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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;

Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

Solid Rocket Energy Management Project

Authors: Kaitlin Russell (MAE 440, Aerospace Engineering Major)
and Dylan Fanning (MAE 440, Aerospace Engineering Major)

MAE 440/540 Fall 2017

Instructor: Dr. Robert A. Frederick, Jr.

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Director of UAH Propulsion Research Center
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
November 13, 2017

1 Executive Summary [Kaitlin]

The goal of this project is to manage the energy of a sounding rocket to achieve altitudes of 5,000, 10,000, and
15,000 feet by only altering the number of identical solid propellant grains, nozzle dimensions, and weight of the
ballast. This group is designing to meet basic project requirements. To achieve this, dimensions of both the nozzle
and case are input into an Excel file to determine the impact of changing a feature. This approach of using identical
grains is to lower the production cost of propellant, and thus the rocket, by requiring only one type of grain to be

The description of the Solid Rocket Energy Management Project and the baseline design guide are shown in
Appendix A.

1.1 Insights Gained From Project [Dylan]

As tedious as the testing process was, it is very obvious to tell how each parameter directly affects one another. By
the use of graphing, “what-if analysis,” and other common excel functions, it proved to be a much deeper task to
successfully achieve the desired mission. Each mission proved it’s own difficulty; by playing with the number of
grains, it was easy to achieve the height of 10k and 15k, however, the 5k mission required much more tweaking.

By tweaking the values of the 5k mission, the ​Ri and ​Ro values of the 10k and 15k had to adjust accordingly.
Increasing grain length dramatically increases the height, as does increasing the number of grains. The epsilon and
throat area values proved to be more tricky as there is a “happy-medium” value that is exactly what you are looking
for specific for the mission, but if you are anywhere above or below the “happy-medium,” the maximum height
displayed for the mission will be adjusted lower or higher, respectively.

After struggling with the 5k so much, the efforts were focused on maximizing the results of that specific mission
first, then changing the parameter inputs of the 10k and 15k accordingly based on the inputs for the 5k mission, as
that approach proved to be easier. However, “what-if analysis” tended to be my best friend, along with strategic
thinking and sheer luck. Plugging in varying numbers as a “guess” to grasp the relationships between the parameters
and the output also helped in understanding what needed to be changed.

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

1.2 Summary of Results [Kaitlin]

Table 1-1 shows a summary of the propellant and air input parameters. Table 1-2 shows a summary of the
propulsion inputs and results. Table 1-3 shows a summary of the trajectory results.

TABLE 1-1.​ Summary of Propellant and Air Input Parameters [Required] [Kaitlin]

a​0 n σ​p k​p C* ρ​p mw​air k​air,0 A​rocket

(in/s) (-) (-/o​ ​F) (-) (ft/s) (lb​m/ft3​ ​) (lb​m/​ (-) (ft2​ ​)
(psi)-​ ​n lbmole)

0.03 0.35 0.001 1.3 5210 0.0065 28.97 1.4 0.209

TABLE 1-2.​ Summary of Propulsion Inputs and Results [Required] [Dylan]

R​i R​f L # Gr ε​0 A​t,0 A​t,f t​p I​s,ave P​1,max F​max
(in) (in) (in) (-) (-) (in2​ ​) (in2​ ​) (s) (s) (psia) (lbf​ )
BL 1 2.375 8 4 4 1 1.659 4.326 240.7 1198 1873
5K 1.3 2.3 3.5 2 2.5 1.224 1.338 6.904 183.1 153.8 238.4
10K 1.3 2.3 3.5 3 2.5 1.858 1.998 6.910 183.5 151.0 353.1
15K 1.3 2.3 3.5 4 2.5 2.243 2.412 6.550 192.5 176.0 511.9

TABLE 1-3.​ Summary of Trajectory Results [Required] [Dylan]

m​prop m​bal m​case m​0 h​p V​p a​p h​max V​max a​max a​max/ g0
(lb​m) (lb​m) (lb​m) (lb​m) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s2​ ​) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s2​ ​) (-)
BL 30.32 1 8.125 79.45 7021 3108 539.8 57570 3162 794.2 24.67
5K 5.146 0 1.813 41.81 3606 447.9 -34.6 5000 448 131.3 4.077
10K 7.719 0 2.719 42.72 5775 711.5 -39.4 10000 712 193.9 6.021
15K 10.29 0 3.625 43.63 7648 976.0 -47.9 15000 976 273.5 8.488

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

2 Baseline Vehicle Results

2.1 Baseline Vehicle Grain Design [Kaitlin]
Figure 2-1 shows our cylindrical grain shape for this vehicle. Each grain is 8 inches long, with an inner diameter of 1
inch and an outer diameter of 2.375 inches. For the baseline rocket, 4 grains of propellant are used.

mp = (#of grains) * π * (Rf 2 − (Ri + W d)2 ) * (L − 2W d) * ρ (1)

The mass of the propellant figures out how much propellant exists at the given web distance and multiplies it by the
density of the grain to find the mass per grain. This is then multiplied by the number of grains to find the total mass
of the propellant. Mass of the propellant goes down as more web is burned.

Ab = (#of grains) * (2π * (Ri + W d) * (L − 2W d) + 2π * (R2f − (Ri + W d)2 )) (2)

The maximum web thickness is determined by subtracting the inner diameter from the outer diameter. The web
cannot physically be thicker than this in a rocket burning at the bore and from both ends. The maximum web
thickness for this grain is 1.375 inches.

dwebmax_ = douter − dinner (3)

2.2 Baseline Vehicle Internal Ballistics [Kaitlin]

Figure 2-2 shows that as time increases, propellant mass decreases. This is due to the propellant being burned off to
create thrust for the rocket.

