Walk in My Shoes - Planning Worksheet

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A Walk in My Shoes

If I were to spend a day in your shoes, what would I see? What symbols, colors,
or objects can be used to represent who YOU are? Use the outline below to help
you come up with some ideas for your project.

1. What country or state are you from? Can you think of any symbols that
represent your country? (food, clothing, flags, flowers, animals) List 3
different symbols and write what it represents.

_New York City__________________ - _____Statute of Liberty_____________

_________________________________ - __________________________________

_________________________________ - __________________________________

_________________________________ - __________________________________

2. What are some of your favorite things to do? (sports, baking, art) List 3
different things and write the symbols you could use for each of them.

_________________________________ - __________________________________

_________________________________ - __________________________________

_________________________________ - __________________________________

3. What are some things that are most important to you? If it not a “thing”
then think of ways to represent it through symbols. For example, to
represent peace you can use a hand holding up two fingers.

_________________________________ - __________________________________

_________________________________ - __________________________________

_________________________________ - __________________________________


Color can be used to represent different moods, feelings, and even countries. For
example, the colors green, yellow, and black can represent Jamaica.

A symbol is an object or image that is used to represent an idea, concept, or thing.

For example, flags are used to represent different countries. When we see the
American flag, we know that it represents America.

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