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Power Meter

Product Name : HPM-300A

AD Power Co., Ltd

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1. Product Introduction -------------------------------------------------- 3

2. AC Power Measurement --------------------------------------------- 6

3. AC Power Clamp Sensor Usage Measurement ----------------- 8

4. DC Power Measurement ---------------------------------------------- 9

5. DC Power Clamp Sensor Usage Measurement ---------------- 11

6. AC Electric Power Usage Measurement ------------------------ 12

7. Range Modification -------------------------------------------------- 13

8. PC Communication Method ---------------------------------------- 13

9. Functions of “Hold” and the Backlight -------------------------- 14

10. Characteristics of the Clamp Sensor ----------------------------- 14

11. Others ------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

12. Appendix(Single-Phase, Three-Phase, and Three-Phase Four-Wire)

Power Measurement -------------------- 18

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1. Product Introduction

HPM-300A is a consumption/standby power analyzer and a practical and economical handheld-type wattmeter. It enables
the measurement of the power consumption (power standby) of home appliances and business equipment with 0.1 W to 4
KW power consumption, in a Plug & Play way {with an AC 220V clamp sensor (1000A), it can measure up to 220 KW
power consumption}, thus offering simple and easy operation even by users at production plants and industrial sites. It can
also measure AC, DC, and combined electric power consumption.

※ There is an extra charge for the purchase of a clamp sensor (KRW 90,000/ea).
Clamp sensor models:
* CP-09 - 200A (AC use only); ±2% accuracy
* CP-11 - 400A (DC use only); ±5% accuracy
* CP-12 - 1000A (AC use only); ±3% accuracy

- Extra caution against a high voltage should be taken when using this equipment.
- The inappropriate use of the equipment may cause casualties or electric shock.
- Observe all the safety rules stated in the accompanying manual.
- Ensure the complete use of the provided power connection wire (load wire).

⊙ Safety Instructions
This equipment has been designed in accordance with the CE CAT II & FCC safety standards. Users, however, must
see to it that they have a thorough knowledge of the guidelines for the use of the equipment, as shown below, and
must use it with full attention, to ensure its safe operation.
- Do not load general batteries, only rechargeable batteries, and do not use an AC adaptor while loading general
batteries (the Li-ion batteries are built-in).
- When using the selected function, do not go over the voltage or current limit, which had been set as the maximum.
Do not attempt to operate the equipment if you cannot close its back cover.

Input Value Limit

Function Maximum Input and Time
AC 500V (within 10 sec) / DC 1000V (within 10 sec) AC 500V(10초 이
내) / DC 1000V(10초 이내)
With an AC/DC 10~15A current (30-sec measurements), there should be at
Current least 10-minute intervals between the measurements. With a less-than-10A
current, the measurements for a longer period is possible.

Observe extreme caution when measuring a high voltage.

- Do not attempt to measure the voltage when the input jack is at “COM” and the voltage is 500V or above at high
- Do not make a cross-connection between an electric current source and a voltage source.
- When replacing batteries or fuses, make sure to turn the power off before opening the back cover

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If the blinking “ ”signappearsonthescreen,rechargethebatteriesimmediatelyoruseanadaptor.
For battery recharging, use a 12V 500mA adaptor.
- Recharge the batteries for about five hours, or connect them to an adaptor for five minutes, before using the
measuring device for the first time.

⊙ General Characteristics
- The use of a wide LCD enables the simultaneous display of the measured voltage, electric current, electric energy,
and frequency values, facilitating prompt and easy reading.
- ±0.4% electric power accuracy
- ±0.3% voltage and electric current accuracy
- Voltage measurement range: AC 1~500V/DC 1~990V (±0.3%, ±3 digit)
- Electric current measurement range (direct measuring): AC 1mA~15A/DC 1mA~15A (±0.3%, ±3 digit)
- Electric energy measurement range (direct measuring): 0.1W~ 4kW (±0.4%, ±3 digit)
- Power measurement factor: ±0.001~1.000 (±0.5%, ±3 digit)
- Auto/manual voltage and electric current range
- Operating temperature: 0~50°C
- Storing temperature: -10~60°C
- Operating power source: 7.4V lithium ion (use after recharging for five hours)/12V (300mA) DC adaptor
- Temperature coefficient: 0.1 X (stated accuracy)/1°C (no greater than 18°C or greater than 28°C)
- Altitude: 2000 m (6,561.7 feet)
- Size: 89 mm (W) x 188 mm (H) x 47 mm (D)
- Weight: 600 g (inclusive of the batteries)

