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Microsoft Office I Final Exam

Your final exam will consist of two parts: first, a timed typing test; and second, a choice
of 2 Microsoft Office activities.


Follow the instructions below for the timed typing test:

1. Start Micro Pace Pro,

2. login with your user name and password,
3. Click on the “Timed Writing” button,
4. Choose test “SB08” (it is neart the bottom of the list),
5. When you are finished, hit the print button, but choose the “cute pdf” file as the
printer. Your results will be saved to a file. Choose this file, and upload it to
hand it in.
6. Following is the rubric for your score.
7. What you will type is found on the back of this sheet.

Grade Gross Words A

A 24 or more
B+ 23
B 22
B- 20
C+ 18
C 16
C- 14
D+ 12
D 10
D- 9

Note you must have 90% or higher accuracy to receive the indicated grade. If your
document has a higher error rate, than deduct one level from your score for each 10%.
For example, if you type 20 GWAM on a 5 minute test your grade will be a b-, however
if your accuracy is 80% that will lower it to a C. Another example, if you type 32
GWAM on a five minute test with 90% accuracy, your grade would be a A.
#SB08, page 425%

You are nearing the end of your keyboarding classes. The

skill level you have attained is much better than that with which
you started when you were given keyboarding instruction for the
very first time. During the early phase of your training, you were
taught to key the letters of the alphabet and the figures by touch.
During the initial period of learning, the primary emphasis was
placed on your keying technique.
After learning to key the alphabet and figures, your next
job was to learn to format documents. The various types of
documents formatted included letters, tables, and manuscripts.
During this time of training, an emphasis also was placed on
increasing the rate at which you were able to key. Parts of the
lessons keyed at this time also were used to help you recognize the
value of and to improve language skills.
The final phase of your training dealt with increasing your
skill at producing documents of high quality at a rapid rate.
Directions were provided for keying special documents; drills
were given to build skill; and problems were provided to assess
your progress. You were also given a number of simulations to
allow you to apply what you had learned. Now you have a skill
that you will be able to use throughout your life.

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