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Katbari Arts Festival Presents “Tagay Sangkay”

By: Jan Benedict M. Saoy

As part of the Katbari Arts Festival, in celebration of the National Arts Month, the Division of
Humanities hosted “Tagay Sangkay” - a Valentine Food and Wine Festival held at the UPVTC
Centennial Grounds last February 14, 2017. Tagay Sangkay is mostly participated by students
coming from the BA Communication Arts program and also students taking up GE courses from
the Division of Humanities. The observation of the said festival in the college started in the year
2015 and since then, the festive occasion became one of the much awaited events that students in
the college look forward to during Art’s Month.

The event started with a short play that depicts the typical Filipino marriage and also the
traditions in the Eastern Visayas region wherein the characters highlighted the incontestable role
of wine in most Filipino gatherings. After that, UPVTC students were allowed to roam around
the garden to taste and experience the variety of wines coming from different parts of the globe.
There were wines coming from Latin America, Carribean, Philippines, to name a few. Some of
the participating students even seize the opportunity of turning their participation in the festival
as an IGP or Income Generating Project where they get to earn money while complying a class

Ninna Tansingco, one of the participating students said: “Tagay Sangkay was a really fun
learning experience. For one, there were free food and drinks. Second, you get to discover all
these different types of culture by experiencing their taste for food and drinks. Some may seem
familiar but through Tagay Sangkay, we learn more about their origin and the culture behind

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