P 1i = a * (e(σ*(T bi −T i−1 ) ) * ρ * c* i * Abi * (Ati * 32.2)ˆ( 1−n

) (3​(4)

An initial throat area of 1 in^2 is used as this complies with pressure requirements. The flow chokes in the throat and
not in the grain.
Ati = (π/4) * (dti −1 + (0.000087 * (ti − ti−1 ) * P 1i−1 ))2 (3​(5)

Figure 2-3 illustrates how chamber pressure decreases as time increases. This is due to the reduced web distance that
results from the reduced burn area as propellant is burned off during flight.

ti = ti−1 + (W di − W di−1 )/ri (5​(6)

ri = a * eσ*(T b −T o ) * P 1ni ​(6​(7)

The results figure 2-3 comply with project requirements as the pressure is supposed to reduce as propellant
is burned. The pressure also does not go to zero.

F i = C f i * Ati * P 1i (6​(8)

Thrust coefficient calculations can be seen in Appendix B.

I sp = I total * mp (X​(9)

Figure 2-4 illustrates thrust decreasing with time. This is due to the pressure decreasing as propellant is burned off.
The thrust curve ends at propellant burnout.

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

FIGURE 2-2. Baseline Mass of Propellant as a function

FIGURE 2-1. Cross Section of Baseline Vehicle Grain of time for initial grain temperature of 70​o​F​ [Kaitlin]
Design with Dimensions [Kaitlin]

FIGURE 2-3 Baseline Chamber Pressure as a function FIGURE 2-4. Baseline Thrust as a function of time for
of time for initial grain temperature of 70​o​F​ [Kaitlin] initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F​ [Kaitlin]

2.3 Baseline Flight Results [Dylan]

The acceleration, velocity, and altitude as a function of time are plotted in the trajectory plot Figure 1. From the plot
one can figure out that the velocity of the missile increases with the time and the max velocity is reached at the burn
out time. The max velocity was found to be 3109 ft/s at burn out time ​t = 4.326 s. Looking at the acceleration curve,
the acceleration increases for the first few seconds and then starts decreasing, and then eventually fluctuates near
-32.00 ft/s^2. The max acceleration was found to be 794.24 ft/s^2. The altitude of the missile increases with the
time. The max altitude was found to be 55297 ft.

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

2.3.1 Vehicle Weight Estimation Relationships [Dylan]

The weight of the vehicle was calculated by adding individual components of the vehicle. The individual
components include ballast weight, weight of structure and nozzle, weight of motor case and weight of propellant.

Ballast weight = 1.00 lbm

Structure and nozzle mass = 40.00 lbm
Motor case weight is 0.25 lbm/in of length
Mass of propellant is function of number of grain and burn area.

Equation 1 is used to calculate the weight of motor case is given below:

M case = # of grains * (wcase ) * (L + 0.125) (1)

Where L is the length of one grain and 0.125 inches is the spacing between two grains in order for gas to flow from
the end of the grains. From Equation 1 the weight of motor case was found to be 8.125 lbm. Equation 2 is used to
calculate the mass of the propellant and is given below:

M = 4 grains * rho * Aend * (L0 − 2 * w) (2)

Where ​rho is the density of propellant, ​A​end is the end burn area of propellant, ​L​0 is the length of grain, and ​w is the
web distance. At ​t = 0, when the missile is at the rest, the mass of the propellant is found to be 30.32 lb. Mass of
propellant decreases with the time and eventually becomes zero. Once the masses of individual component are found
they are added to get total mass. Equation 3 is used to calculate the total mass:

M total = M (propollent) + M (case) + M (ballast) + M (structure) (3)

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

2.3.2 Vehicle Acceleration, Velocity, and Altitude [Kaitlin]

The acceleration of the missile is calculated using Equation 4 below:
Fi Di
ai = mi − mi − gC (X​(4)

Where ​F is the thrust of rocket, ​m is the total mass of the missile, ​D is the drag of missile, and ​g​c is the acceleration
of gravity. Equation 5 below is used to calculate the thrust (​F​) of the missile:

F i = P 1i * Ati * C f i ​(X​(5)

Where ​P​1 is the chamber pressure, ​A​t is the area of throat, and ​C​f is the thrust coefficient. The drag is calculated
using Equation 6 given below:
Di = 1
2 ρV i 2 * C D * A ​(X​(6)

Where ρ is density of air, which changes with altitude, ​V is the velocity of the missile, ​C​D is the drag coefficient, and ​A is the
cross-sectional area of missile. Velocity of the missile is a function of acceleration and time. Equation 7 below is used to
calculate the velocity of missile:

V = V 0 + a * (t1 − t0 ) (7)

Where ​V​0 ​is previous time step velocity of the missile, ​a is the acceleration of the missile which is calculated using Equation 4, ​t
is the time factor. Equation 8 below is used to calculate the time till the burn time:
(w −w )
ti+1 = ti + i+1r i (X​(8)
ln(ri+1 ) = ln(a) + n * ln(pi ) + πki+1 (T bi+1 − T bi )
(​ 9)
Where ​t​0 is previous time step time value, ​w is the web distance, and ​r is the burn rate. After the burn time the time was
incremented by 0.1 time steps until the velocity goes zero. Now altitude of the missile was calculated. Altitude (h) of the missile
is a function of velocity and time. Equation 9 below was used to calculate altitude.

hi+1 = hi + ( 21 * (V i+1 + V i ) * (ti+1 − ti )) ​ (9​(10)

Where ​h​0 ​is previous time step height, ​V is the velocity of the missile which is calculated using equation 7, and ​t is
the time. The atmospheric temperature, pressure, and density were calculated using equation 10, 11, and 12
respectively. The atmospheric temperature, pressure, and density are function of altitude because they changes with
change in altitude.
T3 = I F (h17 < 32809 − 0.0036 * h17 + 518, 399) (11)

P 3 = I F (h < 83000,− 4.272981E − 14h3 + 0.8060081 * 10ˆ8 * h2 − 0.0005482655 * h + 14.69241, 0) (12)

ρ = IF (AB17 < 82000, (0.00000000001255) * AB17ˆ2 − (0.0000019453) * AB17 + 0.07579, 0) (13)

The atmospheric temperature, pressure, and density were used to calculate parameters like Mach number, thrust
coefficient, and drag respectively. The drag coefficient is the function of Mach number and it was calculated using
Equation 13 given below.
M i = I F (M i < 0.6, 0.15, I F (M i < 1.2,− 0.12 + 0.45 * M i , I F (M i < 1.8, 0.76 − 0.283 * M i , I F (M i < 4, 0.311 − 0.034 * M i , 0.175) ) ) )

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

FIGURE 2-5. Baseline Acceleration (​ft/s2​ ​) as a

Function of time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F FIGURE 2-6. Baseline Velocity (​ft/s)​ as a function of
[Dylan] time for initial grain temperature of 70 ​o​F​ [Dylan]

F FIGURE 2-7. Baseline Altitude(​ft​) as a function of FIGURE 2-8. Baseline Thrust Coefficient as a function
time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F​ [Dylan] of Area Ratio [Dylan]

Input variables and example tabular results are shown in Appendix C.

