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Lanier Elementary School

Fifth Grade Discipline Policy

By fifth grade, students are expected to know what is considered acceptable school behavior. We
expect every student to conduct himself/herself in a manner conducive to a constructive learning
environment. In order to aid the student in taking responsibility for his or her own behavior, we have
established the Five-Step Behavior Plan detailed below. This plan clearly defines the consequences when
infractions do occur. If a student receives FIVE demerits during a grading period (nine weeks), then he or she
will be placed on the Five-Step Behavior Plan. The student will remain on the plan for the remainder of the
grading period, and will be removed from the plan at the beginning of the next grading period.

1 Demerit is earned for the following offenses:

Violation of Class Rules – Any inappropriate behavior inside the classroom.

Violation of School Rules – Any inappropriate behavior outside the classroom to include, but not be
limited to, halls and playground. Refer to the LES Student Handbook.

Missing Assignments – Students are expected to turn in classwork and homework assignments on the
dates they are due. A demerit will be earned for one or more missing classwork or homework assignments
during any one day.

Missing Required Supplies – Students must bring required supplies to class every day. Examples of
required supplies include but are not limited to Agenda (with all pages intact), homeroom reading materials,
textbooks, pencil, paper, binder, Tuesday folder, and other materials required for specific classes by
individual teachers. All supplies listed on the student supply list are considered required supplies.

Failure to Pay Attention in Class – Students are expected to focus on the teacher’s lessons and directions.
Choosing to not pay attention during instruction in class prevents students from learning.

5 Demerits are earned for the following offenses:

Defiance – Defiance is defined as a refusal to do as asked.

Violation of Another’s Personal Space – This is to include, but not be limited to, picking at, flipping,
poking, horse playing, marking on notebooks, hands or clothing, or hiding the belongings of another
student. Everyone has a right to expect to be free from harassment. Keep your hands, feet, and other
objects to yourself.

Inappropriate Language – Any use of profanity, crude slang, or offensive comments. When in doubt,
don’t say it!

Violations of School Rules in the Restroom/Connections/Library/Lunchroom

10 Demerits are earned for the following offenses:

Disrespect – Any act of rudeness directed toward a teacher, staff member, substitute teacher, or another
student. This includes putdowns, teasing, name calling, and derogatory remarks.

Classroom Disruption – Any action that interferes with the learning of others.

Threats or Physical Harm – Making threats or harming another is unacceptable. Cases involving
repeated threats or serious physical harm (fighting) will result in immediate office referral in addition to
Fifth Grade Five-Step Discipline Plan
Once a student is placed on the behavior plan, he or she will progress through the following discipline procedures:

STEP 1 = 5 DEMERITS Student will be assigned to Silent Lunch for one day; he or she will be required
to complete a written copy of “My Action Plan”, and the teacher will make
contact with the parents. This step may also include a student/teacher

STEP 2 = 10 DEMERITS Student will be assigned to Silent Lunch for one day; he or she will be required
to complete a written copy of “My Action Plan”, then conference with the
teacher; the student will also be removed from Recess for one day and the
teacher will make contact with the parents. This step may also include a student
conference with the Fifth Grade Teacher Team.

STEP 3 = 15 DEMERITS Student will be assigned to Silent Lunch for one day; he or she will be required
to complete a written copy of “My Action Plan”, then conference with the
teacher; the student will also be removed from Recess for one day and placed in
on-team or off-team suspension. The student will remain isolated with an
assigned teacher for one day while required to complete work from all academic
classes. This step will also include a student/parent/teacher conference with the
Fifth Grade Teacher Team.

STEP 4 = 20 DEMERITS Administrative conference and possible in-school suspension. Parent


STEP 5 = 25 DEMERITS Disciplinary Referral. Consequences will be based on a progressive disciplinary

plan, considering previous office referrals for the current school year.

Students will continue to be referred to the office for every 5 Demerits thereafter during the grading period.

PHYSICAL AGGRESSION IS HANDLED IMMEDIATELY. Hitting, kicking, pinching, and slapping

are examples of types of physical aggression. Please keep in mind that blatant disrespect, physical
altercations, stealing, cutting class, or other serious infractions will result in an automatic removal from
class and an office referral.

Parents and students will sign and return this form verifying that they have been informed of the policies
and procedures of the Fifth Grade Discipline Policy at Lanier Elementary School. The teacher will retain a
signed copy in the student’s file. The teacher reserves the right to alter or adjust this plan as needed.

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature(s) Date

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