Lean-7-Building Block of Lean Production-Review - 13 Nov 2017-Yd

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Baca: Chapter 15: JIT & Lean Operations; Operations Management-

Asian Perspective-Stevenson (2010) – (photocopy pp. 692 – 728)

Senin, 13 November 2017

Kuliah ke-7
Lean/13 Nov/2017-yd S-205, Jam: 10.00 – 12.30
Building Block of Lean Systems

I. JIT, TPS & Lean Production (Review)
II. Design & Operation of JIT System
(Building Block)
- Product design
- Process design
- Personnel/Organizational Element
- Manufacturing Planning & Control
I. JIT, TPS & Lean Production (Review)

• JIT is an operation philosophy that is an

alternative to the use of inventories for
meeting the goal of the right goods at the right
place at the right time.

• JIT definition:
“A philosophy of scheduling where the entire
supply channel is synchronized to respond to
the requirements of operations or customers.”
What is JIT?

• JIT requires only necessary units be provided in necessary

quantities at necessary times. Producing one unit extra is
as bad as being one unit short. Completing production
one day early is as bad as finishing one day late.

• Just in time is both philosophy and integrated system for

production management that evolved slowly through a
trial-and-error process for more than 15 years.

• Ohno describes the development of JIT as follows:

“By actually trying, various problems became known. As
such problems become gradually clear, they taught me
the direction of the next move. I think that we can only
understand how all of these pieces fit together in
JIT sebagai Inventory Control System
Elemen-elemen fundamental dari JIT adalah:
• Heijunka
• Continuous flow
• Jidoka
• Genji Genbutsu
• Gemba
• Kanban
• Andon
• Kaizen
• 5S (Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain )

JIT atau dikenal sebagai Toyota Production System

(TPS) juga disebut dengan nama “TOYOTA WAY”.
TPS (Toyota Production system)

TPS selama 30 tahun produktivitas & biaya.

TPS mencakup:
• Sistem JIT Waste, ketidakteraturan proses produksi

• Prinsip Kaizen Continuous improvement.

• Jidoka Sistem pendeteksi kerusakan

Lean approach

• Lean production can be defined as an integrated set of

activities designed to achieve high-volume production using
minimal inventories (raw materials, work in process, and
finished goods).

• Lean philosophy: Lean in place of JIT emphasizes the goal of

systematically eliminating waste throughout their operation.

• Fujio Chio (President Toyota):

“Waste or Muda is anything other than minimum amount of
equipment, materials, parts, and workers (working time)
which are absolutely essential to production”.
“..penggunaan sumberdaya manufaktur yang
berlebihan” .

“….membutuhkan tempat, tidak menambah nilai” .

“..meningkatkan handling, meningkatkan WIP”

“..melakukan langkah produksi yang tidak perlu,


“..sumberdaya yang idle, memakan tempat, dan

menambah biaya pada sistem”

“..mencari alat, parts, instruksi, dan persetujuan”

“..memerlukan biaya rework, dan bisa kehilangan

penjualan (lost sales) karena pelanggan tidak puas”.
II. Design & Operation of JIT
System (Building Block)

Empat fondasi rancangan dan operasi JIT system:

1. Product design
2. Process design
3. Personnel/organizational elements
4. Manufacturing planning and control.
Goal of JIT
Tujuan akhir sistem JIT: “Balanced system”.

Tujuan penunjang:
• Eliminate disruptions. Bisa karena faktor
kualitas yang buruk, machine breakdown,
jadwal yang berubah-rubah, dan keterlambatan
• Eliminate wastes. Untuk menghilangkan sumber-
sumber yang tidak produktif (7 wastes)
• Make system flexible. Untuk menangani mix products
dan perubahan level produksi, yaitu dengan cara
mereduksi setup dan lead time.
Summary JIT Goals and Building Blocks