2.4 Discussion of BL Flight Results

The Baseline Rocket had a max altitude much higher than the max project target of 15,000 ft. Despite not designing
specifically for the lowest mass, we wanted to have a light rocket, so the Baseline grain was too large and heavy for
use in this project. Acceleration and velocity for the Baseline Rocket comply with project requirements as there is no
max velocity or acceleration listed. The altitude however does not comply with project requirements. It is much
higher than the target max altitude of 15,000 ft.

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

3 The 5,000 Ft. Design

As previously stated, the 5k design proved to be more strenuous than the other missions; this mission was much
more than a “what-if analysis.” By working from 15k to 10k to 5k, I realized my results from the previous missions
were not accurate for this mission, so I had to readjust my thinking process. This mission was more than adjusting
the number of grains; I had to adjust the inner and outer radii and even the grain length for this mission. Finally, I
came up with the number requested. I had to correlate my values several times to make sure I did not go over the
15g limit, acceleration over ±​ 15 times g, etc. Obviously these parameters made this problem much more tricky, however, they
are very reasonably and realistic, so the extra work made sense.

3.1 The “5,000 Ft.” Internal Ballistics

Figure 3-1 details the grain design for this 5,000 ft flight. It is the same grain used in the 10,000 ft and 15,000 ft
flights. Figure 3-2 shows the propellant mass vs time. Propellant mass decreases with time as it is burned to propel
the rocket upwards. Figure 3-3 shows the chamber pressure decreasing with time, as the pressure is reduced when
there is less propellant to burn. Ambient pressure also decreases with altitude. Figure 3-4 shows thrust decreasing
with time. This is due to the reduced amount of propellant to burn and the type of bore cut shape. The amount of
thrust this grain produces is reduced as the bore diameter increases from being burned.

FIGURE 3-1. “5,000 ft.” Cross Section of Baseline FIGURE 3-2. “5,000 ft.” Mass of Propellant as a
Vehicle Grain Design with Dimensions for initial grain function of time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F
temperature of 70 o​​ F​ [Kaitlin] [Kaitlin]

FIGURE 3-3. “5,000 ft.” Chamber Pressure as a function FIGURE 3-4. “5,000 ft.” Thrust as a function of time
of time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F​ [Dylan] for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F​ [Dylan]

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

3.2 The “5,000 Ft.” Trajectory Results

Figure 3-5 shows that acceleration decreases with time until burnout, at which it continues on a relatively straight
path, just negative due to the rocket falling. Figure 3-6 shows that velocity increases with time until burnout, at
which point it decreases due to the loss of thrust from the motor. Figure 3-7 shows that altitude increases with time,
even after burnout. The plot continues until apogee. Figure 3-8 shows that thrust coefficient increases with area

FIGURE 3-5. “5,000 ft.” Acceleration (g’s) as a FIGURE 3-6. “5,000 ft.” Velocity (ft/s) as a function of
Function of time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F​ [Dylan]

FIGURE 3-7. ​“5,000 ft.” Altitude(ft) as a function of FIGURE 3-8. ​“5,000 ft.” Thrust Coefficient as a
time for initial grain temperature of o​ ​F​ [Dylan] function of Area Ratio [Dylan]

Input variables and example tabular results are shown in Appendix D.

9 | ​Page
MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

4 The 10,000 Ft. Design

The 10k design was the second mission originally completed, however it was later redone after readjusting the
values per the 5k design. Originally it was a simple “what-if analysis” by adjusting the number of grains and epsilon,
however, later I had to adjust the inner and outer radii, and the grain length from the 5k mission. I had to correlate
my values several times to make sure I did not go over the 15g limit, acceleration over ​±15 times g, etc. Obviously
these parameters made this problem much more tricky, however, they are very reasonably and realistic, so the extra work made

4.1 The 10,000 Ft. Internal Ballistics

Figure 4-1 details the grain design for this 10,000 ft flight. It is the same grain used in the 5,000 ft and 15,000 ft
flights. Figure 4-2 shows the propellant mass vs time. Propellant mass decreases with time as it is burned to propel
the rocket upwards. Figure 4-3 shows the chamber pressure decreasing with time, as the pressure is reduced when
there is less propellant to burn. Ambient pressure also decreases with altitude. Figure 4-4 shows thrust decreasing
with time. This is due to the reduced amount of propellant to burn and the type of bore cut shape. The amount of
thrust this grain produces is reduced as the bore diameter increases from being burned.

FIGURE 4-1. “10,000 Ft.” Cross Section of Baseline FIGURE 4-2. “10,000 Ft.” Mass of Propellant as a
Vehicle Grain Design with Dimensions for initial grain function of time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F
temperature of 70 o​​ F​ [Kaitlin] [Kaitlin]

FIGURE 4-3. “10,000 Ft.” Chamber Pressure as a FIGURE 4-4. “10,000 Ft.” Thrust as a function of time
function of time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F​ [Kaitlin]

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

4.2 The “10,000 Ft.” Trajectory Results

Figure 4-5 shows that acceleration decreases with time until burnout, at which it continues on a relatively straight
path, just negative due to the rocket falling. Figure 4-6 shows that velocity increases with time until burnout, at
which point it decreases due to the loss of thrust from the motor. Figure 4-7 shows that altitude increases with time,
even after burnout. The plot continues until apogee. Figure 4-8 shows that thrust coefficient increases with area

FIGURE 4-5. “10,000 Ft.” Acceleration (​g’s​) as a FIGURE4-6. “10,000 Ft.” Velocity (​ft/s)​ as a function
Function of time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F of time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F​ [Dylan]

FIGURE 4-7. “10,000 ft.” Altitude(ft) as a function of FIGURE 4-8. “10,000 ft.” Thrust Coefficient as a
time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​ ​F​ [Dylan] function of Area Ratio [Dylan]

Input variables and example tabular results are shown in Appendix E.

