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Version 3.

Rogic Manual

Version :
 v 0.50 – Monday, September 01, 2003. First created
 v 0.60 – Monday, September 08, 2003. add detail description
 v 1.00 – Monday, September 15, 2003. add chip description
 v 1.10 – Wednesday, September 17, 2003. fix some errata
 v 1.20 – Tuesday, September 30, 2003. Add voice chip
 v 2.00 – Tuesday, June 29, 2004. Add function, variable, calculate chip
 v 2.10 – Wednesday, Aprill 19, 2006.
 v 3.00 –
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0


1. Rogic program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 Rogic program Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 232cable connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 screen overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4.1 File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4.2 Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4.3 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4.4 Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5 moving chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.6 adding chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.7 deleting chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.8 inseting chip between chips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.9 picking chip out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.10 copying chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.11 hiding chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.12 downloading program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.13 exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2. Chip explanation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.1 Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.1.1 New Function Chip. . . . . . . . . . 24
2.1.2 Using Fucntion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.1.3 Deleting Fucntion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.2 Chips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.1 Start Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.2 DC Motor Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.3 Servo Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2.4 Voice Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2.5 Dot Matrix Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.2.6 On Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
RoboRobo ⓒ 2008.All rights reserved.
㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

2.2.7 Off Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

2.2.8 Variable Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2.9 Calculate Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3 Delay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.3.1 Delay Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.4 While. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.4.1 While Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.4.2 Break Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4.3 Loop Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.5 If Else. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.5.1 If Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.5.2 Remote Control Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.5.3 IR Sensor Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.5.4 Contact S/W Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.5.5 Rand Chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

RoboRobo ⓒ 2008.All rights reserved.
㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

1. Rogic Program Instruction

1.1 Rogic Program Installation

Insert the Rogic CD in CD-Rom and install the Rogic program.

1.2 232cable connection

Prepare the RS232 and connect it carefully to the CPU board.

After that, connect another part of RS232 cable to the COM port(serial port) of PC.
Generally PC has tow COM ports(serial port). You can use one of them.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

You now finish the basic cable connection to program the robot.
If PC has not the COM port but the USB port, you have to use USB to serial jender to
connect it.

C P U B o a rd PC
R S 2 3 2 C C a b le

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

1.3 Screen overview

 Menu : You can save and load the chip program and set options through the menu bar.
 Chip : The section where you obtain the chips to active the robot. Click and drag
the desired chip and put it under the start chip.
 Waste basket : The waste basket is used to delete unused chips. To delete a chip,

click the desired chip and drag it to the waste basekt.

 X1 : X1 button is used to see the screen in normal size.

 X2 : X2 button is used to see the screen in half screen. But in X2 mode you can not

modify the program.

 Download (Ctrl + D) : Download button is used to download the created program to

robot. Before download the program you must check the RS232 cable connection.
 Run : Run button is used to operate the robot when RS232 cable is connected.
 Stop : Stop button is used to stop the robot when RS232 cable is connected.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

 WWW : WWW button is used to open the‚RoboRobo‛hompage. This homepage offers the
latest version of Rogic program and robot program.
 Exit : Exit button is used to close the Rogic program.
 X scroll bar : X scroll bar is used to move in the x-axis when the chip program is
too large so you can not see the whole program.
 Y scroll bar : Y scroll bar is used when chip program is too large so you can not
see whole program, scroll to see program.
 RS232 connection icon: This icon shows the connection between the PC and robot.
When the PC and robot are connected ( )is displayed and when the PC and
robot are disconnected ( )is displayed

1.4 Menu

1.4.1 File

File menu is used to save or load the program or to exit the Rogic program.

 New : This is used to make a new program. The new program has only the start chip.
If you are working on another program, save your current program before you
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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

click new button. If you don’t the save chip program before you click new
button, the program asks you whether it saves the working program or not.

 Open (Ctrl + O) : This is used to load flies in *.rpj form.