Ultimate A
Goal balanced
rapid flow

Goals • Eliminate disruptions
• Make the system flexible • Eliminate waste

Product Process Personnel Manufacturing

Building Blocks Planning
Design Design Elements
• Level loading
• Pull systems
• Small lot sizes • Workers as assets
• Standard parts • Visual systems
• Setup time reduction • Cross-trained
• Modular design • Manufacturing cells • Limited WIP
• Continuous
• Quality build • Quality improvement • Close vendor
• Concurrent relationships
• Reduced transaction
• Production flexibility • Cost accounting processing
engineering • A balanced system • Preventive maintenance &
• Leadership/project
• Little inventory storage housekeeping
• Fail-safe methods
2.1. Product design
Four elements of product design for JIT:
1. Standard part – hanya sedikit parts yang ditangani
2. Modular design – parts standar disatukan sebagai
satu unit.
3. Highly capable production systems with quality
build in – sistem produksinya harus kapabel.
4. Concurrent engineering - menyatukan personil
design engineering dan manufacturing sejak fase
awal perancangan produk.
2.2. Process design

Process design, consists of:

1. Small lot sizes
2. Setup time reduction
3. Manufacturing cells
4. Quality improvement
5. Production flexibility
6. A balanced system
7. Little inventory storage
8. Fail-safe method.
1. Small lot sizes
JIT menghasilkan jumlah yang
“Small vs Large Lots” sama pada waktu yang sama, jika
waktu setup times lebih rendah.
JIT Lot Kecil

Lot kecil meningkatkan flexibility untuk memenuhi customer demands

Lot Besar


2. Setup time reduction & SMED
Quick setup = Quick changeover

Dua cara setup time reduction:

• Reducing setup cost ≈ reducing setup time
Setup time reduction adalah prasyarat lot size reduction
• SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies Method)
The SMED dibuat oleh Toyota dan dikembangkan oleh Dr. Shigeo Shingo
(konsultan Toyota), dan terbukti efektif di banyak perusahaan dalam
mengurangi changeover times (non-value added times) dari beberapa jam
menjadi kurang dari 10 menit.

Dua komponen Setup time:

• Internal Setup: Kegiatan setups sewaktu mesin berhenti (stopped).
• External Setup: Terdiri dari kegiatan setups sewaktu mesin sedang

Note: Konversikan internal setup menjadi external setup,

sedangkan internal setup yang tersisa perlu dikurangi.
Contoh: Systematic setup reduction
3. Manufacturing cells……..????

• Salah satu karakteristik JIT systems adalah

“multiple manufacturing cells”.
• Sel-sel terdiri dari mesin-mesin dan tool berbeda
untuk memproses keluarga parts dengan proses-
proses yang sama.
• Sel-sel adalah ”production centers” yang sangat
spesifik dan efisien.
• Keuntungan dari sel-sel manufaktur ini:
mengurangi changeover times, utilization of
equipment yang tinggi, dan memudahkan cross-
training operators.
Cellular/Flow Manufacturing :
Cellular manufacturing adalah pendekatan untuk memproduksi produk
yang bervariasi (variety of products) dengan pemborosan (waste) sekecil
mungkin. Peralatan dan workstations disusun dalam “sequence” yang
menghasilkan aliran material dan komponen yang lancar melalui proses-
proses, dengan transportasi dan delay minimal.
Contoh Sel-sel dengan Rute Pekerja
Perhatikan Cel 1 - Ada tiga pekerja pada Cell 1:
• Worker 1 menangani 5 mesin;
• Worker 2 dengan 4 mesin;
• Worker 3 menangani 5 mesin.
4. Quality improvement (dengan Jidoka)
Sistem JIT meminimalkan defects melalui Autonomation (Jidoka) yang
berarti deteksi defects secara otomatis selama produksi.

• Lean System atau Toyota Production System (TPS) ditunjang dua pilar,
yaitu: Just-in-Time dan Jidoka

• Sakichi Toyoda, pendiri Toyota group, menemukan konsep Jidoka pada

awal abad ke-20 dengan menggunakan device automatic looms yang dapat
menyetop operasi loom ketika terjadi kerusakan benang. Temuan ini
diterapkan dan dikembangkan pada mesin-mesin produksi dan setiap
operasi Toyota oleh Dr. Shigeo Shingo.

• Jidoka adalah suatu sistem deteksi otomatik terhadap kerusakan (defects)

selama produksi. Dapat dilakukan untuk operasi manual maupun mesin.

• Ada dua mekanisme Jidoka. Pertama, mendeteksi defects yang terjadi.