⊙ Function of the Push Button

Push Button Function

Power on/off (Auto Power Off function)

MODE AC/DC measurement mode conversion (for “Energy On,” no conversion is done)

Electric power (W), electric energy (Wh), and power factor (PF) mode conversion

VOLT Conversion mode with a voltage unit (manual or auto range)

CURRENT Conversion mode with an electric current unit (manual or auto range)

Conversion of voltage and electric current measurement unit (manual range)

RANGE CT: Five-time consecutive pressing will lead to conversion to the CT mode (from a
conversion mode of an electric current unit).

ENERGY Kilowatt hour electric energy (Wh) accumulation on/off

In the kilowatt hour electric energy (Wh) mode, when the energy is off, press a button
for 3 sec to reset it.

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LCD backlight on/off

RS232 RS232C communication on/off

HOLD Temporary suspension of the measured value

V-RST Voltage offset button in the DC mode

A-RST Electric current offset button in the DC mode

Symbol Meaning

Earth (grounding)

Caution: As this is an important piece of information, refer to the

instructions for use.

Meets EU’s safety standard

Caution: Electric shock

FCC Meets U.S.’ssafetystandard

Initial (Default) Condition

When the power is on, the initial condition is AC 0.000V/00.00mA, with “Auto Range”on the display.

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2. AC Electric Power Measurement (When Using a Load Wire, No Greater
than 15A Power)

Direct Power Measurement

HPM-300A basically measures the maximum electric power consumption ranging from 0.1W to 4kW. (When using a clamp
sensor, extended measurement is possible: 2.2~200kW.)

To prevent an accident during the measurement, make sure that the location of HPM-300A is in an appropriate mode
before connecting the test lead in to the instrument.


<LOAD WIRE - Using the AC electric power measurement mode (direct measuring)>
<When testing electric power consumption no greater than 15A>

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<When using a probe, AC electric power measurement mode (direct measuring)>
<When measuring electric power consumption no greater than 15A>

1. Press the button to select the AC mode.

2. Each time you press the Power button, it is converted to electric power → electirc energy → power factor.
3. The electric power range has been set to "Auto Range."
4. Connect the power source accurately. Do not interconnect the electric current port and the voltage port in a reverse
5. Load wire connection method.

*  Red load wire: “A” terminal → Connect to the 15A terminal of HPM-300A.
*  Black load wire: “±” terminal → Connect to the COM terminal of HPM-300A.
*  Yellow load wire: “V” terminal → Connect to the V terminal of HPM-300A.

6. When the preparations have been completed, connect the measurement load to the load wire’s plug socket
and plug it into a power source.

! Warning: To prevent electric shock, apply the power source to the load wire’s plug socket only after connecting the

7. The voltage, electric current, and frequency will be displayed on the LCD.

8. Press tomeasuretheelectricpowerusageintheabovesituation.If is pressed, the electric power

usage will be accumulated in the Wh mode.

9. When the accumulation pauses, press again and the accumulation will stop.

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3. AC Electric Power Clamp-Sensor-used Measurement (Clamp Sensors
CP-09, CP-11, and CP-12)

Indirect Power Measurement

When using a current sensor (clamp sensor), the measurement range of HPM-300Acan be extended from 2.2 kW to 200

To prevent an accident during the measurement, make sure that the location of HPM-300A is in an appropriate mode
before connecting the test lead into the instrument.

