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MODEL R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the

1 .064a .004 .000 1.24670
a. Predictors: (Constant), ESTRESS: Economic stress


In step 1, Model Summary Table shows that the Value of R square is 0.4% which means that the
total impact of Estress stress on Withdrawal Intention is only 0.4%.

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 1.666 1 1.666 1.072 .302b
Residual 404.107 260 1.554
Total 405.773 261
a. Dependent Variable: WITHDRAW: Withdrawal intentions
b. Predictors: (Constant), ESTRESS: Economic stress

MODEL Unstandarized Coeffeicients Standarized t Sig.

B Std.Error Beta
1 (Constant) 2.062 .262 7.869 .000
ESTRESS: Economic .056 0.054 .064 1.035 .302


In Step 1 ,Regression is run to predict Withdrawal intention from Economic stress. The unstandardized
regression coefficient from this regression corresponds to path c.
The unstandardized regression coefficient for the prediction of Withdrawal intention from Economic
stress c = .056; this is statistically significant, t(260) = 1.035, p > .001. Thus, the overall effect of
Economic stress on Withdrawal intention is not statistically significant.

MODEL R R Square Adjusted R Sqaure Std. Error of the
1 .340a .116 .112 .68189


In step 1, Model Summary Table shows that the Value of R square is 11.6% which means that
the total impact of Estress stress on Depressed Affect is only 11.6%.


In step 2 , Regression is run and it results in providing the path coefficient for the path denoted a in the
figure and also the standard error of a (sa) and the t test for the statistical significance of the a path
coefficient (ta). For the provided data, the unstandardized a path coefficient is .173, with t(260) = 5.831,
p < .001 which shows that overall effect of Economic stress on Depressed Affect is statistically


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