 Save (Ctrl + S) : ‚Save‛ is used to save program files in rpj form.

 Save As : ‚Save As‛ is used to save chip program with other names.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

 Exit : ‚Exit is used to turn off the rogic program. If the program was modified,
Rogic program would ask you whether it saves program or not.

1.4.2 Setting

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

Setting menu is used to get rs232 function.

 RS232 Setting : RS232 Setting is used to set the robot and computer. Generally the
PC has two serial ports,where usually the left serial port is ‚Com1‛ and the
right serial port is ‚Com2‛. Connect the download cable to the PC’s left
serial port(Com1) then click the RS232 Setting menu and select com1 in the
rogic program .

If you cannot find the exact port, then check the‚Auto‛ option. This option
automatically find port. You can confirm the connection between the Robot and
computer by checking RS232 connection icon. ( ).

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

[!] Notice.
Do not take out the RS232 cable when the program is searching the serial
port. If you pull out the RS232 cable, the searching process is
interrupted and the tool box is poped.

After sacn process is completed, box that is shown below is appears.

 RS232 Open : Connect the cable with the computer and robot.
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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

 RS232 Close : Disconnect the cable with the computer and robot

1.4.3 Mode

The mode menu is used to update the rogic program and the robot’s botOS.

 Rogic Update : This menu does not work. To be maked.

 Robot Upgrade : The robot upgrade menu is used to download the latest version of
BotOs to robot.

Before starting robot upgrade, you must turn off the power. Press the robot’s power
button and click ‚next‛ button.
[!] Notice

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

If you click ‚next‛ button without turning off the power,

adove tool box will appear. You must go next step after
turning off the power.

In step 2 turn on the robot’s power and robot upgrade process will automatically

Stay awhile until robot upgrade process ends.

[!] Notice
Do not pull out the RS232 cable in upgrade process. If the
RS232 cable is not connected in upgrade process, upgrade
process will be stoped and below screen will appear.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

If upgrade process is completed correctly, adove screen will appear. Press ‚OK‛
button and Robot upgrade process will be completed.

1.4.4 Help

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

 Help (F1) : The ‘Help menu’ shows you the Rogic program explanations.
 Support : This menu does not work. To be made.
 About Rogic : ‘About Rogic’ menu shows the Rogic program version and Robot’s
version. The rogic program and Robot version must be updated to latest version.
Below screen shows Program version is 2.0. If the Robot’s power is off or
connection with PC and Robot are not connected, Robot version is displied

1.5 Moving chips

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

All chips are moved by click-drag-click. Click chip which you need and drag and
click where you want to put. Then chip will be put where you want.

1.6 Add chip

You can make the program which makes the Robot work by adding chips. You must
connect all chips you put and if you do not connect all chips, ‚block Error‛ will
be appear. When chip is correctly connected ( ) will be appear between chips
you connected. If ‘Block Error’ appears, identify wheter is present
between chips.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

Drag Delay Chip to the DC Moter chip and click the DC Motor chip. Then the Delay
chip will be added to the DC motor chip.

1.7 Delete Chip

You can throw away the chip which you will not use by drag the chip to trash can.
Then tool box will appear whether you want to throw away chip. Click ‚ok‛ button
and then the chip will be deleted.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

1.8 Add chip between chips

Drag the chip which you want to add and click where you want to put. Then Chip will
added to between chips. Below pictures show example of how add the chip between

First drag the DC Motor chip to where you want to add.

Click where you want to add.

The DC motor chip is added between Delay chips.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

1.9 Pick out chip .

Deleting chip in chip program is more complicate. When you click chip, all chips
that below chip you clicked are all selected. So, You must go through several step.
Firsh the click chip you want to pick out. Then put the chips on empty space. And
click the chips below chip you want to pick out and put chips on original place.
Below pictures show example of how you pick out the delay chip between DC Motor

Above picture shows the original chip program.

First click and drag the chip you want to pick out. Then chips that below chip you
clicked will follow. Then put on the chips empty space.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

After that click chips that you don’t want to delete and put on the chips on
original place.

