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Reminders: Provide Table of Contents and corresponding Tab/Label for each kind of

document contained in the Eligibility and Technical Component Envelope

and Financial Component Envelope.

Documents should be arranged sequentially in congruence to their

sequence in the checklist for Project No. 16-06-080 so provided by the BAC.

Bids must be delivered to the address and on the date and time stated
herein. Late bids shall not be accepted.
Procuring Entity: Department of Education, Division of Digos City
Name of the Procurement of School Furniture for DICNHS – Matti High School Annex
Identification Number of Project No. 16-06-080
the Contract/Project:
Funding Source: The Government of the Philippines under CY 2016 Basic Educational
Facilities Fund for Provision of School Furniture to Newly Constructed
Classroom – Batch 2 based on SARO #BMB-B-16-0005860 dated March 16,
Approved Budget for the Five Hundred Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php 518,500.00)
Bid Validity: 120 days from the Opening of the Bid

Address and deadline August 9, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.

for Submission of Bids: BEVERLY S. DAUGDAUG
Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee
Department of Education, Division of Digos City
Corner Roxas & Lopez Jaena Streets, Digos City
Place and Date of Bid August 9, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.
Opening: Conference Hall, DepED, Digos City Division Office
Corner Roxas & Lopez Jaena Streets, Digos City
Format and Signing of 2 Envelopes, 1 for Technical and Eligibility Requirements and the other for
Bids: the Financial Requirements. 2 copies, 1 original. For Post qualification, 1
copy only.

Bid Forms shall be Completed without alterations to their format, no

substite form. All spaces are appropriately filled. The bid, except for
unamended printed literature shall be signed and each and every page
therof shall be initialed, by the duly authorized representative/s of the

Name of School Project Description ABC (Php) Contract Duration

Secondary Teacher’s Table
Armchair (all and Chair Set (all
wood) wood)
DICNHS – Matti HS 655 pcs. 15 sets 518,500.00 30 Calendar days


Original, 2 Copies)


i. Class “A” Documents

1. DTI/SEC Registration
2. Business Permit
3. Prospective Bidder’s duly signed statement of similar contracts on the
immediately preceding 5 years and supporting documents

3.1 Statement of all ongoing and completed government and private

contracts which shall include all such contracts within 5 years prior
to the deadline of the submission and receipt of bids;saying that –
prospective bidder have an experience of having completed within 5
years prior to the date of submission and receipt of bids, at least 1
contract that is similar to the contract to be bid, and whose value,
adjusted to current prices using the NSO consumer price indices,
must be at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC to be bid. Similar
Contract refers to Fabrication of Wooden School Furniture
3.2 Copy of Contract evidencing past transaction, Receipts, Notices of
award or Notices to proceed or Purchase Order or Owner’
3.3 Name of the Contract;
3.4 Date of the Contract;
3.5 Kinds of Goods;
3.6 Amount of Contract and Value of Outstanding Contracts
3.7 Date of Deliver; and
3.8 End User’s Acceptance or Official Receipt(s) issued for the contract,
if completed

4. Audited Financial Statements stamped received by the BIR and supporting

5. Duly signed computation of Net Financial Contracting Capacity (Bank Certificate)

ii. Class “B” Documents

6. Joint Venture Agreement or a duly notarized statement that they will enter into
and abide by the provisions of the JVA in the instance that the bid is successful
pursuant to ITB 12 1(a)(vii):
6.1 DTI/SEC Registration of co-venturers; and
6.2 Business Permit of co-venturers.

7. Original and Valid Bid Security or Original Bid Securing Declaration in accordance
with ITB Clause 18 and BDS 18.1 (Bid Security shall be returned only after
contract signing and furnishing of performance security but in no case later than
the expiration of the bid security validity - 120 calendar days from date of bid
opening) also note causes for forfeiture of Bid Security in ITB 18.5;

7.1 Bid Security Declaration; and

7.2 Cash or Cashier’s/Manager’s Check issued by a Universal or

Commercial Bank (2% of ABC) payable to SCHOOLS DIVISION OF DIGOS
CITY as payee acceptable to its depository bank; or

7.3 Bank draft/guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit by a Universal or

Commercial Bank (2% of ABC); or

7.4 Surety bond callable upon demand (5% of ABC)

Note: Bid Securing Declaration Enforcement see 18.1 of BDS and Causes
for forfeiture of bid security.

