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Part 1


Leadership is the ability to lead a group of people or a team consisting of individuals

with different ideas and opinions in a way that each member of the group has a clear
understanding of the motives and display obedience and cooperatively strive towards
achieving their shared purpose or goals or aims.

(The K20 Center for Educational and Community Renewal)

Difference between a Manager & a Leader:

 In a broader sense is a person who is given the responsibility to manage a group
of people and who is responsible for any actions or achievements of that group.
 A manager is the one who keeps in touch or answers to the higher authority
regarding the progress or drawbacks of his team although he or she is not in direct
contact with the team at all times.
 Some of the qualities that can be considered which defines a manager are:
 Creativity
 Mentoring
 Implementing tactics
 Problem solving skills
 Disciplined
 Clear communication
 Positive attitude
 Assessing performance of the team

 Some of the responsibilities of a manager are:

 Update and report to the higher authorities
 Applying rules and policies
 Recruiting
 Doings things right
 Communicating instructions
 Planning schedules
 Negotiating
 Getting people to do things
 Time management
 Organizing resources
(Trickett, 2015)


 Leader is the person who is in direct contact with a team or a group of people who
works under instructions communicated by the manager.
 Leader has the ability to make a group of unproductive and unorganized
individuals to a completely functioning and efficient group of high performing
 Although it is the leaders responsibility to cater with the rules and policies
conveyed by the manager.

 It’s of absolute importance to a leader to listen and address the concerns and
shortfalls of his team when it comes to the mental health and motivation required
for the better functioning of his team.
 Some of the qualities of a leader are:

 Having courage
 Honesty with his group
 Sharing a vision with his team
 Listening skills
 Giving praise for a good work
 Being determined

 Some of the responsibilities are:

 Developing strategy
 Developing successors
 Motivating others
 Working alongside team members
 Taking responsibility for mistakes
 Giving instructions and feedback
 Identifying the need for action

(Employee Motivation – New Secrets, 2010)


Motivation is an act of encouragement or a reason for a better performance of a person

or a group of individuals. Motivation does not have any limitations as it always varies
with individual choices made by different people for different reasons. Its importance is
evident in the efficiency or the quality of work done by a team or a group.

Link between Leadership and Motivation

o Leadership has got a direct link to Motivation.

o A leader has the responsibility to make sure that his team works at its highest
efficiency despite the confusion and political interference.
o Motivation is the key element that drives a team to its victory.
o Leadership can be appreciated when a leader is able to motivate a team in the
right way which could result in his team being able to perform.
o It’s a leader’s responsibility to listen to the problems and concerns of his team
members which may be causing a bad reputation or a bad representation. He or
she should then be able to address to these issues.
o It’s Motivation which puts the last chip in place and brings his team back on
o However it up to the leader to make a right choice and decide what motivated
his team better.
o The link between motivation and leadership is inevitable because that the fuel to
a successful group or team.

Management structure onboard:













The effect of this management structure on the onboard dynamics:

This is a layout of the management structure that existed onboard a container carrier

The management style that existed in this vessel can be compared to theory “X”,

Authoritarian management style.(“ XY” Theory. (McGregor, 1960)

This certainly would have a negative effect on the onboard dynamics as the
organization would contently put pressure on the managers to meet targets and
eventually the management takes more stringent measures in order to not

Crew often falls prey to fatigue, inefficiency which could attract accidents, near misses
and bad reports.

However according to model of group development proposed by Bruce Tuckman in

1965 the Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing phases are necessary and
inevitable in order for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to
find solutions, to plan work, and to deliver results in hard times.

Conduct onboard a vessel

Conduct onboard a vessel is one of the important parts of the agreement that each
seafarer has to be aware of.

Every seafarer is bound by the Merchant Navy Code of Conduct when they sign their
contract papers. The actions of a seafarer are governed by this code of conduct.

It is an Agreement between:

• Nautilus International


• UK Chamber of Shipping

And also approved by the MCA.

The code of conduct underlines the general conduct expected from seafarers with
regard to their duties onboard a vessel in normal conditions, emergency conditions as
well as general conduct towards crew members and others.

Special instructions are considered regarding the gross misconduct and which type of
conduct may be considered a Gross Misconduct. For example: assault, sexual
misconduct, smuggling etc.

Disciplinary actions are taken against those who engage themselves in misconduct.

Immediate suspension- if the severity of the misconduct is taken into consideration and
found Gross misconduct, that may lead to immediate suspension or dismissal depending
on the master’s decision.