The chip that you want to pick out is alone. So you can delete that chip.

1.10 Copy chip

You can copy the chip that you maked. Below pictures show example of how copy the

RoboRobo ⓒ 2008.All rights reserved.
㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

Like above chip program, example will show how to Copy the DC Motor(FF) chip. First
put the cursor on the DC Motor and press ctrl+C.(Do not click the chip.)

Move the cursor to place where you want to add and press Ctrl+V. Then chip will be
copied at below cursor.

1.11 Chip hide

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

Like above picture While, if else, function chip have little triangle button on
chip. If you click the triangle button then the chip will hide all chips that have
included. By you click button again you can identify the chips that have hided.

1.12 Download and Run

Before downloading the chip program that you have made, you have to connect the
RS232 cable between the robot and computer and turn on the robot’s power. Then click
‚Download‛ button. Then the chip program will be downloaded from the PC to the
Robot by cable. If download process is successfully ended, ‚Download Successfully
Finished‛message will appear.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

[!] error messages and solution

‚Block error" appears when you don’t connect all chips. You
must connect all chips or delete the chip not used.

‚RS232 connection Error‛ appears when the RS232 cable is

not connected correctly between the robot and the computer or
when the robot’s power is turned off. Before you click
download button you must identify RS232 cable connection and
the robot’s power.

‚Download fail‛message appears when in download process

the RS232 cable is disconnected.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

If the chip program is too large or too many function in

chip program, the robot can not afford that program. In this
case ‚EEPROM OverFlow‛ message appears. When this message
appears, you must delete all fuction that you don’t use and
you must not make the chip program too large.

1.13 Exit

If you want to turn off the Rogic Program then click exit button. If the program is
modified or not saved, the Rogic program will ask you whether save chip program.

2. Chip explanations

The chip is the information block needed to control the robot. Each chip has
meaning and by connecting chips, you can make program. By you click small retangular
button you can specify chip’s detail option.

Option button

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

2.1 Functions chip

 The function chip is chip that make robot to specific work by combinig some

2.1.1 New Function Chip

 Main Function : Makes new Function.

 Option and Chip explanations : when you click the ‘new function chip’, dialog box
appear and you can enter the function name that you want to make.

Enter the name that you want.

Enter a function name and click the ‘OK’ button.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

If you entered proper name, the new empty fuction would be succefully created.

To move the robot zigzag, the DC motor chip and Delay chip must be inserted

Notice : The new name must be English or numerals that between four and six
characters. The following examples are wrong cases.

The function name at least four characters and less than six characters, so
'ZIG' can not be the name of the function.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

Because the name can be wrriten in only English or numerals, so you cannot use like
!, @, #, $,%, Such as special characters.

2.1.2 Use function

The function is created below the new function chip. To use this, click the chip
that you want to use and drag and paste at the bottom.

2.1.3 delete function

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

생성된 function 칩을 휴지통에 버리게 되면 위와 같이 function을 지울 것인지에 대해

물어보게 됩니다. If you click the 'yes', the chip disappear and if you want to reuse
that function, you must be created to function again. Otherwise the chip remain in
the list of function can be used again later.

2.2 Chips

2.2.1 Start Chip

 Main Function : Start of the program

 Option and Chip explanations: There is no option and by default start chip is fixed
on the screen. Programming is started by connection chips below the ‘start’

 Notice : You can not move the start chip .

2.2.2 DC Motor Chip

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

 Main Function : ‘DC motor chip’ is used to determine the speed and direction of
the DC motors.

 Option and Chip explanations: If you click the option button, the DC motor setting
dialog appears.

