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Code and Decode Exercise

Code Decode
AK I have had a nuclear accident on board
DK2 Can you send a boat?
MKF Penis is swollen

MVU3 Refer back to me in 3 hours or before if patient worsens.

AM Have you a doctor?
NK There is not sufficient depth of water.

A090 Azimuth 090

C120 Course 120
D220904 21st September 2004
G0101 Longitude 001ᵒ 01’
K3 I wish to communicate with you using Morse Lamp.

L5501 Lat 55° 01’

R2 Distance 2nm
S14 14kts
T1530 1530 LMT
V15 15km/h
Z1430 1430 GMT
1. To GTZX Vessel GXXQ is in distress in position 171ᵒ from METHIL distance 75.5 miles
and requires immediate towing assistance. I cannot give assistance required. Can
you assist? Wind force expected beaufort force 8. I will call you again at 0715 GMT
on 2333 kHz. Report results of rescue.

2. FF1 GLYXD L1747 Z1019.

3. To GTZX. I am aground amidships in position lat 10ᵒ 10’ Long 001ᵒ 21’. I am
jettisoning bunkers to refloat. The tide was at high water when the vessel went

4. GTZX ED1 EZ L1009 G2323 Z0700

5. I have collided with surface craft. I do not know what has happened to the vessel
with which I have collided. My present position is Lat 12ᵒ 13’ Long 004ᵒ 14’. I am
drifting. I require assistance in the nature of towing.

6. DT1 L1414N G2727W T1445 CL EM-C

7. Patient has deep wound to chest, left side. Bleeding is not severe. I request urgent
medical advice. I have no doctor on board.

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