<High-Current-Power Measurement Mode (Indirect Measuring)>


1. Press and select the AC mode.
2. When using a current sensor, conversion to the CT mode is required.

3. CURREN When is pressed, “Auto A-Range” will be displayed on the LCD.

4. In the above stage, each time you press “RANGE,” the range of an electric current will change. To select an
electric current, press “RANGE” five consecutive times and “-CT-” will be displayed on the LCD.


| Press RANGE

(00.00mA) RANGE

| Press RANGE

(000.0mA) RANGE

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| Press RANGE

(0.000A) RANGE

| Press RANGE

(00.00A) RANGE

| Press RANGE


<Every time you press “RANGE,” it will be converted consecutively.>

5. Apply a voltage to the V and COM terminals of HPM-300

6. Connect the + terminal of an electric current to HPM-300A’s Hi-Current, and the – terminal to the 15A termina
7. When connecting an electric current to a load, the electric current value will be displayed
8. The voltage and electric current will be displayed on the LCD, and the electric power, electric power usage, and
power factor will be converted and displayed whenever you press “POWER.
9. In the above state, when measuring the electric power usage, pressing “ENERGY” will start the accumulation of
the electric power usage. Pressing “POWER” will lead to conversion to the Wh mode and will display the
accumulated electric power usage.
10. When trying to stop the operation, press “ENERGY” again to stop it
11. The electric current value can also be confirmed by using only an electric current sensor without the need of
applying a voltage

4. DC Electric Power Measurement (Not Greater than 1mA~15A Power)

Direct Power Measurement

To prevent an accident during the measurement, make sure that the location of HPM-300A
is inanappropriate mode before connecting the test lead into the instrument.

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< Interconnection (direct measuring) when measuring the DC voltage and electric current >

※ When there is a residual voltage or electric current value in the DC mode, offset before measuring.
- Voltage offset: Press “V-RST” after short-circuiting the voltage terminals and the ground (using a wire or pincet).
- Electric current offset: Select a conversion unit mode first.
① Press “A-RST” in 00.00mA and it will be offset after you hear the beeping sound.
② Press “A-RST” after conversion to 0.000A by pressing “RANGE.” It will be offset after you hear the beepi ng
③ Press “RANGE” to convert to the CT mode, then short-circuit the CT terminal and press “A-RST.” It will be
offset after you hear the beeping sound.

1. Press a mode button and select the DC mode.

2. In the DC mode, “POWER” will not be selected and only the electric power will be displayed.
3. In the DC mode, the electric power usage will not be accumulated.
4. Do not change the electric current and voltage ports
5. Connect a terminal as shown in the above figure.
* Connect the - wire of the load side to the 15A terminal of HPM-300A.
* Connect the + power line and + terminal of the load side to the V terminal of HPM-300A.
* Connect the – power line to the COM terminal of HPM-300A
6. When a power source is applied, the voltage, electric current, and electric power usage will be simultaneously

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5. DC-Electric Power Clamp-Sensor-used Measurement (Electric Current
Sensor Using CP-11 with Not Greater than 400A Power)

Indirect Power Measurement

< High-Current-Power Measurement Mode (Indirect Measuring)>

1. Press a mode button and select the DC mode

2. Adjust the switch to DC400ADC at the CP-11 electric current sensor. (DC 40A cannot be used, and CP-09 and
CP-12 are for AC use only.)
3. In the DC mode, the POWER button will not be selected. Instead, only the electric power will be displayed.
4. In the DC mode, the electric power usage will not be accumulated.
5. When using an electric current sensor, conversion to the CT mode is required.
6. Press “CURRENT” once and “Auto A-Range” will be displayed on the LCD.
7. In the above state, every time you press “RANGE,” the electric current range will be changed. To select an electric
current sensor, press “RANGE” five times and “-CT-” will be displayed on the LCD.

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| Press RANGE

(00.00mA) RANGE

| Press RANGE

(000.0mA) RANGE

| Press RANGE

(0.000A) RANGE

| Press RANGE

(00.00A) RANGE

| Press RANGE


<Every time you press “RANGE,” it will be converted consecutively.>

8. Before measuring, press “DC ZERO” on the electric current sensor until the electric current value of HPM-300A on
the LCD reaches “0".
9. Apply a voltage to the V (+) and COM (-) terminals of HPM-300A.
10. When the electric current sensor is connected to a load, the electric current value will be displayed on the LCD.
11. Thevoltage, electric current, and electric power usage will be displayed on the LCD.