Motor Section

Foward Direct Section


Speed Section

The robot's output ports are eight and two output port to DC motors, so the
robot can control up to four DC motors. First, check the motor section to
select associated motor and decide forward or reverse direction at direct
section. Finally, select the operating speed of the DC motor at speed section.
Speed has a value of 0-15, representing the suspension, the maximum speed of 15
to 0 to have started. Speed has a value of 0-15, starting with 0 that means
cease and will have maximum speed of 15. Until the next DC motor chip appears,
DC motor chip sets the robot to move to the DC motor that was setted up. So you
need delay chip to move robot specific time.

 Notice : The DC motors has output port and it must be paired. (Port1 & Port2, Port3
& Port4, Port5 & Port6, Port7 & Port8)
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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

 Example : In order to move the dc motor, you have to put the delay chip below motor
chip. After a delay, the motor does not stop but will continue to maintain such
status. Therefore, in order to stop the motor you have to connect dc motor chip
that speed is 0.

 Below example is chip program that move robot forward for 1 second and backward 1
second and turn for 1 second.

2.2.3 Servo Chip

 Main Function : Servo chip determines the angle of servo motor.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

Servo motors are given to move the angle of 220 ° movements to a minimum of up
to 214 numbers from 1 to split with the detailed settings can do.

 Option and Chip explanations : By checking port, you can select servo motor that you
want to move. If each servo motor is checked, It’s move scale can be
determined. Grid shows the movement range of servomotor and you can select
degree by click the grid or entering value.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

 Range of Servomotor

Rogic 214 step Rogic 1 step

 How to set the starting point of the servo motor!

Method 1) Put a any part into the axis of servo motor and turn right to the end.
Method 2) In rogic program set servomotor degree in 1 step and download to Robot.
And Run chip program. You can see servo motor rotate to right end degree.

 Notice : (패인 곳) of servo motor’s axis indicate servomotor’s reference. Because

servo motor can be rotate for 220 degree, 107 Step means 90 degree like below

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

Servo motor needs enough time to move set degree(about 1 second). If you
don’t use delay chip, so servo motor chip doesn’t have enough time, servo
motor will not move.

2.2.4 Voice Chip

 Main Function : Voice chip operates voice board.

 Option and Chip explanations: Voice chip sends a signal to the output port and sets
up as the Voice Board to act. If you press the option button, voice setting
dialog will appear.

Voice-Board must be connected to one of the robot’s output ports. You can
choose the output port in voice setting dialog box. The voice chip sends a
signal that make sound that saved out to voice board through output port.
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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

2.2.5 Dot Matrix Chip

 Main Function : Dot Matrix chip operates dot matrix board.

 Option and Chip explanations: Dot matrix chip is used to display numerals, symbols
and images on the dot matrix board. The output of the dot matrix board divided
into character mode and image mode. In character mode, you can output the
characters, numbers and symbols. And in image mode, more exceeding, drawing
freely on the image output. If you click the option button that located in the
upper right corner of the dot-matrix chip dot-matrix setting dialog will appear.

Dot-matrix board setring dialog is visible above the bar, consists of table
that contain such as letters, numbers, colors and symbols, a rotation button
(clockwise direction, counter clockwise direction), display screen and the
output port settings.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

Seclect the green color and press the ‘A’ of the table, A is displayed on the

RoboRobo ⓒ 2008.All rights reserved.
㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

And set port that dot matrix board is connected. Then program that display
green ‘A’ on assigned port is finished

Display screen can be rotated by 90 degree. The above figure is a result that
90 degrees clockwise, rotate.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

Some letters, numbers, symbols is stored in table. you can select the contents
of the table conveniently. The above figure is the example that selected heart
orange '♥' symbol.

Unlike character mode that enters a fixed character, in image mode, you can
display combination of the appearance of a random drawing. Using the above
example is yellow, red and green colors appearance of the house.

 Notice : When the dot-matrix chip to set up, it is necessary to link output port
correctly. And if you want a dot matrix board changes the output continually,
you need to at least 0.6 seconds to delay the action accurately.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

 2.2.6 On Chip

 Main Function : On chip lights on the led or turns on the buzzer chip.

