbaaian arehaeologst o ideas fa whole quarter with workshops, which omains still unexcavated “A report on the Altanian Soviet excavations in 1988 in the ancicot ste of Apallenia mentions the finding OF 3 die ‘ed for stamping inscriptions, agments oF Kiln and iron ‘vast, as well asthe Foundations of a kiln use for fing the potters Similarly in 1976 in Apolonia was Found s dump Ufa potery kiln, whic was sbjacted 10 chemical analyses [Atte castle of Irma (dated 4 cent. BC-1¥ AD) ave ‘ice imi il wasters of the 24 ent. BC-1* cent. AD. arthermore the author saggests the identification of @ Kilo presence. This site is identified with Kadrion, weit of the Irian rite ot Dassaceti, mentioned hy Polytias 5108.28) Fig, 1. Mop of Albania and Lixy (31.27.1-57. In 1973 a the ancient setiement oF Kos, enti with ikaia were record waster eaainsand kil-sacens-CoM- ayaa 1999.55 erming these remains the athor of the rep Saggess the ~‘Butmarasitaase 1960, 63-64 6 presence of Helles kiln 2 The, 1974 atthe ity of Bers, were found a number oP wasters of pans and plates’, During the same period, at "Sra 1993 8 5s Emuneo Sie Fig, 2. Map of Ducts, Gradishté © Symes, were also recovered several pottery aster’ The arvhacological excavicion at the Mlyrian eentrs of Dimat. offers wasters ofthe Hellenic peviod'. Fuathermore, Fraginemts of wasters have algo been reporred at Seleg ¢ Poshins At Durrés (fig. 21) has been found the waste dump of a pottecy workshop, obviously prxhicing “Megatian bows as a primary prodct, In addition tothe considerable ameurt of asters, several moulds used fr the procustion af the bows ‘ere also found, Inthe distribution map, published by the author, ace indicated another two points Where races of pot- ‘ery Kilns were found. however any further explanation is mmising!. In Duress also mentioned the presence of moulds used for producing lamps with appliqué decoratcn!!. ‘The kilns ‘The fist published kiln was found ia 1971 at Kug i Zi I measured 3m long sed 2m wide. The fting chamber was separated from the combustion chamber hy platform con- structed of bricks, placed over Four double piers joined by arches (fig. 3, afer Koyasts 1971). This substructure was also built of bricks, measuring 0.360 38 x 0.060 08m. The ‘only boning material was clay. The pavement sepassting both spaces is piesued by five lines of holes, paral with 56 evch other with N-S orientation. The combustion chamber has wo stoke-holes, cn the east and west sides, 0,60-0.80. in height. The avthor suggests thot this kila was wsed for firing construction material, possibly dared dusing the 4° 1 centuries BC, Th an article on the survey of 1974 undertaken in the Giirokastra district, village of Bind. re reponed several ‘objects dated in the 3-2 poaturios BC as well as the re ‘mains of (x0 kils of conical shape. The ower faces of the kilns were built out of small stones bonded with clay. One Of them survived to a height of 1.5m with the diameter of the lower base being 0.601n and the top diameter 30m", [No finds ure tasted hy the author. In 1984 were published the results of the excavation at the medieval site of Mashijeré where a pottery kiln was \domtitied. This was semicircular with an inner diameter of 2m. The walls, with 2 width of 0.60-0,70m, were made out of small stones and tile fragments bonded with clay. The inner part had 2 gradual closure with vaults constructed of bricks bonded with clay. la toa the kiln was 2m high. The Lina 1974.90 Dara 190.155 Caxa 1972 176 © Tow 1976 Men 198? Kina 197), 26266, Beane 1974389, Few iie Kuss Aunaais 48 asi Fig. 4. Kiln in Durr (after PaniParanss 1886) kiln pavement was fattoned with clay placed over e layer of stones and bricks, It was constructed prior w the construe- vion of the medieval city wall of tke 13° eentury.* ‘The hes! published dnccmentaton followed hy a detailed description is offered in a report of 1986, eorseming a po'- tery Bil found in Durres, It was located in the north. wes!- ‘em pact of the city, near the hil side of Carita, The kiln had A quadrangular shape (ig. 2.2; 4), measuring 4 x 3m and |.2m in height I was composed of two parts the combus- tion chamber and the firing ehamber, divided bys horizen- ‘al floor made out of uofsed bricks (for dis veason the wu thors suggest the kiln was never used), placed over a group ‘of'seve parallel ines of wall The upper closuee ofthe spaces, ‘was constructed out of united bricks (0.37 (1.23 x (07m, G47 0.26 x 0.05m, 0-44 & 0.21 x 108m) bonded with clay. Thare are no decals given, conzecming the small finds recovered from the area ofthe kiln." (Current information During an abusive excavation in . 2000, in he ety of Dacre, remainvof a kiln structure for producing tiles and able ware ‘as demolished (fig, 2.3). 