5 The 15,000 Ft. Design

The 15k mission was the first mission completed, and although I thought I was on a roll and the results seemed
super easy, it obviously turned out to be too good to be true. After solving the 5k and 10k missions, this mission
turned out to be one of the tougher ones per the design requirement parameters. This mission is the closer to the 15g
parameter with a max g of 14.94, which definitely would not be that fun of a ride, but it still meets the requirements.
It turns out that originally my number of grain values were around the 50+ mark, but by checking my work and
equations, they did not exceed 4 grains, which correlates with the knowledge derived from this project - as the
number of grains go up, so does the max altitude.

11 | ​Page
MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

5.1 The 15,000 Ft. Internal Ballistics

Figure 5-1 details the grain design for this 15,000 ft flight. It is the same grain used in the 10,000 ft and 5,000 ft
flights. Figure 5-2 shows the propellant mass vs time. Propellant mass decreases with time as it is burned to propel
the rocket upwards. Figure 5-3 shows the chamber pressure decreasing with time, as the pressure is reduced when
there is less propellant to burn. Ambient pressure also decreases with altitude. Figure 5-4 shows thrust decreasing
with time. This is due to the reduced amount of propellant to burn and the type of bore cut shape. The amount of
thrust this grain produces is reduced as the bore diameter increases from being burned.

FIGURE 5-1. “15,000 Ft.” Cross Section of Baseline FIGURE 5-2. “15,000 Ft.” Mass of Propellant as a
Vehicle Grain Design with Dimensions for initial grain function of time for initial grain temperature of 70 ​o​F
temperature of 70 o​​ F​ [Kaitlin] [Kaitlin]

FIGURE 5-3. “10,000 Ft.” Chamber Pressure as a FIGURE 5-4. “10,000 Ft.” Thrust as a function of time
function of time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F for initial grain temperature of 70 ​o​F​ [Kaitlin]

12 | ​Page
MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

5.2 The “15,000 Ft.” Trajectory Results

Figure 5-5 shows that acceleration decreases with time until burnout, at which it continues on a relatively straight
path, just negative due to the rocket falling. Figure 5-6 shows that velocity increases with time until burnout, at
which point it decreases due to the loss of thrust from the motor. Figure 5-7 shows that altitude increases with time,
even after burnout. The plot continues until apogee. Figure 5-8 shows that thrust coefficient increases with area

FIGURE 5-5. “15,000 ft.” Vehicle Acceleration (​g’s​) FIGURE 5-6. “15,000 ft.” Vehicle Velocity (​ft/s​) as a
as a Function of time [for initial grain temperature of function of time for initial grain temperature of 70 o​​ F
70 o​​ F​ [Dylan] [Dylan]

FIGURE 5-7. “15,000 ft.” Altitude(ft) as a function FIGURE 5-8. “15,000 ft.” Thrust Coefficient as a
of time for initial grain temperature of 70​ o​ ​F​ [Dylan] function of Area Ratio [Dylan]

Input example tabular results are shown in Appendix F.

6 Effect of Initial Propellant Temperature on Results [Dylan]

6.1 Objectives- Effect on Initial Grain Temperature on Performance [Dylan]
This section is to determine the effect of initial grain temperature on the maximum acceleration and the maximum
altitude reached by the rocket. To get this information, equations are input into Excel and various temperature points

13 | ​Page
MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

are used to calculate the maximum acceleration and altitude reached. Initial grain temperature could have a major
effect on rocket performance.

6.2 Approach- Effect on Initial Grain Temperature on Performance [Dylan]

σpi = (1/ri ) * (dr/dT b )P ​(1)
αi = ri /p 1i ​(2)
πk = (1/P 1 ) * (dP 1 /dT b )K = σpi /(1 − ni ) ​(3)
i i
K = Ab /At ​ ​ ​(4)
ΔLi+1 = Li αΔT i+1 ​(5)

6.3 Effect on Initial Grain Temperature on Performance – [Dylan]

Figure 6-1 shows that as temperature increases, acceleration increases. On the other hand, Figure 6-2 as temperature
increases, altitude decreases.

FIGURE 6-1. Maximum Acceleration as a Function of FIGURE 6-2. Maximum Altitude as a Function of
Initial Propellant Temperature, 10K Mission Initial Propellant Temperature, 10K Mission
Configuration [Kaitlin] Configuration [Kaitlin]

14 | ​Page
MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

7 Required Literature Review, MAE 540 – [Kaitlin]

7.1 Literature Review Papers, MAE 540, 5 Papers Required per MAE 540 Member [Kaitlin]
This section is not applicable, as neither group member is in MAE 540.

8 Bonus Literature Review [Kaitlin]

8.1 Literature Review Papers [Kaitlin]
The literature reviews for both authors focus on propulsion laboratories and space structures. Three of the four total
papers reviewed focused on United States based propulsion labs, while one review focused on aerospace structures,
specifically lunar structures.