 Option and Chip explanations: On chips used when turning on the LED by or buzzer
chip connected to the CPU board. If you click on the Options button Port ON
Dialog box will appear.

Dialog box has 8 check buttons that representing the robot’s output port. If
the four LED connected to the output port, 1-4, check the port 1, port 2 and
port 3, 4 in order to LED let light on.

 Notice : You must use on-chip and off-chip together. If you use on-chip then you
must use off-chip to each port work correctly.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

2.2.7 Off Chip

 Main Function : OFF chip lights off the led or turns off the buzzer chip.

 Option and Chip explanations : Off chip used when turning off the LED by program or
buzzer chip connected to the CPU board. If you click on the options button at
off chip, port off dialog box appears.

Dialog box has 8 check buttons that representing the robot’s output port. If
the four LED connected to the output port, 1-4, and if LED is already lighted
on, check the port 1, port 2 and port 3, 4 in order to LED let light off.

 Notice : You must always be used with off-chip and on-chip. If you use on-chip then
you must use off-chip to each port work correctly.

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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

 Example : The figure below shows an example of using the on-chip and off-chip.

If you use on chip and do not use off chip after on chip, then LED will not go out.
So, in left picture chip program LED which is connected to port 1 and 2 will light on
and go out after 1 second. And then LED connected to port 3 and 4 will light on and
go out after 1second. But in right picture chip program LED connected to port 1 and 2
will not go out during LED connect to port 3 and 4 working.

2.2.8 Variable Chip

 Main Function : Variable chip creates new variable and initialize, or sets up new
value in existing variables.

 Option and Chip explanations : Variable is number that changes its value by program.
In Rogic, you can use maximum 16 variables. Using variable chip user can make
more complicate program.
User can make or initialize or modify value by Variable chip or calculate chip,
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㈜로보로보, RoboRobo.,LTD.
Rogic Manual
Version 3.0

and compare variables by using If chip or While chip. So if you want use
variable, you must use variable chip, calculate chip, If chip and while chip

Below pictures shows example that initialize and make variable by using
variable chip. Put on variable chip in chip program and press option button at
variable chip then Variable Setting dialog box will appear.

First, in order to make variable, select ‚New var.‛.

Then (대화상자) will appear whether you want to make new variable. Press

Enter new name ‚A1‛. Variable name can be only one or two character and
only use English and number. And press ‚OK‛button.

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Above picture shows box that initialize variable number. Defalt value is set
0 and you can set other number. Enter the value at 10 and press ‘ok’.

Then variable is made and it has value 10 and name is ‘A1.

 Notice :

Variable name can be only one or two character and only use English and
numeral letter. If you use more than 3 character as variable name, above
warning message appears.

Variable name must not start with numeral letter. If you use variable name which
start with numeral letter then above warning message appears.

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You can only use value as integer.

In Rogic, you can use maximum 16 variables. If you make 17th variable, above
message will appear.

2.2.9 Calculate Chip

 Main Function : Calculate chip is used to calculate variable and constant.

 Option and Chip explanations : Calculate chip is used to add or subtract or
multiplicate or divide variable and constant. Press option button at calculate
chip then calculation box will appear.

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첫번째 피연산자

두번째 피연산자

연산 결과

User can set two operands, operator and variable that is saved the calculation
result. Operand can be seleted as variable or constant.

If A1, AD is already made, the variable appears the list of operand. If you
select A1 or AD, variable is selected as operand and if you select value,
constant is selected as operand. You have to enter the constant value when you
select the value.

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Above picture shows the example that adds A1 and AD and stores its value at A1.
If A1 has value by 5, 15 will be saved at A1.

If you click the operator button, add calculation will be change subtract
calculation. If A1 has value by 10 and AD has value by 5, 5 will be saved at A1.

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You can calculate multiplication or division by click the operator. If A1 has

value by 10 and AD has value by 5, 50 will be saved at A1 when you calculate
multiplication and 2 will be saved at A1 when you calculate division.