8. Original and duly signed Omnibus Sworn Statement; and

8.1 Notarized Secretary’s Certificate if a Joint Venture (Paragraph 2 of


9. Conformity with technical specifications, as enumerated and specified in

Sections VI and VII of the Bidding Documents; and
10. Sworn Statement in accordance with Section 25.2 (a)(iv) of IRR of RA 9184 and
using the form prescribed in Section VIII Bidding Forms:

Sworn statement by the prospective bidder or its duly authorized representative in the form prescribed by the GPPB as to the

(1) It is not “blacklisted” or barred from bidding by the GOP or any of its agencies, offices, corporations, or LGUs, including
foreign government/foreign or international financing institution whose blacklisting rules have been recognized by the GPPB;

(2) Each of the documents submitted in satisfaction of the bidding requirements is an authentic copy of the original, complete,
and all statements and information provided therein are true and correct;

(3) It is authorizing the Head of the Procuring Entity or his duly authorized representative/s to verify all the documents

(4) The signatory is the duly authorized representative of the prospective bidder, and granted full power and authority to do,
execute and perform any and all acts necessary and/or to represent the prospective bidder in the bidding, with the duly
notarized Secretary’s Certificate attesting to such fact, if the prospective bidder is a corporation, partnership, cooperative, or
joint venture;

(5) It complies with the disclosure provision under Section 47 of the Act in relation to other provisions of R.A. 3019;

(6) It complies with the responsibilities of a prospective or eligible bidder provided in the PBDs; and
(7) It complies with existing labor laws and standards, in the case of procurement of services. (8) It did not give or pay, directly
or indirectly, any commission, amount, fee, or any form of consideration, pecuniary or otherwise, to any person or official,
personnel or representative of the government in relation to any procurement project or activity.

II. Financial Component Envelope (1 Envelope, 1 Original, 2 copies)

Note: Bid shall not exceed the ABC and bid prices shall not be adjustable.

11. Bill of Quantities

12. Original duly signed and priced Financial Bid Form
13. Any other document related to the financial component of the bid as stated in
the BDS
14. Bid Prices complete the appropriate price schedules stating the unit prices, total
price per item, the total amount and the expected countries of origin of the
Goods to be supplied under this Project.

14.1 Prices indicated on the Price Schedule shall be entered separately

in the following manner:

i. The price of the Goods quoted ex works, including all customs

duties and sales and other taxes already paid or payable;

ii. Components and raw material used in the manufacture or

assembly of goods quoted ex works;

iii. The price for inland transportation, insuracnce and other

local costs incidental to delivery of the goods to their final destination;

iv. Price of other incidental services, if any, listed in the BDS

III. Post-qualification Documentary Requirements (1 Envelope, 1 copy)

Envelope shall be marked:

ITB 28.2 Documents

Name of Project: Project No. 16-06-081 “Procurement of School Furniture for DICNHS –
Matti High School Annex”
Bid Opening Date: August 9, 2016, Conference Hall, Digos City Division Office
Name of Bidder: Abegail Juson

The following documentary requirements shall be submitted within a non-extendible

period of 3 calendar days from receipt by the bidder of the notice from the BAC that it
submitted the Lowest Calculated Bid:

15. Tax clearance per EO 398, series of 2005;

16. Latest income and business tax returns (printed copies if electronically filed or
stamped received by BIR if manually file) with payment confirmation forms or
Official Receipts (latest means those filed within the last six months preceding
the date of bid submission)
17. Certificate of Philgeps Registration
18. Other Appropriate licenses and permits as stated in BDS 28.2:
14.1 BIR Registration Certification (contains TIN);

14.2 DOLE Registration Certificate

IV. Contract Award

19. Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, Procuring Entity notify the
bidder in writing through a Notice of Award, a receipt of which must be
confirmed in writing within 2 days by the Bidder with the LCRB and submitted
personally or sent by registered mail or electronically to the Procuring Entity.
20. Upon signing and execution of the contract pursuant to ITB Clause 32, and the
posting of the performance security pursuant to ITB Clause 33, the successful
Bidder’s bid security will be discharged, but in no case later than the bid security
validity period as indicated in the ITB Clause 18.2

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