In a normal case the steps are:

 Informal warning
 Formal warning
 Written warning
 Final warning
 Dismissal from the ship

In some cases dismissal from the ship may be followed by the dismissal from the
company which also depends on the severity of the misconduct.

Importance of effective communication onboard a vessel:

Communication is of utmost importance on a vessel.

Having to execute a huge list of tasks and daily routines, communication is probably the
most important part of the whole system. Being able to develop a good communication
skill would be one of the best qualities of manager or a leader. However this is not an
easy thing to do. The success of a vessel, its activities and its management comes from
a good team work of the crew and the managers at the same time. Being able to
understand the members of this team and choosing the type of communication that
would affect the team’s outcome is the challenge that has to be achieved. A team may
be up against an idea (defensive) or may go with it (supportive). For a manager or a
leader to understand the limitations of his or her team, its is important to let the team
communicate with the manager of a leader through feedbacks and meetings where the
team can layout their opinions and ideas. This would enable the leader or a manager to
make sure that a goal or an aim is achieved efficiently but not at the cost of his or her
team’s interests. When it comes to communication its important to be a good listener

too because without listening it is impossible to understand what message the other
person is try to convey.


There are different types of communication:

 Verbal
A good example of a verbal communication is two persons talking. At this point
they share their ideas or opinions with each other
 Non-verbal
There are many different types of non-verbal communication.
Written,printed,typed etc..

It is possible that barriers may exist which hinders an effective communication.

To overcome these barriers and effective approach has to be chosen. This is one
of the responsibilities of leader or a manager. Some of the barriers are given in
the image below:

(business case studies)

Part 2

Role play analysis

The scenario used in the role play displayed the wrong management methods used on
a vessel navigating in the North Atlantic. On the bridge the second officer who is tired
and sleepy is waiting for chief officer who is always late for his watch. On a watch it is
vital that the watch keeper do his duty without fail. Being tired while on watchkeeping
duty will hinder the execution of a proper watch and may lead to accidents. The
character displays an officer who is not well rested for his duty. Second officer should
have been well rested and it was his responsibility to hand over the watch properly to
the chief officer. When he noticed that chief officer was under the influence of alcohol,
he should have never handed over the watch and should have taken appropriate action.

The chief officer who was under the influence of alcohol and was late for his watch.
Chief officer is the safety officer onboard the vessel. In this scenario chief officer did not
care about the safety of his vessel and is wrong by the law. And when the second
officer did not hand over his watch properly failed to stop him and ask him for a proper
hand over. Since the vessel was in north atlantic they officers should have been more
cautious regarding the weather reports and proper navigation.

The lookout was always standing in one corner ofthe bridge was busy playing games on
his phone. Phones are a distraction to a good watch keeping should never be used
during watch nor should be carried to the bridge. The lookout should always be able do
the job properly as it is vital for a safe navigation.

Team performance

Chief officer was played by Mr. Jamey

He did a good job displaying the faults of the chief officer in the scenario. It was
evident from his act that the chief officer was not in a position to take over a watch. His
entrance to the scene was at an appropriate time and did a great job.

2nd officer was played by myself. He was able to display that he was tired as well as not
happy about chief officer being late all the time. He was also able to display bad

The LookOut was played by Mr. Sreekumar. The use of mobile phones can affect the
navigational equipments performance and must not be allowed on the bridge. He was
able to display the characters faults while doing a watch.

business case studies. (n.d.). Retrieved from business case studies:

bvex. (n.d.). Retrieved from bvex business value exchange.:

Employee Motivation – New Secrets. (2010, AUGUST 13). Retrieved from accidental hr manager:

McGregor, D. (1960). The Human Side Of Enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill.

The K20 Center for Educational and Community Renewal. (n.d.). Retrieved from k20center university of

Trickett, M. ( 2015, May 7). Retrieved from


Part 1

 Leadership.............................................................................1
 Manager ................................................................................2
 Leader ................................................................................3-4
 Motivation .............................................................................5
 Link between leadership and motivation..............................6
 Management structure......................................................... 7
 The effect of this management structure on the onboard dynamics
 Conduct onboard a vessel................................................9-10

 Importance of effective communication onboard a vessel....

Part 2

 Roleplay analysis.................................................................12
 Team performance..........................................................12-13


This assignment is about management. Effort has been taken to convey

the message in the simplest way possible.
Few management images has also been used in order to make it easier
to understand.
Websites which talk about management was used for obtaining these
management images.
It a 13 pages assignment and is intended to give a short and quick look
into the world of management.


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