Kedua, kewenangan bagi pekerja untuk menyetop produksi untuk
mengoreksi penyebab defects. Selanjutnya investigasi terhadap masalah
dilakukan, dan tindakan korektif dilakukan untuk memecahkan masalah.
5. Production flexibility

Secara umum, fleksibilitas produksi untuk mixed products

dan perubahan level produksi dapat ditingkatkan dengan
menurunkan setup dan lead time.

Langkah-langkah lain, adalah:

• Mengurangi downtime, dengan mengurangi waktu

• Mengurangi breakdowns, dengan preventive maintenance
• Cross-train workers guna mengurangi bottlenecks
• Menggunakan unit-unit berkapasitas kecil
• Menggunakan off-line buffers
• Menyediakan cadangan kapasitas untuk pelanggan
6. Balanced System
Line balancing produksi (i.e., mendistribusikan beban kerja atau workload)
pada workstation untuk mempercepat aliran (rapid flow) melalui sistem.
Waktu yang di-assigned ke tiap work station harus
besar atau sama dengan cycle time (TT ≥ CT).
Cycle time dibuat sama dengan takt time.
Takt time adalah cycle time yang dibutuhkan dalam
Takt Time suatu sistem produksi agar sesuai pace
produksi untuk memenuhi demand rate.

Takt Time

Takt Time

Lean Approach for Balancing

Traditional Balancing
Takt time
Takt time. is the cycle time needed in a production system to match the
pace of production to the demand rate.

Takt time calculation:

Problem: Given total time per shift is 480 minutes per day, and there are two shifts
per day. There are two 20-minute rest breaks and a 30-minute lunch break per shift.
Daily demand is 80 units.

1. Compute net time available per shift:
Total time 480 minutes
Rest breaks – 40 minutes
Lunch - 30 minutes
410 minutes per shift

2. Compute the net time available per day:

410 minutes per shift`X 2 shift day = 820 minutes per day

3. Compute the takt time:

Takt time = (Net time available per day)/(daily demand)
= 820 minutes per day/80 units per day
` = 10.25 minutes per cycle
7. Little Inventory Storage
• Inventory = Lead Time (less is better)
• Inventory hides problems
Hubungan antara Lot Size & Setup Cost

Catatan: Small lot size turun, setup cost turun pada lean system (dengan kanban).
Contoh Hubungan antara Lot Size & Setup Cost

2 DS
Q 
 d 
H 1  
 p 

where D = annual demand 31,200 unit, S = setup or order cost,

H = holding cost $12 per unit per year, d = demand rate 120 unit/day,
p = production rate 960 unit /day. Setup labor cost per hour = $20.
Solving for S (setup cost), hitung setup time:

Smaller lot size akan menurunkan setup cost. Juga setup time:

 d  120 
Q2  H   1   120 2  12   1 
 p  960 

S  
2D 2  31, 200
14, 400  12  (1  0.125)
  $2.42
62, 400

$2.42/setup  60 minutes/hour
Setup time 
$20 / hour
 7.26 minutes/setup (which is .12 hours)
Kanban menghasilkan produksi dengan small lot size
8. Fail-safe methods

Pengertian “Failsafing” berhubungan dengan membangun safeguards pada

suatu proses untuk mengurangi atau mengeliminasi potential for errors
selama satu proses berjalan.

• Alarm yang berbunyi bila berat paket terlalu ringan, menunjukkan ada
komponen yang hilang.
• Sinyal yang mengingatkan bila kunci mobil belum diambil ketika pintu
mobil terbuka.
• Peringatan bila seatbelts tidak dipasang.
• Sinyal ATM bila kartu masih tertinggal di mesin ATM.
• Detektor yang berbunyi bila monitoring tag tidak dilepas dari barang.
• Komputer yang tidak beroperasi bila password yang digunakan salah.
• Sekering listrik dan pemutus aliran yang menghentikan suplai listrik bila
beban berlebihan (overloaded).
• dan lain-lain.
2.3. Personnel/Organizational Elements

• Workers as asset. Pekerja yang terlatih dan motivated.

