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Intro to Engineering & Design (PLTW-IED)

20 Rectangles Design Challenge

Object Design-Object design is sometimes referred to as industrial or product design. It includes design of products, packaging,
furniture, appliances, transportation, clothing and any of the 1000s of other things we use every day.

Information Design-Information Design is sometimes referred to as communication design, graphic design and information
architecture. It includes design for magazines, books, web sites, computer graphics, video, film, television, advertising, and any
time information or ideas are being communicated visually.

Environmental Design-Design of environments includes architecture, landscape, urban planning, interior design, facility design,
exhibit design, commercial and recreational spaces, and any place where we live, work, or play.

Experience Design-Experience Design is sometimes called interaction or event design. It includes designing occasions in which
the user interacts with or experiences an event. This includes anything from interactive museum exhibits, festivals, special
events, theme parks, shopping malls, video and computer games, interactive web sites, CD-ROMS and any other event where
the user becomes part of the experience.

Design an object that is constructed from exactly 20 rectangles that specifically addresses one of the four areas of
design listed above.

 Cardboard/matte board of your choice (you provide)

 Color-spray paint of your choice (you provide)

 Clear glue

 The object must fit within a 8” x 8” x 8” space.

 The object must stand on all six sides.

 The object must contain exactly 20 rectangles. No more, no less. No holes cut into rectangles…

 The object must incorporate one other color. (Spray paint only!!!!)
 Develop a theme that focuses on one of the four design areas. Be able to defend this theme with your finished
product. You will have to present your work to the class!

 Sketch at least four different/separate & understandable design ideas/concepts in your notebook.

 Select the best idea based on the criteria.

 Construct your designed object using construction paper, cardboard or any other suitable material to discover
assembly problems.

 Construct your designed object using provided foam board.

 Submit your prototype & finished product by the due date assigned.

 Notebook with all design work will be collected at the end of the unit. All documentation of the design
process should be completed in your notebook.

Grading will be based on ideation, precision, craftsmanship, presentation and form. See attached rubric.
Intro to Engineering & Design (PLTW-IED)
20 Rectangles Design Problem Rubric


Incomplete: Below Basic: Basic: Proficient: Advanced:

Appropriate design/documentation in Eng. Notebook. ($40) **See Eng. Notebook Rubric

Working prototype & final model are submitted. ($40) 0 20 x 40 x

Object fits within a 8” x 8” x 8” space. ($10) 0 x x 10 x

Object stands on all six sides. ($10) 0 x x 10 x

Object incorporates only 1 other color ($10) 0 x x 10 x

(Spray paint only)
18-19 or 21-22
1-17 or 23-? 20 Rectangles
Object is constructed from exactly 20 rectangles. ($40) 0 20 30 40 x

6th-20th 4th-5th 2nd-3rd 1st

Object form is aesthetically pleasing (Voting) ($40) 0 15 25 35 40
(if project is not ready by deadline, a grade of 0/40 will be given in this area)

(A 15% deduction will be made for any competitive advantage gained…i.e. working outside of the
criteria/constraints laid out in this design brief. A 10% deduction will be made for all late projects.)

**Due by: Total: /150 pts

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