Table 8-1 Bonus Papers Reviewed [Kaitlin]

Ref Citation [Kaitlin] MAE 540
1 Frederick, R. A., Ligrani, P. M., and Thomas, D. L., “Propulsion Research and Academic Programs at
the University of Alabama in Huntsville,” 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA
Propulsion and Energy Forum, (AIAA 2017-4801),
2 Hatice S. Cullingford, and M. Dean Keller, “Lunar Concrete for Construction,” ​,
3 Wall, Mike, “NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL): Facts & Information,” ​

8.2 Summary of the Bonus Reading [Kaitlin]

Refer to Appendix G for annotated bibliographies for Kaitlin. The theme of my literature review is focused more on
space and propulsion. My first and third annotated bibliographies deal with propulsion labs, while the second
annotated bibliography focuses on space structures. The first annotated bibliography outlines the achievements and
history of the UAH Propulsion Research Center. The second annotated bibliography details the plausibility of using
lunar dust to build concrete structures on the Moon. The third annotated bibliography details the origins of NASA’s
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, as well as outlines the accomplishments and future direction of the research conducted

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

8.3 Symbols
mp propellant mass, lbm
m· mass flow rate kg/sec
A​t throat area, in2​
b web thickness, in
D diameter, in
g0 acceleration due to gravity
I total total impulse, lb*s
I sp specific impulse, second
It total impulse, second
h enthalpy per unit mass, Btu/lbm
F thrust, lbf
P1 chamber pressure, psi
P pressure, psi
L length
Cf thrust coefficient, (-)
t time, second
tb burn time, second
ta action time, second
R gas constant
Ƭ absolute temperature, F
T1 chamber temperature F
Tb propellant ambient temperature, F
Ts propellant initial temperature, F
r burn rate, in/s
a temperature coefficient, (in/s)(lbf/in^2)^-n
Wd web distance, ft2​
characteristic velocity, ft/s
cs specific heat of solid, Btu/lbm* ∘C
c effective exhaust velocity, ft/s
n burn rate exponent
d throat diameter, in
Ab burn area, in2​
Pr Prandtl number
Rf outer radius, in
Ri inner radius, in
S perimiter, in
L length, in
k specific heat ratio
Vc chamber volume, in3
Vf volumetric loading fraction, %
v2 theoretical exhaust velocity, ft/second
w total propellant weight, lbf
wcase case weight lbm/in
wg total loaded weight, lbf
w· weight flow rate, lbf/s

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

8.4 Greek Letters

σ stress, psi
σp temperature sensitivity of burning rate, 1/F
ρ density, lbm/ft3
β constant
α heat transfer factor
κ conductivity
ε elongation or strain
μ viscosity
ζ propellant mass fraction
𝜋 temperature sensitivity coefficient of pressure, 1/F

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

9 Appendix A
Project Plan: ​This project involves managing the thermal
and kinetic energy of a sounding rocket to achieve a precise
altitude. The baseline rocket is a single stage solid rocket
that is launched vertically from sea level.

The objective of the project is to achieve three different

target altitudes by only changing the number of ​identical
solid propellant grains in the motor case and adjusting the
nozzle dimensions and the weight of the ballast.

This approach is taken to lower cost by only requiring the

manufacturing of one type of solid propellant grain.

The inspiration for Baseline Rocket is illustrated in the

figure on the right. The UAH Charger Rocket Works
launched this rocket from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility
in 2011 for the NASA USLI Level II Competition.

1. Setayesh, B.R., and Daniel P. Cavender, D.P., Nathan Toy, N., Frederick, R.A., “Design of a High
Power Rocket Aerodynamics DAQ Payload,” AIAA Paper AIAA-2012-3881, July 2012.

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

Design Process: ​The overall design process for a missile is given by Fleeman (Tactical Missile Design AIAA
Series) in the chart below. For the purpose of this class, many of the items will be assumed or defined in a simple
way so that the effect of the thermal design of the propulsion system on the resulting trajectory of the system can be

Missile Design Process (Fleeman)

Mission Requirements:
● Target Altitudes = 5,000; 10,000; and 15,000 ft. at 70​o​F initial propellant temperature (Assume a
vertical trajectory)
● The size and shape of the solid propellant grain(s) used in every mission must be the same. You can
change the number of grains.
● The nozzle throat and exit area can be varied for each mission. (5% bonus for using same nozzle for
all missions).
● Vehicle Outside Diameter = 6.19 Inches
● Maximum vehicle acceleration of ± 15 times gravity anywhere in flight.
● For the 10,000 ft. mission design, determine the effect of an initial propellant temperature (nominal
70​ o​F) on the maximum acceleration, maximum velocity, and maximum height over a range from 30
F to 100F at 10 degree intervals.

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

Guidelines and Assumptions:

● Aerodynamics
o Atmospheric Data
▪ P3[psia]= IF(K26<83000,-4.272981E-14*K26^3 + 0.000000008060081*K26^2 -
0.0005482655*K26 + 14.69241,0​)
▪ T3 [R]= =IF(K26<32809,-0.0036*K26+518,399)
▪ Rho3[lbm/ft^3]=IF(K26<82000,(0.00000000001255)*K26^2-(0.0000019453)*K26+
▪ [Where K26=Altitude in feet]
▪ Derived from Atmospheric Date in Appendix 2 in Sutton 8​th​ Edition
o Drag Characteristics are given below [Estimated from Figure 4.3 for zero angle of attack; in
Sutton 8​th​ Edition]

o Mach Number o Cd
o 0 o 0.15
o 0.6 o 0.15
o 1.2 o 0.42
o 1.8 o 0.25
o 4.0 o 0.175

o Assuming a linear curve fit between these points yields

o CD=IF(A2<0.6,0.15,IF(A2<1.2,-0.12+0.45*A2,IF(A2<1.8,0.76-0.283*A2,IF(A2<4,
o Where A2 = Mach Number

Drag Coefficient Approximation using the linear fits

● Propulsion

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

o Boost Propulsion is a Solid Rocket.

o Maximum Motor Pressure allowed is 1000 ​psi.
o The Solid Rocket Motor grain that has a maximum radius of 2.375 inches, a maximum length
of 38.0 inches (Head end of the case to exit of the nozzle).
o Burn propellant grain in 0.01 inch increments and calculate the resulting times until burnout.
o Propellant burn rate characteristics are:

a​0​ =
​ ​
0.030 ​(in/s)(psia)-n C* ​= 5210 ​ft/s
n ​= 0.35 ​ 0.065 l​b​m/in
b = ​ ​
​ 0.001 -/​ F
k = 1.3
T​0 = 70F (reference temperature for ​p)

