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Pola Passive Voice

Pasive Voice dalam soal bagian Structure and Written Expression bisa saja dapat Anda temukan ketika
mengikuti tes TOEFL. Untuk menjawab soal pola ini, Anda harus memahami pola-polanya dengan baik
Passive Voice atau Kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang objek dari kalimat aktifnya menjadi subjek pada
kalimat pasif.

Pola kalimatnya: Subject + to be + past participle

1. Simple Present:
Aktif : He drinks a cup of coffee.
Pasif : A cup of coffee is drunk (by him).

2. Simple Past:
Aktif : He drank a cup off coffee.
Pasif : A cup of coffee was drunk (by him).

3. Simple Future:
Aktif : I will visit my grandmother.
Pasif : My grandmother will be visited (by me).

4. Present Continuous:
Aktif : I am writing a letter.
Pasif : A letter is being written (by me).

5. Present Perfect:
Aktif : I have done my homework.
Pasif : My homework has been done (by me).

6. Present Perfect Continuous:

Aktif : I have been studying English.
Pasif : English has been being studied (by me).

7. Modals : Subject + modals + be + V3

Aktif : I can finish my work on time.
Pasif : My work can be finished on time (by me).

Contoh kalimat pasif dalam pola negatif:

1. He doesn’t clean his rooms. [aktif]

His rooms are not cleaned (by him). [pasif]
2. I haven’t done my work. [aktif]
My work has not been done by me. [pasif]

Contoh kalimat pasif dalam pola interogatif:

1. Doesn’t she buy some foods? [aktif]

Aren’t some foods bought by her? [pasif]
2. Did he sell his car? [aktif]
Was his car sold by him? [pasif]

Bila kalimat aktif terdiri dari induk kalimat dan anak kalimat, yang dipasifkan bisa pada induk
kalimatnya, bisa juga pada anak kalimatnya.

1. He says that Andi is a clever student [aktif]

2. It is said that Andi is a clever student [pasif]
3. Andi is said to be a clever student [pasif]

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