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Name : Prandino Pratama Putra

Reg : 16140152


Changes and language development are hard to avoid. This is due to cultural alculturation
preceded by the process of transferring speakers of a language into the environment of alin speakers, so
that there is a change of new dialects, the creation of new words, and often the syntax of the syntactic
changes. Language changes can be divided into two, namely internal and external changes.
Internal change is essentially a change that occurs from within the language itself on the
grammatical system. This change can override the phonological system (the pattern of sentence
intonation and word prosodic pattern), phrase sequence pattern in sentence. The change begins with
the behavior of the speakers in their daily lives to adapt each other, and followed by the tendency to
innovate in an already-rooted community. This initial change can gradually be followed by other changes
in chains, which in turn make them different to another.
External change is the change and development of language caused by existence contact of a
language with another language (Poedjosoedarmo, 2008). In daily activatias, humans are interconnected
both among nations in the world and antaretnis in a country. Activities humans are driven by various
interests namely, economic interests, politics, the spread of religion, the thirst for science, the exchange
of art and culture, and his desire to master new technology. These interests have led to meetings and
interactions between nations as well inter-ethnic, resulting in the language used as a means of
communication affect each other.
The influence of the entry of Islam into Indonesia has caused many absorbing words Arabic into
Indonesian language, such as the word musyawarah, sahih, ikhtiar and so on. So did the entry Hinduism
has enriched so many vocabularies of Javanese and Malay (Indonesian) languages derived from the
sangskerta language. As the influence of Dutch colonialism has also been a vocabulary adopted into
Indonesian. The influence of science and technology has many words and terms absorbed from the
English language. The existence of trade contacts with other nations has many terms the incoming
business language becomes an Indonesian vocabulary. Which also we can not nakikan on Indonesia is a
social contact with other (ethnic) societies, as most ethnic groups are in Indonesia lives in a multiethnic,
multilingual environment.
To be conclude, internal change is a change and language development that occurs from within
the language itself in the grammatical system that usually affects the phonology system (the pattern of
sentence intonation and word prosody pattern), the phrase sequence pattern in the sentence and the
use of case and gender functions in the sentence. These changes initially occurred in the behavior of the
speakers in their daily lives to adjust to each other, and followed by the tendency to innovate in
community groups that have been rooted. The changes are slowly followed by other changes in chains,
which eventually make them different from one another. External change is the change and language
development caused by the presence of a language with another language, where humans as cultured
social beings have interconnected both among nations in the world and antaretnis in a country. Human
activities are driven by a variety of interests, namely economic interests, politics, religious spread, the
thirst for science, the exchange of art and culture, and the desire to master new technology.

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