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Above picture shows example that select operand by 2. If A1 has value by 10, 12
will be saved at A1.

In addition, you can insert the calculation result as operand.

 Notice :

Variable has value between -128 and 127. So you must initialize the value
inside the range.

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2.3 Delay

2.3.1 Delay Chip

 Main Function : Delay chip is used to delay specific time.

 Option and Chip explanations : To operate the robot, it needs appropriate delay.
Delay chip is used to delay the state of robot in specific time. If you press
option button at delay chip then delay setting dialog box will appear.

Increase button

Reduce button

Unit is 0.1 seconds and it is possible 0.1 seconds to 25 seconds with the delay.
You can use the keyboard or mouse to enter the delay.

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2.4 While

If you repeatedly perform the same task, it is more straightforward using while chip
than repeatedly using the same chip.

2.4.1 While Chip

 Main Function : While chip is used to repeat particular tasks.

 Option and Chip explanations : The robot will perform a lot of simple repetitive
tasks. While chip is the chip that repeats such actions, it consists of chips
that mean start of the repeat and that mean end of the repeat. While chip has
infinite repeat mode and condition repeat mode. User can set mode by click the
option button. As shown below to the left, if you setting the ‘∞’symbol,
while chip is set the infinite repeat mode and repeat chips between while-chip
infinitely. And as shown below to the right, condition repeat mode that setting
the condition and repeat when conditions are placed between the while-chip is
true is also available. (It is possible to set condition a variable and
variable or variable and number)

 Notice : If you use while-chip as infinite repeat mode, it repeats infinitely so

chips that outside of the while-chip is not operate.
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If you use while chip and it doesn’t satisfy end condition, it runs endlessly.
Then another chips that not in while chip will not run permanently.

 Example 1 : Below picture is the example of using while chip to move the robot
forward infinitly.

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 Example 2 : Below picture is the example of using while with variable chip

When the while chip works, calculate chip will operate, so ‘A’ will increase by 1.
When the first time, ‘A’is equal to 1, so the while chip satisfy condition. The
while chip will work 2 times because then ‘A’ will be 3 and don’t satisfy the

2.4.2 Break Chip

 Main Function : Break chip is used to come out from closest while loop.
 Option and Chip explanations : In the while chip, if the chip program meet the break
chip, then the chip program run from chip that out of while chip.
 Notice : The break chip is not used without while chip.
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 example : Below picture is the example of using break chip.

Above chip program is reapeatly check sensor and if sensor find object then
break out the while chip so the chip program end.

2.4.3 Loop Chip

 Main Function : The loop chip is used to repeat program with specific times.
 Option and Chip explanations : The while chip is used to reapt tasks infinitly or
check condition by using variable chip. But if you use the while chip and you
want to repeat tasks specific number of times, you may use variable and set
condition to work and this process is so complicate. The loop chip simplified

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Version 3.0

while chip. The ( ) chip indicate start of loop and the

( ) chip indicate loop end. You can specify the number of repeats

in loop setting dialog box. Below picture shows the example of setting that
loop chip work 3 times.

 Notice : The number of repeats can be selected from 0 to 127.

 Example : The below picture shows the example that moves robot forward for 1 second
and backward for 1 second at 3 times.

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2.5 If Else

2.5.1 If Chip

 Main Function : The If chip checks condition and runs program depanding on the
 Option and Chip explanations : The robot needs sensor to react with external
environment. So robot needs the chip that checks the condition to use sensor.
By click the option button below setting option is displayed.

If you check‘Sensor Port, the ‚if chip‛ will check input port and if you
check ‘compare’, the ‚if chip‛will check condition

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 Example 1 : Below picture is the example that using‘if chip’.

If sensor connected to port 1 gives ‘yes’signal, the robot will turn

counter clock wise for 1 second. And if sensor gives ‘no’ signal, the robot
will move forward.

 Example 2 : Below picture is the example that using ‘if chip’and variable chip.