6. AC Electric Power Usage Measurement

The electric power usage will be measured up to 2000 kWh.

(e.g., for an instantaneous electric power consumption of 1 KW, the equivalent is 2000 hours).
1. In the Wh mode, press “ENERGY.”
2. “ENERGY” will be displayed on the LCD screen, with the electric power usage accumulated (will be
indicated at the top).
3. Press “ENERGY” to stop the Wh mode.
4. To delete the previously accumulated value, press “ENERGY CLEAR” in the Wh mode for 3 sec.

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7. Range Modification

1. Press “VOLT” and the voltage range will be modified.

2. In the above state, each time you press “RANGE,” the voltage range will be modified.

Initial (Default) Condition Auto(“Auto”signappears)0.000V -> Manual(“Auto”signdisappears)0.000V -> 00.00V ->

000.0V -> Repeat

3. When “CURRENT” is pressed, the electric current range will be changed.

4. In the above state, each time you press “RANGE,” the electric current range will be changed.

Initial (Default) Condition Auto(“Auto”signappears)00.00mA ->Manual(“Auto”signdisappears)00.00mA -> 000.0mA ->

0.000A ->00.00A -> CT -> Repeat

8. PC Communication Method

1. HPM-300A assists RS-232C communication.

2. The GUI PC program will be provided free of charge, and an executable file can be downloaded from the
3. The basic transmission protocol is as follows: (The transmission protocols can be confirmed in the hyper
- There is a charge for cable supply for data communication.

(1) Communication port: Connect to a created port in the case of a serial communication port or a USB cable.
(2) Transmission speed: 9600
(3) Parity: none
(4) Stop bit: 1
(5) Flow control: none
(6) When the English capital letter “S” is transmitted from a PC or Micom, or when “RS-232” is pressed, data will
be consecutively received and “COMM” will be displayed on the product’s screen. When the English capital letter
“E” is transmitted, the communication will be cancelled.
(7) “S” on the communication screen means the start of a data set, while “E” means the end.

* Received data ( : indicates the decimal point)

Ex. Data obtained: 220.0V, 100.0mA, 22.00W, 120.3Wh, 1.000PF, 60.00Hz
① Press the “S” transmission on the PC, or the RS232 button.
② The obtained data will be consecutively received in the format shown below.
③ When the English capital letter “E” is transmitted, the communication will be cancelled.

S 22003Vo 10002Am 22005Wa 12031Wh 10001Pf 60001Hz E

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UNIT (data at the decimal point)


Volt 0.000 V 00.00 V 000.0 V - - - -

Ampere 00.00 mA 000.0mA 0.000A 00.00A 000.0A - -

Watt 0.000 mW 00.00 mW 000.0 mW 0.000 W 00.00W 000.0W 0.000KW

Wh 000.0 Wh 0.000 kWh 00.00 kWh 000.0 kWh 0000 kWh

PF 0.000PF - - - - - -

HZ 00.00 Hz 000.0 Hz 0.000 KHz - - - -

9. Functions of “Hold” and the Backlight

Press “HOLD” to temporarily pause the HPM-300Aoperation. The operation will be suspended until “HOLD” is pressed
again. Pressthe button to operate the LCD backlight.