• Cross-trained workers. Pekerja dilatih untuk bisa bekerja pada
proses dan mesin yang berbeda.
• Continuous improvement. Pekerja bertanggung jawab pada
kualitas. Dilatih SPC, peningkatan kualitas, dan problem solving.
Penerapan Andon.
• Cost accounting. Penggunaan ABC (Activity Based Costing) yaitu
alokasi overhead berdasarkan aktivitas sesuai persentasenya.
• Project management. Manager diharapkan sebagai leader dan
fasilitator bukan pemberi perintah. JIT mendorong two-way
communication antara pekerja dengan manajer.
2.4. Manufacturing Planning & Control

1. Level loading (Heijunka)

2. Pull system
3. Visual system
4. Limited WIP
5. Close vendor relationship
6. Reduced transaction processing
7. Preventive maintenance and
1. Level loading (Heijunka)
• JIT systems place a strong emphasis on achieving stable, level daily mix
• Example: Suppose a department begins with daily production requirements
of each product or model. There are three models, A, B, and C.

Three issues need to be resolved:

Model Daily quantity
One, is which sequence to use: (C-B-A, A-B-C, etc.
A 10
Two, is how many times (i.e., cycle) the sequence will
B 15 be repeated daily?, and
Three, how many units of each model to produce in
C 5
each cycle.?

Calculate number of units of each model in each cycle by dividing each model’s
daily production quantity by the number of cycles:

Model Daily quantity Units per Cycle

A 10 10/5 = 2
B 15 15/5 = 3
C 5 5/5 = 1
Contoh Level Loading:

Determine a production plan for these three models using the sequence A-B-C
Model Daily quantity
A 7 a). The manager wants to use five cycles.
B 16 The nearly level production is as follows:
C 5

Cycle 1 2 3 4 5
Pattern A B(3) C A(2) B(3) C A B(4) C A(2) B(3) C A B(3) C
Extra units A B A

b). If the requirement for Model A had been 8 units a day instead of 7,
the Manager might decide to use the following pattern:

Cycle 1 2 3 4 5
Pattern A (2) B(3) C A B(3) C A (2) B(4) C A B(3) C A(2) B(3) C
Extra units A AB A
Contoh Mixed-Model Sequencing
220 vehicles sales forecast. 20 working days.
Daily breakdown=220/20=11 vehicles
Here the customer starts the
process, pulling an inventory 2. Pull System
item from Final Assembly…

Then sub-assembly
work is pulled forward
by that demand…

1 2

The process continues
throughout the entire production
process and supply chain

Kanban di Supermarket
(memberi ide bagi pull system)

customer cashier customer


3 storage


6 production

7 8

Kanban transport
Kanban produksi
3. Visual Systems
The use of Kanban allows a pull system work flow to be dictated by “next
step demand”:
• Kanban means “signal” or “visible record”.
• The kanban card is the authorization to move or work on parts.
• In kanban systems, no part or lot can be moved or worked on without one of these
cards. Line side address
Store address specifies specifies where the
where full container empty container is
is to be delivered to be picked up

Part number,
description, and
quantity per container

Dock code identifies

the subsequent
process (N2)
Supplier identifies the
preceding process
Origin of Kanban
a) Two-bin inventory system b) Kanban inventory system

Bin 1
Bin 2

card Q-R

Q = order quantity
Quantity R = reorder point - demand during lead time


L Time
Contoh: Kanban production

1. Proses B menerima production kanban. Ada cukup item diminta untuk mengisi
kontainer kosong.
2. Untuk
Number of kanban cards

Formula for computing ideal number of kanban cards:

N = {DT (1 + X )} / C

N = Total number of containers (1 card per container)
D = Planned usaged rate of using work center (parts/day)
T = Average waiting time for replenishment of parts plus average
production time for a container of parts (days)
X = Policy variable set by management that reflects possible
inefficiency in the system (the closer to 0, the more efficient the
system)….. (0 to 1)
C = Capacity of a standard container (should be no more than 10% of
daily usage of the part)…. (parts per container)

Note that D and T must use same units (e.g., minutes, days)
• Example:
Usage at a work center is 300 parts per day, and a standard container
holds 25 parts. It takes an average of .12 day for a container to complete
a circuit from the time a kanban card is received until the container is
returned empty. Compute the number of kanban cards (containers)
needed if X = .20.