● Nozzle throat diameter erosion is based on

dt, t+1 = dt, i + 0.000087 * (tt+1 − ti ) * P 1, i
Where pressure is in ​lb​f​/in2​ ​ and d is in inches
● The Baseline initial nozzle area ratio is 4.0
● Weight
o Empty Vehicle Weight (with Payload) is 40.0 ​lb​m.​ (Without Solid Rocket Propellant, Rocket
Case, and Ballast).
o Motor Case Weight is 0.25 ​lb​m/inch
​ (this is per inch from front of first grain to back of last
grain, including any spacing between grains).
o Maximum Ballast weight is 1.0 pounds.
● Trajectory
o Use a simple Euler Integration of acceleration to determine velocity and altitude
o Use a burn web step specified during boost phase to define the time step.
o Use a time step of 0.1 seconds during the coast period from burnout to apogee.

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Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

Baseline Vehicle:
o Target Altitude is 10,000 feet, at motor temperature of 70 o​​ F.
o Design with initial throat area of 1.00 in​2
o Propellant is Center Perforated, 4-segments, each segment is 8.0 inches long, 4.75 inches
outer propellant diameter, bore diameter of 2.0 inches, each segment burns in the bore and on
both ends, and each segment must have 0.5 inches space between grains and head end.
Reporting Requirements:
A precise template will be provided by the instructor to follow for the Project Report. The template will specify
required sections, tables, figures, and appendices.

The following technical analyses will be incorporated into the Appendix of the Project Report and also be submitted
during the course as Project Assignments as shown on the Assignment Sheet.

PR04 - A program that will do a First-Law thermodynamic analysis of isentropic nozzle flow and
determine the thrust coefficient as a function of chamber pressure over ambient pressure, area
ratio, and specific heat ratio for an ideal rocket.
PR09 - A solid rocket internal ballistics programs that will calculate the steady state chamber
pressure, mass of propellant, and thrust of the solid rocket as a function of time and altitude
(Including Nozzle Erosion). MAE 540 Add Propellant Temperature Sensitivity.
PR11 - A one-dimensional trajectory program that will calculate the acceleration, velocity, and
altitude of the center of mass of the missile for a Baseline Configuration provided by the
Instructor. MAE 540 Add Propellant Temperature Sensitivity.
PR13​ – A Project Report Submitted for Final Grading.

Additional Work (For Graduate Student Teams)

Review 5 papers per graduate student on a propulsion topic of the following topics using the two
page Annotated Bibliography format provided by the instructor. Include reviews in the appendix
of the Project Report.

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

10 Appendix B - Method for Calculation of Thrust Coefficient [Kaitlin]

10.1 Basic Equations and Method
Newton’s Method is used to calculate thrust coefficient. This method employs an initial mach number guess and
iterates until a possible thrust coefficient is calculated. To call the function, the inputs used are the specific heat
ratio, area ratio, and chamber pressure.
1 2 k−1 2 2*(k−1)
AR = 2 * ( k+1 * (1 + 2 * M 2)

A value for mach number is guessed until the left and right sides of the equation are equal. For Newton’s Method,
the area ratio function is arrainged into an error function. The value that makes the error equal to zero is the solution.
1 2 k−1 2 2*(k−1)
E (M 2 ) = AR − 2 * ( k+1 * (1 + 2 * M 2)

M 2new −M 2old
E rror = | M 2new

2 (−k/(k−1))
P 2 /P 1 = (1 + 0.5 * (k − 1) * (initial M guess) )
Q = (2 + (k + 1) * (init M guess) )/(k + 1)
k+1 / 2(k−1) k+1 / 2(k−1) 2
M new = M old − [(1/init M guess) * Q − AR]/[((Q ) * ((1/Q) − (1/(initial M guess) )]
f (x) = (2 + (k − 1) * M )/(k + 1)
(k+1)/2(k−1) 2
f ′(x) = f (x) * (1/Q − 1/M old )

10.2 Listing of the computer Algorithm

= cf (SpecHeatRatio, AreaRatio, 14.6 )

Function CF(AK, AreaRatio, P1oP3)

StopCriteria = 0.000001 *Stop at percent error close to zero
EA = StopCriteria * 1.1
AM2 = 1.5 *First M2 guess
IterNo = 0
P3oP1 = 1 / P1oP3
Do While EA > StopCriteria And IterNo < 100 *Loop.
IterNo = IterNo + 1
AFUN = (2 + (AK - 1) * AM2 ^ 2) / (AK + 1)
BFUN = (AK + 1) / (2 * (AK - 1))
DFUN = 1 / AM2 ^ 2
DERFUN = ((AFUN) ^ BFUN) * (CFUN - DFUN) *Mach number derivative
FUNFUN = ((1 / AM2) * AFUN ^ BFUN) - AreaRatio *Mach number root
AMOLD = AM2 *This is M2old
AM2 = AM2 - FUNFUN / DERFUN *This is M2new
EA = Abs((AM2 - AMOLD) / AM2) * 100 *Finding the percent error

P2oP1 = (1 + 0.5 * (AK - 1) * AM2 ^ 2) ^ (-AK / (AK - 1)) *calculate coefficent

TERM1 = 2# * AK * AK / (AK - 1)
TERM2 = 2# / (AK + 1)
TERM3 = (AK + 1) / (AK - 1)
TERM4 = (AK - 1) / AK
CF = (TERM1 * (TERM2 ^ TERM3) * (1 - (P2oP1 ^ TERM4))) ^ 0.5 + _

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

(P2oP1 - P3oP1) * AreaRatio

End Function

10.3 Minimum Thrust Coefficient Line

CF,min​ = - 0.0445*LN(A2/At)^2+ 0.5324*LN(A2/At) + 0.1843

11 Appendix C – Details of Baseline Calculations [Dylan]

11.1 Input Parameters

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

11.2 Sample Output

11.3 Additional Design Implementation Notes

● Burn rate coefficient is 0.03 in/s psia^-n

● Last burn step at minimum web thickness
● Only calculate trajectory to apogee
● Minimum port area at least twice initial throat area
● 0.125 inch grain case spacing

