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The hazards of increasing industrial wastes and the need to curb global environmental

pollution levels. It pays special attention to the increasing pollution levels along the US-
Mexican border caused by the concentration of industries just inside the border
(Maquiladora) in Mexico and the negligent enforcement of environmental laws. It also
focuses on the Basel Convention, which is aimed at reducing the risks posed to human health
and the environment due to improper management of wastes and pollutants.


» Increasing global pollution levels.» Control measures to curb global pollution

» High pollution levels along the US-Mexico border

» Action against global pollution through inter-country agreements

» Problems in enforcing the Basel Convention.

1. Suggest some measures that can be taken by countries with common borders like the US
and Mexico to combat environmental pollution problems that arise due to their economic
2. Do you consider the Basel Convention as a step in the right direction to tackle the
environment pollution? Justify.

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