1twas possible te docarnent only paris ofits structure pars ofthe combustion cbarnber, pans oar 15. © Pastas 1986, 2 5. Kiln in Hostenth (photo A. 8. Balla bf two unidentified spaces, a pile of tes, seme bearing stamps. The surviving par ofthe combustion chamber von sisted of a brick well (.07-0,09m: high, bonded and plas ‘ered with clay, vitrified asa result oF firing. The upper part. of this wall was arched. The remaining spoves, purtly pre served, weve made out af bricks O44 x 0.08/0.C8m, bonded with clay. The recorded poitery fragments dated this work shop in the 1* cemiury BC, however the ssamped les offer 3 daze not later than ¢, 30 B.C. corresponding to the peried when Dyrrachium became u Raman colony" Furicrmore, as a result of ebusive excavation within the ity of Durres he stricture of another workshop, also Toeated inthe hill arcs: of Cunila, was demolished (fig, 24), DDusing the rescue excavations in the city centre, chere were found terracotta moulds and teacotta dumps (dated inthe 3-29 century BC) as well as related structures sug- gested to have been used for prociocing portesy during the 23H centuries AD. (fig. 28) At Lecha, further northwards along the coast, have been found tipods, ased as spicers between the objects within the kin, 88 well as wasters AtPhoinike ir the extreme south of the eountry, recent excavation have yielces a mould For producing “Megarian" bows In 2006, atthe village of Hostenth (Gramsh), near the castle of Irmaj, was recorded the presence of foar kilns, di fering in shape and! size, The firs kiln (Bg, 5-6) was four casually by a villager named Abedin Sabsi Ballo, Based (9 his photos as Wall as on a preliminary evaluation of the site its measurements should have been 1.9/2.0 mx 2.0/2.1 1m, The upper port of the combustion chamber was clearly distinguished. having anarched Shape, with perforate oor above as well as an oval opening forthe stoke-hole, The second (uoecavated) kiln is easily distinguish in san eroded part of the femain, The floor aver the combustion ter iscicular, 70% preserva, 18m seide and 11m high 6. Kiln in Hostenth (photo A, 8, Bale, From the third kim holes in the Noor ofthe firing chamber, with diameter of 0,08-0.10m, set 0.12-0.17m apart. The lines of holes stand (0.20 from each other fig. Typ “The fourth kiln could not Be located: however the sarae persons wo diseovered the ist kiln canfirmedics presence, ‘The impossibility offinding any pottzy Fragments made it aificult 1 suggest any possible date concerning these kas. Finally itis worth remembering that at che caste of Irma) (ated inthe century BC-1" century AD), there has been found evidenve forthe preseace of kilns. * ce wore uble to identity only the Except (or the city of Dus, where the finds are abun dant, the overall information fr the zest of the sites, i not really sufficient wallow any conclusive suggestion coneer- ing dating evidenoe forthe presence of kilns, chronological evolution of their products, ‘The finds from Durrés demonsinute that the production co pottery vases was primarily concentrated outside the ety wall, in the clay bill area of Curila It is only one docu ‘mented case for the production of potiery within the city Regarding the chronology of these Hinds, it seems that the majority of them relate to the 3" — 1 centuries BC, doca- menting a notable absence during the Retna period. However this i a preliminary eflort to try and suggest ideas for the distribution of kilns as well. as to attract atten- tion for any further archaeological project. Addendien During « survey in lume 2009 in the settlement of Gunter ‘twas possible to discover fous more poctery kilns, partially preserved ee Sear 20) Bibliography Asus 189 Bunsen. se 1960, Bos 1974 Caen 1972 Dacral (976 Goma Vrccraera 2008 Mopar 1976 Kowara 1871 Ties 1974 Mucay 1984 PasuParansr 1985 Puan 197 asx: Suzin 2007 nna 1972 Shas 1075 Teena, 198 nse Arman as evans ig. 7. Kiln in Hosteath. 5: Annus Vj dhe qondra miko hgindno aj, Bal Inst. Shkencuve 4, 149, $3-65 V.D-Butavatsa, Is ss Germipiet ne potion! be Orik gate vit 1958. Bul. Ln. Sherer @ Tieands 11960, SL-112, Da. Bua, La earte archeolepigue df allée du Drincs iia 3, 1974, 395-992, N, Cex Li ville ilyicnne de la Bosse Sele. Hii 2, 1972, 167-216 1 Datta, Aspekts tet ekomomaks ne Dims ina 91976, (47-168, A, Ganinenin/E, Vecceuern, Esonomia © preduzione dell Epir setentsionale in th elleristca | ‘rari serarnici tr: $ Colloq Iernational aur lye Mcitonae pee den Ang, Grenoble 8-11 oie 2008 (a pes), H, Hoos, Gums 1 18 punishiee gramike nd Dytrah ins 6, 1976, 283-258, 1, Kowa, Zula je futre vette ne Ku ia I, 1971, 261-256. Lena, Rezaltet © gémimevesrloclogike té vit 1974 n@ Gradisiin » SymizéS Bul, Ar. 5 Lots, 9, 5. Moar Qytoze mesjetare e Mashkioess. isu L198}, 254-255. H. Mtr, Germimesarkeotogiike itt 1987, Ha 2, 1987, 240-291 6G. Past L, Panini Ni fr ante nf Durée de probes shvemdosje aj. Monument 1 sp, 15228, LL. Presa, Getmimetasheologie iit 1973 né tein ir fat Klos t# Mallakastets Bul Ark 4, 1974, 95-10), F Peonon, Px, Bross. Kalajae Inna isla 2, 1972, 21-60. Shean, Conti per la topograf di Dyrachium (Hl sesalo AC IV ania dC). tourna Ancient Topout 17, 2007, 159-208, HL Srute, Rezulette gSrmimovetéviteve 1974 né kaland ¢ Herat, ul Ark. 5, 1975, 77-87 Dy Teak, F Sans, N, Cha Sti Kiiko-statsikor | geramiks sn punish A polis Hira 2, 198, 297-248 9

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