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

12 Appendix D – Details of “5K” Design [Dylan]

12.1 Input Parameters

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

​12.2 Sample Output

13 Appendix E – Details of 10K Design [Kaitlin]

13.1 Input Parameters

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

13.2 Sample Output

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

14 Appendix F – Details of 15K Design [Kaitlin]

14.1 Input Parameters

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

14.2 Sample Output

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

15 Appendix G – Literature Review, Propulsion Labs/Structures [Kaitlin]

Annotated Bibliography 1

A. Summarize:

Reference Document Examined: Frederick, R. A., Ligrani, P. M., and Thomas, D. L., "Propulsion
Research and Academic Programs at the University of Alabama
in Huntsville," 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion
Conference, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, (AIAA

Reviewer: Kaitlin Russell

Source of Document: Online, UAH Canvas

Date of Review: August 19, 2017

Electronic File Name: AIAA_2017__PRC_rev24.pdf

Keywords: Propulsion, laboratory, UAH, research

The objective of this paper is to present the achievements and progress of the Propulsion
Research Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. This is done through detailing the history of
the PRC, highlighting academic programs, and showcasing research capabilities at the Center. The
Propulsion Research Center was founded in 1991 in order to encourage collaboration between academia,
industry, and government on propulsion projects while also offering research opportunities and labs to
students. The PRC had a large spike in expenditures from 2004 to 2007, with the Missile Defence Agency
totalling over fifty percent of the past year’s expenditures. The PRC continues to support students in
obtaining advanced degrees. The University of Alabama in Huntsville’s Aerospace program is among the
top ten federally funded Aero and Astro Engineering programs, with a continually expanding number of
undergraduates in the program. UAH offers many propulsion and energy courses for undergraduates and
graduates, including courses that can count as both undergrad and graduate credits.

The Propulsion Research Center contains multiple areas of study. Some of these areas are
Plasmas and Combustion, Energy and Power Systems, Fusion Propulsion and Power, Computational
Modeling, Aerospace Materials and Structures, Propellants and Energetics, and the Propulsion System
Technology Testbed. The multiple labs and test areas of the PRC can facilitate many types of projects and
experiments. The Propulsion Research Center hosted monthly cookouts and invited guest speakers in
order to build relationships within their community, while the PRC Student Association supported
outreach events such as Science Olympiad, NASA in the Park, and Girls Science and Engineering Day.
The Propulsion Research Center wishes to build alliances with other universities, support relationships
with faculty and students to foster success, and produce international-class graduates.

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

B. Assess:
Important Facts from the Document:
1. The Plasma and Combustion sector boasts the first Hall thruster using 3D printed parts.
2. The PRC hosted monthly cookouts to build relationships in their community.
3. Most of the recent PRC expenditure is towards Missile Defence Agency projects.
4. UAH’s Aerospace program is among the top ten federally funded Aero and Astro Engineering
5. A NASA study found that integration roadblocks most often hinder the successful
implementation of new technology in mission systems.

Key Figures from Document:

1. The Hot Fire Rocket Test Cell is currently receiving a $500,000 upgrade for better altitude
capabilities, a bigger test stand, and a new data acquisition system.
2. The Supersonic Wind Tunnel can reach up to Mach 3, with plans for up to Mach 5 or 6.
3. UAH acquired Charger 1 in 2012 and uses it to study fusion propulsion.
4. The PRC hosts experiments with electric solid propellants.
5. The PRC is the home of the UAH Student Launch Initiative Team, whose sounding rocket placed
4th nationally during the 2016-2017 year.

Important Relationships among Parameters Described in the Paper:

1. By successfully completing projects, the PRC can gain more contracts and thus acquire more
funding for the next year.
2. By upgrading facilities at the Propulsion Research Center, more projects can be worked on and
more precise tests run, therefore increasing the capabilities of the PRC as a reputable research

Important Conclusions:
1. By participating in outreach events and hosting events for PRC affiliates, the Center is working
toward its goal of fostering relationships between academics, industry, and government agencies.
2. The many projects being worked on at the Propulsion Research Center serve to increase the PRC
and UAH’s reputation as a world-class institution.

C. Reflect:
Through reading this paper, I learned many new facts about the Propulsion Research Center that I
did not previously know. I was quite surprised to find out just how many different laboratories and test
areas were housed in the PRC. I am currently part of a rocketry team that will be utilizing the PRC in the
near future, so the information about engine test stands and upgrades was very relevant for me. I hope to
pursue a Master's degree in the future, and learning about all the functionality and research capabilities of
the Propulsion Research Center has led me to want to do research for the degree there.

32 | ​Page
MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

Annotated Bibliography 2

A. Summarize:

Reference Document Examined: Hatice S. Cullingford, and M. Dean Keller, “Lunar Concrete for
Construction,” ​,

Reviewer: Kaitlin Russell

Source of Document: Online

Date of Review: November 19, 2017

Electronic File Name: LB2-518-LunarConcreteForConstruction.pdf

Keywords: Moon, concrete, lunarcrete


Concrete is frequently used, and maybe even the most widely used, construction material. It
makes sense that concrete would be studied as a viable option for lunar construction of buildings and
structures, especially with the push to put a settlement on the Moon. Due to concrete mixtures being
inhomogeneous, multiple test iterations must be performed to acquire an average. When concrete
cylinders are placed inside a vacuum chamber and the air is pumped out, the cylinders dry faster due to
the removal of air. Despite this hastened drying, the concrete is not adversely affected and retains the
same compressive strength. This means that concrete for use in vacuums or microgravity does not need
extra safety measures in that regard.