• Solution:

D = 300 parts/day N = {DT (1 + X)} /C
T = .12 day
C = 25 parts per container
X = .20

N = {300 (.12) (1 + .20)} / 25 = 1.728

~ 2 containers (rounded)
4. Limited WIP
Keuntungan limited WIP:
• Lower carrying costs due to lower WIP inventory
• Increased flexibility
• Aids scheduling and saves costs of rework and scrapping
• Controlling WIP results in low-cycle time variability
According to “Little’s Law”: WIP = Cycle time x Arrival rate
If both WIP and arrival rate of jobs constant, then Cycle time constant
Pendekatan untuk mengendalikan WIP dilakukan dengan Kanban.

5. Closes Vendor Relationship

Kedekatan dengan vendor ini penting untuk kondisi pengadaan lean dalam
jumlah kecil, tapi berulang-ulang, dan berkualitas.. Berbeda dengan pengadaan
konvensional, dimana peranan buyer adalah melakukan monitoring kualitas
barang yang dibeli, inspeksi barang berdasarkan kualitas dan kuantitas,
pengembalian barang yang tidak baik kepada vendor.

Apa yang bisa dilakukan untuk membangun kedekatan dengan vendor..??:

• Kemitraan (partnership)
• Lokasi terdekat (dari jarak, waktu, biaya)
6. Reduced Transaction Processing
Transaksi sering terjadi pada traditional manufacturing system namun
tidak memberikan nilai tambah, jadi harus dihindarkan.
Transaksi dapat dikelompokkan atas logistik, balancing, kualitas, dan
change transactions, sbb:
• Transaksi logistik, terdiri dari ordering, execution dan konfirmasi
transpor material dari satu lokasi ke lokasi lain. Biaya yang terjadi,
adalah. Biaya personil shipping dan receiving, expediting order,
data entry, dan data processing.

• Transaksi balancing, yaitu forecasting, perencanaan produksi,

pengendalian produksi, pembelian, penjadwalan, dan proses order.

• Transaksi kualitas, mencakup penentuan spek’s, montoring, recording

dan kegiatan menindaklanjuti.
• Transaksi perubahan (change), meliputi perubahan teknis, perubahan
spek’s, bill of material, scheduling, processing instructions, dll.
Perubahan engineering paling mahal.
7. Preventive Maintenance & Housekeeping
Karena JIT system memiliki inventory, harus dihindarkan terjadinya breakdown, a.l
dengan Preventive maintenance. Langkah selanjutnya adalah menjaga kebersihan
tempat kerja (housekeeping), melalui penanaman sikap mental 5S.

5S: Workplace organization/Housekeeping

• 5s: Important part of Kaizen/Lean Manufacturing
• The S's stand for:

– Seiri - keep only what is absolutely necessary, get rid of things that you
don't need, i.e. simplify or sort.
– Seiton - create a location for everything, i.e. organize
or straighten.
– Seiso - clean everything and keep it clean, i.e. cleanliness or sweep.
– Seiketsu - implement Seiri, Seiton and Seiso plant wide, i.e. standardize.
– Shitsuke - assure that everyone continues to follow the rules of 5S, i.e.
stick to it or self discipline.

• 5S in the US: Sort, Straighten, Sweep, Standardize, Self Disciple

• 5S + 1S (Safety) = 6S (Hytrol, etc)
• 5S + 2S (Safety and Security) = 7 S (Agilent Technology that was part of
Hewlett Packard)
5S (Short, Set, Shine, Standardize, Sustain)
• 5S adalah langkah awal yang mudah dan
memberikan banyak manfaat

• Tiap orang dalam organisasi agar melepaskan diri

dari item-item yang tidak perlu (overburdening

• Red tag attack: red tag attack ini adalah strategi

yang dilakukan dalam menjalani pabrik dan
memasang red tags pada semua barang yang
tidak digunakan dalam 30 hari. Item-item yang
dirasa perlu dipertahankan harus disetujui atasan,
atau item yang dikeluarkan dari pabrik.
5S in a Factory

Factory tour: Toyota vs.

5S in Office
• Before 5 S

• After 5 S
Thank You

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