This program will run loop 4 times and ‘A’will increase by 1 each time. In this
program ‘if chip’ is set to operate when A is equal to 2. So when A is equal to 2,
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the robot will move forward for 1 second. Otherwise motors will not work.

2.5.2 Remote Control Chip : 리모컨칩

 Main Function : Remote control chip operates other chips when the condition of
remocon and condition that you determined are same.

 Option and Chip explanations : 리모컨칩은 리모컨 송신부(사용자가 로봇으로 명령을 보

내는 부분)의 스위치가 눌러진 상태에 대하여 수행할 동작을 지정할 수 있는 칩입니
다. If you click the option button, remocon key setting dialog appears.

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You can see the image that looks like remocon in remocon key setting box. In
here, user set the button and input port.For example, if you want to deal with
the case that remocon driver is connected input port #7 and button #1 is
pressed, Set the port #7 and press the button #1 and click the OK button. Next
put the chip that you want to operate in remote chip. The remote control chip
can also deal with the case that more than one button is pressed.

 Caution : You have to use the Remote condtol chip inside the while chip, because
the condition is checked repeatedly.

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 Example : Below example is the usage of remote control chip.

If you press the button #1, the robot will move forward and if you press the
button #2, the robot will move backward. If you press nothing, the robot will

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2.5.3 IR Sensor Chip

 Main Function : The IR sensor chip operates chips when the condition of connected
input port is true.

 Option and Chip explanations : The IR sensor chip operates chips when the condition
of sensor is same as the condition that you determined. If you click the option
button at IR sensor chip, you can choose the input port and condition that you
want to deal with.

IR sensor chip checks the condition of input port that you chose. And if the
condition is true, it operates chips that is put between the IR sensor chip.
After the operating is over, it checks the condition again, and determines
whether operates chips again. So if the condition of input port is same as the
condition that you determined, chips between the IR sensor port is operated
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 Caution : You have to use the IR sensor inside the while chip, because the
condition is checked repeatedly.

 Example : Below picture shows example of using IR Sensor.

If the condition of IR sensor that connected input port 1 is ON, the left wheel
of robot moves bacward for 1 second. And if the condition is OFF, the wheel of
robot moves forward.

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2.5.4 Contact S/W

 Main Function : If the contact switch’s state match to the chip option, the chip
program works which is in contact switch chip.

 Option and Chip explanations : The contact switch chip is chip that works specific
work during corresponding switch is ‚on‛ or ‚off‛. If you click the option
button at contact switch chip, you can select sensor port and switch (조건)
like below picture.

The contack switch chip check corresponding port swich whether ‚on‛ or
‚off‛. If switch matchs with chip’s option then, the chip program works in
contact switch chip. And After all chip in contact switch chip works, again
contact switch chip check contact switch and when contact switch option matches
to input port, contact switch chip works else next chip works.

 Caution : The contact chip needs while chip because it needs to reapetely check
input signal.
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 Example : Below example shows the use of contact switch.

If the switch that connected to input port 1 is ‚on‛,then the DC motor will
go forward, else the DC motor will go backward.

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2.5.5 Rand chip

 Main Function : Rand chip sends ‘on’ signal to one out port ranmdomly.

 Option and Chip explanations : Rand chip randomly select one output port among the
output port 1-4 and send the ‚on‛signal. If you set delay, then every delay
second It works. When the one output port is selected and you press switch that
connected corresponding input port, then the chips in the rand chip will work.

 Caution : If you want chip in the rand chip to be worked, you have to give signal
corresponding rand chip’s random output signal by connecting switch. Rand chip
needs while chip because it needs to reapetely check input signal

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 Example : Below picture show you example of using “rand chip”

If the output port 1-4 are connected each LED and input port 1-4 are
connected to each switch, then every one second randomly one LED light on.
When the LED that is connected to output 2 is light on and you press switch
that connected input port 2, then the Dot matrix will display characters
have saved.

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