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Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

However, concrete does not do well in tension. Due to the way lunar structures would be built,
concrete structures would need to be built underground so the pressure from inside does not place the
concrete in too much tension to break it. Compression from the lunar ground would be enough to
counteract tension produced from pressurization. Concrete is a good option to build lunar structures with
as it is compressively strong, cheap to make, and can be manufactured on the lunar surface, thereby
reducing costs of sending building materials into space.

B. Assess:
Important Facts from the Document:
1. Concrete is probably the most widely used construction material.
2. Concrete is noncombustible and nontoxic.
3. Very little testing has been done on the behavior of concrete in a vacuum.
4. Compressive strength, mass loss, and outgas of multiple concrete mixes were tested in a vacuum.
5. Concrete requires many iterations of testing due to its inhomogeneous makeup.

Key Figures from Document:

1. After 160 hours of pumping, the vacuum chamber reached as low as 3.99x10^-4 Pa.
2. Multiple concrete cylinders were tested at once to obtain average behaviors.
3. The mass of water released during drying in a vacuum is 2.7 times the mass released in normal
4. The outgassing rate for the first few days of the experiment was 10^-6 torr*1/cm^2*sec.
5. Concrete is not strong in tension, so lunar concrete structures may do better being built
underground to create compressive forces instead of tension forces.

Important Relationships among Parameters Described in the Paper:

1. Concrete dries faster in a vacuum due to the removal of air, and thus water, from the mixture.
Concrete also becomes stronger with age.
2. Lunar concrete structures can be easily created on the lunar surface and utilized to build
underground structures quickly.

Important Conclusions:
1. Concrete is stable inside of a vacuum and does not deteriorate in quality regarding compressive
strength due to being in a vacuum.
2. Concrete in a vacuum does not require additional safety margins in relation to concrete at Earth
surface pressure.

C. Reflect:
Through reading this paper, I learned multiple facts about the behavior of concrete in a vacuum. It
was interesting learning how lunar concrete could be used to create structures on the Moon without worry
about needing extra safety margins due to microgravity. While it may not happen in my lifetime, I would
like to live to see the first permanent settlement on the Moon, and papers such as this one take humans
one step closer to achieving that reality, as building on the moon is a very important step for setting up a
colony there.

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

Annotated Bibliography 3

A. Summarize:

Reference Document Examined: Wall, Mike, “NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL): Facts &
Information,” ​

Reviewer: Kaitlin Russell

Source of Document: Online

Date of Review: November 20, 2017

Electronic File Name: nasa-jet-propulsion-laboratory.html

Keywords: Propulsion, laboratory, jet, NASA


Figure 1: Technicians Building Curiosity

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, based in Pasadena, California, has a history that goes back to as
early as 1936. A group of researchers performed rocket experiments out in a canyon, which attracted the
attention of the U.S. Army. The researchers were contracted to make rockets for jet-assisted takeoff
planes. The lab worked with the Army to create missiles, and developed the Corporal missile in response
to the German V-2 rocket. The JPL then began developing Explorer 1, and was switched from military to
civilian jurisdiction, where it was shortly after taken over by NASA.

Under the ownership of NASA, JPL began developing spacecraft to go beyond Earth, such as
Mariner 2,4, 9, and 10. Once JPL set sights on Mars, development began for rovers and resulted in the
Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity rovers. Now, JPL operates spacecraft in deep space such as the
Voyager spacecraft.

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

B. Assess:
Important Facts from the Document:
1. JPL was the head of the mission that put the Curiosity rover on Mars in 2012.
2. JPL also ran the Cassini mission that studied Saturn.
3. While JPL is a NASA lab, it is managed by the California Institute of Technology.
4. JPL got its start making small rockets and missiles for the U.S. Army in the early 1940s.
5. JPL switched from military to civilian jurisdiction in 1958, and was taken over by NASA two
months later.

Key Figures from Document:

1. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory has an annual budget of over $1.6 billion and over 5,000
2. JPL created the Corporal missiles, which were a response to the German V-2 rocket.
3. JPL created Explorer 1, the first successful US satellite, in 1957. It was launched in 1958.
4. JPL created Mariner 10, the first probe to employ gravity assist maneuvers.
5. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory designed and currently operates NASA’s Deep Space Network to
keep track of asteroids and deep space missions.

Important Relationships among Parameters Described in the Paper:

1. Deep space missions stream their data back to the JPL lab in California, leading to the JPL
employees nicknaming the lab “The Center of the Universe.”
2. When JPL was taken over by NASA, the scope of the missions executed by the lab expanded
from earth atmosphere all the way to deep space.

Important Conclusions:
1. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory started off doing rocket tests in a canyon, the success of which led
to the lab completing military contracts for missiles and rockets.
2. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory has a strong history of creating spacecraft to explore space,
examine Earth, and study our solar system.

C. Reflect:
Through reading this paper, I learned about the history of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It seems
there are many companies who started off doing work with the military and are now working with
spacecraft or satellites. I hope to work for NASA one day, so it is beneficial for me to read about the labs
they operate and learn the history to decide if that particular place is one I would be interested in working
at. Seeing as how JPL has a long history with creating spacecraft and managing space missions, I would
enjoy working there. I do find it interesting that even though the JPL is owned by NASA, it is managed
by a university.

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MAE 440/540 Project 2017; Assessment Date: ____;
Name 1, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540); Name 2, Class (MAE 440/ 0rMAE540)
Bonus Attempted: [ ] One Case, One Nozzle, [ ] Minimum Propellant, [ ] Extra Annotated Bib #____

16 Appendix H –Literature Review, State Topic [Dylan]

Put in your review of papers on propulsion using the template below and the instructions in the comments section.

Two-Page Annotated Bibliography Template

MAE 540
Two-Page Annotated Bibliography Template
A. Summarize
Reference Document Examined: Hulka, J. R., “Scaling of Performance in Liquid Propellant Rocket
Engine Combustion Devices," AIAA Paper 2008-5113, July 2008.
Reviewer: Your Name
Source of Document:
Copyright Information:
Date of Review:
Electronic File Name:


B. Assess​:
Important Facts from Document:
Important Relationships among Parameters Described in the Paper:
Important Conclusion(s):
F. Reflect

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