10. Characteristics of the Clamp Sensor (Electric Current Sensor)

An electric current sensor can be used for measuring electric power consumption without blocking or connecting a circuit.
This sensor is equipped with a fireproof and electric-shock-free case for hand protection in compliance with the safety
An electric current sensor may be separately purchased. You may choose from three different types (KRW 90,000).
※ Types of electric current sensor: CP-9 (AC use only, with a not-greater-than-200A power), CP-11 (combined AC/DC
receiver, with a not-greater-than-400A power), CP-12 (AC use only, with a not-greater-than-500A power)

① Procedure for Use

1. Connect the + terminal of the electric current sensor to HPM-300A’s Hi Current, and the – terminal to the 15A
2. When the electric current measurement cable is positioned exactly in the middle of a sensor, the most accurate
measurement value can be obtained.
3. The value flashed on the screen is the value of the RMS current running through the cable (1A = 1mV).
② Caution
Measurement cannot be done when more than two cables are connected.
③ Safe Usage
1. Do not use a probe with a more-than-AC-600V cable.
2. This equipment enables the simultaneous measurement of a high electric current in a high-pressure cable up to 400A

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(using an electric current sensor). The inappropriate operation of the equipment can cause casualties.
3. Using the equipment with a cable with damaged coating is very dangerous, and careless contact with the equipment
can cause electric shock. Make sure to wear rubber boots when using the equipment, and use it on a rubber floor
with verified insulated products. Normal operation in a grounded state must also be maintained to ensure safety.
4. Do not open or repair the equipment’s case while operating the equipment.
④ General Characteristics
- Operating conditions: 0~50°C, humidity not greater than 70%
- Storing temperature: -20~60°C, 0~80% humidity
- Temperature coefficient: 0.1X (stated accuracy)/1°C (not greater than 18°C; 28°C or above)
- Altitude: 2000 m (6,561.7 feet)
- Size: CP-09 - 48 mm (W) x 124 mm (H) x 30 mm (D)
- CP-11 - 63 mm (W) x 90 mm (H) x 40 mm (D)
- CP-12 - 82 mm (W) x 230 mm (H) x 40 mm (D)
- Output: Coil cable inclusive of banana plug
- Electronic characteristic: 23±5°C, 70% humidity
- Output: 0~1V RMS (1Meg ohm or above the input impedance)
- Clamp sensor accuracy: CP-09 - 1~200A, 50~60Hz, ±2%, AC electric current measurement use only, transmission rate:
- 1mV/1A
- CP-11 - 1~400A, 50~60Hz, ±5%, DC electric current measurement availability, transmission rate: 10mV/40A;
- CP-12 - 1~500A, 50~60Hz, ±2%, AC electric current measurement use only, transmission rate: 1mV/1A

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11. Others


Take note of the following to prevent electric shock or damage:
1. Do not separate the case when the power source is applied.
2. When replacing a fuse damaged by overload, make sure to replace with an identically rated (250V, 15A) fuse.
3. Do not open the case except when replacing the fuse.
4. When other maintenance is required, consult with the company’s A/S team.
5. The company shall not be held accountable for damages caused by equipment repairs executed by the users
themselves or by non-company personnel, other than replacing the fuse.

When a problem arises:

1. Please refer to the manual.
2. Check the batteries or replace the test lead when necessary.
3. Services will be provided free of charge within a year from the purchase date of the equipment.
4. When equipment failure occurs due to the customer’s negligence or due to a natural disaster, extra charges will be
applied for services rendered even within the warranty period.
5. It is much safer to have the equipment repaired at the company’s service center even beyond the warranty period.

(A/S Tel: 82-32-234-3794)

It is recommended that calibration be carried out in accordance with the equipment specification (once a year).

Load wire (1 ea), AC adaptor (1 ea), test probe (3 ea), additional crocodile-shaped clip (2 ea) (upon the purchase of an
electric current sensor)
: Cable supply for data communication use (charges will be applied)

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12. Appendix

<CLAMP SENSOR (electric current sensor) interconnection examples>

(1) Single-phase two-wire electric power measurement (1∅, 2-wire)


(2) Three-phase three-wire electric power measurement (3∅, 3-wire)

WTOTAL = W1 + W2

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(3) Three-phase four-wire electric power measurement (3∅, 4-wire)

AD Power Co., Ltd.

Gyeonggi-doBucheon-si Wonmi-gu Yakdae-dong 193
High-Tech Measuring Device Research Complex 402, Room 1304
Tel: 82-32-234-3791~6
A/S: 82-32-234-3794
Fax: 82-32-234-3793
Please type “Wattmeter” at the address tab.

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